Kim’s Gym

Kim’s Gym

Personal Fitness Trainer, Group Fitness Instructor, Nutrition Coach


Menopause De-mystified- New Certificate!

There is so much to understand about our physiology and how to reach our performance potential through training and nutrition.

This course breaks menopause right down the cellular level, and then builds the training and nutrition back up.

Peri/post menopause is a new challenge for women as we age and Dr Sims takes the mystery, myth and guess work out of it.

If I can help you do the same let me know!


Pay It Forward

So grateful for my awesome clients and friends who have continued with Kim’s Gym for another year of their fitness journey.

This year’s annual donation to Spirit North XC is made possible by the fees they pay to support their own health and wellness.

Donations to support the development of indigenous youth through sport and play.


New Year, New You?
Good to see articles based on research. People hire trainers for many different reasons - an investment of time and money to help achieve goals. And like everything else in life, they get out what they put in.

Have a read and let me know what you think.


Pedal it out!
I love it when I have the time to pedal it out after a heavy leg day.
A light resistance and a chill playlist is a great way to relax my muscles and prevent soreness. Not to mention my glycogen levels are depleted so a light heart rate in the fat burning zone is a nice side benefit.
It’s also motivating to be around all the great energy at the gym!
This also works on a treadmill or elliptical, but the recumbent bike is my fave!!


Modifying Moves!

Every exercise can be modified to suit a level, or a body’s capacity to perform on any given day.

After round 1 of my lifts today I was feeling a little competitive so I added a 25 lb plate on my back.

Trust me when I say there are days that I modify the other way and plank with my knees down, or my hands on a bench or stability ball.

Planking strengthens the ability to brace the abdominals, which supports everyday movement and stabilizes the spine.

How advanced the plank is matters less than having good form and getting it done!


Early morning chest & back session with - had to get a picture of this seated row to show Meaghan how far she has progressed with building muscle across her back.

Consistency and effort lead to results.
Meaghan digs in to every set I give her, listens and adjusts to cues - we make a great team.

Personal training is not a one way conversation. Especially when it’s virtual. It’s a team effort that takes focus, learning and trust on both sides.
The pay off is huge - on both sides!!

Photos from Kim’s Gym's post 29/09/2023

The view from my morning run.

Started the day with an interesting mix of anticipation and nerves so I took to nature for a beautiful trail run.

The deep rhythmic breathing pattern I use when I run is a great way to focus and prepare for high performance.

The luxurious shower and savoury breakfast at was the perfect finish to an exhilarating workout!


I always look forward to mornings with my hitting partner!

Tennis has many health benefits - developing fitness, strength, endurance and agility - but the best benefits are also social and psychological, and being outdoors in summer.

We are both new to the sport, and our hitting has definitely improved with lessons and regular practice. We will be ready for some friendly competition next season!


The Wonder of Wall Sits!
As much as possible Lynne and I end her sessions with a couple of wall sits.
Wall sits build strength and endurance in leg muscles, and can help improve stability and joint support (you’re welcome, knees).
I’m super proud of Lynne’s progress in reaching a fully ‘seated’ position and her ability to endure multiple sets at longer durations!

Photos from Kim’s Gym's post 08/08/2023

Unlike many talented runners I know who inspire me with their greatness, ( for one!) I wasn’t born with natural speed, my body type and my genes lean into power and muscular strength.

But I bought a pair of runners 16 years ago and stuck with it as a way to keep my heart strong and an easy and quick cardio when I was short on time.

This weekend I turned 50 and today I celebrated with a quick 5.0 km which just happened to be my fastest recorded 5K in the last 5 years!

Whatever you choose for your fitness - stay consistent and reap the rewards!


The health benefits of cycling are numerous. It’s an excellent low impact exercise for cardiovascular improvement, but the benefits don’t stop there.
Cycling strengthens your leg muscles and improves balance and coordination.
Like all cardio it produces the feel good chemical endorphins that help to boost your mood.
Today I took advantage of the opportunity to cycle in nature beside cottages, forests and farms. Its always a more enjoyable ride when I don’t have to negotiate with city traffic with the added benefit of bigger hills!

Photos from Kim’s Gym's post 10/07/2023

Amazing early morning paddle - no boats, no bugs, just me and the loons paddling around.

An hour of light cardio that also targets my lat muscles, abs, triceps, shoulders and pecs, while working on my balance and proprioception.

Not to mention an hour in nature, and a personal best time twice around bushy island!


Fit dog = fit owner.
Grab the leash and your headphones and get a brisk walk in - especially on rest days!
Try my playlist for a good walking beat (no judgement allowed).

Fave walking song right now - Blue Monday by New Order.
Add your fave in the comments and I’ll try it out on my next walk!


Testing the new training gear in the first outdoor HIIT of the season! Loving the new 18lb Wall Ball!
Lots of agility and core to prepare for golf and tennis!
High heart rate, high calorie burn, high focus for coordination.
Looking forward to a great outdoor season!

Photos from Kim’s Gym's post 25/03/2023

I’m tired
I’m stressed
I’m sore
I don’t have time
I have to work

There will always be a reason not to.
The hardest part is showing up - literally and figuratively.
Proud to say I’ve shown up 1000 times in the last 4 years - about 5 times a week, every week, since I started using my Apple Watch.

I’m energized
I’m resilient
I’m strong
I’m making time
I’m working on myself

I’m not taking on any new clients but I have a talented network of trainers who are. If you need help, need a plan, and want accountability to show up for yourself DM me. I can’t wait for you to post your 1000 badge!


Comfort Food

It doesn’t have to be high in sugar, processed carbs or saturated fats.

Much of the ‘comfort’ comes from nostalgia - what many would associate with meals from childhood.

Eggs and toast can be just as comforting as mac & cheese or saucy stews when it comes to food from childhood.

Add some avocado for healthy fats to keep you full, some chives and Himalayan salt for extra flavour, and you have a healthy comfort meal packed with protein, fibre and vitamins!


Thanks to all the Kim’s Gym fitness warriors in 2022. You crushed the workouts, made personal gains and pushed through your limits and I’m so proud and thankful for all of you.
Since the first days of Kim’s Gym in 2020 I have donated a portion of your payments to Spirit North and this year is no different. 10% of Kim’s Gym revenue has been donated to this amazing organization that empowers indigenous youth to “be unstoppable in sport, school and life.”
Check out today and help spread the word. Read the 94Calls To Action. Spirit North focuses their work on 19, 89 and 90.
Have a happy, healthy and fitness-filled 2023!


I have a serious love for dark chocolate. I always have some in my fridge so I can snap off a square and satisfy my craving.
And then came into my life. A total chocolate bar replacement that’s just as yummy but with waaay less sugar, and lots of other benefits.
I always a have box (or 3) in my fridge for the afternoon wall or a guilt free dessert.
This is not an ad - this is just how much I seriously love these, and how excited I was to finally get my order of the new cookie dough flavour.
I still have chocolate once in a while but I don’t feel the urge as often when these beauties are around!


The best way to celebrate earning my group fitness certification is with … more fitness!
Hot yoga is an amazing way to finish a day and a healthy way to treat myself for a job well done.
Thanks to my friends and supporters for joining my practical exam in their spare time to help me earn my certification.
HIIT classes coming soon!


Goals take grit. It’s been a goal of mine to slalom ski for two summers and it finally happened.

What you don’t see are the many(so many) falls that took place over the last couple of seasons to get to this point. It took some great coaching, a few pro tips, and a little nerve to get back up and keep trying.

Building muscle memory takes time and that’s what I was doing all those times I tried and failed. Learning and focusing and trying again. And getting lots of water up my nose. On to the next goal of learning to cut across the wake!

Goals make fitness fun. Set a new goal, build a plan for support, and find the grit to make it happen. And let me know how I can help!


Sport Specific Training (SST) is crucial for a higher level of performance in any sport.

Pre-Whistler training included a heavy dose of squats, wall sits, side lunges and calf raises.

After all that preparation it turns out nothing can prepare you for the burn the first time you ski out from the peak.

Lots of quad stretches all week, a day of rest with a fantastic deep tissue massage, and lots of hot tub time really helped the recovery and performance stay on track.

What sport do you want to improve in? There are specific exercises you can work into your training to enhance, and specific stretches for recovery.


Strong women. May we know them, may we be them, may we raise them.

Strength training not only builds my muscle and conditioning, it builds my inner strength and focus, channels my competitive nature and drive, and teaches me mind over matter.

These are qualities that I admire in my mother, my sisters, my daughters, my friends and my leaders.

Happy International Womens Day! Thank you to all the women who inspire me every day and to all the allies who lift and support the women in their lives!


Oh yes I did!
Ham stuffed protein pancakes!
We are talking meal prep here. Buy a bag of protein pancake powder and some ham slices.

Mix the ENTIRE bag of pancake mix (I use buttermilk - yum!), cut the ham into strips, and turn on some pancake makin’ music (may I suggest )

Pour the batter in the pan, top with a slice of ham cut to fit and pour on a little more batter to mostly cover the ham before you flip.

Cook them all up, let them cool, wrap individual servings and put in the freezer! Heats up in the microwave in 1 min!

Approx 290 calories, 25g net carbs, 25g protein and very low fat! Ah-mazing pre or post-workout snack!

Toppings could include natural nut butter, honey, sugar free syrup, or treat yourself with a little pure maple syrup.


Ah the mighty hamstring! You don’t even know it but you use this muscle every day in so many ways - walking, running, jumping to name a few! A strong hamstring protects the ligaments in your knees - especially the all important ACL!
This has always been my favourite hamstring move. It’s a tough one - the key is a super tight form to protect the lower back, and resist the drop as long as possible!


Muscle Up March starts Feb 28!
Kick start your fitness routine as we roll into spring!

4 weeks for $50
7:30 am live interval training Monday to Friday on Zoom
Recordings provided daily
Nutrition tips and challenges
No equipment needed but use it if you have it!

Build muscle, build endurance, build good habits!
DM me or email [email protected]


8am on a Saturday and I am not at all hungry - but I know I have a big workout morning starting in an hour so fuel is essential - and that’s what this snack is all about.

A little shot of carbs to fuel the boxing, and a hit of fat to keep me feeling full until breakfast.

1/2 banana, natural almond butter (crunchy of course), with a dusting of coconut on half and cinnamon on half.

About 140 calories, not enough to affect my usual diet, but enough to level up my performance and endurance, which will give me bigger gains!

Are you team coconut or team cinnamon?


Coming soon to Kim’s Gym - Muscle Up March! A 4-week session to get you motivated, boost your metabolism, and build muscle and momentum as winter melts into spring!
Session starts Feb 28!
Featuring daily 30 minute fitness sessions and nutrition challenges! DM me to learn more or watch this space!


So great to get back to the gym today! Headed straight for the rack and started leg day with a round of back squats.

Love this move to warm up with no weight on the bar, then slowly progressing the weight to really get pumped up for the rest of my workout.

Notice how the bar is in line with my ankles the whole time - a really key part of the technique. Personal training is a great way to learn the right technique and develop life long habits for great fitness!


Thanks to for introducing me to overnight chia!
This is my first attempt -
1/4 c chia seeds
3/4 c unsweetened oat milk
1 tbsp of cocoa
1 tbsp PB2 powder
Shake it in a jar and put it in the fridge overnight.
Today I chose banana, walnuts, unsweetened coconut and a smattering of dark chocolate chips to top it off!
Why do we love Chia?
✅ high in fibre
✅high in omega 3 & 6
✅ packed with antioxidants
✅ sooo many essential nutrients like calcium, magnesium and more!!
✅ after eating we feel full for longer!

I needed a little more protein for my workout which is why I added PB2 powder and nuts. Give it a try!

Videos (show all)

Lifting heavy isn’t for everyone….                             Only for those who want stronger muscles, increased metab...
Fit dog = fit owner. Grab the leash and your headphones and get a brisk walk in - especially on rest days!Try my playlis...
The Endless Rope Machine works so many upper body muscles - but it really dials in on your shoulders, middle back and bi...
Goals take grit. It’s been a goal of mine to slalom ski for two summers and it finally happened. What you don’t see are ...
Ah the mighty hamstring!  You don’t even know it but you use this muscle every day in so many ways - walking, running, j...
So great to get back to the gym today!  Headed straight for the rack and started leg day with a round of back squats. Lo...
So proud of the technique @mkbrophs has developed over the last year. Virtual training takes great communication and foc...
I was inspired to continue my progression to pistol squats by watching someone at the gym completely nail them!So I trie...
Chest and back conditioning today. It’s all about muscle endurance and complex movement. These is one of of my faves. Ba...
Handstand push-up progress update!I thought I was going to have to find a new goal this year. Had some tenderness in my ...
The move of the day, brought to you by the letter S (as in sitting and sedentary) and the number 10 (the hours per day t...
My first heavy lift since the first lockdown and only 20 lbs off my PB.  It goes to show that with the right fitness rou...
