Noble Mineral Exploration Inc.

Noble Mineral Exploration Inc. TSX-V: NOB

is a Canadian-based junior exploration company holding in excess of 72,000 hectares of mineral rights in the Timmins/Cochrane area of Northern Ontario, upon which it plans to generate joint venture exploration programs.


Recently announced: Noble Grants Options and RSUs ⛏️

Noble Mineral Exploration announces that effective as of August 13, 2024, the Company’s Board approved the grant of a total of 4,300,000 stock options and 2,540,000 restricted share units to officers, directors, and certain consultants of the Company. The Options were granted for services rendered and to be rendered. 150,000 of the Options were granted to a party who provides investor relations services to the Company, and therefore vest in tranches of 25% every three months. The balance of the Options vest immediately. The RSUs, which vest one year after the Date of Grant, were granted for services to be rendered over the next year. The Options and RSUs were granted pursuant to the Amended and Restated 2022 Equity Incentive Plan approved at the Company’s shareholder meeting on February 28, 2024.


See the full news release ➡️

Overview of the Boulder Project - Noble Mineral Exploration (TSX-V: NOB) 08/12/2024

In 2021, Noble launched an exploration program to in an effort to identify the source of the boulder. Basal till samples collected from two fences of hand auger holes, located about 100 m and 1 km north of the boulder, produced 35 gold grains. These gold grains define a southeast-northwest trending dispersion train that indicate they were transported southeast by a glacial transport from a source area located to the northwest.

The approximate location of the mineralized, Cousineau Boulder appears to coincide with a slight bullseye high at the southeast end of one of the northwest striking cross d**e like features. The dashed line is suggested at being a possible cross fault system.


Learn more about the Boulder Project:

Overview of the Boulder Project - Noble Mineral Exploration (TSX-V: NOB) In this Q&A: President and CEO, Vance White and Exploration Manager Wayne Holmstead, B.Sc., discuss the overview of the overview of the Boulder Project.About...

Photos from Noble Mineral Exploration Inc.'s post 07/29/2024

Current Work Program at the Boulder Project

Exploration program on the property to identify the source of the boulder to continue in 2024, to follow up on a helicopter airborne survey, glacial till investigations and ground geophysics.

Potential: The very significant discovery of a highly mineralized boulder in the area that has not seen much past exploration. The discovery of the source of the boulder would be an important mineral find.

Target Commodity: Copper (Cu), Gold (Au), PGM


Learn more about this exciting project:


A 140 kg, Mineralized Boulder Found near Hearst, Ontario.

In 2021, Noble launched an exploration program to in an effort to identify the source of the boulder. Basal till samples collected from two fences of hand auger holes, located about 100 m and 1 km north of the boulder, produced 35 gold grains. These gold grains define a southeast-northwest trending dispersion train that indicate they were transported southeast by a glacial transport from a source area located to the northwest. The dispersion train begins near a northeast trending magnetic anomaly. The gold grains are predominantly reshaped but also include modified and pristine , supporting evidence of a local source.

The approximate location of the mineralized, Cousineau Boulder appears to coincide with a slight bullseye high at the southeast end of one of the northwest striking cross d**e like features. The dashed line is suggested at being a possible cross fault system.


Learn more about the boulder project:

Canada Nickel and JV partner Noble to spin out Mann project - The Northern Miner 07/12/2024

Canada Nickel and JV partner Noble to spin out Mann project - The Northern Miner Canada Nickel (TSXV: CNC; US-OTC: CNIKF) is spinning out its eastern exploration properties, northeast of Timmins, Ont., and its Mann joint venture with Noble Mineral Exploration (TSXV: NOB; US-OTC: NLPXF)...


Noble and Canada Nickel Announce Spin-out of Mann Twp JV and Acquisition of Eastern Exploration Properties ⛏️

We are pleased to announce that we have signed a Binding Letter of Intent with Canada Nickel whereby Noble and Canada Nickel will spin-out certain mining claims into a new company to consolidate their interests in large tonnage, low grade nickel projects east of Timmins, Ontario.


- Noble has exercised all underlying options with Optionors on the Mann Twp properties

- Consolidation of the Canada Nickel-Noble joint venture in Mann Township into a single private company for a future public listing

- Transfer by Canada Nickel of several exploration properties east of Timmins

- Transfer by Noble of several mining claims and patented mineral properties to Canada Nickel, as well as the right acquire surface rights that could be used within and around the Crawford Project

- Provision of certain non-dilutive exploration funding requirements to be provided to the private company by Canada Nickel

- Both Canada Nickel and Noble will retain their respective NSR’s and NSR buy back rights where applicable


Canada Nickel Company

See the full news release ➡️


Noble Mineral Initiates Temporarily Delayed Drill Program in proximity to the Location of a 140 kg, Mineralized Boulder Found near Hearst, Ontario

We are pleased to announce that after a delay due to inclement weather, Noble is now ready to initiate their drill program. With the coming of more stable weather in July, the company is now ready to start the drill program.

The drill program is planned on 214 claims in Way Township. The claims extend from about 4 to 15 km southwest of the town of Hearst, Ontario. The property area is equivalent to approximately 4,500 hectares or 45 sq km. The drill program follows geophysical surveys done to identify targets that may be the source of the mineralized boulder. The recent geophysical program was partially funded by the Ontario Junior Exploration Program and application has been made to the same program to fund the drill program. The Program will fund up to $200,000 on a $400,000 exploration program.

The mineralized boulder was on display at the highly successful Canadian Mining Expo in Timmins, Ontario in June.

Historically, a sample of a metalliferous boulder, brought to the Timmins Mining District Regional Resident Geologist in 2019 by a Mr. A. Cousineau, was submitted for chemical analysis to Geolabs in Sudbury to establish its metal and mineralogical makeup. Geolabs determined that the boulder contained: 71.8% copper; 3.5% lead, 1.09% zinc; 252 g/t of silver, 3.79 g/t of gold; 4.43 g/t of palladium; and 2.22 g/t of platinum and consisted primarily of cuprite (van Hees et al., 2020).


See the full news release ➡�

Photos from Canada Nickel Company's post 06/28/2024
The Boulder Project – Noble Mineral Exploration (TSXV: NOB) 06/25/2024

The Boulder Project – Noble Mineral Exploration (TSXV: NOB) Introduction Noble Mineral Exploration Inc. is a Canadian-based junior exploration company holding several highly prospective properties in some of Canada’s


Agreements to Purchase Interest in Carnegie Properties

Noble has agreed to purchase from a co-owner a 50% interest in 317 patented and tenure identified mining claims in Carnegie, Kidd, Wark and Prosser Townships totaling approximately 6,600 hectares, and a 51% interest in certain mining claims in Carnegie Township totaling approximately 4,978 hectares. Upon closing of these transactions, Noble will hold a 100% interest in each property, subject to 2% NSRs held by prior owners or their assigns. The consideration payable by Noble for the acquisition of the co-owner’s interest in the First Carnegie Property is a total of 162,000 common shares in the capital of Canada Nickel. The consideration payable by Noble for the acquisition of the co-owner’s interest in the Second Carnegie Property is a total of 50,000 Canada Nickel common shares. Closing of these transactions is subject to customary conditions and regulatory approvals.


Learn more:


Noble Acquires Mann Twp Claims and Spruce Ridge Units, and Agrees to Purchase Interest in Carnegie Twp Claims ⛏️


-Acquisition of Mann Twp Claims

-Acquisition of 1,500,000 Units from Spruce Ridge

-Agreements to Purchase Interest in Carnegie Properties


See the full news release ➡️

Virtex | Dashboard 06/04/2024

The Mineralized Boulder Found near Hearst, Ontario will be on display at the Canadian Mining Expo in Timmins, Ontario on June 5th and 6th and a representative of Noble Mineral Exploration will be there to answer your questions.


For more information please visit:

Virtex | Dashboard June 5th - 6th, 2024


Noble Mineral Plans to Drill in proximity to the Location of a 140 kg, Mineralized Boulder Found near Hearst, Ontario ⛏️

We are pleased to announce that the company has plans to execute a drill program on 214 claims in Way Township commencing in mid-Jine. The claims extend from about 4 to 15 km southwest of the town of Hearst, Ontario. The property area is equivalent to approximately 4,500 hectares or 45 sq km. The drill program follows geophysical surveys done to identify targets that may be the source of the mineralized boulder. The recent geophysical program was partially funded by the Ontario Junior Exploration Program and application has been made to the same program to fund the drill program. The Program will fund up to $200,000 on a $400,000 exploration program.

The mineralized boulder will be on display at the Canadian Mining Expo in Timmins, Ontario on June 5th and 6th and a representative of Noble Mineral Exploration will be there to answer your questions. (

Vance White, President and CEO of Noble, said “we are pleased with the progress on this property and look forward to the results of the drill program that may give us more clues as to the possible source of this rich boulder. While the odds are long, if successful it could result in a significant find.”


See the full news release ➡�

Noble Mineral Exploration (TSX-V: NOB) - Interest to aquire the HSP Project and Status 05/21/2024

In this Q&A, President and CEO, Vance White and exploration manager Wayne Holmstead, B.Sc., P.Geo. discuss Noble's interest to aquire the HSP Project


Noble Mineral Exploration (TSX-V: NOB) - Interest to aquire the HSP Project and Status In this Q&A, President and CEO, Vance White and exploration manager Wayne Holmstead, B.Sc., P.Geo. discuss Noble's interest to aquire the HSP Project.About N...


Noble Reports that Canada Nickel Achieves Initial Metallurgical Success at Mann Northwest Property ⛏️


• First two metallurgical tests at Mann deliver strong recovery and concentrate quality:

o Overall nickel recoveries of 58% and 59%
o Nickel and magnetite concentrate grades in line with expectations

We are pleased to announce that Canada Nickel Company has
announced robust recovery and concentrate quality results from the first set of metallurgical tests on samples from the Mann Northwest property. The results were achieved using the standard flowsheet developed for Canada Nickel Crawford Nickel Deposit.


Canada Nickel Company

See the full news release ➡️

Budget Breakdown – A look at what Canada is doing to support the mining industry 05/10/2024

Budget Breakdown – A look at what Canada is doing to support the mining industry I touched on this topic a few weeks ago but wanted to circle back since the Federal budget has been


Project 81 – Timmins-Cochrane Properties

An exploration and development property wherein the Company owns one contiguous block of land totalling ~ 25,000 ha staked and patented mineral rights, in the Timmins-Cochrane area of Northern Ontario, including a 50% interest in 7 patents and 310 tenure identified mining claims totalling ~6,600ha in Carnegie, Kidd, Wark and Prosser Townships.

The property hosts a number of zones that have historical exploration identifying nickel-cobalt-PGMs, VMS and gold mineralization from work carried out in the 1960's and 1970's (these sample results are historical and non-NI 43-101 compliant) as well as assay results from drilling conducted by the Company in 2012, 2018 and 2020. 2000m Diamond drilling was completed following up on a line cutting Induced Polarization Survey on the Dargavel property, with results used to identify drill targets and to follow-up on the drill program carried out in 2020. 2000m Diamond drilling is underway following up on a line cutting Induced Polarization Survey on the Carnegie/Kidd2 property, with results used to identify drill targets and to follow up in the drill program underway in winter 2024. Project 81 hosts diversified drill-ready gold, nickel-cobalt and base metal exploration targets at various stages of exploration.


Learn more about Project 81:


Earlier this month we provided a link to an interview with Mr. Vance White, President and CEO of Noble Mineral Exploration by GBR, Ontario Mining and Toronto’s Global Reach 2024 Report




Noble Announces Canada Nickel Exercising its Option on Noble's Mann Township Property ⛏️


- Canada Nickel is exercising its option to earn an 80% of the Mann Township mining claims (~11,000 ha) with Noble retaining a 20% interest,

-The property Includes Mann Northwest, Central and Southeast properties that cover a combined 25 km strike length of nickel-bearing ultramafic rocks,

-Northwest and Central will advance to resource delineation programs while Southeast will be drilled for the first time, all during the 2024 exploration season.


Canada Nickel Company

See the full news release ➡️ Reports on Canada Nickel Drilling Results from Mann Township

Noble Mineral Exploration (TSX-V: NOB) - Geophysics Campaign on the Kidd 2 Project 04/19/2024

In this Q&A: Exploration Manager Wayne Holmstead, B.Sc., discusses the geophysics campaign on the Kidd 2 Project


Noble Mineral Exploration (TSX-V: NOB) - Geophysics Campaign on the Kidd 2 Project In this Q&A: Exploration Manager Wayne Holmstead, B.Sc., discusses the geophysics campaign on the Kidd 2 Project.About Noble Mineral ExplorationNoble Mineral...


⛏️Over the next few months we will be publishing several articles on various rocks and resources ⚒️and their respective rolls. We hope you find the articles both informative and useful when trying to find opportunities in the mining sector.

Nickel Sulphides vs Nickel Laterites - Which is Better for Batteries and Why?

Glencore Anglo American BHP Jinchuan Group Vale@Tesla GMC Ford Motor Company BMW Stellantis Toyota USA LG Electronics Samsung Canada Nickel Company FPX Nickel Corp. Avante Mining Corp. Nickel Power Nickel Spruce Ridge Resources Noble Mineral Exploration Inc. Talon Metals Corp Quebec Nickel St-Georges Eco-Mining Corp Doug Ford George Pirie MPP

For more content like this please visit us at and be sure to follow us on our various social platforms.


Last month we completed geophysical surveys in proximity to the location of a 140kg, mineralized boulder found near ⛏️


Learn more about the project ➡�

Noble Mineral Exploration (TSX-V: NOB) - Working thesis on the Kidd 2 Project 04/12/2024

In this Q & A, exploration manager Wayne Holmstead, B.Sc., P.Geo., discusses the working thesis on the Kidd 2 Project ⛏️📹


Noble Mineral Exploration (TSX-V: NOB) - Working thesis on the Kidd 2 Project In this Q & A, exploration manager Wayne Holmstead, B.Sc., P.Geo., discusses the working thesis on the Kidd 2 Project.About Noble Mineral ExplorationNoble Mi...


Project 81 ⛏️ 25,000ha in the area of Northern , for which it holds the mineral rights for and available for option


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Noble Mineral Exploration (TSX-V: NOB): Strategic Investment in Spruce Ridge Resources 04/03/2024

In this Q&A, President and CEO, Vance White discusses the strategic investment in Spruce Ridge Resources


Noble Mineral Exploration (TSX-V: NOB): Strategic Investment in Spruce Ridge Resources In this Q&A, President and CEO, Vance White discusses the strategic investment in Spruce Ridge Resources. About Noble Mineral ExplorationNoble Mineral Explor...

Noble Mineral Exploration (TSX-V: NOB) - Attraction to the Newfoundland Property 03/28/2024

In this Q&A: Exploration Manager Wayne Holmstead, B.Sc., discusses what attracted Noble to the Newfoundland Property


Spruce Ridge Resources

Noble Mineral Exploration (TSX-V: NOB) - Attraction to the Newfoundland Property In this Q&A: Exploration Manager Wayne Holmstead, B.Sc., discusses what attracted Noble to the Newfoundland PropertyAbout Noble Mineral ExplorationNoble Mine...


Last month we completed the drill program on the Kidd2/Carnegie Project Near , ⛏️

The Kidd2/Carnegie project is devoted to finding an extension of the Kidd Creek deposit. The Kidd2/Carnegie Project consists of a group of patented and staked mining claims located north and northwest of the Kidd Creek Mine and 24 km north of Timmins, Ontario. The Kidd deposit, owned by Glencore, is one of the world's largest volcanogenic massive sulfide ore deposits that produces copper, zinc, and silver.


Learn more about the project ➡�

Noble Mineral Exploration (TSX-V: NOB) - Status of the Nagagami Project 03/21/2024

In this Q & A, President and CEO, Vance White discusses the status of the Nagagami Project and early stage exploration ⛏️


Noble Mineral Exploration (TSX-V: NOB) - Status of the Nagagami Project In this Q & A, President and CEO, Vance White discusses the status of the Nagagami Project and early stage exploration.About Noble Mineral ExplorationNoble M...

Noble Mineral Exploration (TSX-V: NOB) - Discussing the formation of Canada Nickel 03/19/2024

In this Q&A, President and CEO, Vance White discusses the formation of Canada Nickel Company and his relationship with both Steve Balch and Mark Selby


Canada Nickel Company

Noble Mineral Exploration (TSX-V: NOB) - Discussing the formation of Canada Nickel In this Q&A, President and CEO, Vance White discusses the formation of Canada Nickel Company.About Noble Mineral ExplorationNoble Mineral Exploration Inc. is...

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Videos (show all)

📹In this short clip, President and CEO, Vance White discusses Noble's role in Mann Township⛏️🔹TSX-V: NOB | OTC: NLPXF 🔹#...
In this short clip, President and CEO, Vance white discusses how the Mann township claims came together and highlights h...
Nagagami Niobium Project
Vance White the President & CEO of Noble Mineral Exploration  introduce the newly appointed exploration manager, Wayne H...
Noble Buckingham Project
Noble Mineral Exploration inc. (TSX.V: NOB)  is a Canadian-based junior exploration company holding in excess of 72,000 ...
Project 81: Dargavel Exploration Update




Toronto, ON

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