
TouchDesigner is the most complete authoring tool for building interactive 3D art, visualizations, prototypes and UIs.

Derivative makes and supports TouchDesigner and offers their services to do custom production using TouchDesigner. TouchDesigner is a visual development platform that equips you with the tools you need to create stunning realtime projects and rich user experiences. Whether you're creating interactive media systems, architectural projections, live music visuals, or simply rapid-prototyping your lat

Photos from TouchDesigner's post 07/22/2024

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In CICIC, multiple forms and patterns emerge from the different combinations of simple waves.


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Côme share your news, drink a cold beer and enjoy summer with us! 18.30 at POPUP du Label

Photos from TouchDesigner's post 07/18/2024

Repost from .sg

recuerdos de la residencia y conversatorio de infranet

generación de universos fractales


lux dynamics
mapa comun


Photos from TouchDesigner's post 07/18/2024

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💌 구석구석 문화배달 7월 워크숍 Ⅱ

2024 문화가 있는 날 의
7월 워크숍 Ⅱ - TouchDesigner를 소개합니다! 🧡

📌 워크숍
[TouchDesigner 터치디자이너를 활용한 기후 데이터 시각화] ㅣ 2시간(👩‍🏫 강사: 카로 .rain)

💬 워크숍 소개
TouchDesigner는 비주얼 프로그래밍 언어이자 환경입니다. TouchDesigner의 특징은 비주얼 프로그래밍 언어, 즉노드 기반 언어인 것입니다. 텍스트 문서를 열고 코드를 입력하는 대신,Touch Designer 의 그래픽 인터페이스를 사용합니다. 노드(Touch Designer에서는 오퍼레이터라고 부릅니다.)를 연결하여 오디오 비주얼 퍼포먼스, 인터랙티브 미디어 아트, 데이터 시각화, 무대 조명 컨트롤 등을 만들 수 있습니다. 작업이 모든 단계 시각적으로 확인 가능한 인터페이스 덕분에, 프로그래머 뿐 만 아니라 디자이너, 아티스트, 연구원 등 다양한 배경의 사람들도 쉽게 접근하고 직접원하는 결과물 만들 수 있습니다. 이번 워크숍에서는 기후 데이터를 사용하여 미니 예제를 통해 다양한 형태의 데이터 시각화를 해보며 TouchDesigner를 소개합니다.

👩‍🏫 강사: 카로(.rain)
카로(Caroline Reize)는 오디오 비주얼 퍼포먼스와 인터랙티브 설치 작업을 하는 뉴미디어 아티스트이자 터치디자이너 교육자이다. 현대자동차그룹의 ZER01NE , 한국콘텐츠진흥원 , 국립아시아문화전당 전시 등에 참여하였다. 세종대학교 및 국립아시아문화전당에서 터치디자이너 워크숍과 강의를 진행하며, 유튜브 채널과 블로그를 통해 사용자 커뮤니티를 키우는 데에 노력하고 있다.

📆 워크숍 일정
08. 01.(목)~08. 02.(금) 16시~18시

🙋‍♂️🙋‍♀️ 모집대상: 터치디자이너, 미디어아트 혹은 데이터 시각화에 관심 있는 사람 누구나

📍 워크숍 장소: 국립기상과학원 교류협력실 (서호중앙로 145)

📢 준비물
· 2023.11340 버전의 이후의 터치디자이너가 설치되어 있는 노트북 (Mac 혹은 Windows)
(설치: - Non-Commercial 버전은 무료로 사용가능합니다.)
· 쓰리 버튼 마우스

✅ 참여 신청
🔸 이벤터스(
※ 상단 프로필 링크 확인

📸 자료제공: WeSA


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Episode 21!!!!! Is here and we have a real life intelligence joining us
and he’s bringing the real life artificial intelligence with him!!!

Lyell is the mastermind behind the stream diffusion tool for (among many other tools) allowing for realtime stable diffusion AI art creation.

We have a super awesome conversation around AI, touch deisgener, development, theater, generative art, creating community tools and much much more!!

For Mr. Simulates SET we dive into his Streamdiffusion tool and his GPT tool, getting some really interesting insights and a look at some up and coming features!

Come join us for the premiere tomorrow at 6pm EST!

Photos from TouchDesigner's post 07/15/2024

NYC TouchDesigners! TouchIn NYC will take place on August 3rd, 2024, 10am at with presentations and an after party! Reserve your spot at the Eventbrite link in bio ⚡️

TouchIn NYC is a celebration, exploration, and discussion of all things TouchDesigner. We will be bringing together artists, performers, educators, and makers from all different corners of the TouchDesigner Ecosystem. This mini conference will take place throughout the day of Saturday the 3rd with talks and presentations on a variety of timely TD topics.

From Toronto, Derivative crew Isabelle Rousset, Greg Hermanovic, and Ben Voigt will also be in attendance.

Featured Presenters Include:
Evan Clark
Laura Frank
Georgios Cherouvim
Jennifer Deafenbaugh and Pete Thornbury
Torin Blankensmith
Gabe Liberti
Volvox Labs
Pujarini Ghosh
Andrew Sun
Jessica Reisch
Meggie Weinheimer
Massive thanks to the VVOX team for organizing and super excited to all our NYC friends soon . Don’t forget to register! Link in Bio.

Photos from TouchDesigner's post 07/11/2024

🔥🔥 in the Derivative Showcase, In Pictures, a Review of the TouchDesigner Event Berlin 2024!

It feels like just yesterday we were in Berlin, surrounded by our TouchDesigner friends and family. Seeing all those shiny, happy faces from our wonderful community filled us with immense joy and gratitude.

From a (Big Surprise) workshop day where the new TouchDesigner operator family POPs was announced and participants given the opportunity to explore and test-drive the new features, to 2 days of rich and diverse presentations and knowledge-sharing at HOLON, complemented by two incredible evenings of inspired entertainment at a couple of our favourite Berlin venues: Studio 11:11 and MONOPOL Berlin - it was such a remarkable event!

A massive and heart-felt dankeschön to everyone who came out - participants and presenters alike, to our volunteers, event partners and gracious hosts, without you we’d have no community and likely no software either 😜 More on all of this at the link in bio >>

.berlin .studio


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Hi NYC Touchdesigners! We have an update on the schedule for the next event. TouchIn NYC will take place on August 3rd, 2024 at 11am with:

Kick-off talk ( Derivative + Volvox )
Rapid Fire Talks
Artists Panel
Gallery opening showcase + Celebrations

We will also share the list of speakers and rapid-fire presenters next week 👏

Registration for the event will be open next week, please save the date in your calendars! 🔥

Photos from TouchDesigner's post 07/08/2024

Repost from .to

Ieri la nostra nuova performance “Mycelium - natural intelligence” ha debuttato a , un’esperienza che ci ha dato tante emozioni davanti ad un pubblico super e che ha chiesto anche il bis :)

Un ringraziamento speciale a e che hanno messo tutta la loro professionalità ed entusiasmo nel progetto.

shooting, the best 🫶🏻

Live performed with

Photos from TouchDesigner's post 07/06/2024

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Entangled Structures at Mapping Festival 2024

It was a great experience to screen and perform Entangled Structures at this year‘s edition of Mapping Festival in Geneva. Originally conceived as a fulldome piece, the work was adapted to the Syllepse tank, a very unique immersive space at Jardin des Nations.

Entangled Structures benefited from the Catalyst 360° programme delivered by in partnership with .


Photos from TouchDesigner's post 07/04/2024

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Really great to play in Belgium for the first time, for


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Did you hear there’s a new operator family coming to TouchDesigner? 👀

According to Derivative, the last time a new operator family was added to the program was back in 2005, so this is big news!

The new family will be called Point Operators (POPs for short), and are focused on manipulating 3D data like points, polygons, primitives, and more on the GPU.

Take a look at what we know so far about the new POP family of operators in our new blog post at the link in our bio 🔗

Photos from TouchDesigner's post 07/03/2024

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Our Summer Season of TouchDesigner Intermediates continues! Here are the classes to look forward to ☀️

🗓️Coming up — WEDNESDAY JULY 3RD
Python in TouchDesigner with Daniel Molnar (aka .str)

Understanding how to use Python in TouchDesigner to solve problems more efficiently and elegantly can lead to a better node architecture and more creative possibilities, as well as allowing you to build your own custom tools. You can also bring in outside Python libraries to expand what you can do with TouchDesigner beyond its base features.

Learn with .str 👉 register in the link in bio

Photos from TouchDesigner's post 07/03/2024

New Feature in the Derivative Showcase

ROTOЯ | Sonic Body is a multimedia work by artist collective NO1 comprised of Peter Kutin, Patrik Lechner, Mathias Lenz.

At the core of the piece is the rotor, a loudspeaker sculpture that spins at varying speeds, modulating a minimalist composition. Real-time digital textures are projected onto the rotor using 3D mapping, creating a hologram-like effect. As the object accelerates, it becomes a blur of lines, colors, surfaces, and sounds. Throughout the performance, the interplay of object, audio, and projection creates a dynamic multimedia experience, blending reality with virtuality and producing a mesmerizing three-dimensional effect.

It’s an amazing work in all of its parts that comes together to present a thrilling, all-senses-on-full-alert experience that we urge you to see live if the opportunity presents itself, till then read more in the Showcase.я-sonic-body/68996

Photos from TouchDesigner's post 07/02/2024

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Touchdesigner Event Berlin 2024

At the end of May, I had a short presentation at the Touchdesigner Event Berlin 2024. It was a pleasure to share my story and meet many TD users in person. I will miss you all and hope to see you again!


Paris TouchDesigner Meet Up 06/12/2024

Meetup TouchDesigner Paris ! Nous sommes très heureux de voir que cela se produit, surtout après nos rassemblements TouchDesigner à Berlin et Amsterdam il y a un mois et souhaitons remercier Studio pour l'organisation ! Vous pouvez obtenir votre billet sur ce lien et nous vous le recommandons bien sûr.

TouchDesigner meetup Paris, yes! We are very happy to see this is happening especially after our TouchDesigner gatherings in Berlin and Amsterdam a month ago and want to thank Studio for organizing! You can get your ticket at this link and we of course recommend.

Paris TouchDesigner Meet Up Rejoignez-nous le 20 juin 2024 chez OVVO Studio pour le lancement des rencontres régulières TouchDesigner à Paris !


Harvey Moon is a new media artist who explores the intersection of technology and perception and the founder of Spectra Studio. The studio builds custom software, electronics, and kinetic systems to extend our understanding of the world and the ways in which technology mediates our lives.

In his talk "Sustainable Systems" Harvey will delve into Spectra Studio's approach to building sustainable systems with a specific focus on the PrimeFrame platform developed using TouchDesigner. He will explore the practical strategies employed to reuse and rebuild tools, thereby averting burnout and fortifying foundations. Harvey will elucidate how this platform approach aligns with the overarching philosophy guiding his work, emphasizing collaboration, community-building, and finding joy in the process.

More info:


Singer, performer and electronic music producer creates audio-visual live music performances that reimagine the world of live electronica, visual arts and choreography. The application of real-time motion capture technology allows her to use the movement of her body to control all electronic sounds and visuals as she moves around the stage.

Chagall will present the system behind her reactive light installation B.A.B.Y. (Bionic Assistant for Becoming Yourself) that she operates live with motion sensors on her body and hands. With a live demo she will show her workflow of turning her movements into an array of audiovisual effects and talk about the key artistic as well as practical considerations it took to get this complex one-woman show on the road.

Full program >>


Our next presenter Stanislav Glazov is a Berlin-based audiovisual artist, producer and live performer who is also well-known for founding the Hou2Touch Online School and for his TouchDesigner workshops.

Stanislav’s talk “Puristic Stable Diffusion Integration into TouchDesigner” will give a detailed walk-through on building heavy processing components inside of the Script TOP and Engine COMP. Half a year ago, with Vadim Epstein, Hou2Touch launched their first online course on AI/ML methods in visuals. To demonstrate the capabilities of the Stable Diffusion library, a goal was set to not use access to external web servers as other authors did, but to truly run Stable Diffusion within TouchDesigner. Difficulties were encountered, as presently python inside the ScriptTOP is not designed to process data at a speed far from real-time. Nevertheless, they were able to achieve success and continue to develop the AI pipeline inside TouchDesigner. In this presentation Stanislav will show their development and talk about the methods used, which allowed them to bypass the existing restrictions.

Full program


Simon Alexander-Adams (aka ) perhaps best known for his daily sketching practice of over six years, is a multimedia artist and designer specializing in real-time generative art, interactive installations and audiovisual performances.

Simon’s presentation in Berlin is titled “The Art of TouchDesigner Games” and here’s the description. Sometimes traditional game engines don’t cut it. TouchDesigner enables rapid prototyping and diverse interoperability making it a unique platform for creating gamified interactive and immersive experiences. When it comes to integrating sensors, complex display outputs, lighting control, or Ableton Live, TouchDesigner excels, but what goes into connecting these to a game? This presentation discusses the state logic required for building basic games, while touching on some specific solutions in mini-games I’ve created, both in the context of interactive installations, and in my daily sketching practice. We’ll touch on techniques for using pointclouds in movement based games, integrating TDAbleton for sound effects and music games, and some sneaky collision detection techniques.

Check out the full program>


TouchDesigner meetup Ottawa, happening Thursday May 9th at Artengine. Come share your projects and and meet with other TouchDesigner enthusiasts in your region! More info:


Register today to bring your interactive designs to the next level with an exclusive TouchDesigner Workshop at Digi Lab at this year’s edition of MICRO MUTEK.AE. Brought to you by , Heckmann will explore different approaches to creating content for full-dome environments using the tools available in TouchDesigner.

Limited slots are available, secure your spot now! (


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Register today to bring your interactive designs to the next level with an exclusive TouchDesigner Workshop at Digi Lab at this year’s edition of MICRO MUTEK.AE. Brought to you by , Heckmann will explore different approaches to creating content for full-dome environments using the tools available in TouchDesigner.

Limited slots are available, secure your spot now! (Link in Bio)


Going to MMapping Festivalthis year? Register for this 8hr beginner workshop with Colas Fiszman!


Tickets for the TouchDesigner Event Berlin 2024 have reached full capacity but we have started a waitlist in case of cancellations. To join the waitlist, please add your name and contact details to this form

Additionally, if you've secured a ticket but find you won't be able to attend, please inform us promptly. This will allow us to offer your spot to another eager participant.

For those unable to join us in person, you will be able to watch a livestream of the full daytime program on The NODE Institute's YouTube channel and join the discussion virtually.

Day 1 / May 22nd / WED / 10 AM :

Day 2 / May 23rd / THUR / 10 AM :

Furthermore, all presentations will be recorded and later shared on the TouchDesigner YouTube channel for your viewing convenience.​​

ee you in Berlin, in person or online!​​


Tickets for the TouchDesigner Event Berlin 2024 are now on sale, and we're thrilled to share the full program featuring a lineup of exciting day and night events.

In a nutshell: Day 1 will be a separately ticketed workshop day, offering limited capacity seats exclusively for conference attendees. Days 2 & 3 will feature a daytime program of presentations from the community at our event partner Monomango's wonderful HOLON event space. These knowledge-sharing days will be complemented by two unforgettable evenings of inspired entertainment at uniquely Berlin venues: an Immersive VJ night at Studio 1111 and an Open Dragons night at the iconic MONOPOL Berlin.

We extend a special shoutout and heartfelt thanks to all of our presenters and to our event partner, The NODE Institute, for their hard work in bringing this event to fruition.

Head to the link for the complete program and to secure your tickets. We look forward to seeing you in Berlin soon!


Mark your calendars! 📅 Tickets for the TouchDesigner Event Berlin 2024 will be available for purchase starting Monday, April 15th at 12:00 PM EST and 6:00 PM CET. Get ready to grab your spot and for the unveiling of the complete program.


We're thrilled to unveil the impressive lineup of presenters who will be joining us for the TouchDesigner Event Berlin 2024. With a wealth of TouchDesigner talent and expertise to be shared over just two days, we're in for a very enriching experience!

As always, these events are intended to share new work and ideas, inspire and educate, and simply to gather in person for intensive TouchDesigner community time.

Stay tuned as we finalize the full program, but for now, allow us to introduce our presenters:

Simon Alexander Adams
Oliver Ellmers
Roy Gerritsen
Tim Gerritsen
Stanislav Glazov Glazov AudioVisual
Greg Hermanovic
Ildar Iakubov
Aurelian Ionus Paketa12
Keith Lostracco Keith Lostracco
Harvey Moon
Kamil Nawratil Kamil Nawratil
Soyun Park Soyunparrrk
Bileam Tschepe Elekktronaut - Audiovisual Art & Design
Chagall van den Berg
Mickey van Olst Mickey van Olst
Weidi Zhang Weidi Zhang

Supported by and in partnership with MONOMANGO, the event takes at the HOLON space, made possible through the diligent efforts and expertise of our event partner, The NODE Institute. Tickets go on sale early April. More info here >


Si vous avez un billet pour notre événement TouchIn MTL du 28 mars et que vous ne pouvez pas y assister, veuillez le renvoyer à Eventbrite afin que nous puissions le passer sur la liste d’attente. Merci!

If you have a ticket to our TouchIn MTL event March 28th and are unable to attend, please release it back to Eventbrite so we can pass on to waitlist. Thank you!

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Videos (show all)

Repost from @nouses_kou•🌱📡♡
Repost from @interactiveimmersivehq•Create a simple, liquid-style feedback effect using the Bloom TOP in TouchDesigner, ...
Repost from•Starting to show some excepts from “Mycelium - natural intelligence” our Audio Video AI perf...
Repost from @spectra__studio•PHOTON is a series of kinetic light sculptures inspired by the quantum essence of light: pa...
Repost from @thenodeinstitute•WEDNESDAY July 24th / Audio-Reactive Point Cloud VisualsIn this module, Ploypapus Phosri, ...
Repost from @livingsparks•I’ve integrating an LLM captioning model into Touchdesigner and the results are incredible… 💥W...
I’ve created an optimized ONNX model loader that accelerates image preprocessing on the GPU using TOPs. ⚡ Inference is l...
Repost from @interactiveimmersivehq•Explore the features of the ZED 2i camera and learn what to do when using it for fir...
Repost from @quiet_ensemble•Nebula; from dust to the cosmosCi ritroviamo al cuore di un’architettura telescopica, il Gaz...
Repost from @christian_brinkmann_•New Plant, New Art! 🌿Taking my setup outside for the first time to explore different p...
Repost from @mickeyvanolst•Join me this Wednesday for a workshop at @thenodeinstitute Where I’ll show you how to get cre...
Repost from @darien.brito•Playing with POPs, the new family operator in TouchDesigner. As a study, I decided to make a l...


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