CPA Canada, Toronto, ON Videos

Videos by CPA Canada in Toronto. Representing the Canadian accounting profession nationally and globally. La voix de la profession comptable canadienne au pays et à l’étranger.

Warm wishes to all this holiday season! Whatever your plans may be, we wish you all a safe and relaxing break with your loved ones, and a happy and healthy holiday season!

Meilleurs vœux du temps des Fêtes! Quels que soient vos projets, profitez bien du long congé pour vous ressourcer en compagnie de vos proches. Passez de joyeuses Fêtes dans la santé et dans la joie!

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Warm wishes to all this holiday season! Whatever your plans may be, we wish you all a safe and relaxing break with your loved ones, and a happy and healthy holiday season! ****************** Meilleurs vœux du temps des Fêtes! Quels que soient vos projets, profitez bien du long congé pour vous ressourcer en compagnie de vos proches. Passez de joyeuses Fêtes dans la santé et dans la joie!

À l’occasion de la Journée internationale de la comptabilité, Tareq Hadhad, chef de la direction de Peace By Chocolate, raconte comment l’entreprise de chocolat familiale, qui a dû être abandonnée en Syrie, est devenue une entreprise prospère au Canada, grâce à l’aide fournie par des CPA. Son expérience illustre à merveille comment les conseils stratégiques de CPA peuvent guider les entrepreneurs dans les méandres du système financier et réglementaire. Bonne Journée internationale de la comptabilité à tous nos membres, et merci pour tout ce que vous faites!

In honour of International Accounting Day, Peace By Chocolate CEO Tareq Hadhad, shares how local CPAs helped rebuild the family chocolate business he left behind in Syria into a successful Canadian company. His experience celebrates how the strategic advice provided by CPAs can serve as a lifeline for entrepreneurs trying to navigate financial and regulatory system. Happy International Accounting Day and thank you to our members for all you do!

How do you cultivate agility and adaptability in times of constant change? What do leaders need to consider now, where everyone has so much power at their fingertips to accelerate growth and change? Keynote speaker Lital Marom, a thought leader on digital transformation and agile leadership, will address these questions at The ONE Conference in Halifax on Sept 12-13th.

Armand Capisciolto, chair of Canada’s Accounting Standards Board, considers what’s ahead for the profession and offers advice on how CPAs can be ready to take on tomorrow’s challenges. You can hear more from Armand at The ONE conference this September.

CPA Canada est fière du partenariat qu’elle vient de conclure avec le Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA). Nous tenons à remercier le CIMA ainsi que les ordres des provinces, des territoires et des Bermudes pour leur esprit de corps tout au long du processus. Un tel accord favorise la mobilité des CPA. Tant les membres actuels que les nouveaux CPA ont maintenant accès à un plus grand nombre de possibilités de carrière dans le monde, puisqu’ils pourront mettre à profit leur expertise élargie dans des domaines comme la comptabilité publique (l’expertise comptable), la gestion de la performance et la finance. De même, le protocole d’entente permettra aux entreprises canadiennes d’avoir accès à un plus grand bassin de talents en comptabilité de gestion, où les membres du CIMA auront la possibilité d’apporter une valeur ajoutée accrue. Pour en savoir plus sur le partenariat et les possibilités qu’il offre :

CPA Canada is proud to formally partner with Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA). We would like to thank CIMA and the provincial, territorial and Bermudian CPA bodies for their partnership throughout this process. Agreements like this one enhance the mobility of the CPA designations. Current members and new CPAs now have access to more career opportunities around the world because of their ability to utilize their wider expertise in areas such as public accounting, performance management and finance. Likewise, the MOU will allow Canadian businesses access to a deeper pool of management accounting talent, where CIMA members have the opportunity to add greater value to the organizations they serve. Read more about the partnership and these opportunities here:

Erin Kelly, CPA, CEO & President of Advanced Symbolics Inc., gave us some insights into smart applications of data and valuable career advice for CPAs. Want to learn more? CPA Canada is currently offering an Advanced Data Management Certificate Program specifically for CPAs in industry.

Jacob Taylor founded Indigenous Aerospace after learning of a tragic death that could have been prevented with the use of drone tech. This band member of the Curve Lake First Nation is on a mission to give Indigenous communities the power of self-determination through the application and ownership of remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS) for healthcare logistics, environmental management, career development and more. Read about his innovative vision in June’s Pivot:

Scott Orth - CPAs and stress
Every profession, every area of responsibility, brings with it a measure of stress. Scott Orth is a trainer and coach who works with CPAs seeking better balance in life. In a recent interview we talked about some of the ways stress commonly shows up for busy CPAs and the importance of recognizing it early. You can catch Scott at The ONE 2023 this September:

Living and breathing taxes in the springtime and missing personal time to juggle client demands: is this the ideal future for new CPAs and the best reward for senior partners? Scott Orth is a wellness coach for CPAs who spoke with us about how the profession needs to offer a more attractive and balanced career path to CPAs of all ages. Hear more from Scott at The ONE 2023 this September:

Janice Anderson, director of ESG compliance at Nutrien, has a simple suggestion on how to ensure ESG data is handled properly. You must start somewhere, and this tip might just get you on the right track. Hear more from Janice at our ESG Symposium in May:

Hear from Janice Anderson, director of ESG compliance at Nutrien, on how ESG equals opportunity for CPAs. Hear more from Janice at our upcoming ESG Symposium on May 30-31:

We’ve reached the end of season four of Foresight: The CPA Podcast, which explored the challenges of uncertainty and how it can impact the work of CPAs. Jerome Dwight, co-founder of Boomerang FX - Software + Digital Marketing for Aesthetic Practices closes the curtain on a positive note, because he sees uncertainty as an opportunity to innovate or to refocus strategy. He believes recessions are a perfect opportunity to grow a business, and even to start one. Tune in to this inspiring season finale, catch up on past episodes and keep an ear out for season 5.

What can CPAs do if their organization experiences a cyberattack? Imran Ahmad, Senior Partner, Canadian Head of Technology, Co-Head of Information Governance, Privacy and Cybersecurity at Norton Rose Fulbright Canada, shares some tips.

In an increasingly digital world cyberattacks have become an inevitability and cybersecurity a necessity. What role can CPAs play in offense and defense? Imran Ahmad, Senior Partner, Canadian Head of Technology, Co-Head of Information Governance, Privacy and Cybersecurity at Norton Rose Fulbright Canada, has some sage advice.

March's issue of Pivot Digital looks at the rise of the fin-fluencer on social media, a new wave of money-smart mentors offering financial advice on platforms like TikTok, YouTube and Instagram. Sign up for Pivot Digital to stay on top of the latest industry trends.

March's issue of Pivot Digital looks at the rise of the fin-fluencer on social media, a new wave of money-smart mentors offering financial advice on platforms like TikTok, YouTube and Instagram. Sign up for Pivot Digital to stay on top of the latest industry trends.

We’ve been talking with your fellow CPAs, as well as specialists and experts across a range of industries. Watch this space for anything from career advice and cutting-edge developments to specific areas such as ESG, cybersecurity and life beyond accounting.

What would you do if your company went from one billion dollars in annual revenue down to zero in just six days? In this episode, learn how the CEO of Cirque du Soleil, Stéphane Lefebvre, led his company through what can arguably be any company’s worst-case scenario. The season on uncertainty continues in episode three of Foresight: The CPA Podcast.