UACO - Humanitarian Aid

The United Armenian Council of Ontario's Humanitarian Aid Committee


Մասնակցի՛նք ինքնաշարժերով երթին, յանուն Հայրենիքի։

Կիրակի, 2 հոկտեմբերին, յետմիջօրէի ժամը 2էն սկսեալ, Հայ Երիտասարդական Կեդրոնէն, 50 Hallcrown Place.

Photos from UACO - Humanitarian Aid's post 06/09/2021

Update: Pictures added of walkers and pool noodles being used for therapies.

Friends of UACO- we wanted to post an update for all of those who helped make the collection for rehabilitation supplies a success.

We have received word, directly from Lady Cox Rehabilitation Centre in Artsakh. This centre was the main recipient of the medical equipment and supplies that were sent in February.

A quote from the director of the centre makes all of our efforts worthwhile.

"There are no words to explain how I'm happy with your support. ...
thank you, SHNORHAKALUTJUN to everyone who made his best for all the goods. I was taking the goods with tears in my eyes. Thank you and just one phrase- together we are stronger.
I will send you photos of the use of all the goods.
I hope you and your supporters one day will have chance to visit our rehabilitation centre, and spend time with my patients and staff. They need that, especially these days, they must feel that we are not isolated from the world.
God bless you all, guys you did great work to help people who are in need.
With best wishes and sirov, Vardan"

We will post pictures of the distribution of the supplies as we receive them.

Photos from Gurgen Melikyan Multichildren Family Foundation of Kashatagh's post 05/23/2021

We are happy to report and update on the continued distribution of supplies and aid from the first collection in the fall. See link below for details!

Photos from UACO - Humanitarian Aid's post 04/19/2021

We would like to update our followers of the distribution of supplies and collected goods. The AMAA has been hard at work receiving and processing supplies that were sent in the winter. This container was orgazined by Khoren Mardoyan and was made possible with the tireless efforts of the Armenian community in Toronto, Cambridge and Mississauga.

These pictures show the supplies being distributed to the people of Goris and neighbouring (Khnatsakh, Khozavar and Vaghatour) and Sissian villages.

Additional pictures show more distribution happening in Artsakh.


May God open the doors for the container and all it’s much need contents to arrive quickly to Artsakh and it’s people!


Once again we’d like to thank everyone who hd a part in filling this container! It is officially on its way, left the community centre on Friday!

Photos from UACO - Humanitarian Aid's post 03/03/2021

The distribution of items from the very first container that was filled by generous donors and volunteers from the communities in Toronto, Cambridge and Mississauga has begun.

Even though the process is complicated and the timelines are long, the AMAA Armenia ԱՀԱԸ Հայաստան team has spent weeks getting the items through customs and organized. The donations of clothes, sleeping bags, dental care and countless other items are being delivered to those who need them. We will continue to share pictures as we receive them!

Photos from UACO - Humanitarian Aid's post 03/02/2021

The UACO humanitarian committee has completed the work to fill the latest container. With the help of many community and ARS youth volunteers, the items have been sorted, inventoried and packed and the container is ready to go on its long journey to our homeland.

We thank each and everyone who donated, purchased items and spread the word to fulfill our mission of supporting those who are recovering and rehabilitating in Artsakh.

We will continue to post updates as the container arrives and distribution begins. May God bless those who will receive these much needed items!

Photos from UACO - Humanitarian Aid's post 02/18/2021

Great work everyone!

Photos from UACO - Humanitarian Aid's post 02/17/2021

As we continue to pack the collected supplies, we were blessed by the visit and the prayers given by the clergy representing our local Toronto churches.

We pray that the supplies reach those who need it most, provide for the needs of the injured and displaced and offer hope to our brothers and sisters in Artsakh.

Photos from UACO - Humanitarian Aid's post 02/11/2021

Preparing the rehabilitation supplies to be sent very soon!


A HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who dropped off items, purchased from the registry or donated money towards our humanitarian container for rehabilitation supplies. The registry is now closed and we continue to package and prepare the supplies to ship.

We have received wheelchairs, walkers, crutches, raised toilet seats, specialized medical equipment, patient lifts and medical supplies that will go directly to Artsakh to the Lady Cox Rehabilitation centre, Ministry of Social Services, hospital and those wounded and recovering at home.

' on 02/01/2021

As we wrap up our collection for rehabilitation supplies, we’d like to thank Marianna Trionfo-Garibyan and M&M Medical Supplies for their generous support. The funds raised through monetary donations were spent purchasing supplies needed for our wounded soldiers and civilians. M&M Medical has coordinated the bulk ordering of raised toilet seats, gait trainers, patient lifts at significant discounts. We thank Marianna for partnering with UACO to help us fill the container.

Our registry will close on February 6th and you can still purchase items from M&M, Walmart and Amazon for delivery directly to ACC. The container will be on its way mid-February. Thank you all for you support.

Update on the first container-it’s finally cleared customs and been approved for distribution. It’s a very long process and we will provide details as distributions start this week.

' on This Wish List has been shared with you. You can check it out here.

' on 01/22/2021

Our humanitarian aid container is filling up because of all those who have generously donated supplies or monetary gifts! Our final drop off day for this container is tomorrow, Saturday from 1-3.

The gift registry will be open for a few final days. We hope shipments will arrive to ACC by the end of next week. Please do your part for the final push to fill the container.

We are working closely with a number of drs and nurses on the ground working at rehabilitation centres to collect what is needed. One of the centres is The Lady Cox Rehabilitation Center which will receive much of the supplies that have been collected.

Updates: the first container that was sent at the end of November has cleared all customs, the goods have been delivered to AMAA warehouses and will be distributed to needy families starting Monday. Pictures will be posted as we receive them.

The second container arrived in Yerevan yesterday and will be cleared for customs very soon.

Thank you all!

' on This Wish List has been shared with you. You can check it out here.


Global Medic at work helping Armenia and Artsakh’s wounded and injured. Thank you! ❤️🇦🇲

Photos from UACO - Humanitarian Aid's post 01/16/2021

The collection for humanitarian aid and rehabilitation supplies continues. We’d like to thank Rahul Singh from Global Medic for his generous donation of over 500 family medical kits.

This is his 2nd donation and we’re happy to announce that the previous container, which contained 600 medical kits, has arrived at port and is awaiting customs clearance!

Even though the delivery of these containers is a long process, the needs of our Armenian brothers and sisters do not diminish. We must continue to do our best to provide what we can.

Our registry is open for 1 more week. Please purchase what you can and deliver directly to the ACC, Toronto. Thank you!

Օնթարիոյի Միացեալ Հայկական Խորհուրդի Մարդասիրական Օժանդակութեան Յանձնախումբին Բժշկական Իրերու Հաւաքի Ձեռնարին Շուրջ Հարցազրոյց՝ Բժշ 01/12/2021

For an update on the ongoing collection for rehabilitation supplies, read the UACO Humanitarian Aid committee interview in TorontoHye newspaper.

To support this initiative, you can shop the registry and ship to ACC, Toronto.

Օնթարիոյի Միացեալ Հայկական Խորհուրդի Մարդասիրական Օժանդակութեան Յանձնախումբին Բժշկական Իրերու Հաւաքի Ձեռնարին Շուրջ Հարցազրոյց՝ Բժշ Օնթարիոյի Գանատահայ Բժշկական Ընկերակցութիւնը եւ Օնթարիոյի Միացեալ Հայկական Խորհուրդի Մարդասիրական Օժանդակութեան Յանձնախումբի հաւաքագրած բժշկական սարքերը կ՛ու....


UACO Humanitarian Aid would like to express thanks to Houri Mendoza was generous in her donation of medical supplies for our current collection.

The gift registry is still open and monetary donations can still be made.

Update: Our in-person drop off dates this week are today, Saturday from 1-3 pm and Tuesday Jan 12th 7-9 pm

Thank you for your continued care and support of our efforts to help rehabilitate our injured and wounded in Armenia and Artsakh!


UACO Humanitarian Aid Executive Committee would like to thank Sako and Terresita Keosseuian for supporting the collection of rehabilitation supplies. They reached out to the Roopnarine family to facilitate the donation of over $25,000 worth of gently used wheelchairs, walkers and medical supplies last week.

Reach out to your coworkers, neighbours, family and friends to encourage them to donate. Follow our instagram page and share our posts. Our brothers and sisters need us and we can all do our best to help! Thank you for your continued support!


Keep the donations coming! Our wounded need our help. Easy registry for equipment at all price points delivered to us. Don’t leave your house! Covid safe! Just do it!

Զինվորի Տուն Վերականգնողական Կենտրոն/ Zinvori Tun Rehabilitation Center Մենք բարձրացնում ենք ձեր կյանքի որակն ու վերադարձնում ակտիվ կյանք

Photos from UACO - Humanitarian Aid's post 01/06/2021

We are still collecting items at the Armenian Community Centre to meet the needs of the rehabilitation hospitals in support of our injured. Please bring walkers, canes, grab bars, bath seats, etc. or shop on our registry for items to be delivered to us (Covid safe option!). Visit UACO himanitarian aid to get details.


Զինվորի Տուն Վերականգնողական Կենտրոն/ Zinvori Tun Rehabilitation Center Մենք բարձրացնում ենք ձեր կյանքի որակն ու վերադարձնում ակտիվ կյանք


Happy Monday everyone! Just a reminder that our registry is still open for orders.

If you’d like to make a monetary donation that will be used to purchase additional supplies, please visit

To see one of the hospitals where the supplies in this collection will be distributed, please visit this page.

These soldiers are working hard with their nurses and doctors everyday to recover and they need our support.

Զինվորի Տուն Վերականգնողական Կենտրոն/ Zinvori Tun Rehabilitation Center Մենք բարձրացնում ենք ձեր կյանքի որակն ու վերադարձնում ակտիվ կյանք

Photos from UACO - Humanitarian Aid's post 01/03/2021

UPDATE: The container from our previous collection is on the last leg of it's journey. It will leave the port in Italy this week and arrive in Armenia by the end of next week! We will keep you informed and updated as the items are received and distrubted by the ARS and AMAA representatives in Armenia.

UACO would like to thank all of those who participated and supported the collection of warm clothes and medical supplies. We appreciate your continued generosity as we all do our best to encourage and support our soldiers, civilians and families on their long road to recovery.

If you would like to participate in our current collection to help the injured and wounded, please visit our convenient gift registry and ship your items to the Armenian Community Centre, Toronto. Thank you all!

Upcoming drop off times: Monday, Jan. 4th 7-9:00 pm, Saturday Jan. 9th 1-3:00 pm, Tuesday Jan. 12th, 7-9:00 pm, Saturday Jan. 16th 1-3:00 pm

Photos from UACO - Humanitarian Aid's post 01/03/2021
Photos from UACO - Humanitarian Aid's post 01/03/2021

Ռուբնարին ընտանիքը մասնակցեցաւ բժշկական իրերու հաւաքի մեր արշաւին, նուրելով 25,000 գանատական տոլար արժողութեամբ սայլակներ, անթացուպեր եւ այլ իրեր։ Մեր խորին շնորհակալութիւնը Ռուբնարին ընտանիքին՝ իրենց մարդասիրական օժանդակութեան համար։

Thank you to the Roopnarine family for leaning in and showing immense kindness and care for our brothers and sisters in Armenia and Artsakh. They have generously donated $25,000s worth of wheelchairs, crutches, and other items that aid rehabilitation.

Our collection continues and the registry is still open for many affordable rehabilitation supplies that are needed. Thank you for your support.


Our wounded need our help. Easy buy online and ship to community centre, Covid safe process. Gently used crutches, walkers and wheelchairs needed!

Տօնական օրերու ընթացքին, չմոռնանք վիրաւորուած եւ ապաքինող մեր զինուորներն ու կամաւորները: Նուիրե՛նք բժշկական իրեր, այցելելով Նշենք, որ անդամներու մօտ գտնուուղ մաքուր գործածուած անթացուպեր, սայլակներ եւ գաւազաններ (ոչ ուրիշ իրեր) կ'ընդունուին: Կը խնդրուի մնացեալ իրերը գնել տրոամադրուած ցանկէն:

In the spirit of giving, let’s remember to include our brothers and sisters in Artsakh and Armenia on our holiday gift giving lists to support their rehabilitation. In a year where we’re forced to stay apart, let’s lean in to support our fellow Armenians in need. Please note we will also be accepting gently used crutches, wheelchairs, and canes only, all other items should be purchased via the registry


Տօնական օրերու ընթացքին, չմոռնանք վիրաւորուած եւ ապաքինող մեր զինուորներն ու կամաւորները: Նուիրե՛նք բժշկական իրեր, այցելելով Նշենք, որ անդամներու մօտ գտնուուղ մաքուր գործածուած անթացուպեր, սայլակներ եւ գաւազաններ (ոչ ուրիշ իրեր) կ'ընդունուին: Կը խնդրուի մնացեալ իրերը գնել տրոամադրուած ցանկէն:

In the spirit of giving, let’s remember to include our brothers and sisters in Artsakh and Armenia on our holiday gift giving lists to support their rehabilitation. In a year where we’re forced to stay apart, let’s lean in to support our fellow Armenians in need. Please note we will also be accepting gently used crutches, wheelchairs, and canes only, all other items should be purchased via the registry

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May God open the doors for the container and all it’s much need contents to arrive quickly to Artsakh and it’s people!



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