Jewish Family and Child Service

A resilient community where hope, dignity, diversity and humanity thrive.

Photos from Jewish Family and Child Service's post 08/13/2024

JF&CS is urgently recruiting foster and adoptive families. Our community is facing unprecedented challenges, which in some cases, can escalate to incidents of child abuse or neglect. We need Jewish foster families to care for children and youth so they can remain within our community.

We are looking for a diverse range of caregivers; at least one person in each household must be Jewish. This includes people who are married or single, of various levels of religious observance, and of a variety of backgrounds and identities, including those from the 2SLGBTQ+ community.

Please reach out to our Intake team with any interest or questions at 416-638-7800, ext. 6234.


Tisha B'Av commemorates the destruction of the First and Second Temples of Jerusalem. It is also seen as a communal day to mourn historical Jewish tragedies, including the Holocaust and the events of October 7.

This day helps to bring awareness of the impact that tragic events of the past can carry to this day. We recognize the need for healing in our community.


We are excited to announce that the Jewish RAINBOW Alliance parent support group will be returning for Fall and Winter 2024!

The group is led by Giselle, our wonderful Parent Peer Facilitator, who is a long-time community advocate for LGBTQ+ rights and is a parent to gay and transgender children, giving her a depth of lived experience.

Join us at the Schwartz/Reisman Centre on the following Wednesdays, from 7:00-9:00pm:
September 18, 2024
October 9, 2024
November 20, 2024
December 11, 2024

Participants are welcomed into a safe, respectful, and affirming space. Our goal is to provide a venue for parents to share information, learn from each other, and for everyone to feel included, whatever their child’s path may be. Welcome to the Jewish Rainbow Alliance!

All are welcome. For more info or to register, please contact Shirley Shedletsky at 416-638-7800, ext. 6260 or [email protected].

Photos from Spertus Institute's post 08/07/2024

We are so proud to have our CEO, Talyah Breslin, represent JF&CS in this program!


JF&CS wants to wish you all a safe and happy August long weekend! Enjoy some fun in the sun this weekend. Our offices will be closed for the weekend, but we’ll see you again on Tuesday, August 6th!


Our Therapeutic Bereavement Group offers clients a safe space to share, connect, learn and process their unique grief experience. In addition to learning therapeutic coping skills to process loss and engaging in mutual support with others who are grieving, participants receive grief kits delivered to their homes.

82% of recent group participants shared that the grief support kit they received positively enhanced their overall group experience. Kits include journals, picture frames, therapeutic colouring supplies, a list of supportive resources, and more. To donate towards providing these grief support kits for our clients, please visit


We are horrified by the recent antisemitic actions in Toronto and Vaughan. We join our community in standing against antisemitism and hatred. During this time and always, JF&CS is a welcoming and safe space for the Jewish community and others in need.

If you need support during this time, please contact our intake team at 416-638-7800, ext. 6234. Our team will listen, learn your needs, and connect you with relevant services or other recommended programs in the GTA.


JF&CS has seen a rise in community members experiencing mental health challenges. As a result, we have partnered with UJA to create a workshop designed to help those who work with youth and adults identify the early warning signs of mental health struggles. Participants in the free workshops might be group leaders, camp counsellors, teachers, spiritual leaders, etc.

To read more about the Because YOU Matter workshop and other articles in our Family Matters newsletter, please visit


We always email our newsletter directly to your inbox! Stay up-to-date on everything JF&CS by subscribing to Family Matters.

Our July issue will be packed with community stories, so visit to join our contact list.


Thanks to the generosity of JF&CS donors, people in need can access mental health support and coaching, along with work clothes and vocational training.

Here’s an example of the impact you’ve made:
58-year-old Harvey* was at risk of losing his subsidized housing due to insufficient income. He has been unemployed since his mother’s death, due to depression. With your support, Harvey accessed JF&CS bereavement counselling, as well as coaching to help him focus on his employment needs. Harvey wanted to work in security. We helped him find an Ontario Works security training course and provided the funding for the training, along with funds for groceries and transit for the length of the program. He scored 96% on his final exam and soon found a job. Thanks to your support, Harvey’s housing and employment are secure!

*The photo, name and some identifying details have been changed to protect the privacy of this client.


🌞 Shabbat Shalom! With the summer officially underway, let’s take a moment to appreciate sun-filled days and balmy nights! We also wanted to let you know that we will be pausing our weekly Shabbat Shalom messages for the summer. Wishing everyone a joyous and restful summer!


JF&CS wishes you all a safe and happy Canada Day long weekend!

Our offices will be closed for the long weekend, but we’ll see you again on Tuesday.


This week, I attended a retirement party for a long-time colleague and friend. The joyous celebration and memory sharing had me reflecting on those who enter our lives at work, enhancing both our work life and the lives of those we hope to impact.

Over the years, I have seen many valued colleagues retire from JF&CS, some after decades with the agency. Reflecting on this, three things struck me:
• the personal and professional growth that results from hard work and commitment
• how people focused on excellence in an exceptional working environment want to keep a good thing going and stay a long, long time
• the importance of finding the balance to do things the right way – at work and at home

Indeed, our work is not only about serving our clients or our successes, but also about those we work with – our colleagues; especially those who become our friends, enriching our overall lives and our community.

On that note, may we all have a rich work life, enhanced by phenomenal colleagues, and an exciting “next chapter,” post retirement.

This week’s Shabbat candle-lighting time is 8:45 pm.


We are living in an Olam Hafukh – an upside-down world. Many of the societal certainties we took for granted are collapsing, with very few constants remaining.

Yet for over 155 years, JF&CS has been a safety net for our community. We provide dignity to those who have endured unimaginable hardships. We offer services that heal those who are suffering.

The client journeys you will read in this year’s Annual Campaign reflect these realities and how our guiding value is Tikun Olam – repairing the world together.

To learn more or to donate, please visit

Photos from Jewish Family and Child Service's post 06/25/2024

JF&CS is so happy to celebrate all of our JDD students at this year’s Awards and Recognition Day! The afternoon was full of smiles, happy memories, and kind words. Wishing everyone a fun-filled summer ahead. Congratulations!


Are you passionate about making a positive impact in our community? Do you have skills and experiences that you want to leverage for a greater good? JF&CS is looking for dedicated and dynamic individuals for our Board of Directors and Board Committees!

Ideal Candidates:
1. Have a strong commitment to JF&CS’ mission and services – including poverty reduction, mental health, safety and security
2. Have experience in relevant areas such as law, finance, marketing, fundraising, social services, poverty, marginalization/discrimination, etc.

How to Apply: Please send a cover letter and CV to our Nominating Committee at [email protected] by July 19, 2024. For more information, visit:


Dear Rabbi,

I want to share my story with your readers to let them know that despite life’s challenges, dreams can sometimes come true.

Of course I was shocked when I discovered I was pregnant. My life had been anything but easy until that point. My husband and I had to leave our country soon after we were married because the authorities labelled him a revolutionary. We finally settled in Israel, but years went by without me being able to conceive.

Even though our dream of having children didn’t materialize, my husband and I poured ourselves into helping those around us. We welcomed anyone in need into our home and fed them well.

Then one day, close to my 90th birthday, a group of experts met with me and my husband to break the news that I was expecting. I laughed when I heard this, but it turned out that they were right!

The rest, as they say, is history.

This note, composed with creative license, is from Sarah, our great Jewish matriarch. We, her great-grandchildren, have inherited many of her remarkable traits:
1. A determination to make a difference to others, even when our own dreams aren't fulfilled.
2. The wisdom to roll up our sleeves and not rely on others to improve the world.
3. The resilience to endure life's storms by placing our trust in the CEO of the Universe.

To learn more about Sarah's incredible life visit


“When we have a family seeking services with us, and we learn they also identify as First Nations, Inuit or Métis, we work with Native Child and Family Services of Toronto and the relevant Band to put culturally-sensitive services in place,” shares Brahm Goldenberg, JF&CS’ Director of Child Welfare services.

JF&CS recognizes the harmful legacy of Canada’s child welfare sector separating Indigenous children from their families and how Indigenous children continue to be overrepresented in child welfare systems. JF&CS staff gain an understanding of these truths during Truth and Reconciliation trainings, and our work with our partner agencies to build a better cultural understanding of different parenting practices and life cycle events. We are proud to be an Indigenous community partner and to celebrate National Indigenous People Day.

Photos from Jewish Family and Child Service's post 06/18/2024

🏳️‍🌈Looking to celebrate pride on June 30th while demonstrating Jewish pride? UJA LGBTQ+ and CIJA will be hosting two events. Link in bio for more details and to register🏳️‍🌈

🌈We’ll be marching at this year’s Toronto Pride Parade to demonstrate Jewish pride, joy, and resilience. We have been working with Pride Toronto to ensure the safety and security for those participating.

🌈We will be hosting Sashay. Slay. Oy Vey. A LGBTQ+ Jewish Pride Party. A q***r, Jewish celebration of joy, togetherness and pride on June 30th. Tickets can only be purchased in advance of the event.

Invite along your friends, family, and allies to show how Toronto’s LGBTQ+ Jewish community stands united.

Visit to register for these events.


To be honest, I was worried about the turnout before the UJA Walk With Israel this year. I was worried that people would be afraid to participate. After all, Israel continues to take a relentless beating in the media. They were calling for unsettled weather on the day of the event. And, of course, we were told to expect many protesters. I was concerned that because so many people were feeling isolated as a result of their support for Israel, that they just would not turn out this year for the Walk.

It turns out that I could not have been more mistaken. 50,000 people participated in the Walk With Israel this year! This is more people than have EVER attended this annual event in the past. Bathurst Street was, quite literally, full of Toronto’s Jews and Israel supporters. Rather than feeling isolated, those who took part relished finally being together with others who shared their support for the Jewish State. It was wonderful to be with people who “got it,” and didn’t need an explanation to justify our backing Israel. It turns out that this turnout was our Community’s response to a deep hunger felt by many to let the world know where we stand. We stood tall. We stood proud.

I have never been more proud of our Community.

This week’s Shabbat candle-lighting time is 8:43 pm.


One more week to go! Seats are still available at the FREE forum JF&CS is hosting for parents and professionals: Youth and Anxiety in a Post Pandemic World. It will be hosted next Tuesday, June 18, from 7 pm to 9 pm, at the Lipa Green Center (4600 Bathurst St.).

All are welcome to hear Dr. Rosalie Steinberg and Dr. Karen Wang of Sunnybrook, alongside a panel of other experts, who have extensive expertise working with youth facing mood and anxiety disorders, including risk of su***de. A portion of the evening will be dedicated to a Q&A with them.

Registration is required. To RSVP, please email [email protected] or call 416-638-7800 ext. 6215. Parking is available. The building is wheelchair accessible.


From sunset on June 11 until nightfall on June 13, we celebrate the holiday of Shavuot! Please note that JF&CS offices will be closed Wednesday and Thursday of this week.

We hope you have a safe and healthy Shavuot holiday!

Photos from Jewish Family and Child Service's post 06/10/2024

JF&CS was proud to be walking alongside the 50,000+ participants for Toronto’s largest-ever Walk with Israel yesterday.

“I have not been able to stop thinking about the inspiring spirit of solidarity, hope and pride that permeated through every part of the day,” shares Talyah Breslin, JF&CS’ CEO.

“It was an incredible display of community, and of the resilience of the Jewish people,” adds Sharon List, JF&CS’ Board President, pictured in blue, alongside her friends (and former JF&CS staff) in pink.

Following the walk, JF&CS was one of the UJA Federation of Greater Toronto Community Partners, sharing resources outside the Solidarity Concert. We are &CSProud!


Next week, we celebrate Shavuot, which commemorates the day G-d gave Moses the Torah, including the Ten Commandments. On Shavuot, it's customary to read the book of Ruth, as her appreciation of the Torah led to her conversion to Judaism.

Ruth lived in the country of Moab and was the daughter of the king. Disillusioned by the immorality of her people, she sought a new way of life. She became acquainted with a recently-immigrated Jewish merchant Elimelech and his family. She admired their practices and values, based on the Torah. One of the merchant’s sons fell in love with Ruth and asked her to marry him, under the condition that she convert to Judaism. She willingly did this, even though it also meant losing her royal privileges. Her sister Orpah was equally admiring of this family, and soon married the other brother.

One day, the merchant Elimelech and his two sons tragically died. Elimelech’s widow Naomi turned to her daughters-in-law and said, “I must return to Israel. Go back to your parents’ homes. Perhaps you will find other men to marry.” Ruth clung to Naomi, pleading to go with her with the famous words: “Wherever you go, I will go. Wherever you stay, I will stay. Your people are my people, and your G-d is my G-d.”

Most of us quickly learn that a journey towards a more meaningful life is filled with unexpected challenges. Ruth teaches us that through perseverance and grit, we can reach our desired destination. And Ruth was unexpectedly rewarded for her deeds. She lived long enough to see her great-grandson, King David, who, interestingly, was both born and later passed away during Shavuot.

This week’s Shabbat candle-lighting time is 8:39 p.m. Yom Tov Candle Lighting times for Shavuot are: Tuesday 8:41 p.m. and Wednesday after 9:54 p.m. from a pre-existing flame. Wishing everyone a Shabbat Shalom and an inspiring Shavuot!

Photos from Jewish Family and Child Service's post 06/06/2024

Thank you to everyone who supported this year's Dining at the Diamond event!

It was so nice to be able to celebrate the Jerome D. Diamond Adolescent Centre’s 50th anniversary with our community. Thanks to the generosity and support of our donors and sponsors, we raised $80,000. These funds will be used to enhance mental health support, counselling, and other unique programs at the JDD.

It was a wonderful evening, and everyone enjoyed the delicious food served by Chef Jordan Wagman and all of our incredible volunteer chefs.


Only two more weeks until our client Camp Shop!

JF&CS clients will be coming very soon to pick up brand-new items so that their children have everything they need for summer camp. With your support, we can ensure that every camper has what they need to make lifelong friendships and memories this summer.

To help make this happen, give your Camp Mitzvah Gift today by visiting

Photos from Jewish Family and Child Service's post 06/05/2024

JF&CS is proud to share about the Miles Nadal JCC’s renowned Tikkun Leil Shavuot: All Night Jewish Learning Festival, back for its 16th year! There’s something for everyone at this year’s celebration – a night of community, study, snacking and more.

- 6:30 pm: "50 Days and Counting: The Brodutch Family Story," featuring Avichai Brodutch whose wife and three children were hostages in Gaza for 51 days. (Additional registration required)
- 7:00 pm: “White Night” programs for kids (ages 5-11) and teens (ages 12-16) until 10:30 pm, led by madrichim (counsellors) from Shomria (Additional registration required)
- 7:30 pm: "Opening to Joy,” an hour-long celebration in the Al Green Theatre. (Additional registration required)
- 8:30 pm to sunrise: Our usual snack-session-snack-session-and-repeat pattern all night long.

Free food and event access for all. Registration required for all to attend.
Register here:
For the programs above requiring “Additional registration,” scroll down on the registration page to click and RSVP for your chosen programs.
Visit and click on the Schedule jpeg to view an expandable schedule.

Photos from Jewish Family and Child Service's post 06/04/2024

“It’s important to remember the atrocities of the Holocaust, and just as important to celebrate the resilience and strength of our remaining Survivors, as well as the valuable lessons we can learn from them,” says Talyah Breslin, CEO for JF&CS.

A moving lesson was shared by one of JF&CS’ Holocaust Survivor support team members, who reflected on how many Survivors today frequently express concern for other people in their community or peoples around the world who are experiencing turmoil. So many Survivors express a commitment to see and hear the pain of others, as they remember how many people looked away from them in their time of need.

Today, JF&CS celebrates Holocaust Survivor Day, alongside organizations around the world. This day celebrates the bravery, sacrifices, and inspiring lives of our remaining Survivors. If you wish to assist a low-income Survivor in the GTA, consider contributing toward a gift card so Survivors can purchase dignity items such as toiletries or over-the-counter medications:


May has been Mental Health Awareness Month in Canada. At JF&CS, we have witnessed a concerning increase in stress, anxiety and depression within the Jewish community. In recognition of this important month of awareness, I asked staff from our mental health and wellness team to share what they see as the key contributors to the trends we are seeing. Here is their list, with my own thoughts added in:

1) Rising cost of living in Toronto – Everyone is experiencing heightened anxiety to provide for themselves or their families.

2) Increased isolation during the pandemic – We’re all trying to recover and reconnect after such lengthy periods of isolation.

3) Childhood trauma or relationship trauma – These are common themes for the people we support.

4) Rising antisemitism – Post Oct. 7, many in the Jewish community have experienced significant trauma and fear. Because of the hateful demonization of Jews at encampments and protests at university and college campuses across North America, many Jewish students are placed in situations where they are told to denounce who they are and what they believe to access their classrooms, libraries and food halls. Many JF&CS clients are fearful for themselves and their children. They speak about feeling abandoned by those they previously saw as friends or allies. This is very isolating for people who are often already marginalized and vulnerable.

5) Intergenerational trauma – Many of the clients we support at JF&CS have lived through the tyranny of the N***s and/or persecution in the former Soviet Union. Many of these brave heroes have children and grandchildren who many not have actually lived through these experiences, yet are nonetheless finding themselves triggered by today’s landscape.

As May’s Mental Health Awareness Month comes to a close, it provides an opportunity to highlight JF&CS’ mental health resources that are available year-round to the community. If you are experiencing ongoing stress, panic or trauma, please reach out to our intake team: 416-638-7800 x 6234.

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Videos (show all)

Summertime is upon us! In addition to camp subsidies, we provide campers with a duffle bag filled with all the essential...
Justin shares why it is important to support the JDD and how the program positively impacts the lives of students in the...
As he prepares for over 140 guests to dine at the Diamond in celebration of the JDD’s 50th anniversary, Chef Jordan Wagm...
A Message Written by MJ
Shirley | Giving Tuesday 2023
Meet Sonia. She and her family have received several supports from the agency over the years. Watch the video to hear fr...
JF&CS is proud to be partnering with UJA and our community in a Solidarity Rally for the hostages in downtown Toronto. R...
Clients of Jewish Family and Child Service are extremely grateful for the many services and supports that are available ...
Juneteenth, observed on June 19, marks the end of slavery in the United States. It is also often observed for celebratin...
Join our virtual community by following JF&CS on social media! You can find us on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and You...
March break is upon us, which means plenty of fun activities to fill our time! Whether it’s a craft project, baking some...



4600 Bathurst Street
Toronto, ON

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 4pm

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