The Circular Consumer

A platform that empowers you to rethink your consumption habits, inspires the zero waste lifestyle,


A great article on the affordability of heat pumps and how to take advantage of the BC’s incentive programs.

Are you thinking about getting a heat pump? Here's some great information we found on the website of our friends at Nanaimo Climate Action Hub examining the affordability of heat pumps and what you should know when getting quotes from CleanBC registered contractors.


Brands put a lot of thought into product packaging to add appeal, enhance the consumer experience and create brand recognition. ⁠

Are they missing a prime opportunity to create awareness of sustainability?⁠

This was my thought as I read the "Please Recycle" memo on a paper bag. ⁠

Changing the memo to say "Please Reuse" is a great way to reduce waste and get consumers thinking about creating sustainable habits.⁠

It would be much more effective for the paper bag to say "Reuse 3 times," the reusable plastic tote to say "Reuse 11 times," or the cotton tote to say "Reuse 131 times"(Environmental Agency).⁠

Every product, packaging, service, etc., has an environmental impact, most commonly expressed as a carbon footprint. ⁠

How great would it be for companies to display this info on their product? Including impact data on a label and providing ways for consumers to offset the impact shows a company is committed to reducing its footprint and is great for building sustainability branding. ⁠

Until that happens, the most effective way to reduce a product footprint is to buy less and reuse items over and over. ⁠

Navigating the sustainability space is challenging for both businesses and consumers. But as we transition to a green economy, product production, marketing, and consumer behaviour must also change. ⁠

What do you think? Would impact labelling be an effective way to reduce our environmental footprint?🌿


Using recycled materials in our products is a great way to keep usable materials out of landfills. But does it make sense to use recycled content in all products?

If you're like me, you've likely got excited when you see a product that incorporates recycled material. Like the first time, I noticed a t-shirt was made with five plastic (PET) bottles.

PET bottles are used as single-use soda bottles and are commonly recycled around the world. So does it make sense to incorporate the recycled content into clothing or recycle it back into a bottle?

The problem with synthetic(aka plastic) fabrics is that when laundered, they shed microplastics, which end up in our freshwater systems and, ultimately, oceans.

Another challenge is that the strength of plastic decreases the more times it is recycled. This means the plastic is more brittle, reducing the quality of the fabric and the life span of the garment.

One study tested the reuse of a garment incorporating virgin polyester(PES plastic) and PET bottles and found that the use of virgin PES extended the garment's life span by more than 10 times [Applied Science].

The extended life span of the garment offset the environmental impacts of the virgin materials, specifically in human toxicity (less transportation = less air pollution), freshwater pollution (less resource mining & extraction) and water scarcity (less water used overall).

Finding new products that can use recycled plastic as starting materials is important. Incorporating recycled PET into items that don't have to be laundered frequently, such as hats, backpacks, accessories, etc., reduces the release of microplastics and may increase the item's longevity.

What are your thoughts on this? Should we be turning plastic bottles into clothing?

Photos from The Circular Consumer's post 05/11/2022

Feeling uninspired by your closet? Brooke from .sustainability has easy tips to help make your closet sustainable! ⁠

1. Wear what you already have.⁠
The most sustainable thing we can do is wear our clothes for longer. When we shop our own closet and repeat our outfits, we don’t buy as many new clothes. This reduces our environmental impact by limiting our consumer demand for more production.⁠

2. Quit fast fashion.⁠
The fast fashion business model relies on exploitation. Fast fashion brands look to produce a high quantity of clothing quickly and cheaply. This means that factories have to cut corners to make it happen, creating a dangerous work environment and low wages for garment workers. Instead of shopping fast fashion, look for sustainable brands or secondhand options.⁠

3. Shop secondhand. ⁠
Shopping secondhand is an amazing resource to meet our needs without spending a lot of money. Like shopping our own closets, secondhand reduces the demand for new production because it takes advantage of what already exists. Because the majority of fashion’s impact comes from the production process and end-of-life waste, extending the life of clothing through secondhand is an amazing sustainable practice.⁠

4. Repair.⁠
Learning how to mend your clothes is both incredibly useful and sustainable. It can save our favorite pieces and keep us wearing them for longer! There are many online resources to learn basic repair techniques or you can take advantage of your local tailor to give new life to damaged pieces.⁠

5. Take care of your clothes.⁠
Given the importance of keeping our clothes in use for longer, taking proper care of them is a foundational sustainable practice. Use gentle laundry habits like washing less, using low-heat settings, and air drying. Properly store your clothes according to the fabric and garment construction. Address stains quickly. These little habits can keep your clothes in great condition so you can enjoy them longer!⁠

What's your favourite tip or what would you add to the list?⁠

Be sure to give .sustainability a follow for sustainable fashion education & tips!


Did you know oceans absorb 25% of all carbon dioxide emitted each year? ⁠

Carbon dioxide, aka CO2 aka carbon, is the most abundant greenhouse gas (GHG) in Earth's atmosphere. However, it isn’t the only one.🌍 ⁠

GHGs trap heat in the atmosphere resulting in atmospheric warming, which allows for life on earth. If you've ever been in a greenhouse, you've experienced this GHG warming effect. ⁠

The Earth keeps CO2 in balance by absorbing and storing it in forests, oceans and soils.🌲⁠

However, human activity has exceeded Earth's ability to keep CO2 in balance. The excess CO2 continues to trap heat, causing continuous atmospheric warming, which we call global warming, and it's causing our climate to change. ⁠

Our oceans capture atmospheric CO2 via plankton, corals, algae, etc. However, the increased amounts lead to ocean acidification and ocean temperature warming. ⁠As the oceans warm, the ability to store dissolved gas decreases and capture carbon is released back into the atmosphere.🌊 ⁠

The good news is that we can work to reduce the amount of carbon emitted and slow the warming. Many governments, businesses and individuals are already working on this! ⁠

Not sure where to start?🌿⁠

Check out the blog for tips on reducing your carbon footprint. Or, if you're a business interested in measuring the carbon footprint of your products, DM or book a call via the link in bio.


Happy Earth Day!🌎 Here are 5 ways you can Invest In Our Planet this and every day!❤️ ⁠⁠ ⁠

🌎 Maintain good health, optimism and be kind. ⁠
🌿 We can care about issues outside our daily routine when we're healthy. Take time for yourself to stay on top of climate change anxiety and overwhelm. ⁠

🌎 Spend time in nature. ⁠
🌿 And… Make a habit of picking up trash on your outdoor adventures (tip: pack an extra trash bag so you'll always be prepared)😊 ⁠

🌎 Reduce your carbon footprint and waste. ⁠
🌿 Buy less and practice conscious consumerism. Create or take part in a or challenge⁠⁠
🌎 Advocate environmental policy and climate justice. ⁠
🌿 Contact your local MP or federal gov, sign petitions or join climate-focused groups.⁠

🌎 Choose sustainable transportation. ⁠
🌿 Carpool, take public transit, ride a bike or walk to work/school whenever possible.⁠

Action is needed on all levels to protect this beautiful planet we require to survive. What earth-friendly activities are you incorporating into your lifestyle?🌿


It may be higher than you think...⁠

Our digital carbon footprint is often overlooked, especially when posting and scrolling our social media.⁠⁠

A 2021 study concluded that the average person spends 145 minutes on social media each day. The news feeds with the most significant impact are TikTok, Facebook, Snapchat and Reddit.⁠

This translates to a carbon footprint of:⁠
👉 166 gCO₂eq per user/day; equivalent to driving 1.4km (0.87mile) in a lightweight vehicle⁠

👉 60 kgCO₂eq per user/year. Equivalent to driving 535km(332miles)⁠

55% of the world uses social media, which contributes 262 million tons CO₂eq / year or ~56% of France's carbon emissions!⁠

✅ The good news is that there are other options. is a climate-focused content platform that makes your scrolling time count for the planet! They plant trees while you learn about climate issues with actionable steps to live sustainably and reduce your impact! 😎 ⁠

Are you into carbon-neutral scrolling? Check out the link in my bio to learn more!


Did you know recycling isn't the best option for reducing consumer waste?♻️⁠⁠
Recycling plays an essential role in the circular economy in diverting recoverable materials from landfills.⁠

That said, a more effective way to reduce waste and our carbon footprint is to prevent the creation of waste in our homes. This is because even though we're recycling materials, additional energy and water are needed to process the materials to manufacture new products.⁠
Here are 3 easy ways you can recycle less:⁠⁠

♻️ Buy products with minimal or no packaging⁠
♻️ Reduce the number of items you buy and, whenever possible, invest in quality products designed for repair.⁠
♻️ Reuse and Repurpose products you already have, such as glass jars, takeaway containers, or shopping bags for bin/compost liners⁠

What's your best recycle-reducing tip?👇⁠

Want more conscious consumer tips? Subscribe to the blog and get our conscious consumer cheatsheet! Link in bio.🌿


Buy less: one action, many beneficial outcomes.⁠

Buying less is fundamental in the sustainability movement because every product we buy - sustainable or not - has a carbon footprint.⁠

So why do we buy more than we need?⁠

Our culture values outdoing our peers by defining our success relative to the number of possessions we have. ⁠
We're sold on the idea that the more we have is relative to our well-being and happiness, so we seek fulfilment through mindless consumption.⁠
The problem is consumerism has detrimental environmental impacts - industrial pollution, resource depletion and human toxicity - and contributes to climate change. ⁠⁠

The most effective way to reduce these impacts and climate change is to buy less, which has many benefits, such as: ⁠

✨ Fosters long-term happiness⁠
✨ Reduces physical and psychological clutter⁠
✨ Increases your savings⁠
✨ Lowers your carbon footprint⁠

If you're unsure how to get started, check out the blog for tips and tricks easily incorporated into any lifestyle (link in bio).⁠

What would you add to this list?🌿

Frugal Living: How to Live Your Best Life On Less - The Circular Consumer 03/08/2022

What comes to mind when you think about frugal living?⁠

Is it the penny-pinching lifestyle your grandparents lived during the great depression?⁠

For me, it’s being conscious of how I spend my money so I can funnel it into doing and buying things that I actually want (no buyer’s remorse here!), which provides a level of freedom to live life on my terms.⁠

In this week’s blog, I give tips on how you can live more on less. A powerful lesson I’ve been refining over the past seven years!⁠

When we become mindful of our consumer habits, it spills over into other areas of our life leading to living a life we love.

Even better, intentional living is not only good for our wellbeing, it’s also good for the planet!

Frugal Living: How to Live Your Best Life On Less - The Circular Consumer Gone are the days of associating frugal living with penny pinching and being cheap. Instead, it's using the principles to live more on less.


There's a reason on every flight you take they tell you in an emergency to put your mask on before helping others...⁠

The first time I heard this I thought "why would I help myself before someone else?" It turns out you're better able to help others when you can breathe.⁠

Have you ever noticed your habits change when you're not feeling your best? ⁠

🌿 Exercise is cut⁠
🌿 Diet suffers, and convenience food becomes the normal ⁠
🌿 Overwhelm takes over, and you're unable to care about anything more than what you need to get through each day ⁠

If we don't take care of ourselves, how can we effectively fight climate change, the greatest challenge of our lifetime?⁠

We can't. ⁠

So instead of pushing through, take a step back to care for both your mental and physical health.❤️ ⁠

What's your go-to self-care?👇 ⁠

For me, it's cooking nutritious meals, cleaning the house and hiking mountains.

Think climate action is expensive? Here's what climate change is already costing Canadians | CBC News 03/06/2022

Interesting read on the costs associated with climate change. The cost of wildfires, drought and floods will have on Indigenous health, food production and Canadian cities.

Think climate action is expensive? Here's what climate change is already costing Canadians | CBC News Climate change is affecting everyone around the world and it comes with a price. Here's a look at just some of the costs that are already hitting Canadians and forecast to get worse. The good news is impacts aren't as bad if emissions are cut rapidly, the IPCC said.


Did you know you have a carbon footprint?⁠

A carbon footprint measures greenhouse gases emitted by the manufacturing and distribution of the products we use and our lifestyle habits (.carbon has a great online carbon footprint calculator).⁠

Understanding where you're at on the carbon footprint spectrum will help inform where to focus your efforts to have the most significant impact in reducing it. The three main areas of focus are transportation, household and consumer habits.⁠

Here are some tips to get started:⁠

🌿 Reduce food waste: meal plan, create a grocery list, and preserve or freeze extra food you have on hand⁠

🌿 Eat local, seasonal and more plants: reduce distribution and transportation emissions by shopping local and eating seasonal produce. Incorporating more plants into your diet will reduce emissions from livestock farming ⁠

🌿 Lower your energy use: turning down your AC/heat, do laundry less frequently or use cold water and hanging clothes to dry⁠

🌿 Live in a smaller home: save on construction and maintenance emissions as well as energy for heating/cooling⁠

🌿 Change up how you commute: use public transit, car or bike-share programs, carpool or walk⁠

Check out the blog to learn why we should care about our carbon footprint and reach net zero emissions (link in bio).🌿


Save money and reduce your environmental & social impact. Does it get any better?⁠

Whether it's challenging yourself to shop secondhand or simply becoming more aware of your spending habits, here are 5 easy ways you can save money this month and still live your best life!🙌⁠

Things to try over the next 28 days:⁠

🌿 Get creative in the kitchen: try out a new recipe and dine-in instead of going out for dinner⁠

🌿 Choose to walk instead of drive: whether it's running errands or going to work, opt to take a cheaper mode of transportation (walk, bike, bus, etc.)⁠

🌿 Spend time outside: curb your urge to shop by going for a walk or hike (and pick up trash while you're out)⁠

🌿 Challenge yourself to a no-spend day(or month): the less we buy, the fewer products need to be manufactured⁠

🌿 Try a DIY: is there a way to make a product you need? Better yet, is there something you already own that can be reused or repurposed?⁠

What's your favourite frugal tip?👇🌿


Friendly reminder: it's time to normalize buying less!⁠

The Earth is abundant with natural resources that we take to make the homes, cars, clothes and food we use, and trash we create in our day-to-day lives.🌍⁠

The problem is we're taking too much. ⁠

Between 2015 and 2021, 70% more virgin natural resources were extracted than what the Earth can safely replenish. ⁠

Slowing our growth goes against the common narrative that more is better and that our success is linked to having an abundance of the latest and great products. ⁠

Before shopping try these tips: ⁠

🌿 Check your mood - are you feeling sad/stressed/anxious?⁠

🌿 Create a shopping list and avoid shopping centers (if possible)⁠

🌿 Think about how long you'll use the product - if 1-2X look at getting it secondhand or finding an alternative solution⁠

🌿 Wait 14 days to buy non-essential items - helps to determine how badly you need the item⁠

🌿 Understand the reason behind your "need" to buy items⁠
👉Planned vs Perceived Obsolescence⁠

Low waste living isn't perfect, and there is no one way to achieve it. Start with being mindful of your habits and incorporate small changes that work within your budget and the resources available to you.⁠

What would you add to this list?🌿⁠

Source: CGR 2022


Guess how much you could reduce your carbon footprint by incorporating 3 vegetarian meals per week…👇⁠

You would reduce your footprint by 5% per year, which is equivalent to 2,800kms (1,740 miles) of driving or driving 1/3 of the way across Canada! 🚗 🇨🇦 ⁠

If you're used to eating meat with every meal, this may seem like a big adjustment. But just like any other habit change, it will get easier the more you do it. ⁠
The good news is that the winter season is a great time to start! Keep it simple with vegetable soups for those cold winter days. ⁠

There are a lot of great vegetarian recipes online that use root veg, legumes or local grains such as barley.🥕🌾 ⁠

Try looking for vegetarian alternatives to your regular recipes such as veggie pasta, stirfry or curry. Then create a meal plan and grocery list.📝 ⁠

Not only will you reduce your carbon footprint, but you'll save money too! The money saved can then be used to buy local, organic meat. ⁠

What's your go-to vegetarian meal?


Have you avoided buying a product because it was made of or packaged in plastic?⁠

I was recently asked, "How can a product be sustainable if it's sold in plastic?" ⁠

This is a great question! There are several issues with plastic, and reducing it is very important. But just because a product or packaging is plastic doesn't mean it has a higher footprint. ⁠

A lot happens behind the scenes to get products to the stores for us to buy. ⁠

BTS ways businesses can be sustainable and lower their impact:⁠
🌿 Provide workers with safe working conditions and fair pay ⁠
🌿 Source local, organic raw materials to make their products⁠
🌿 Reduce resources and waste during the manufacturing and distribution by reusing or minimizing packaging⁠
🌿 Create incentive programs for employees, such as encouraging the use of public transit, carpooling or riding a bike.⁠
🌿 Upcycle a byproduct or waste material to make their product ⁠

Lowering the overall carbon footprint of our products encompasses more than just the product packaging. ⁠

While I'm a huge fan of ditching single-use plastics and practice this in my home, transparency and doing a bit of research are important in getting the complete picture of a product.⁠

Interested to learn more about conscious consumerism? Check out the blog for simple tips (link in bio)!


Biodegradable or compostable, what's the difference anyway? ⁠
More and more, the words biodegradable and compostable are showing up on products and packaging and are often used interchangeably.🌱 ⁠
The difference between biodegradable and compostable items are the conditions required to break them down (temperature, anaerobic/aerobic, moisture) and what remains once the item is fully degraded.⁠⁠
🌿 Biodegradable items break down by physical or chemical conditions in the natural environment. In contrast, compostable items require specific conditions to break down properly⁠⁠.⁠

🌿 Compostable materials result in soil-like humus, rich in nutrients, while biodegradable materials can leave residuals like plastic or metals.⁠
🌿 Compostable items are biodegradable, but not all biodegradable items are compostable.⁠⁠

This list of every day "biodegradable" items shows the length of time it takes an item to break down in the natural environment. It's clear that tin & aluminum cans, glass bottles and plastic bags are not readily biodegradable and will leave residual metals and chemicals in the soil. Whenever possible, Reduce, Reuse, then Recycle them!♻️⁠

Learn more about the differences between the two and the challenges associated with disposing of bioplastics on the blog!🌿⁠

Source: Science Learn Hub


Anyone else consuming more coffee and craving long summer daylight hours these days?⁠🙋🏻‍♀️⁠

Did you know it takes 34 gallons (~130L) of water to produce just 1 cup of coffee? Whoa, that's a lot of water!⁠

I'm not suggesting everyone should stop drinking coffee. Instead, take a holistic approach to your coffee drinking experience and look for ways to reduce your water footprint in other areas. ⁠

☕ Reduced product packaging: avoid excess and unnecessary packaging or buy your coffee package-free (such as ) ⁠
☕ Recyclable packaging: look for coffee sold in recyclable or compostable packaging⁠⁠. Better yet, reuse the packaging before recycling⁠

☕ Ditch single-use coffee cups: use your reusable coffee mug or a cup share program if possible (such as .wares or .ca)⁠
☕ Support Sustainable Producers: Research companies using sustainable farming methods or look for the B Corp logo (such as ) ⁠

Interested to learn more about conscious consumerism? Subscribe to the blog and get your conscious consumer cheat sheet (link in bio)!🌿

6 Simple Zero Waste Swaps You'll Want To Make This Year (because they save money) - The Circular Consumer 01/18/2022

Is your city or country implementing non-refundable deposits on single-use items like plastic bags and coffee cups?⁠

It's time to stop wasting money and invest in quality reusables. ⁠

Luckily, I love spreadsheets and the economics of everyday life.⁠

I've done the math and want to help you realize how much money you can save by making simple changes to the products you buy (that also happen to be eco-friendly)!⁠

I hope to inspire you to re-think the "higher" price of sustainable swaps and check if you're throwing away $1260/year of your hard-earned money!⁠💰⁠

Read the article and decide what your next money-saving swap will be!

6 Simple Zero Waste Swaps You'll Want To Make This Year (because they save money) - The Circular Consumer Don't let the price of zero waste swaps deter you from buying them. These six examples show when we invest in quality products we save money.


Does living sustainably feels like another task on your chore list? Try this approach instead...⁠

We're not going to feel motivated 100% of the time, especially with our busy routines and everything going on in the world today. ⁠

So when asked me to participate in their GYA campaign to spark hope and motivation, I did some reflecting.✨ ⁠

I realized the most effortless lifestyle changes are the ones I care most about and bring me joy. This has ultimately led to ditching the need for "retail therapy" and living a meaningful, simple life on my terms. ⁠

Give your actions meaning:⁠
🌿 Start with your values (aka what you care about) and what you want your life to be.⁠
🌿 Create a personal mission statement⁠
🌿 Choose a couple of areas to focus your efforts (i.e., what you care about). This will help keep you focused. ⁠
👉 Check out the 17 SDG for inspiration on where you can apply your efforts ⁠
🌿 Incorporate one change every 2-4wks (keep your changes simple at the start and add complexity as you feel ready). ⁠

Simple or minimalistic living isn't limiting yourself, it's aligning your life with your values. Practice this and you'll find sustainability requires minimal effort.⁠💫⁠

What helps to keep you focused and beat overwhelm?👇


Don't feel bad about having fast-fashion pieces in your wardrobe. ⁠

I do too, and don't stress about it because wearing what I have is better than buying new pieces just for the sake of having a sustainable wardrobe.⁠

3 easy ways to make your favourite fast-fashion clothing eco-friendly(and put $100/year back in your pocket)!⁠

💦 Reduce water consumption: wash less frequently. Washing items like jeans every 10 wears instead of 2 reduces water consumption by 80%!⁠⁠

🌡️ Turn down the temperature: cold water instead of warm reduces energy requirements, thus carbon emissions.⁠⁠ It can also save you $15-30/year!⁠

☀️ Hang them out to dry! Line dry your clothes instead of using the dryer to reduce carbon by 65%.⁠⁠ It also puts $45-90/year back in your pocket! ⁠

Lowering your carbon footprint doesn't mean you have to buy all sustainable products. ⁠Being mindful and intentional of using and maintaining the products we already own can have a significant impact.⁠⁠

Which tip are you ready to commit to?👇


Did you know that 58% of all food produced in Canada is wasted along the supply chain?⁠

It's estimated the average Canadian wastes 175lbs of household food each year. That's crazy!🤯⁠

Especially when considering all the work and resources that go into producing the food we eat, from the farmer's labour to the distribution to the store.⁠

It's no wonder curbing food waste will help reduce carbon emissions by up to 8% of total carbon emissions! 📉

Skipping pre-packaged fruits & veg and buying bulk legumes, grains, flours, and spices is an easy first step in reducing food and packaging waste.🥕🥬⁠

Added Bonus: having the option to buy as much or little as you need is a great way to jazz up your meals with new ingredients!🌶️ ⁠

What's your favourite food waste reducing tip?


Walking into the New Year with the lessons from this year.✨⁠

It's hard to believe another year is coming to an end. Starting a business in 2021 has brought a lot of personal growth and development, but it hasn't come without challenges. The great thing is, challenges provide learning opportunities.⁠

My biggest takeaways from 2021:
✨ I can do anything I put my mind to(and you can too!):
🌿 One year ago, I struggled to navigate a new email account. I've since designed and built a website and have learned the online business space.⁠

✨ Trust and Patience: ⁠
🌿 I've questioned almost every decision in my entrepreneurial journey. However, when I trust the process, things fall into place at just the right time. ⁠

✨ Perfectionism = Procrastination: ⁠
🌿 My "need" to perfect and optimize is a way of not moving forward, and starting is more powerful than getting it right.⁠

✨ Slow down and remember my why: ⁠
🌿 Getting caught up in my big ideas leads to overwhelm and missing the wins I've had. Checking in and remembering my why motivates me to keep going. ⁠

What wins or takeaways are you taking into 2022?⁠🙌

Photos from The Circular Consumer's post 12/23/2021

Wishing you all the most wonderful holiday season!🌲⁠

As the repurposed buoy and lobster pot trees show, beautiful things come about when we look at something through a different lens. The outcome hasn’t hindered the spirit, rather enriched it with community & personal flair.⁠ A powerful lesson as we continue to make changes in sustainability.✨

Thank you for all the insightful conversations and sharing of sustainable ideas. I am grateful to have connected with many wonderful people and am excited to continue growing the community.✨

However you choose to celebrate, we wish you happiness and love.❤️Happy holidays!🎄


Like keeping track of your sugar intake, I'm sure your carbon footprint isn't top of mind during the holidays.⁠

I have no problem resisting sugary treats all year, but it all goes out the window at this time of year - seriously, give me all the goodies! ⁠

Hopefully I'm not alone in this and you agree we are more indulgent and tend to have a higher carbon footprint around the holidays. ⁠Reel it in with these 3 simple ways to reduce your footprint. ⁠

✨ Shine bright with LEDs:⁠
👉 LED light bulbs use nearly 90% less energy than incandescent bulbs and last 10x longer! Reduce your energy footprint by putting your lights on a timer (decrease energy = money savings!)⁠

☕ Layer up, grab a blanket and make a cup of tea:⁠
👉 Instead of turning up the heat, put on an extra layer, make a hot beverage and cozy up with your favourite blanket ⁠

🥬 Feast on locally produced food:⁠
👉 Eating seasonal produce may be a challenge depending on where you live. Look for locally produced root veg, leafy greens grown in greenhouses and organic meats ⁠

Just like a healthy diet is essential for good health, reducing our carbon footprint is important for the Earth's health.🌍⁠

What tips would you add to this carbon-reducing list?🌿


Still looking for the perfect stocking suffers?🧦 ⁠

Zero waste stocking stuffers are a great way to introduce others to low-waste product alternatives. ⁠In fact, some of my favourite bathroom swaps were gifted or recommended! ⁠

🧼 Shampoo & conditioner bars are a game changer! My favourite brand is PLENTY + SPARE], gifted from in a box!⁠

🦷 Toothpaste tablets are amazing for those who like to travel or adventure. I love all oral care products! If you're unsure your loved ones will love the switch, gift a sample size from your local refillery!⁠

🌿 Sustainable skincare. has worked wonders on my (super) sensitive skin. A huge thank you to for the recommendation!⁠

🪒 A safety razor is one of my favourite swaps. Check out razors and shave kits! ⁠

🧼 Bar soap, any local, natural kind will do. If gifting to a diy'er, try a soap-making class! I took a class from PLENTY + SPARE] a few years ago and still make my soap(pictured)!⁠

Share your favourite zero waste bathroom swap in the comments👇

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