TouchDesigner, Toronto, ON Videos

Videos by TouchDesigner in Toronto. TouchDesigner is the most complete authoring tool for building interactive 3D art, visualizations, prototypes and UIs. Derivative makes and supports TouchDesigner and offers their services to do custom production using TouchDesigner.

Repost from @nouses_kou


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Other TouchDesigner videos

Repost from @nouses_kou • 🌱📡♡

Repost from @interactiveimmersivehq • Create a simple, liquid-style feedback effect using the Bloom TOP in TouchDesigner, in this tutorial by @jackdilaura (watch the full video now through the link in our bio!). You’ll work with the Bloom TOP as a means of pre-processing a texture that will have feedback applied to it, as well as a part of the feedback loop itself. You’ll also look at how the Edge TOP can be used to generate organic-like growth in the feedback loop. #interactiveimmersivehq #touchdesigner #madewithtouchdesigner #touchdesignerart #touchdesignervisuals #touchdesignertutorial #interactivemedia #interactiveart #immersivemedia #technology #interactivetech #artandtechnology #newmedia #creativetechnology #feedback #vfx #visuals #digitalart #computerart #digitalmedia #newmediaart @touchdesigner

Repost from • Starting to show some excepts from “Mycelium - natural intelligence” our Audio Video AI performance held at @videocitta 2024. We are grateful to @martinoedenn and @emilcamp for being part of the project. #ultravioletto #AIperformance #AIart #mycelium #myceliumart #liveAIperformance #AIperformance #AVperformance #live #livemusic #roma #music #videocittà #digitalart #audiovisual #touchdesigner

Repost from @spectra__studio • PHOTON is a series of kinetic light sculptures inspired by the quantum essence of light: particles and waves. Through real-time simulation, we created PHOTON-QUASAR, an exploration of alternative sculptural forms with kinetic light in 3D. By layering the sculptures, we experiment with the possibilities of cascading light that result in dynamic, evolving patterns. #spectrastudio #kineticsculpture #interactiveart #unrealengine #touchdesigner #realtime

Repost from @thenodeinstitute • WEDNESDAY July 24th / Audio-Reactive Point Cloud Visuals In this module, Ploypapus Phosri, aka Ployz (@plyzitron), a Berlin based multimedia designer with a background in motion and 3D design, will introduce participants to creating audio-reactive point clouds animations ✨ Ployz will share her workflow, an insight into how she iterates through different parameters of a specific technique to generate a diverse aesthetic outcome, and how to create an aesthetic for social media 🔥 👉 Find out more and enroll in the link in bio [] #touchdesigner #pointcloud #howto #audioreactive #3dvisuals #generativedesign #genart #artistsinberlin

Repost from @livingsparks • I’ve integrating an LLM captioning model into Touchdesigner and the results are incredible… 💥 Watch as it transform images into captivating captions and dark poetry Still in beta, but I’m already blown away by the potential, Wait for it… @touchdesigner #LLM #AI #Touchdesigner #beta #imagetotext #poetry #captiongenerator

I’ve created an optimized ONNX model loader that accelerates image preprocessing on the GPU using TOPs. ⚡ Inference is lightning-fast thanks to NumPy-optimized Python ScriptTOPs. With YOLO, UltraFace (that is already running at 50-60 FPS on a 3080Ti) Next, GPT2 for real-time text processing. 💬 Processing and tracking 100 faces in real-time, all within the native @touchdesigner environment 👉 Want to collaborate on a mind-blowing video project? If you’re a video creator, let’s chat! DM me to share your ideas. What video subjects would you be curious to see powered by real-time AI? Let me know in the comments! 👇 #TouchDesigner #MachineLearning #ONNX #RealTimeProcessing #AI #VideoProduction #Collaboration

Repost from @interactiveimmersivehq • Explore the features of the ZED 2i camera and learn what to do when using it for first time in this latest tutorial (link is in our bio!). Marco (@reflekkt_) shares his recent experience using the ZED 2i camera for a show, and why you should always properly research equipment before using it. #interactiveimmersivehq #zedcamera #zed2i #3d #sensor #touchdesigner #learntouchdesigner #learnTD #installation #interactivity #depthsensing #depthmapping #ai #3dcamera #motiontracking #interactive #immersivemedia #immersiveart #interactivetech #technology #artandtechnology

Repost from @quiet_ensemble • Nebula; from dust to the cosmos Ci ritroviamo al cuore di un’architettura telescopica, il Gazometro, una struttura maestosa che si innalza verso il firmamento come una gigantesca lente di ingrandimento puntata sul cosmo. Con i piedi ben fermi a terra, increspando con il nostro peso la ghiaia, i sassolini e la polvere sotto di noi, smuovendo rocce-montagne per gli insetti e devastando ciuffi d’erba-foreste per i microscopici animali. Generando nuovi mondi con un semplice passo, guardiamo in alto verso l’infinito, immaginando mondi altri ed immensi sottovalutando così invece, l’immensità del microcosmo sotto di noi. Il desiderio è quello di suggerire al pubblico non solo l’immensità del cosmo sopra di noi, ma anche la grandezza di ciò che già abbiamo sotto i nostri occhi, ogni giorno. Nebula è uno spettacolo luminoso della durata di 15 minuti, rappresenta il percorso di un ipotetico viaggiatore cosmico che parte dalla crosta terrestre e viaggia alla velocità della luce. Un esploratore celeste che, per un istante, sfiora le fronde degli alberi, attraversa le nuvole, si perde in una nebula per un attimo, attraversa il vuoto dello spazio incontrando stelle morenti o appena nate, si riflette in un quark accecante prima di scomparire, inghiottito da un immenso buco nero, per poi atterrare su un singolo puntino: un granello splendente, forse un sole, forse una galassia lontana o forse una lucciola appena spiccata il volo. “Come un granello di polvere catapultato nella tempesta, la galassia e il nostro concetto di immenso.” - Laser programming; @livingsparks Video; @asomethingsurprising #touchdesigner

Repost from @christian_brinkmann_ • New Plant, New Art! 🌿 Taking my setup outside for the first time to explore different plants. It’s fascinating to see the unique patterns and melodies each plant creates. Can’t wait to continue exploring the blend of nature and technology in different ways. • Visuals made with: @touchdesigner Audio made with: @kilohearts Biofeedback with: • • • New Work: @creativecodeart • #touchdesigner #plantmusic #plantartist #audiovisual #newmediaart #phaseplant #plantwave #digitalart #digitalekunst #kunsthamburg #plantlife #generativeart #creativecodeart #realtime #arduino #experimentalart #plantsofinstagram #kunstinstallation #twentytwohalo #nature

Repost from @mickeyvanolst • Join me this Wednesday for a workshop at @thenodeinstitute Where I’ll show you how to get creative with #chainGPU and Stable Diffusion in @touchdesigner We’ll be creating our own AI-generated panoramic scene and learn how to build this into a rich and volumetric 3D scene. Hope to see you there! All details at @thenodeinstitute #touchdesigner #stablediffusion #ai #generativeart

Repost from @darien.brito • Playing with POPs, the new family operator in TouchDesigner. As a study, I decided to make a little homage to one of my favorite tracks: “Plonked Spectral” by @richarddevine I recreated the awesome album artwork made by Valentin Rodriguez (DMAS3™) and made it audio-reactive, using only POPs when possible. . . . . Made in #touchdesigner . . . . #generative #generativeart #generativedesign #generativegraphics #creativecoding #creativecoder #algorithmicart #algorithmicdesign #artistsoninstagram #procedural #proceduralart #artxcode #computerart #digitalart #newmediaart #codeart #realtime #shaders #shader #glsl #digitalart

Repost from • #暑期工作營 #TouchDesigner互動設計 🔥五天密集工作營,讓你成為互動媒體設計達人🔥 想親手創作令人驚豔的互動裝置嗎? 「TouchDesigner 互動媒體設計工作營」是你的不二選擇! 這場為期五天的暑期工作營,結合科技藝術與互動設計,將引領學員使用當今全球最主流的多媒體互動軟體 TouchDesigner,透過基礎軟體訓練、各式數位設計方法及科技媒材的應用,快速且深入地探索互動媒體設計的世界,並享受創作與實驗的樂趣! ⭐課程亮點⭐ #頂尖導師陣容 由新媒體藝術家蔡秉樺、盧卡.博納科爾西(Luca Bonaccorsi)和江俊毅親自授課,帶領學員深入探索音像藝術、互動裝置、燈光藝術等三大創作領域。 #實作導向學習 結合基礎軟體訓練與數位設計方法,讓學員能夠即時上手,實現自己的創意與想法。 #專題創作與展示 學員將分組完成互動媒體作品,並在導師指導下展示,以獲得實戰經驗與專業反饋。 👨‍💻報名資格 全國大專院校大一(含)以上在學生,含學碩博應屆畢業生 ※限額 20 名 📌日期與時間 8月台北場:8/26(一)- 8/30(五) 09:00-16:00(中午休息1小時,總計 30 小時) ⏰早鳥優惠,即日起至 8/2 止 - NT$ 16500 / 一人 - 兩人同行:NT$ 15600 / 一人 - 三人以上:NT$ 14850 / 一人 工作營熱烈招生中,報名連結👇 #Touchdesigner #互動設計 #燈光藝術 #互動裝置 #音像藝術 #新媒體藝術 #科技藝術 #BLND創意設計 #BLNDacademy #newmediaart #interactivedesign #lightart #audiovisual #interactiveinstallation

Repost from @thenodeinstitute • WEDNESDAY JULY 10 @ 6pm UTC+2 / Control and Map lasers with @touchdesigner Lasers allow us to create and transform spaces beyond the screen. Highly focused beams of light, capable of traversing long distances with almost no divergence making them ideal for outdoor projection mapping events 😍 Lasers can be manipulated to create dynamic effects such as moving patterns, pulsating lights, or even three-dimensional illusions ⭕ Your instructor Moritz Hilscher shows you how to use TouchDesigner to create with lasers and map them ✨ Moritz (aka kummevisuals) works with LaserAnimation Sollinger GmbH (@laseranimationsollinger), one of the leading developers and manufacturers of laser systems for art, shows, and entertainment. Based in Berlin, LaserAnimation Sollinger systems stand for quality, highest precision, and reliability. Having been used in many iconic productions, they are widely regarded as the best lasers for artistic applications. 🗓️Don’t miss the live class online 👉 Register in the link in bio [] 🎥: Videos filmed by @harshinijk_ showing installation by at End of Nation’s last year. Lasers provided by @laseranimationsollinger #touchdesigner #liveshow #lasermapping #laserlight #laserlightshow #performances

Repost from @asker • HYPERTECH * IMMERSIVE * EXPERIENTIAL * INTERACTIVE * HOLOGRAPHIC... | We are cooking a new groundbreaking project. | WOA Studio* | | | | #immersiveexperience #experiencedesign #holographic #touchdesigner #interactiveart #immersiveart #hitech #creativetechnology #woastudio #milano #roma

Repost from @tugrulsalci • Cybernetic Flora [2409] #generativeai #generativeart #lsystem #stablediffusion #touchdesigner #artificialintelligence #noise #aiart #symbiosis #ai

Repost from @oribenshabat • Initial tests with the Puppet’s Rig!! 🤩 the setup has a front monitor plane (in Vr) - so I know where the camera is and what it sees 📷 Playing with the Grab/Lock/Release controller mechanism ;) ✨✨✨ #digitalpuppet #touchdesigner #realtime #digitalart

Repost from @collectifscale • 👍💥⚡️report of our second round at @bulle.festival on June 8th . With @zimmermusic . Chateau de chapton 🇫🇷. . . . . . . . . . @touchdesigner @mad_mapper #stagelighting #stagedesign #interavtiveinstallation #lightinstallation #lasermapping #kineticlight #kineticinstallation #creativecode #creativecodeart #liveelectronicmusic #lightdesign

Repost from @aka_chang • PTCLEDGE (Line of Life) Made with @touchdesigner & “🧡” . #timebasedart #pointcloud #audiovisualart #touchdesigner #particlesystem #digitalabstract #mediaart #creativecoding #modernabstract #digitalabstract #vjing #livevisuals #realtimevisual

Repost from @maotik • TREE OF LIFE Etang de Rédange, France Production : @larche_arts . . . . . . #generativeart #digitalart #mapping #mappingprojection #touchdesigner #maotik #generative #soundgranulation #projection #glsl #codeart #newmedia #newmediaart #newmediaartist #immersive #immersiveart #immersiveexperience #immersiveexperiences #digitalgallery #digitalexhibition #experience #experiences #artandtechnology #artsandculture