Ark Studio

Professional Oil Painting Class|Flexible Schedules| Adult&Children Classes|WhatsApp+1(647)594-0873 Ark Studio

Photos from Ark Studio's post 07/05/2024

🌟 Free Trial Lesson Alert! 🌟
We are currently offering a free trial lesson. The only cost is a $16 (CAD) materials fee. To participate, simply leave a comment below my post saying “I am interested”, and I will send you a private message with more details.

An amazing fluorescent painting(The space-cats)🪐🐱created by one of our students!

Photos from Ark Studio's post 07/01/2024

🌟Free Trial Lesson Alert! 🌟
We are currently offering a free trial lesson. The only cost is a $16 (CAD) materials fee. To participate, simply leave a comment below my post saying “I am interested”, and I will send you a private message with more details.

Photos from Ark Studio's post 06/29/2024

🌟 Free Trial Lesson Alert! 🌟
We are currently offering a free trial lesson. The only cost is a $16 (CAD) materials fee. To participate, simply leave a comment below my post saying “I am interested”, and I will send you a private message with more details.

Photos from Ark Studio's post 05/22/2024

‼️Free Trial lesson‼️⁉️
We are currently offering a free trial lesson, with only a materials fee of $16 (CAD) to be paid. The requirements to participate are very simple -just leave a comment below my post “I am interested.”, and I will PM you with more details.

免費試堂優惠,只收材料費$16(CAD)。參加條件非常簡單,只要在此post 下面留言「我想試堂」就可以,接著我們便會再pm你說明詳情。

Photos from Ark Studio's post 05/14/2024

‼️Free Trial lesson!!‼️
We are currently offering a free trial lesson, with only a materials fee of $16 (CAD) to be paid. The requirements to participate are very simple –just leave a comment below my post “I am interested.”, and I will PM you with more details.💚


Photos from Ark Studio's post 03/07/2024

在最後一段在香港的教學時間教會了你畫人像,而且是畫你喜歡的偶像Anson Lo 。作為我對你教學部份的結束,這也是一個很好的結尾,也希望你能夠透過我曾經的教學重拾兒時喜歡的興趣吧。✨🙌🏻

During the last session of the teaching time in Hong Kong, I taught you how to draw portraits, specifically your favorite idol, Anson Lo. As we conclude our teaching journey, this serves as a wonderful ending, and I hope that through my guidance, you can rediscover the childhood passion you had for art. ✨🙌🏻

Before moving forward, let me include an advertisement. If you are interested in learning oil painting, feel free to contact me for more information. We also offer free trial classes here as well, with only a materials fee of $16 (CAD) charged. The participation requirements are simple. Just leave a comment below my post “I am interested.”, and I will PM you with more details.

Photos from Ark Studio's post 02/27/2024



Here are some children’s artwork from Toronto. Currently, apart from adult classes, the youngest age group we accept for art lessons is four years old. I tailor the lessons based on their interests and slowly and patiently teach each child how to draw. The goal is to cultivate their love for art and develop their passion for painting. ❤️

For example, a boy named Sam has a particular interest in dinosaurs 🦖🦕. He has many dinosaur books at home, so during his first class, we explored and discussed various aspects of dinosaurs.

Before moving forward, let me include an advertisement. I am currently offering a free trial lesson, with only a materials fee of $16 (CAD) to be paid. The requirements to participate are very simple –just leave a comment below my post “I am interested.”, and I will PM you with more details.


好多人都關心我係Toronto 既教學,我都分享多少少。暫時我喺主要做上門或者到我屋企嘅私人教學,而上圖就係我屋企嘅教學環境啦,歡迎想學油畫嘅你向我查詢。💚


Many people are interested in my teaching in Toronto, and I would like to share a little bit about it. Currently, I mainly provide private tutoring either at the students‘ homes or at my own place. The attached photo shows the teaching environment at my home, and I welcome anyone interested in learning oil painting to inquire with me. 💚

I am currently offering a free trial lesson, with only a materials fee of $16 (CAD) to be paid. The requirements to participate are very simple –just leave a comment below my post ”I am interested.“, and I will PM you with more details.

Photos from Ark Studio's post 02/20/2024

我認為做得好好嘅其他學生係Vivian 和Stacy, 可惜嘅係我臨離開香港,Vivian 你先開始學畫畫,只係教到你畫兩張畫。🙏🏻有啲可惜,不過都感恩啟發到你鍾意畫嘢,加油!💚

Vivian and Stacy, I think that are the other students that made admirably. Unfortunately, I felt the need to leave Hong Kong. Before I leave, You’ve just recently begun learning how to draw, Vivian, and I‘ve only had time to teach you how to paint two pictures. 🙏🏻 Although it is somewhat regrettable, I am grateful that I may have inspired your interest in art. 💚 Keep up your great work!

Before moving forward, let me include an advertisement. If you are interested in learning oil painting, feel free to contact me for more information. We also offer free trial classes here as well, with only a materials fee of $16 (CAD) charged. The participation requirements are simple. Just leave a comment below my post ”I am interested.“, and I will PM you with more details.

Photos from Ark Studio's post 02/12/2024

除咗上一個post之外,係度分享埋另一個好用心學嘅學生Nona嘅作品。希望我教你嘅畫畫技巧唔好浪費咗,你可以keep 住創作你喜歡的character,感受更多創作帶黎嘅喜悅。Btw,你自己畫完既畫作將來可以影相分享俾我。😙(包括所有去咗英國同埋香港嘅舊生;))))

In addition to the preceding the post, I’m also sharing some more amazing artworks from Nona, an exceptional student.👆🏻👍🏻😆 I truly believe you haven‘t thrown away the painting techniques I taught you, and that you continue to create any characters you love and experience the joy of creativity. By the way, please feel free to take a photo of your own artwork in the future and share it with me. 😙😙 (Including all former students, regardless of where they have moved to the UK or remain in Hong Kong).

Before moving forward, let me include an advertisement. If you are interested in learning oil painting, feel free to contact me for more information. We also offer free trial classes here as well, with only a materials fee of $16 (CAD) charged. The participation requirements are simple. Just leave a comment below my post ”I am interested.“, and I will PM you with more details.

Photos from Ark Studio's post 02/09/2024


Davio is one of my longest-standing students, having studied with me for almost 10 years. I am truly delighted that you have been willing to continue learning painting with me all this time. Here, I would like to share some of your artworks.😆

Before moving forward, let me include an advertisement. If you are interested in learning oil painting, feel free to contact me for more information. We also offer free trial classes here as well, with only a materials fee of $16 (CAD) charged. The participation requirements are simple. Just leave a comment below my post ”I am interested.“, and I will PM you with more details.

Photos from Ark Studio's post 02/08/2024



After being away from Hong Kong for some time, I finally have some free time to organize the works of my past students. I will gradually share more painting from new students in Toronto. At the same time, I will continue to share some of past painting that I haven‘t posted yet.

Before moving forward, let me include an advertisement. If you are interested in learning oil painting, feel free to contact me for more information. We also offer free trial classes here as well, with only a materials fee of $16 (CAD) charged. The participation requirements are simple. Just leave a comment below my post ”I am interested.“, and I will PM you with more details.

Photos from Ark Studio's post 10/08/2023

你係第一個學生跟我學畫畫第一幅就畫人像,而且差唔多每一幅都係畫人像既學生,所以今次我好開心能夠教你畫自己女兒的portrait,特別係加咗個bubble gum,令到成張畫都特別有趣味之餘,仲可以展現到你細緻嘅描畫技巧,祝福你女兒有健康既成長,而你閑時亦可以繼續畫畫,身教小朋友欣賞藝術的美。💚

You are the first student who started with portraits. Almost every piece you've done has been a portrait. That's why I'm so happy to have taught you how to paint a portrait of your daughter this time, especially with the addition of the bubble gum. It adds a playful touch to the whole painting and showcases your delicate painting skills. I wish your daughter a healthy and prosperous growth, and I hope you continue to draw in your free time, imparting the appreciation of artistic beauty to your lovely girl. 💚

Photos from Ark Studio's post 10/06/2023


你們分別在不同的時間和空間參與Ark Studio 的油畫班,而這段教學過程中,我已經漸漸跟你們成為朋友。說實話,我真的很喜歡向你們分享畫畫技巧和藝術創作的心得,能夠作為你們的油畫導師,我感到非常幸福。今晚的謝師宴上,我也收到你們的祝賀和滿滿的愛!🥰

但我可以承諾你哋,你哋任何一個人過嚟Toronto 探我,我都會送一幅自己嘅畫俾你。💚(溫馨提示,記得早一個月通知。)

8. 大家今晚寫嘅真心話(利申,未睇唔知有冇投訴🤪)





其實我從來都唔喺自己個page度出鏡,但今次真係好感觸,想喺度分享吓。不知不覺教畫畫已經踏入左我人生第15個年頭了,由起初暑期工開始教畫畫丶讀藝術畢業,直至後來自己開店,每個經歷都充滿回憶。Ark Studio由2014年葵興工廈開始,之後搬去西營盤地舖,後來又搬返去葵興,疫情期間更搬去荃灣荃新天地二期商場舖,仲開設了兒童班,喺香港遇到好多唔同嘅學生,見證佢哋一個一個學油畫嘅技巧越嚟越進步丶成熟,彼此亦有許多生命上的交流。對我來說,這𥚃的每件事情都是好miracle。😭

接下來我打算移民加拿大多倫多,所以Ark Studio係香港嘅所有教學業務都會暫停了。大家除咗期待Ark Studio Toronto 之外呢,除咗可以繼續留意我地Studio 既發展。我過到去都會更專注自己的創作,仲可以follow 埋我添!🥳 。

雖然離開很不舍,但係都好感恩搵到有心人接手畫室,我設計嘅所有教學內容都可以傳承下去,佢哋會改名為Art Story 繼續營運。

Photos from Ark Studio's post 09/19/2022

The fruit of your own hard work is the sweetest💚

💢 免費試堂 ‼️⁉️ 💢

我地做緊promotion呀,係免費試堂呀!仲有多個試堂時段任供選擇 +超詳細嘅小班教學!🎨

免費試堂,只收$99材料費(包30 x40 cm canvas, 基本工具借出)。參加條件好簡單,你只要係我地個post 下底留言「我想試堂」,就可以取得此優惠啦。另外,如果試堂後立即報名仲可以享有首期學費9折添。

*此乃限時優惠,Ark Studio 保留一切最終決定權。

🍰WhatsApp: 63654047
🌰地址: 荃灣荃新天地二期商場UG12-13號舖

#免費 #試堂
#藝術 #油畫 #油畫班

Photos from Ark Studio's post 09/04/2022

💢 免費試堂 ‼️⁉️ 💢

我地做緊個promotion,係免費試堂呀!仲有多個試堂時段任供選擇 +超詳細嘅小班教學!🎨

免費試堂,只收$99材料費(包30 x40 cm canvas, 基本工具借出)。參加條件好簡單,你只要係我地個post 下底留言「我想試堂」,就可以取得此優惠啦。另外,如果試堂後立即報名仲可以享有首期學費9折添。此乃限時優惠,Ark Studio 保留一切最終決定權。


Tel/WhatsApp: 63654047
地址: 荃灣荃新天地二期商場UG12-13號舖

#免費 #試堂
#藝術 #油畫 #油畫班

Photos from Ark Studio's post 05/10/2022

Ark Studio 係一間專門教授油畫嘅工作室,為配合未來公司發展現誠聘相關專業技能嘅你成為我哋團隊嘅一份子。有意欲成為助教或者導師嘅話,請唔好猶豫,立即聯絡我哋!



Happy姜濤 Day!🥳🤩🎉

作為Mirror fans嘅導師同學生,


Mirror 12子已經有唔同學生舉手話要畫喇,你又想唔想嚟畫你自己嘅偶像呀?🥰



免費試堂,只收$99材料費(包30 x40 cm canvas, 基本工具借出)。有多個試堂時段任供選擇+超詳細嘅小班教學!🥰
參加條件好簡單,你只要係我地個post 下底留言「我想試堂」,就可以取得此優惠啦。另外,如果試堂後立即報名仲可以享有首期學費9折添。此乃限時優惠,Ark Studio 保留一切最終決定權。

Tel/WhatsApp: 63654047
地址: 荃灣荃新天地二期商場UG12-13號舖
#免費 #試堂
#藝術 #油畫 #油畫班
#學生作品 #姜濤 #姜神 #姜糖 #鏡粉 #應援


💢 免費試堂 ‼️⁉️💢

我地做緊個promotion,係免費試堂呀!仲有多個試堂時段任供選擇 +超詳細嘅小班教學!🎨

免費試堂,只收$99材料費(包30 x40 cm canvas, 基本工具借出)。參加條件好簡單,你只要係我地個post 下底留言「我想試堂」,就可以取得此優惠啦。另外,如果試堂後立即報名仲可以享有首期學費9折添。此乃限時優惠,Ark Studio 保留一切最終決定權。

就連我哋嘅導師都係Mirror fans 嚟㗎!

Mirror 12子已經有唔同學生舉手話要畫喇,你又想唔想嚟畫你自己嘅偶像呀?🥰

感謝教主在本店畫作中留下倩影 ❤️

Tel/WhatsApp: 63654047
地址: 荃灣荃新天地二期商場UG12-13號舖
#免費 #試堂
#藝術 #油畫 #油畫班
#學生作品 #教主 #神徒 #鏡粉 #應援

Photos from Ark Studio's post 01/03/2022

我哋今日Ark Studio 荃灣店正式開張啦!仲有個Opening 。🎊😆
#油畫班 #荃灣好去處 #免費試堂

Photos from Ark Studio's post 11/18/2021


免費試堂,只收$99材料費(包30 x40 cm canvas, 基本工具借出)。參加條件好簡單,你只要係我地個post 下底留言「我想試堂」,就可以取得此優惠啦。另外,如果試堂後立即報名仲可以享有首期學費9折添。此乃限時優惠,Ark Studio 保留一切最終決定權。

Photos from Ark Studio's post 10/18/2021

聽到好多學生和家長反映,大家都好希望我哋可以增設兒童課程,而我哋Ark Studio即將搬到荃灣荃新天地二期UG12-13 ,新店不單止有專業的成人油畫課程,並滿足大家期望開設全新兒童油畫班。😆


#兒童油畫班 #免費試堂 #荃灣


💢 免費試堂 ‼️⁉️ 💢

我地做緊個promotion,係免費試堂呀!仲有多個試堂時段任供選擇 +超詳細的小班教學

免費試堂,只收$99材料費(包30 x40 cm canvas, 基本工具借出)。參加條件好簡單,你只要係我地個post 下底留言「我想試堂」,就可以取得此優惠啦。另外,如果試堂後立即報名仲可以享有首期學費9折添。此乃限時優惠,Ark Studio 保留一切最終決定權。

星期一至五下午 2:00-4:00;4:00-6:00
星期一至五晚上 7:30-9:30
星期日上午至傍晚 11:00-1:00;1:00-3:00;3:00-5:00

可聯絡 Tel / Whatsapp: 63654047

#免費試堂 #油畫班 #學畫畫 #體驗 #興趣班


💢 免費試堂 ‼️⁉️ 💢

我地做緊個promotion 係免費試堂,只收$99材料費(包30 x40 cm canvas, 基本工具借出)。參加條件好簡單,你只要係我地個post 下底留言:「我想試堂」,就可以取得此優惠啦。另外,如果試堂後立即報名仲可以享有首期學費9折添。此乃限時優惠,Ark Studio 保留一切最終決定權。
星期一至五下午 2:00-4:00;4:00-6:00
星期一至五晚上 7:30-9:30
星期日上午至傍晚 11:00-1:00;1:00-3:00;3:00-5:00

可聯絡 Tel / Whatsapp: 63654047

#免費試堂 #油畫班 #學畫畫 #體驗 #興趣班

Photos from Ark Studio's post 06/03/2021

💢 免費試堂 ‼️⁉️ 💢

近排,我地做緊個promotion,係免費試堂呀!仲有多個試堂時段任供選擇 +超詳細的小班教學

疫症期間,知道大家都有段時間足不出戶,情緒都容易低落。而Ark Studio 為每一個真香港人打打氣,因而提供免費試堂,只收$99材料費(包30 x40 cm canvas, 基本工具借出)。參加條件好簡單,你只要係我地個post 下底留言:「我想試堂」,就可以取得此優惠啦。另外,如果試堂後立即報名仲可以享有首期學費9折添。此乃限時優惠,Ark Studio 保留一切最終決定權。
星期一至五下午 2:00-4:00;4:00-6:00
星期一至五晚上 7:30-9:30
星期日上午至傍晚 11:00-1:00;1:00-3:00;3:00-5:00

可聯絡 Tel / Whatsapp: 63654047


#免費試堂 #油畫班 #學畫畫 #體驗 #興趣班

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💢 免費試堂 ‼️⁉️ 💢我地做緊個promotion 係免費試堂,只收$99材料費(包30 x40 cm canvas, 基本工具借出)。參加條件好簡單,你只要係我地個post 下底留言:「我想試堂」,就可以取得此優惠啦。另外,如果試堂後...




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