Embodied Essence Videos

Videos by Embodied Essence. Hi, I'm Brittany Hachey, Founder of Embodied Essence. I am a Holistic Relation Coach and Yoga Teac

👋 Hi!

I’m in LA for 5 days for the first immersion for my 3 year John Wineland teacher training. Preparing for deep sessions and practice.

In order to honour this sacred space of healing I will be offline until July 26th - or longer if I need more integration time.

I am scared, excited, and feeling like I don’t belong.

All feelings are valid. And I’m sitting with and conversing with them.

I am actually thrilled and grateful that I have these emotions moving through my body. It’s an indication that I have made the right choice and that I care deeply about this path that I am on.

I have deep trust that this is where I am supposed to be.

Deep gratitude that the life I have created allows me the space and abundance to be here.

I am ready to release, remember and rise so that I can guide you into the same space.

This is a journey for all of us.

From love, with love, and in service to love.

Take some time to feel into your body today - what feelings and emotions are there.

Can you sit with and honor them, or are you pushing them to the side?

Can you listen to their wisdom?

What are they telling you?

When was the last time to felt the excited nervousness for something that was going to crack you open?

I’m going to be releasing all the ways we can be inspired and work together this fall upon my return.

I can’t wait!

But, if you’re feeling that nervous excitement now, like there’s something there for you to discover, reach out, let’s chat!

~B 🌹

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👋 Hi! I’m in LA for 5 days for the first immersion for my 3 year John Wineland teacher training. Preparing for deep sessions and practice. In order to honour this sacred space of healing I will be offline until July 26th - or longer if I need more integration time. I am scared, excited, and feeling like I don’t belong. All feelings are valid. And I’m sitting with and conversing with them. I am actually thrilled and grateful that I have these emotions moving through my body. It’s an indication that I have made the right choice and that I care deeply about this path that I am on. I have deep trust that this is where I am supposed to be. Deep gratitude that the life I have created allows me the space and abundance to be here. I am ready to release, remember and rise so that I can guide you into the same space. This is a journey for all of us. From love, with love, and in service to love. Take some time to feel into your body today - what feelings and emotions are there. Can you sit with and honor them, or are you pushing them to the side? Can you listen to their wisdom? What are they telling you? When was the last time to felt the excited nervousness for something that was going to crack you open? I’m going to be releasing all the ways we can be inspired and work together this fall upon my return. I can’t wait! But, if you’re feeling that nervous excitement now, like there’s something there for you to discover, reach out, let’s chat! Xx ~B 🌹

❌ PSA : The Patriarchy has no business infiltrating our Intimate relationships. The patriarchal thrives in power and production Intimacy thrives in devotion, reception and love See the disconnect? The patriarchy is so rooted in our society and our psyche that sometimes it creeps up without us even realizing it And in the past, relationships have serve a specific function: 2 people united for survival Now we unite for love, in love and because of love I encourage you to reflect on this in your intimate relationships and see if the nasty threads of the patriarchy are crating an imbalance, an environment where intimacy cannot thrive If the answer is yes, it’s ok, communication is key, and I’m here to chat More on this topic soon… Xx ~B🌹

The meeting point of healing and a 100 year old farmhouse. Peel back the layers. Draw on the tools in your toolbox. Ask for help. Discover the magic, history, truth and foundation. Yearning for this type of excavation and remembrance? Let’s chat? Xx ~B🌹

Identify Vs Essence What are they? What are you most connected to right now? Where are the gifts? What can you do today to draw out the purity of your True Essence? Curious or Stuck? Let’s chat! Xo ~B🌹

In every interaction, every point of connection there is an inherent giving and receiving. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction - not just in the physical world. I have received so much stunningly beautiful feedback from the women who showed up for The Sound of HER and my heart is beyond grateful. But it would be wrong to ignore and not provide gratitude for all of the ways these women have also inspired me and created a shift within me the past few days - without even knowing it. Words matter Every interaction is powerful You have immense gifts Collaborations are blooming Summer is coming Journey Home is launching again in May Follow along, join us in trust so that you can tap in and expand and help create expansion for others All of this work, no matter what side of the coin you are on is a divine collaboration Chat soon Xx ~B

❔Can you let your inner Masculine take care of you so that you can flow? The feminine is the river - but without the structure, the banks, the masculine, she becomes a flood. Here’s my invitation - can you allow your masculine to take care of you? To sign you ip for The Sound Of HER today so that you don’t have to think about it anymore, you just have to SHOW UP and FLOW. I’m calling you in woman. I see you. It’s going to be beautiful! Sign up -> https://buy.stripe.com/dR67uWcOB31l5dm7st Use code HER2022 to save $20 and receive “The Spaces in Between” mini course free (Until March 20th) See you there Xx ~B

Whether you’re reaction is a F**k Yes or a F**k No to what you see, hear or read, embody that, follow that thread, allow the compass needle to shift and point you more truly on your path. The Sound of HER is the perfect opportunity to surrender, open and let the needle shift. Are you ready to listen and let the needle shift? Limited spots available! Join us April 3rd. 1:30:4:30 Halifax NS Only a few days left to save $20 with code HER2022 and receive “the spaces in between” mini course free! Sign up here -> https://buy.stripe.com/dR67uWcOB31l5dm7st

🙏🏻 Meditation on Duality I have had so many conversations with women the past few days about the heaviness of the past 3 months, the confusion and uncertainty. These connections and conversations are so important as it reminds us that we are not alone. It’s also a reassurance that you are allowed to feel a wide range of feelings and emotions all at once. That opposing energies can, and should exist within you. This meditation on Duality will help you witness and hold opposing forces without judgement. Integrate them into your being and support your heart and soul. A taste of what we will explore at The Sound of HER April 3rd 1:30-4:30 The deep healing we all need right now. When we work to heal ourselves we simultaneously heal those around us and the world. Sign up here and save $20 with code HER2022 https://buy.stripe.com/dR67uWcOB31l5dm7st In love, ~B Ps. Please share so others can access this medicine 💕 #meditate #duality #love #yoga #thesoundofher

✨ A short excerpt from tonight’s class to help strengthen the legs and open the side body ✨ 1. warrior 1 - heel to heel alignment, back foot at 45 degrees, arms up 2. Warrior 2 - adjust feet - heel arch alignment, gaze forward, arms reach in opposite directions 3. Reverse warrior - reach your right arm up and back. Stay low and strong in the legs 4. Extended side angle - right arm to right thigh. Left arm reaches up. 5. Tick tock back and forth between reverse warrior and extended side angle a few times and then hold. 6. Simply switch to the opposite side or move through a vinyasa yo reset. Enjoy ✨ Join us live in person or online every Thursday at 5:30 $15 in person $10 online (recording sent out after class if you can’t make it live!) See you on your mat!

✨A Treat For You ✨ Find a cozy place to sit or lay down Find your breath - Long, Slow, Deep Exhale breathe into the bottom of your pelvis and say to yourself “Exhale I grow Roots” Inhale up through the crown of your head and say to yourself “Inhale I Expand” Sound has the power to heal and transform. Even if your ears don’t hear everything, your body picks up on the vibrations Connecting the opposing chakras of the body, the root and the crown, holding the duality of the resonance and intention in your hands at the same time, magically created unity within the body and the mind. Enjoy xo ✨

✨Come along on a story telling journey with me through Shame, Guilt, Frustration and all the spaces in between. ✨ New Masterclass - The spaces in Between coming next week! ✨ Special offer for the Sound of HER participants Feb 20th/2022

“You are what your deepest Desire is. As your desire is, so is your intention. As your intention is, so is your will. As you will is, so is your deed. As your deed is, so is your destiny.” -The Upanishads The Solstice. The Dark. There is much beauty here. As we plant the seeds of intention to harvest as we entered the light. Can you tap into your deepest desires? Can you I fuse your seeds of intention with that desire? Can you let your desire be your truth and the medicine you are here to bring to the world? Exhale - let go of what is no longer serving you. Inhale - what are you calling in? Desire is fire. I want it all. And I hope you do to. Xo ~B #desire #solstice #intention #darkness #light #embodiedessence

Hike : Yoga : Sound Close your eyes Ocean Wind Resonance So much Healing today “Wow” “Amazing” “Unlike any other Experience” “The most relaxed I’ve been in 2.5 years” Our outdoor season has ended, but we have SO much planned for summer 2022 Don’t miss out - sign up for our newsletter - Link In bio 🌊

Awareness and Pulling Threads
“If you knew there was no risk of failure, what would you do right now?” Can you become aware and pull threads? An invitation to our FREE webinar on September 26th Register Here - https://view.flodesk.com/pages/61361b35876c79b782e692eb

Welcome to Embodied Essence! ✨
Welcome from our Founder, Brittany! Evolution, Process, Expansion and Love 🧘🏻‍♀️💕

✨I AM ENOUGH✨ Always have been, Always will be…. Cocooned by the mountains The blade of my paddle cuts through the mirrored surface of the water I feel my ancestry deep within my heart The birds rejoice My soul surrenders I am Enough . . . #nature #naturemedicine #holisticrelationscoach #love #iamenough #peace #yoga #paddleboarding #summer #mountains #exhale #unwind #embody #amplify

10 Million Trees from atop the highest peek in the Maritimes 🌲

She never asks She never takes Without judgment She holds me Natures me Reassures me