CPA Canada

Representing the Canadian accounting profession nationally and globally. La voix de la profession comptable canadienne au pays et à l’étranger.


Email warning:
We have been made aware that an email is being circulated via SurveyMonkey that requests recipients to complete a survey. This email was not sent by or on behalf of CPA Canada. The matter is under review.

To avoid confusion, CPA Canada will let members know of any upcoming survey conducted on our behalf through an advance email from a CPA Canada email address. Please be mindful when sharing any information online and ensure the content you engage with comes from a trusted source.
Alerte : courriel frauduleux
Nous avons été informés qu’un courriel diffusé par SurveyMonkey invite les destinataires à répondre à un sondage. Veuillez noter que ce courriel N’A PAS été envoyé par CPA Canada ni en son nom. Une enquête est en cours.

Pour éviter toute confusion, CPA Canada informera d’avance ses membres de tout sondage mené en son nom, au moyen d’un courriel envoyé depuis une adresse courriel de CPA Canada. Merci de faire preuve de vigilance dans vos échanges en ligne : assurez-vous toujours que le contenu que vous avez sous les yeux provient d’une source fiable avant de répondre quoi que ce soit.


We are aware of the false advertisements circulating on Meta offering a new accounting assistant certification. Please note these ads were not sent by or on behalf of CPA Canada. All our official offerings will be shared via our verified Meta account and through our official website. The matter is under review. Please be mindful when sharing any information online and ensure the content you engage with comes from a trusted source.
Nous avons été informés que des annonces mensongères concernant un nouvel agrément pour les comptables adjoints circulent sur Meta. Veuillez noter que ces annonces n’ont pas été publiées par CPA Canada ni en son nom. Nos offres officielles sont communiquées exclusivement sur notre compte Meta vérifié et sur notre site Web. Une enquête est en cours. Nous vous invitons à la vigilance dans vos échanges en ligne – assurez-vous d’interagir uniquement avec des contenus de source fiable.


Warm wishes to all this holiday season! Whatever your plans may be, we wish you all a safe and relaxing break with your loved ones, and a happy and healthy holiday season!

Meilleurs vœux du temps des Fêtes! Quels que soient vos projets, profitez bien du long congé pour vous ressourcer en compagnie de vos proches. Passez de joyeuses Fêtes dans la santé et dans la joie!

Photos from CPA Canada's post 12/01/2023

Congratulations to everyone who passed the September sitting of the profession’s Common Final Examination (CFE). We applaud all who wrote this complex exam. This is an important milestone on your journey to join the profession and an accomplishment you should be proud of.


Félicitations aux candidates et aux candidats qui ont réussi à l’Examen final commun (EFC) de septembre. Nous saluons la persévérance de toutes les personnes qui se sont présentées à ce difficile examen. Vous avez franchi une étape importante de votre parcours professionnel, et vous pouvez en tirer une grande fierté.


À l’occasion de la Journée internationale de la comptabilité, Tareq Hadhad, chef de la direction de Peace By Chocolate, raconte comment l’entreprise de chocolat familiale, qui a dû être abandonnée en Syrie, est devenue une entreprise prospère au Canada, grâce à l’aide fournie par des CPA. Son expérience illustre à merveille comment les conseils stratégiques de CPA peuvent guider les entrepreneurs dans les méandres du système financier et réglementaire. Bonne Journée internationale de la comptabilité à tous nos membres, et merci pour tout ce que vous faites!


In honour of International Accounting Day, Peace By Chocolate CEO Tareq Hadhad, shares how local CPAs helped rebuild the family chocolate business he left behind in Syria into a successful Canadian company. His experience celebrates how the strategic advice provided by CPAs can serve as a lifeline for entrepreneurs trying to navigate financial and regulatory system. Happy International Accounting Day and thank you to our members for all you do!

Photos from CPA Canada's post 11/07/2023

Before you start adding holiday purchases to your credit card, it’s a good idea to have a plan for paying off the balance. Credit card interest can add up, even on small balances. Be prepared and avoid post-holiday shopping regrets. Download CPA Canada’s Holiday Spending Infographic to understand the true cost of borrowing.
Avant d’ajouter des achats du temps des Fêtes à votre carte de crédit, il vaut mieux avoir un plan pour acquitter la facture. Les intérêts s’accumulent vite, même lorsque le solde est minime. Préparez-vous; vous éviterez ainsi de regretter vos dépenses. Pour en savoir plus sur le coût d’emprunt véritable, téléchargez l’infographie de CPA Canada sur les dépenses des Fêtes.


CPA Canada would like to thank the thousands of participants who joined today’s Member Information Session to engage with us, offer insights and ask questions. We believe the profession begins and ends with you, the 220,000 individuals who represent the CPA profession in Canada each and every day. This is your profession, your voice matters. A recording is now available and we continue to welcome your feedback as we seek to build tomorrow, together.

The business of ending client relationships 08/24/2023

Whether it’s a personal, financial, ethical or business issue, CPAs need to know when it’s time to terminate a client relationship and how to make the transition as smooth as possible for everyone. Here are some ways to make the process easier.


Que ce soit pour des raisons d’ordre personnel, financier, éthique ou professionnel, le CPA doit savoir quand se résoudre à couper les ponts avec un client, et comment réussir la transition. Quelques pistes pour vous faciliter la tâche.

The business of ending client relationships Whether it’s for personal, financial, ethical or business reasons, there are times when you need to call it quits with a client. Here are some ways...

'To work in the AML field, you have to want to make a difference' 08/23/2023

CPAs are well placed to specialize in the fight against money laundering and other forms of financial crime, in part thanks to a strong sense of ethics. CPA Marie-Andrée Malo-Mongeau, an expert with a decade of experience at Deloitte and CIBC, explains what it takes to become a specialist in anti-money laundering.


Par son sens aigu de l’éthique, le CPA est bien placé pour prendre part à la lutte contre les crimes financiers. Entretien avec la CPA Marie-Andrée Malo-Mongeau, forte d’une dizaine d’années d’expérience dans le domaine, chez Deloitte, puis à la CIBC.

'To work in the AML field, you have to want to make a difference' CPA Marie-Andrée Malo-Mongeau explains what it takes to become a specialist in anti-money laundering

Nouvelles récentes sur la fiscalité 08/21/2023

Pour vous aider à demeurer au fait des récentes questions fiscales, voici un tour d’horizon des faits nouveaux à retenir à l’approche de l’automne.

Nouvelles récentes sur la fiscalité Les plus récentes nouvelles sur la fiscalité canadienne et l’évolution de la réglementation. Nous travaillons avec l’Agence du revenu du Canada...

Canadian tax news 08/21/2023

To help you stay up to date on recent tax matters, here is a quick recap of some important tax developments to have on your radar as we enter the fall.

Canadian tax news Your source for the latest Canadian tax news and updates on changing tax laws. Working collaboratively with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) we aim...


Félicitations aux candidates et aux candidats qui ont réussi à l’Examen final commun (EFC) de mai. Nous saluons la persévérance de toutes les personnes qui se sont présentées à ce difficile examen.


Congratulations to everyone who passed the May sitting of the profession’s Common Final Examination (CFE). We applaud all who wrote this complex exam.


How do you cultivate agility and adaptability in times of constant change? What do leaders need to consider now, where everyone has so much power at their fingertips to accelerate growth and change? Keynote speaker Lital Marom, a thought leader on digital transformation and agile leadership, will address these questions at The ONE Conference in Halifax on Sept 12-13th.


Join the conversation! Pamela Steer, President and CEO CPA Canada is inviting members to attend an information session on Sept 11th ahead of The ONE to discuss the future of the profession and answer questions about the recent announcements by CPA Ontario and the Ordre des CPA du Québec. Registration is free and now open. We are welcoming questions in advance:
À vous la parole! Pamela Steer, présidente et chef de la direction de CPA Canada, vous invite à une séance d’information tenue le 11 septembre, avant le Congrès L’UNIQUE, pour aborder l’avenir de la profession et répondre à vos questions sur les intentions récemment exprimées par l’Ordre des CPA du Québec et par CPA Ontario. Nous vous invitons à vous inscrire dès aujourd’hui et à nous présenter vos questions au préalable :

Is AI moving too fast for regulators to keep up? 08/11/2023

As the first laws to regulate the use of artificial intelligence start to emerge, industry expert Olivier Blais explains how to prepare for their implementation.


À l’heure où s’esquissent les lois qui encadreront le recours à l’IA, Olivier Blais, ferré sur le sujet, explique comment se préparer à s’y conformer.

Is AI moving too fast for regulators to keep up? As the first laws to regulate the use of artificial intelligence start to emerge, industry expert Olivier Blais explains how to prepare for their implementation

‘Audit considerations for digital assets can be extremely complex’ 08/08/2023

With technology evolving so quickly, global regulatory standards do not yet capture all crypto offerings. CPA Ryan Leopold, national banking and capital markets assurance leader (Canada) for PwC, shares his perspective on the challenges presented by digital assets and the progress on standards.

‘Audit considerations for digital assets can be extremely complex’ PwC’s Ryan Leopold shares his views on the audit challenges presented by digital assets and the need for solid safeguards and controls in the area


Armand Capisciolto, chair of Canada’s Accounting Standards Board, considers what’s ahead for the profession and offers advice on how CPAs can be ready to take on tomorrow’s challenges. You can hear more from Armand at The ONE conference this September.

“Now it’s our turn to lend a hand to those who are coming to Canada” 08/03/2023

Read more about The Keynote Tareq Hadhad - entrepreneur and CEO of Peace by Chocolate. He shares how his experience as Syrian refugee has served as a guide for the values of his business. Peace by Chocolate focuses on job creation, utilizing a network of local community members and refugees from across Nova Scotia and Canada to help support the local economy.


Apprenez en plus sur le conférencier d’honneur du Congrès : Tareq Hadhad, entrepreneur et chef de la direction de Peace by Chocolate. Découvrez comment son expérience de réfugié syrien guide les valeurs de son entreprise. Peace by Chocolate met à contribution un réseau de membres de la collectivité et de personnes réfugiées de la Nouvelle-Écosse et du Canada pour créer des emplois et soutenir l’économie locale.

“Now it’s our turn to lend a hand to those who are coming to Canada” Chocolatier Tareq Hadhad on fleeing Syria and rebuilding the family business from scratch*


CPA Canada est fière du partenariat qu’elle vient de conclure avec le Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA). Nous tenons à remercier le CIMA ainsi que les ordres des provinces, des territoires et des Bermudes pour leur esprit de corps tout au long du processus. Un tel accord favorise la mobilité des CPA. Tant les membres actuels que les nouveaux CPA ont maintenant accès à un plus grand nombre de possibilités de carrière dans le monde, puisqu’ils pourront mettre à profit leur expertise élargie dans des domaines comme la comptabilité publique (l’expertise comptable), la gestion de la performance et la finance. De même, le protocole d’entente permettra aux entreprises canadiennes d’avoir accès à un plus grand bassin de talents en comptabilité de gestion, où les membres du CIMA auront la possibilité d’apporter une valeur ajoutée accrue. Pour en savoir plus sur le partenariat et les possibilités qu’il offre :


CPA Canada is proud to formally partner with Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA). We would like to thank CIMA and the provincial, territorial and Bermudian CPA bodies for their partnership throughout this process. Agreements like this one enhance the mobility of the CPA designations. Current members and new CPAs now have access to more career opportunities around the world because of their ability to utilize their wider expertise in areas such as public accounting, performance management and finance. Likewise, the MOU will allow Canadian businesses access to a deeper pool of management accounting talent, where CIMA members have the opportunity to add greater value to the organizations they serve. Read more about the partnership and these opportunities here:

Canada’s capacity in innovation is unlimited, says Jim Balsillie 07/26/2023

Jim Balsillie, a CPA and former RIM co-CEO, believes CPAs have much more to contribute to improving Canada’s innovation performance, but more capacity building is needed at the policy level.

Canada’s capacity in innovation is unlimited, says Jim Balsillie The former RIM co-CEO believes entrepreneurs in this country are exceptionally gifted, but more capacity building is needed at the policy level

Upgrade your innovation expertise with these essential resources 07/19/2023

Keeping your finger on the pulse of tech and other trends can be tricky, but staying current on the latest innovations is a must for CPAs. Check out our curated list of resources that are aimed at helping you stay ahead of the curve.

Upgrade your innovation expertise with these essential resources Unlock the power of technology and innovation with these essential resources, courses, podcasts, talks and more


Erin Kelly, CPA, CEO & President of Advanced Symbolics Inc., gave us some insights into smart applications of data and valuable career advice for CPAs. Want to learn more? CPA Canada is currently offering an Advanced Data Management Certificate Program specifically for CPAs in industry.

New CPA education program reflects Indigenous reality 07/14/2023

Designed by Indigenous CPAs, a new education program is helping Indigenous candidates make their way through the CPA curriculum with case studies inspired by Indigenous traditions of shared learning and storytelling. The creation of an Indigenous-led CPA program aims to help address some of the barriers to success that were identified in a report commissioned by CPA Canada last year.

New CPA education program reflects Indigenous reality Designed by CPA Western School of Business, AFOA Alberta, Indigenous CPAs and CPA Canada, the program addresses existing barriers to the accounting profession for Indigenous students

Build your CPD hours with these 3 info-filled options 07/10/2023

Check out our roundup of conferences and courses that will help keep you on top of industry trends and expand your skills while earning CPD hours in the process.

Build your CPD hours with these 3 info-filled options These conferences and courses will help you expand your professional horizons while staying on top of industry trends

Advice | How to protect yourself from credit card fraud — and what to do when it’s too late 07/06/2023

Our recent fraud study found 65% of Generation Z and millennials reported being a victim of at least one type of financial fraud in their lifetime. Young Canadians are increasingly the targets of financial fraud, as the age group most comfortable with buying products online is likewise most exposed to risk. The Toronto Star shares how to protect yourself:

Advice | How to protect yourself from credit card fraud — and what to do when it’s too late Young Canadians are increasingly the targets of financial fraud, experts say, as the age group most comfortable with buying products online is likewis...

This CPA’s photo broke the Internet 06/21/2023

CPA Ross Dance started his own dog-photography business in 2009 before moving to family photos and weddings.

This CPA’s photo broke the Internet Wedding photographer Ross Dance has had his pictures published in the New York Times and National Geographic

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Our Story

Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada (CPA Canada) represents the Canadian accounting profession, both nationally and internationally. Operating in the highly complex and global accounting eco-system, CPA Canada is a convener, facilitator, contributor and disseminator of information that advances the profession. The organization works closely with the provincial, territorial and Bermudan CPA bodies to champion best practices that benefit business and society. With more than 217,000 members, CPA Canada is one of the largest national accounting bodies in the world. The organization supports the setting of accounting, auditing and assurance standards, advocates for economic and social development in the public interest, and develops leading-edge thought leadership, research, guidance and educational programs.

Videos (show all)

Warm wishes to all this holiday season! Whatever your plans may be, we wish you all a safe and relaxing break with your ...
À l’occasion de la Journée internationale de la comptabilité, Tareq Hadhad, chef de la direction de Peace By Chocolate, ...
In honour of International Accounting Day, Peace By Chocolate CEO Tareq Hadhad, shares how local CPAs helped rebuild the...
How do you cultivate agility and adaptability in times of constant change? What do leaders need to consider now, where e...
Armand Capisciolto, chair of Canada’s Accounting Standards Board, considers what’s ahead for the profession and offers a...
CPA Canada est fière du partenariat qu’elle vient de conclure avec le Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIM...
CPA Canada is proud to formally partner with Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA). We would like to than...
Erin Kelly, CPA, CEO & President of Advanced Symbolics Inc., gave us some insights into smart applications of data and v...
Jacob Taylor founded Indigenous Aerospace after learning of a tragic death that could have been prevented with the use o...
Scott Orth - CPAs and stress
Living and breathing taxes in the springtime and missing personal time to juggle client demands: is this the ideal futur...
Janice Anderson, director of ESG compliance at Nutrien, has a simple suggestion on how to ensure ESG data is handled pro...



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Toronto, ON

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