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Breaking Barriers: Elevate HND to BTech and Unleash the Potential of Every Graduate! 🚀🌍 "

🎓✨ Calling all change-makers and advocates for fairness! 🌟 Just got a glimpse of the joyous graduation celebration of HND II students, and it got me thinking about the harsh reality they'll soon face with their undervalued certificates. 😢📜
🌐 While developed nations cherish tech-driven economies and prioritize technical education, our HND grads in Nigeria are left in the shadows. Why should their hard-earned certificates be treated as second-class citizens in the job market? 🤔💼
💡 It's time for change! 👊 Let's stand together and demand that the Nigerian government upgrades HND to BTech, aligning with global standards. These graduates deserve recognition for their skills and knowledge like their counterparts worldwide. 🌍📚
💪✨ Join the movement for fairness and equality! 🚀 Share your support, spread awareness, and let's make our voices heard. Together, we can bring about the change these graduates and their families desperately need. 🗣️🔗



To my beloved brothers and sisters, the Obidient Family.
Please 🙏 watch this 3 minutes video. It is my simple prayer and plea to the Obidient family.
Please 🙏 watch and share to the Obidient family worldwide.

God bless you.



Curriculum vitae (CV)/resume is a marketing document that a job applicant uses to exhibit his/ her skills, qualifications, abilities and experiences to employers. It is a quick and relevant advertisement of who you are and why you are a good fit for a particular position. It enables the potential employer to see how your individual experiences can contribute to the success of his/her company.
Suffice to mention that there are slight differences between a CV and a resume although they are used interchangeably in many countries.
A resume is a short summary of your skills, qualifications and education tailored to meet a particular job requirement and it is mostly used in Canada and USA. A CV on the other hand is an in-depth overview of your experience, qualifications and education and may include personal information such as date of birth, marital status, ethnicity, religion and even a photograph. CV is primarily used in Europe, Africa, India and some Asian countries.
However, the inclusion of those group of personal information enumerated above used to be a common practice a decade ago. Omitting any of them in a CV was considered unconventional and odd at that time.
Recently, this trend has changed due to the introduction of anti-discrimination legislation in UK and other western countries. For instance, under the UK Equity Act 2010, it is illegal to discriminate against a job candidate based on age, s*x, religion, ethnicity and marital status. Such employment act and law has also been enacted in many developed countries.
It was the multinational companies in Nigeria that started age discrimination at workplace in the late 1990s and it gradually spread to indigenous companies especially the banking sector.
My questions to lawyers in Nigeria are, do we have anti-discrimination act in Nigeria? If yes, what are the options available for it to be enforced? If no, how can it be enacted? How can the younger generation be protected from these workplace discriminations?
I also want to ask labour unions and their leaders, ministries of youth and labour, community and youth leaders, have you not noticed the employment gap created by these workplace discriminations? Are you not touched by the increasing number of unemployed millennials (people between ages 23 to 38) in our country? Is there nothing you can do to bridge the gap?
My beloved job seeker, whatever the employer wants to know about your ability to do the job can be derived from your education, skills, experiences and achievements. Your age and other personal factors such as religion, s*x, ethnicity and marital status are irrelevant, outdated, unconstitutional, and not mandatory.
These personal factors are being used against us because of our ignorance and because recruiters are humans and are susceptible to personal biases and judgements, which should no longer be encouraged.
May the Lord favour you in your search for a job.
God bless you.

Intro to 7 ways to make money 08/11/2020

A one-stream income puts stress and strain on the family finances and relationships.
You can relieve financial tensions and live life on your own terms by diversifying your income.
Learn how to create extra income at little or no cost. Are you interested?
Send in your email address and I'll give you a free copy of "7 Ways to Make Money from the Comfort of Your Home and at Your Leisure Time".
Please note that my website may be offline

Intro to 7 ways to make money A one-stream income puts stress and strain on family finances and relationships. Learn how to make extra income to relieve the financial tension in your family.

Anthony Morrison - Live Training Invite 07/14/2020

Online business??? Does it really work? Yea! It works.
Do you want to be your own boss? work from anywhere? diversify your income and change your financial status? Then you need to get the right education. I invite you to be part of Anthony Morrison's live training this Thursday. It will be mindblowing. Don't miss it.

Anthony Morrison - Live Training Invite Anthony Morrison is LIVE and you are invited


Employment Series 2
Create an Elevator Pitch in 5 minutes. Answer the popular job interview question; 'Tell me about yourself "
God bless you


This is reaching out to everyone who doesn't know how to navigate the labour market.


All stakeholders must come together to restructure education in Nigeria


RE: Question & Answer Session

Please check if I gave an appropriate answer to your question

Please stay safe

God bless you


Unlocking the Hidden Job Market.

Accessing the hidden job market is a relevant and successful job search strategy. Find out how to access hidden jobs and get yourself out of the labour market,
God bless you


This is an introductory video on employment, you will learn how to unlock hidden jobs, how to write successful resumes and cover letters and how to succeed in job interviews as you continue to watch subsequent videos. May the Almighty God favour you in your job search.



My beloved friends, thank you so much for your support and encouragement throughout last year. Thank you reading, liking, commenting, sharing and engaging in my posts. I really appreciate each and everyone of you. Below are the headlines of my posts in 2019.
A cap up of my 2019 posts:
1. Basic facts about unemployment
2. Employability skills
3. Hard skills
4. Date of birth, age, gender, religious affiliations and ethnicity on CV or resume
5. Transition jobs: a wise step towards your dream jobs
6. Acquire hybrid skills and be relevant
7. Make your talent your exit from the labour market
8. Discovering your talent
9. Why you must discover your talent

Most of these posts are in my personal page and I encourage you to read them as they will be the stepping-stones to our programmes in this year 2020. In the first quarter of this year we hope to delve fully into employment strategies and how to develop our talents and ideas. I encourage you keep engaging in my posts. Please do not just comment on pictures, make out time to read and implement what is written. My prayer is that by the end of this first quarter many of my Facebook friends who are seeking for jobs, would have been gainfully employed and those who want to be self employed, would have discovered and began active engagement of their talents and ideas.
Beloved, have you drawn your plan for 2020? I encourage you to use this first week to take responsibility by specifically and prayerfully identifying what you want to achieve this year. You want a job? Name the type of job you want. You want to go into business or develop your talent? Specifically name and put down in writing what you want. A new year and in fact a new decade has just began today. What you will be at the end of this year and in the next ten years depends largely on your decision today. Please take it seriously, do not joke with your life and future.
Thank you once more for making me your Facebook friend.

Happy New Year.

I love you. God bless you.


A talent is an inherited/ inborn ability or natural aptitude of a person that makes an individual to be good in doing a certain activity. It is a supernatural gift or ability deposited in man by God. Some people have just one talent, others have multiple talents. They are given according to our capabilities. Please read my last post on “Make your talent your exit from the labour market”.
Is it necessary for you to discover your talent? Yes please, you are honoured when you discover your talent (Proverbs 25:2). Your talent defines your uniqueness and may be key to your success in life.

Discovering your talent requires that you create time and a quiet environment to reflect on yourself. You have been restless for a long time, running helter skelter. if you really want to be successful in life it is time to sit down and think. Please find below a list of things to reflect on:
1. Recall your childhood dreams and things that used to thrill you
2. Reflect on what you are good at, something you can do easily or naturally.
3. Reflect on what you spend your money on. I spend money on books because I like learning. What about you?
4. Think of what you enjoy doing or have passion for to the extent that you loose track of time when you are doing it. Do you love watching and discussing sports? Being a sportswriter or sports commentator may be your talent. Do you enjoy watching and discussing movies or at times you see yourself behaving as on of the characters in movies? Perhaps you should check out the movies and the entertainment industry. Do you enjoy dancing, singing and playing musical instrument? The music industry is booming. Are you technically inclined or do you like drawing? What do you enjoying doing?
5. You can also ask your close relatives and friends.

However, the most authentic way to discover your talent is by going back to your maker. God alone knows His plan and purpose for creating you. Adam took care of the garden of Eden, Moses delivered the Israelites from captivity, Jesus Christ came as the Saviour of mankind, John the Baptist was His forerunner, Peter was the Apostle for the Israelites, Paul was sent to the gentiles. Everything is created for a purpose to fit in beautifully as a puzzle. If you do not discover and use your talent, you have disrupted God’s original plan.
Beloved, I encourage you to go to God your Father and ask Him personal questions such as why am I here on earth? What is your purpose for creating me? Ask Him as many questions as possible. Do not allow your wrong doings in the past to deter you. Your Father is merciful and faithful, He’ll not cast out anyone that comes to Him. He invited you to come and reason with Him in the first place. He asked you to call upon Him and if you do, He promised to show you great and mighty things that you had no knowledge of including your talent.

My wonderful friend, you have looked outward for a long time, you have wasted enough time looking up to the government and your rich relatives. It is time for you to look up to God and to look inwards to discover that special supernatural gift that will announce you to the world. Do not be deceived, governments do not create jobs, entrepreneurs do. And discovering and developing your talent may make you the entrepreneur we are all waiting for.

God bless you


A talent is an inherited/ inborn ability or natural aptitude of a person that makes an individual to be good in doing a certain activity such as singing, dancing, playing musical instruments, drawing, fashion designing and so on, without learning or acquiring it. It is God’s gifted, creative and artistic ability that sets you apart from the crowd. Talent is most often hidden and needs to be discovered or rather recognized. Talent and skill are often used interchangeably but they have different meanings. A skill is a systematic learnt ability that is developed over time and with effort.
Does everyone have a talent? Yes. I discovered from the book of Matthew 25: 14-30 that everyone has a specific gift deposited in him or her by God. However, some people have just one talent, others have multiple talents, but they are all hidden and must be discovered if you want to live a fulfilled life.
Recently Sinach was announced among people like the Queen of England, Oprah Winfrey, Michelle Obama in the 2019 one hundred most reputable people on earth. She was not recognized because of her academic qualification. She was announced because she discovered her talent and ran with it.
Proverbs 25:2 says it is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter. Beloved, have you recognized your talent? Do you want to make an exit from the labour market? Do you want to be successful or reign on earth? Then discover your talent because the recognition, enhancement and effective engagement of your talent can eliminate unemployment and make you to stand out from the crowd.

God bless you



Friends, from my previous posts, talent was defined as an inherited/ inborn ability or natural aptitude of a person that makes an individual to be good in doing a certain activity. It is a supernatural gift or ability deposited in man by God. Please read my posts on “Discovering your talent” and “Make your talent your exit from the labour market”.

1. Recall your childhood dreams and things that used to thrill you when you were young
2. Reflect on what you are good at, something you can do easily or naturally.
3. Reflect on what you spend your money on because it may be an indication of your passion
4. Think of what you enjoy doing or have passion for to the extent that you loose track of time when you are doing it.
5. You can also ask your close relatives and friends; they may know what you are good at.
6. Reflect on your most prominent strength and build on it
7. Most importantly pray to God, our heavenly Father and Maker for insight and revelation of your purpose here on earth.

1. It is given to you so that other people and the world in general can benefit from it. Do you know how many people are benefiting from Jobs’ Apple creations? Have you wondered how the world would have been without Edison’s light bulb and other innovative ideas that developed from there? You are my Facebook friend, why? Because Mark Zuckerberg decided to develop and use his talent. Do you know how many individuals, companies and nations that are benefiting from the different social media platforms? You are a Chelsea fan, Man U fan, Arsenal fan because the football players in those clubs discovered their talents and put them to use. Same goes for your mother’s foods, restaurants, music, sports, novels and movies that you enjoy eating, playing, reading and watching. It is important that you discover your talent because many destinies are linked to it.
2. It eliminates unemployment and poverty in your life when you effectively engage it. In other words, you will become an employer of labour, reducing unemployment in your community and in your country.
3. Discovering your talent is equivalent to discovering your purpose in life which enables you to live a successful and satisfied life. Doing what you love, makes your life exciting.
4. It creates wealth and leads to growth and development of countries and individuals.
5. It is important that you discover your talent because you will give account of it before God. God is not a waster of resources. He expects you to use what He has deposited in you to make your life and the world better (Matthew 25:14-29; Luke 19:12-27).
Beloved, have you seen the importance of discovering your talent? Are you not tired of job hunting and being under-employed? Is what your earning now your true value and worth? Please do not allow laziness and fear, fear of failure and its consequences keep you from discovering your talent.
I encourage you, my dear friend to use the remaining days of this year to discover your talent, make strategic plans to develop, improve them and offer/make them available to people around you and beyond. Believe me, you will be amazed at the rewards.

God bless you. Merry Christmas.


ugust 6 ·

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling
Perpetua Peter-Ogu
August 6

Employability skills, also known as soft skills are a set of transferable skills and key personal attributes that makes an employee employable.
These soft skills are highly valued by employers and are essential for effective performance of an employee in a work place.

Employability skills unlike professional or technical skills are interdisciplinary in nature, common to all work roles and workplaces across all industry types.

Some essential employability skills identified by employers are:

1. Communication and interpersonal skills
2. Problem solving and critical thinking skilks
3. Adaptation and team work skills
4. Personal and people management
5. Technology, numeracy and information management skills
6. Initiative, innovative and enterprise
7. Planning and organization skills.

Your employability depends on your knowledge skills and attitudes, how you use these assets and how you present them to your employer.

Please do not cling to that piece of paper given to you as certificate after graduation because it can't take you far. Go for knowledge, go for personal development.

God Bless You

Photos from Health & Financial Success Club's post 11/05/2019

Have you tried these awesome Avon products?



There is no generally accepted definition of life. Scientifically, life is described as characteristics or conditions that distinguishes living things from non-living things such as growth, reproduction, excretion, adaptation and response to stimuli. If we accept this scientific definition of life, does it then mean that humans are on earth just to eat, grow and die?

Most religions and scholars define life based on its purpose or meaningfulness. Aristotle, the great philosopher purported that a meaningful life is a life that has attained happiness by acquiring things that lead to perfection of human nature and enrichment of human life such as health, wealth, knowledge and friends.

Positive psychologists believe that a meaningful life has to do with purpose, significance, fulfillment and satisfaction of life while Logotherapy sees a meaningful life as building relationships with others in order to reach fulfillment. There are so many theories about purpose and meaningfulness of life.

Can we then logically conclude that the fulfillment of man’s purpose in life can be measured by attainment of happiness and satisfaction of life? Are some people’s lives meaningless?
But what is your personal description of life? What do you think is the purpose of life? Please join in this discussion as we explore life and its meaningfulness.
God bless you


Basic Facts About Unemployment:

1. 40% of world's unemployed are youth. This is an impending global crisis.
2. Millions of unemployed youth lack employable skills.
3. Skills and not job titles are the new currency on the labour market.

Do you have any skill?


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Thank you so much for liking my FB page. God bless you all.

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Videos (show all)

To my beloved brothers and sisters, the Obidient Family.Please 🙏 watch this 3 minutes video. It is my simple prayer and ...
Employment Series 1
My Personal View on Education in Nigeria
Personal View on Education in Nigeria
RE: Question and Answer Session
Step Into Your Dream Job 1



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