Picnic Social Strategies

Bringing People and
Businesses Together
through innovative
marketing campaigns


Do you participate in social media communities and groups?

These groups are great places to have meaningful conversations, share knowledge, and find leads....if you don't come across as spammy!

Here are our top 3 tips for engaging in social media groups and communities on LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, Threads, and WhatsApp:
🧺 Don't post salesy content (unless it's a promo day in the group)
🧺 Share valuable information with others
🧺 Check your groups daily to every few days to look for discussions you can add value to.

👉 Are group conversations and engagement part of your social media strategy?


🤔 Is your social media content authentic OR are you being spammy and annoying?

To help you create more meaningful content and conversations on social media, here's a quick list of do's and don'ts:

✅ DO post regularly (at least once a week or more)
✅ DO respond to ALL comments (even the negative ones)
✅ DO use real photos (don't rely on only stock imagery)

❌ DON'T post on every platform with the same content (choose 2-3 to focus on)
❌ DON'T only post content (respond to comments and messages too)
❌ DON'T expect every post to go viral

😊 If you need help creating and executing an effective social media posting and engagement strategy, the picnic team of social media managers, graphic designers, and copywriters can help.

Contact Erica for a free discovery call to learn more ➡️ https://loom.ly/Wz5faR0


🤔Are you struggling to crack the ENGAGEMENT code on social media?

You're not alone!

Appease the social media algorithm to get your content in front of more people. Create engaging posts that get more likes, comments, and shares.

Here are 4 ways to craft engaging posts:
1️⃣ Ask a question
2️⃣ Encourage likes and shares
3️⃣ Do a live stream
4️⃣ Run a social media sharing contest

📢 BONUS: Posts with carousels, videos, or humourous content usually have higher engagement rates!

TELL US...what do you want to know about social media engagement this month?


"The road I took was varied, but each job enhanced my writing, brand and PR skills. They taught me to always be learning and be flexible with change."
Thanks to Kings University College for the feature of our Chief Strategist, Erica Elizabeth. Learn more about Erica's road to picnic social and her thought on AI in this article

Erica Timmerman, BA '06, Founder and President of picnic social strategies, shares her career journey and advice on building a personal brand in the latest issue of the King's Herald. Whether you're just starting your career or looking to pivot, Erica’s insights may help guide you to success: https://issuu.com/kingsuniversitycollege/docs/2024-herald-spring/s/51268295

Photos from Picnic Social Strategies's post 08/02/2024

😎 We'll admit it was a bit hard to stay 100% focused this month with the gorgeous weather outside
..but, we managed to get it done!

🧺 Our team expertly managed to enjoy some sunny days (thanks to laptops and remote working), while supporting our clients through their summer marketing projects and campaigns.

We helped our clients achieve some groundbreaking success this month, plus a few wins of our own:
✨ We finalized the brand design and pitch deck project for client, Pioneer Logistics.
✨ Capital College's summer student campaign is doing great, with high growth in leads, followers, subscribers and brand reputation!
✨ Oceana Massage & Wellness gave picnic a heartwarming video testimonial.
✨ Netra attended Taylor Swift's Eras Tour in Hamburg, Germany.
✨ Erica delivered another successful BNI presentation that has initiated new interest in picnic services!

Photos from Picnic Social Strategies's post 07/30/2024

😎 We’ll admit it was a bit hard to stay 100% focused this month with the gorgeous weather outside
..but, we managed to get it done!

🧺 Our team expertly managed to enjoy some sunny days (thanks to laptops and remote working), while supporting our clients through their summer marketing projects and campaigns.

We helped our clients achieve some groundbreaking success this month:
✨ Oceana Massage gave us an amazing video testimonial.
✨ Netra expereinced Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour in Hamburg, Germany.
✨ We finalized the brand design and pitch deck project for client, Pioneer Logistics.
✨ Erica delivered another successful BNI presentation.


🖐 Are you building the right touchpoints for success?

👉 Remember, everytime a prospect hears about your brand, sees your posts, or engages with your company - it is a valuable touchpoint to nurture that prospect towards a sale.

Optimizing these strategies is one of the most helpful things you can do in your lead gen strategy.

👀 Look at all your channels, content types, and touchpoints and ensure they support all stages of your lead funnel, from discovery of your brand, to learning more about you, to making their buying decision.


🥺 Are you missing out on valuable leads?

Your next ideal customer or client is waiting for you...but you'll only capture them if you've got a lead generation strategy, including:
🔴 Audience personas (and their pain points)
🔴 Clearly defined goals
🔴 A lead funnel
🔴 Valuable content to nurture leads
🔴 Lead capture forms and analytics

It doesn't have to be complicated to create your own lead funnel. Start simple and implement a bit at a time, based on your strategy, and you can start seeing results!

Ask us if you'd like a hand to define your lead generation strategy and create the content and assets to make it a reality ➡️ https://picnicsocial.ca/marketing-roadmap/


🤔 Are you posting lots of "tips and tricks" on social media and in your content?

These are great types of posts (we do it all the time at picnic), but they're more helpful in attracting and nurturing followers, rather than closing a sale.

People pay for YOUR expertise!

Show them that you:
👉 Understand their struggles (pain points)
👉 That you have the solution (your offerings)
👉 That your solution is unique/easy/effective (your USP and social proof).

When people trust you and can clearly see how you solve their problems or make their lives easier, you're more likely to turn casual followers and prospects into serious warm or hot leads!

Want help to balance "tips" and valuable, lead-worthy posts and content. Ask Erica in your 30-min free consultation today ➡️ https://calendly.com/picnic-marketing-consultation/30-min-complimentary-marketing-consultation



DYK...The average number of licks to finish an ice cream cone is 50? 👅

On National Ice Cream Day we're dreaming of our favourite local ice creameries in Vancouver:

Netra 👉 Earnest Ice Cream
Gabriel 👉 Rain or Shine Ice Cream
Erin 👉 J Squared Ice Cream
Erica 👉 Dairy Queen
Ashley 👉 Anywhere that has espresso-flavored ice cream! Haagen Dazs comes to mind

Where are YOU planning to enjoy an ice cream break today? Tell us below!


😮 Are you collecting leads properly?

When creating a landing page to collect leads, keep these 5 quick tips in mind to increase your ROI:
1️⃣ Use the page heading to address your intended audience and the problem you're solving for them
2️⃣ Focus on 1, clear call-to-action
3️⃣ Ensure your lead capture is near the top of the page
4️⃣ Brevity is key!
5️⃣ Only ask for basic information (long lead forms are less likely to convert)

Collect only the information you need, such as a name and email address. You can collect additional details and demographics from them later if they show interest.

Have you created a lead gen landing page before? What was your biggest struggle or success with it?

Photos from Picnic Social Strategies's post 07/15/2024

📢 Not all leads are treated equal!

Here are 3 common lead types:

❄️ COLD LEADS - May have initially shown interest in your business, but have remained silent since
🌤️WARM LEADS - Followers who are engaging with your content
🔥 HOT LEADS - People showing active interest in buying from you, but need an extra push

How you communicate with each type of leads is very IMPORTANT!

❄️ Cold leads need more hand holding and education about your business or niche. Offering something to pique their interest, such as a discount on social or email, can get your foot in the door.

🌤️Warm leads respond to your socials and regularly download your lead magnets. Encourage more face-to-face with this lead or offer them a customized solution.

🔥 Hot leads need content that shows them what it's like to work with (or buy from) you. Ensure your sales rep is polite, attentive and timely to their requests to expediate sales.

Be sure you're collecting user information (through analytics and lead generation forms) so you can track prospects as they move through Cold, Warm, and Hot Leads.

Got more questions? Reach out to Erica for the answers! Book a no-expectations call: https://calendly.com/picnic-marketing-consultation/30-min-complimentary-marketing-consultation


👉 Are you holding your customer's/client's hands?

The best way to make a sale is to lead prospects through from discovery of your brand to making a purchase. This path is called your Lead Funnel.

There are 3 parts to the lead funnel:
1️⃣ TOFU - Top of Funnel
2️⃣ MOFU - Middle of Funnel
3️⃣ BOFU - Bottom of Funnel

1️⃣ (TOFU) Prospects come in at the top of your funnel and know little to nothing about you or your niche. Create content that is high-level to introduce them to what you do, such as social media and blogs that answer "what is XYZ.." similar to what you would be typing in Google Search.

2️⃣ (MOFU) As they learn more about you they progress down the funnel towards making an action. Landing pages, white papers, case studies, longer-form videos, that proivde more customized solutions to your audience helps to nurture relationships and begin tracking emails.

3️⃣ (BOFU) At this point your leads are close to making a purchase decision and require more personal support. A call, product demo or incentive can lead prospects to sale.

We can help you create content for EVERY stage of the lead funnel. Find out how here ➡️ https://picnicsocial.ca/marketing-roadmap/


🤔 How do you get new business or clients?

Lead Generation includes activities that are designed to lead a customer to a sale.

Some tactics to generate leads include:
🔴 Sales outreach
🔴 Blog posts
🔴 Social Media
🔴 Lead Magnets
🔴 Newsletters
🔴 Paid ads
🔴 ...and more!

We're going to explore these and other strategies and tactics for SMB lead generation this month.

What's your biggest question about lead generation for your business? Ask us in the comments and we'll respond with our best tips!

Photos from Picnic Social Strategies's post 07/02/2024

🧺 June was a busy month for picnic! The weather finally showed signs of warming up and our team got to spend more time outdoors (which we LOVE)!

We were also SUPER productive in the office too! Here's a few win's we're proud to celebrate with you:

✨ Reached 11.2K views on our "iconic" reel
✨ We onboarded new client AIM Language Learning
✨ Held our annual team picnic
✨ Welcomed intern Marjorie into the office for the month of June
✨Our client NARP surpassed 16.2K views on their best-performing reel

(oh, and we're not slowing down over the summer! We'll be here to help you and your business' social media shine ☀️ all the way into September!)



Happy Canada Day! 🟥🍁🟥

As we walked around the streets of Vancouver this weekend, we saw so many people wearing red and white to show their love for our great country.

🍁 We're honoured to live and work in a country that respects individuality, supports our dreams, and learns from the past.

This Canada Day, the picnic team is reflecting on what we can do to support our community and have a greater impact on the world. We pledge to do our part every day to be kind and give back where we're able.


If we could summarize business branding into our top 3 tips...here's what we'd say:

Defining your brand helps people understand what makes your business unique.
✨ How: Clarify your mission, vision, and unique selling points (USP). Then create consistent visual elements like a logo and brand colors.

Brand consistency builds trust and recognition (key elements to making a sale)
✨ How: Create a Brand Book or style guide and ensure you're using the same logo, colors, fonts, and messaging style across all platforms.

Don't be a faceless brand. Understand and interact with your audience online and in-person to foster loyalty
✨ How: Learn about your audience’s preferences, create relevant content, and engage with them on social media.

🧺 Do you need help defining (or redefining) your brand. Learn more about picnic's comprehensive branding package ➡️ https://picnicsocial.ca/brand-website-design/


👋You've seen his work on our social media feed (and in our clients' feeds) ... but have you met Gabriel yet?

Here are a few things Gabriel wants you to know about him:

✨ ROLE: I’m a graphic designer at picnic social, committed to bringing visual creativity to the team. I excel at making captivating, user-friendly, and unique visuals!

✨ SUPERPOWER: Endless curiosity and ideation, with an unstoppable creative mind.

✨ IDEAL PICNIC DAY OUT: Beach day with friends + treats and snacks from my home country of Brazil!

Gabriel works to help your business shine and pop!

So...next time you see a graphic or reel on the picnic social feed...you know who's behind it!


🖼️ Your business could endlessly create brand assets and collateral, but that's like throwing spaghetti at a wall and hoping it's cooked enough to stick! 🍝

Instead, your SMB should prioritize these 5 digital brand assets:
1️⃣ A website and a blog (to be the hub of your online presence)
2️⃣ Landing Pages (for campaigns and promotions)
3️⃣ Email Marketing (to communicate with your audience)
4️⃣ Social Media Presence (choose a couple platforms to create content and engage with followers)
5️⃣ Video or reels (to engage with your audience and stay on brand)

If you need help translating your brand into digital assets like these, contact the picnic team of digital marketers today. We can help you define your brand and create a marketing strategy that uses it to meet your business goals.

🧺 Learn more about branding and website packages: https://picnicsocial.ca/brand-website-design/?utm_source=social+media&utm_medium=facebook
Learn more about marketing management packages ➡️ https://picnicsocial.ca/marketing-management/?utm_source=social+media&utm_medium=facebook


🤔 How are people finding your blog posts online?

Your social media posts are likely leading people to your website, but how are you attracting new readers and followers to your blog?

There are many ways to choose keywords for your blog posts...but here is a free and effective one:

1️⃣ Start typing a word related to your niche in a Google Search
2️⃣ See what the Google Search auto-suggests for you
3️⃣ Pick one of these phrases and use that as your blog keyword phrase.

😊 We like this strategy because these auto-suggest phrases are based on a combination of AI and what people are actually searching for in Google. So...you know people are already looking for that content online.

This is just 1 way to find SEO keywords. Do you have any other favourite SEO tools?


⏰ It's almost time again!
..Time for another valuable picnic social newsletter to land in your inbox! 📩

This month we'll feature new marketing tips and tricks, software picks, and updates from the picnic blog!

🧺 Sign-up now so you don't miss out on a marketing tip that could transform your business!

Subscribe now ➡️ https://loom.ly/9YOA1vo


⚠️ Defining your business brand is not an exercise you do once and never look at again.

As your business evolves, so should your brand.

You may be due for a rebrand or a brand refresh if:
✅ Your offerings have changed
✅ Your target market has evolved
✅ You're creating new content types
✅ New competitors come on the market.
✅ Your website is outdated (usually more than 3-5 years old
✅ You constantly hear "I had no idea that was your brand!"

🧺 picnic went through its own rebrand in 2021 to better align with our evolving vision and customers. Immediately we saw a shift in onboarding clients who better aligned with our values.

Is your business creating the lasting impression you'd hoped? Contact us to learn how simple updates can elevate your brand to attract the type of clients you are after.

Photos from Picnic Social Strategies's post 06/17/2024

We love creating captivating brands for our clients that help make their businesses stand out among the competition.

In this brand refresh for a financial planner, Lisa Sukul of Planning By Lisa, our main goal was to project Lisa's values of growth, trust, and relationship building through organic patterns, soft colours, and font.

Some key deliverables included:

👉 a 25-page Brand Book, with all new visual and editorial brand details.

👉 4 versions of the logo for primary, descriptive, social, and graphic use.

👉 9 icons for separate services.

👉 templates for letterhead, envelope, business card, and signature

What do you think? Do you feel this refresh makes her brand more memorable?


🤔 Do you have a Brand Book or Brand Guidelines?

Every business should have one. It can be a simple 1-pager or a more detailed document.

What should be in your Brand Book?
🔴 Brand personality: What is your brand vibe or persona?
🔴 Logo variations: How and when you use each version of your logo
🔴 Fonts and colours: Choose 1-2 primary colours and a few secondary or tertiary colours
🔴 Tone of voice: What language and tone do you use in your writing and content?

Your Brand Book should ensure that, no matter who supports your marketing or represents your company image, you're being consistent so people start to associate your brand elements with your company.

🧺 Did you know that picnic can help you develop your brand? Then we can help you consistently showcase your brand through your digital marketing.

Learn more about branding support from picnic ➡️ https://picnicsocial.ca/brand-website-design/?utm_source=social+media&utm_medium=facebook


📣 Welcome to BRANDING MONTH at picnic social!

This month, our social media content will focus on how you can (or should) use branding in your marketing strategy.

✅ We'll share how you can create a memorable, consistent brand that helps attract more clients and customers, and meet your SMB objectives.

👇Tell us below what you most want to learn about branding this month

Photos from Picnic Social Strategies's post 05/31/2024

🌞 6 months into the year and we've got some more monthly wins to share:

1. Oceana Massage enjoyed a successful group giveaway for Mother's Day!

2. We visited our client Capital College at their campus in Richmond.

3. Erica ran a team workshop on Sales Funnels.

4. We began a student registration campaign for Capital College's Montessori program

We'd love to hear what you've been up to. Share your biggest business wins in the comments below


✍️ Blogs can help you grow your business!

Here are 5 reasons why:
1️⃣ They show off your expertise
2️⃣ They make great content to increase your reach on social media
3️⃣ When written with SEO keywords, they can help your content rank on Google
4️⃣ They show off your brand's personality
5️⃣ They can help you generate leads when you include relevant call to actions in your articles.

🧺 Are you ready to experience the power of using blogs to grow your small business? Book a discovery call with Erica at picnic to learn how blogging can be part of your marketing strategy: https://picnicsocial.ca/contact/


🧺 We invite you to join picnic....through our monthly newsletter!

👉 You WON'T want to miss this month's newsletter as we're sharing something you'll find super helpful:

Our expert tips to help you plan your next 30-days of marketing ideas!

Sign-up now to read it: https://share.hsforms.com/1b7FwiW0MRgKmRxFFciFTcA4dqxm


Q: Have you ever met, bought from, or worked with a mompreneur?

A mompreneur is a mother who owns a business. At picnic, our Founder (Erica) and Copywriter (Ashley) WriterGal Marketing are moms, as are many of our clients including Amanda from Harmony Homestay and Travel, Tia from HT School Photography, and Renee from Rise Up Business Coaching!

👩‍👦Being a mom and an entrepreneur is not for the faint of heart. It takes someone with a true passion for serving others (caring for their family and their business).

Today, we celebrate all the moms and female role models in our lives.

🙏 Thank you Moms, for all that you've done and will do for us!

🎉 Happy Mother's Day!


👋 Have you met Ashley yet?

Ashley's been with the team since before it was "picnic" (did you know we were once called "Snap Social"). For over five years, she has been our team copywriter and lends her words and creativity to a variety of our clients' blogs and social media content.

Here's what she wants you to know about herself:

✨ SUPERPOWER: Putting letters and words into compelling sentences and paragraphs...while her kids are climbing all over her!

✨ IDEAL PICNIC DAY OUT: Sitting on a picnic blanket under the shade of a tree at the local park and playground, sipping an iced coffee and people watching.

Ashley has been honoured to watch picnic evolve over the years and enjoys supporting the team and our clients anyway she can!

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We bring people and businesses together

Based in Vancouver, Canada, picnic social strategies provides your business a competitive edge by delivering strategic, customer-oriented digital marketing tactics that speak to the mind and heart.

It’s our mission to support our clients and be their voice as we speak to the minds and hearts of their community. We do this through our values:

We innovate: We are constantly seeking new and better ways to be the best at our job. We encourage team members to push boundaries, come up with fresh ideas and test new practices.

We elevate: We believe in motivating our team and recognizing each other's strengths to foster growth. We believe this empowers our team to be creative, build client relationships and realize their potential in the work they do.

Videos (show all)

We had a fantastic time at the BNI meeting watching our founder Erica Timmerman shine! She shared how picnic helps build...
picnic social - St. Patrick's Day
Meet Bruna, picnic's marketing strategist! Luckily, she captured Vancouver's first snow day this season. 😉Bruna manages ...



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Vancouver, BC

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Wednesday 9am - 5pm
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High quality, high-end and highly sought after. We help you with PR and Marketing in Vancouver, BC.