Finch West LRT, Toronto, ON Videos

Videos by Finch West LRT in Toronto. 11 km of modern light rail transit on Finch Ave W between Keele St and Humber College.

Take a look at the progress on the concourse level at Finch West Station since last summer 🔨🚆
Jetez un coup d'œil aux progrès réalisés au niveau du hall de la station Finch West depuis l'été dernier 🔨🚆.

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Other Finch West LRT videos

Take a look at the progress on the concourse level at Finch West Station since last summer 🔨🚆 . . . Jetez un coup d'œil aux progrès réalisés au niveau du hall de la station Finch West depuis l'été dernier 🔨🚆.

Summer is here and the green roof at the Finch West Maintenance and Storage Facility is in full bloom! . . . L'été est là et le toit vert de l'installation de maintenance et de stockage de Finch West est en pleine floraison!

Curious what’s happening inside the all new Finch West station? Here’s a sneak peek! . . . Curieux de savoir ce qui se passe à l’intérieur de la toute nouvelle station Finch West? Voici un aperçu!

In the last year, a ton of progress has been made on the exterior of Humber College Station. Take a look and see where things stood a year ago, versus where things stand today! . . . Au cours de l'année écoulée, des progrès considérables ont été réalisés sur l'extérieur de la station Humber College. Jetez un coup d'œil et voyez où en étaient les choses il y a un an et où elles en sont aujourd'hui!

Take a look at the overhead catenary cable at Finch West Station 🔋🚆 . . . Jetez un coup d’œil au câble de la caténaire aérienne à la station Finch West 🔋🚆

Our state-of-the-art light rail vehicle simulator is getting the next generation of operators ready for the road🚊 . . . Notre simulateur de véhicule léger sur rail à la fine pointe de la technologie prépare la prochaine génération d’opérateurs pour la route 🚊

We're giving you a front row seat to the testing of light rail vehicles happening along the Finch West LRT 🚆 Once complete, this project will be a game changer for transit in Northwest Toronto - with service as frequent as every 5 minutes . . . Nous vous donnons un siège au premier rang pour les essais de véhicules légers sur rail qui se déroulent le long du TLR Finch West 🚆. Une fois terminé, ce projet changera la donne pour le transport en commun dans le nord-ouest de Toronto - avec un service aussi fréquent que toutes les 5 minutes.

Significant progress and construction milestones continue to take place for the Finch West LRT project. This is a major milestone which brings the Finch West LRT closer to completion and opening. The most recent and notable being the first ever test trip by Finch West LRT vehicles across the full alignment, with trains being able to safely reach speeds of up to 60 km/h. For more, click here: . . . D’importants progrès et jalons de construction continuent d’être réalisés pour le projet de TLR Finch West. Il s’agit d’une étape importante qui rapproche le TLR Finch West de l’achèvement et de l’ouverture. Le plus récent et le plus remarquable étant le tout premier voyage d’essai de véhicules de TLR Finch West sur tout le tracé, les trains pouvant atteindre en toute sécurité des vitesses allant jusqu’à 60 km/h. . Pour en savoir plus, cliquez ici:

Did you know the new Finch West LRT will use electric power? 🔌 This will provide riders with a more sustainable way to travel, as well as reduce noise pollution and greenhouse gas emissions!

This #TransformationTuesday, check out the incredible progress along Albion Rd to Martin Grove over the last year! Testing and commissioning works continue.

Have you seen the Finch West LRV's testing along the alignment? 🚈 Ever wonder how they stay so clean? Check out this clip that takes you inside the Wash Bay at the Maintenance and Storage Facility!

Duncanwoods Drive Progress
Check out the incredible transformation that happened at Duncanwoods Drive in just one year!

Finch West LRT Vehicles
Did you know? The new Finch West LRT vehicles are 48 metres in length. That's about one-tenth as tall as The CN Tower! Vehicles have the capacity to carry 144 people seated or 300 people standing.

Exciting update! Last week, we shared that the Finch West LRV took its first trip to Humber College 🎉 Check out the video capturing this exciting milestone 🚆

Introducing the new Finch West LRV Vehicles! 🚆 Convenient, fast, and reliable transit is coming to northwest Toronto with arrivals expected every 5 minutes during peak hours. Take a look inside!

#DYK LRV testing is now taking place on Finch Avenue West? Never attempt to approach an LRV being tested, and follow all signage and turning restrictions when driving in the area. ---- #Saviez-vous? Les essais de VLR sont en cours sur l’avenue Finch Ouest. Ne jamais s’approcher d’un VLR pendant qu’il est mis à l’essai et respecter toutes les restrictions de signalisation est essentiel lorsque vous conduisez dans le secteur.

Humber College Station Structural Completion
Humber College Station has reached structural completion! With all steel and concrete work done, teams have turned towards fitting out the interior of the station, as shown in this new video. To learn more about structural completion and what's next at Humber College Station, check out this article from Metrolinx News:

Schools are back, which means more people out on the roads. Remember to exercise caution when driving, cycling or walking #Safety