Sunergo Systems

Sunergo Systems is dedicated to enabling ministry through the effective use of web-based technologie Sunergo pulls the pieces together.

Sunergo Systems is dedicated to enabling the ministry of the Christian church, para-church organizations and individuals – through the effective use of web-based technologies. We work with Churches, Camps and other non-profits providing website design & hosting, online registration, information management and other custom solutions.

How to Easily Reorganize Groups for the Next Ministry Season 08/02/2024

It is no small feat to keep people organized effectively while you plan your church's fall activities, but it is such an important responsibility of church administration. Connecting people to each other in community provides them opportunities for spiritual growth, improves their relational well-being, and helps them live out their faith in meaningful ways.

Our recent blog post outlines how to create new ministry groups, add people to existing groups, or easily move people between groups (the easiest way to move groups of children from one Sunday School grade to the next) in Sunergo Connect + Groups.

We're here to help you, church admins. Reach out with your questions or to request a demo anytime.

How to Easily Reorganize Groups for the Next Ministry Season Heading into summer, many churches are already planning for fall. Keeping people and groups organized effectively is one of the most important jobs in church administration. Connecting people to each other in community provides them opportunities for spiritual growth, improves their relational well-...


Happy Canada Day from Sunergo!

We are a small team working in beautiful, green, Vancouver BC, here to serve churches, camps, and parachurch organizations all across this amazing land known as Canada.

We hope you have a fantastic long weekend and enjoy the celebrations in your city! 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦


Happy Father's Day to all the dads and father figures!

The love, protection, wisdom, and patience you provide are some of the most nourishing elements needed for the healthy development of the younger generations. Fathers - you matter! Your love reflects God's love for all of His children. This weekend, we honour you.


Never again miss renewal dates for volunteer updates like background checks and first aid training.

Sunergo allows church admins to add church life events to every contact's profile. Add all kinds of events, from birthdays, anniversaries, and baptisms to training, certifications, and police checks. Admins can customize events unique to their church, and each type of event can be set to expire, so alerts will be issued when updates are needed.

Our centralized database allows all church staff to access the same information about your congregation, so everyone can have eyes on this important volunteer information.

Scheduling Volunteers at the Push of a Button 05/28/2024

There is no question that effective volunteer scheduling can take up a tremendous amount of a Group Leader’s time. Wouldn’t it be great if, at the press of a button, the schedule that makes the most sense would appear right before their eyes? The right church management software makes it possible! Read our new blog post to find out how.

Scheduling Volunteers at the Push of a Button Unclear shifts and roles; inconsistent communication; scheduling conflicts with other teams. There is no question that effective volunteer scheduling can take up a tremendouns amount of a Group Leader’s time. Wouldn’t it be great if, at the press of a button, the schedule that makes the most sense...


"As stewards of God's creation, we have a responsibility to use technology in ways that honor Him and promote the flourishing of all people." - N. T. Wright


🌸 We celebrate Mother's Day with hearts full of gratitude and love! 🌸

This weekend, we thank all the amazing moms and mother figures out there. Your strength, wisdom, and faith inspire us. Your love is a comforting balm and a reflection of God's love for all of us. May you be blessed!

Keep Your Children's Ministry Going Strong 05/03/2024

Children feeling restless and leaders running out of steam? Here are our best tips for keeping everyone involved in your Kid's Ministry happy and engaged through the end of the school year!

Blessings to you as you serve God's precious children.

Keep Your Children's Ministry Going Strong Between the lingering effects of the winter blahs, and the bulk of the school year having passed, the excitement surrounding your children’s programs may be fading, too. While we wait for sunny summer days and unstructured play to refresh children and leaders alike, try these ideas to keep your kid...


Members of your congregation can stay up to date on the ministries that matter to them by subscribing to your church calendar.

When the calendar subscription is enabled, a “Subscribe” button will appear on the calendar webpage for public users to subscribe. Users will then get automatic updates to their calendar service of choice (Google Calendar, Outlook, Apple Calendar, etc.) whenever the church calendar changes.

Calendar subscription is an advanced, FREE feature in our Website Builder. Contact us to add this feature to your website.


Sunergo is a suite of online tools that was made to help all kinds of Canadian ministries.

People are most familiar with our

⛪️ CHURCH management software

and website tools, but did you know that we also serve


and parachurch ministries such as


❤️‍🩹 CHARITIES, and

🌐 MISSIONARY organizations?

To explore our tools head over to or reach out to our amazing help team through the link in our profile. Your inquiries will always be answered promptly by a helpful human being.

Our name comes from the Greek “sunergos”, meaning “fellow companion”. We exist to be your helping hand. We want to use our unique gifts and years of experience to come alongside you in ministry.

NCOL Ministries is a non-profit society registered in British Columbia, Canada. We are dedicated to enabling the ministry of Christians in Canada through the effective use of web-based technologies.

NCOL Ministries pulls the pieces together, offering a standard of excellence that was previously out of reach for most. Our entire operations, including where we host our systems, are all in Canada 🇨🇦


Happy Easter weekend from the Sunergo Team to your Ministry Team!

Easter is the reason each and every one of us do what we do - to proclaim the good news that Jesus is risen, indeed! ✝️☮️💜


During this Lenten season with Good Friday a week ahead of us, we offer you this quote about having hope while facing the reality of a fallen world. The extended quote:

"If we care to know how deep the suffering of Christ goes—and how vast and even violent is the restoration process through Christ’s suffering—then we had better start with knowing the dark, cruel reality of the fallen world. If we care to embrace hope despite what encompasses us, the impossibility of life and the inevitability of death, then we must embrace a vision that will endure beyond our failures. We should not journey toward a world in which ”solutions” to the “problems” are sought, but a world that acknowledges the possibility of the existence of grace beyond even the greatest of traumas, the Ground-Zero realities of our lives.” - MF

For reference, Makoto Fujimura is a Christian and an artist who lived with his family at New York's "Ground Zero," just 3 blocks from the Twin Towers on 9/11.

Saying Thanks to First-Time Givers 03/14/2024

This month's blog post is all about the importance of thanking first-time givers! Sunergo even has a built-in report to help you identify these special donors so that you can reach out. Find out more...

Saying Thanks to First-Time Givers It is a special moment, the first time someone offers a financial gift to your church. Thanking them for their gift creates reciprocity of relationship, and can be a good jumping-off point for getting to know that person and understanding what is important to them.


It is much easier for churches to plan their budgets if they can accurately predict their expenses. No need to worry about fluctuating exchange rates. Simplify your church's finances by choosing Canadian products and services and paying in Canadian dollars. 🇨🇦


New: Follow us on Pinterest

Now you can save:

📌 inspirational quotes
📌 Sunergo Pro-Tips
📌 informational blog posts
📌 Bible verses

for when you need a little "pinspiration" at work or home.


"And God said, “This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life." Genesis 9:12-15


This Family Day weekend we hope you spend time with the younger generations in your life, create moments of connection with them, and nurture their faith in God.

Have a wonderful long weekend!

"These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up." Deuteronomy 6:6-7

Who Was Saint Valentine? 02/12/2024

Is Valentine's Day just another superfluous commercial holiday, or is it a Christian celebration of love? We dug up the legendary history of the martyr Saint Valentine and some thoughts from some classic Christian authors on the subject of love.

Who Was Saint Valentine? Is February 14th just another superfluous commercial holiday, or is it a Christian celebration of love? We dug up the legendary history of the martyr Saint Valentine and some thoughts from some classic Christian authors on the subject of love. February is also the month that the CRA recommends chari...


When you send digital gift receipts to your church's donors this year, add a message of thanks to the email.

It warms people's hearts to be reminded that their donation was appreciated and was used for a meaningful purpose.

Include warm memories of important giving projects from the previous year. This reminder of the good things everyone contributed to together helps people build relationships with each other, and feel more connected with your church. Positive feelings about past giving also fosters future generosity.

Sunergo recommends posting the letter to your website where everyone can see it, and including a link in the body of the receipt email. For an extra-personal feel, ask the Treasurer, or a Board Member who often communicates with people about money, to compose and sign the letter with their name.


Reminder for church accounting and admin teams 🤞 that it's time to issue tax receipts to your donors. Check out our post for tips on sending digital and physical receipts with ease.


"Faith is not a conclusion you reach... it's a journey you live." - AW Tozer

Data Storage and Security for Canadian Churches 01/12/2024

Did you know that utilizing cloud-based systems such as Dropbox, Google Drive, or church management software hosted on servers outside of Canada may pose challenges in terms of data compliance for your church?

According to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), there are regulations stipulating that books and records must be kept at the Canadian address registered with the CRA. Understanding these guidelines can empower your church to make informed decisions for the safety and security of your data.

Take a look at our new blog post for more information:

Data Storage and Security for Canadian Churches Did you know that if your church stores documents on cloud-based systems hosted on servers outside of Canada, it may pose challenges regarding data compliance for your church? These are not the sort of details that occur to most people who have a heart to serve in ministry. Typically, church employe...


Information security is increasingly on everyone's minds. Sunergo makes it easy to ensure that church documents are stored and shared securely and properly.

Share sensitive items such as governance documents and meeting minutes with only those who are granted permission to access them.

Keep a digital library of your church's records and history all in one place.

Gain peace of mind knowing that your documents are stored on servers located in Canada, in compliance with regulations set by the CRA for registered charities.

Sunergo's servers are located in a Tier III data centre featuring highly regulated access via keycards and biometric scanning. The facilities have 24/7 physical and electronic surveillance.

2024 is the year to get organized with your church's data, and we're here to help. Reach out to our support team to get started!


We at Sunergo wish you an abundance of new blessings in the year to come. Happy New Year, everyone!


This Christmas we turn toward God’s great message of hope, shining as brightly as a star in the night sky. What a miracle of love that God, so unfathomably large that he escapes any category of size, chose to enter our troubled world as a helpless infant. Born to a family away from their home. Born in a place and time of political turmoil.

In such a complicated world, God makes much of humble gifts.

Bless you and your ministry team as you offer your humble gifts in service to the hopeful message of the Christ child.

We wish you a Christmas season overflowing with hope.

The Sunergo Team

Note: Our office will be closed on Friday, December 22nd, 2023 and will reopen on Tuesday, January 2nd, 2024.

Meaningful Christmas Traditions Across the Denominations 12/15/2023

Did you know that the first Christmas nativity scene was performed in 1223, by monks, in a cave in Greccio, Italy?

Or, that the advent wreath was invented by a German pastor working in a mission school in the 1800s as a way to help the children count down to Christmas?

Or, that modern-day Nigerian Christians feast on Christmas rice instead of turkey?

If you enjoy learning about Christmas traditions or want to feel more connected to your global Christian family, read our interesting and heartwarming new blog post 🎄

Meaningful Christmas Traditions Across the Denominations Christians all around the world celebrate the joyous occasion of Christmas in a multitude of ways. For the most part, traditions are shared across denominations, but we thought it would be fun to survey how some different Christmas activities reflect the characteristics of different faith groups. Ou...

Photos from Sunergo Systems's post 12/09/2023

Did you know that Sunergo is a small team of Canadians based in Vancouver BC who are passionate about supporting other Canadians serving in ministry?

Visit and say hello to our support team if you're curious about how our suite of online tools might serve your mission. We're here to help!

Our solutions include:
-Child Protection
-Connect + Ministry Groups
-Facility Rental
-Online Giving
-Event Registration
-Secure Document Sharing
-Attendance and Points
and more!


Writing an accurate, relevant, and concise alt text description for each image on your church’s website is important for accessibility reasons, and it can help with SEO too.

Images aren’t just decorative; they provide information for sighted users. That information is therefore missing for anyone who cannot view the images. Alt text is read aloud by screen readers and other assistive technologies used by the visually impaired. With that in mind, consider wording your alt text to provide information useful for those who might be looking for information about your church.

Alt text also affects SEO (search engine optimization) and can direct traffic to your website. Someone may Google “youth group,” for example. If you’ve included relevant alt text in an image from your church’s youth group page, your image and a corresponding link to your website, will rank in Google’s search results.

So when you’re uploading new images for your church’s website, make sure to add some well-crafted alt text.


"The kingdom that Jesus preached and lived was all about a glorious, uproarious, absurd generosity."
~ NT Wright

The Art of Online Giving as a Spiritual Practice 11/16/2023

The way we give has undergone a massive shift, but generosity is built into us. Generosity makes sense when you consider that the glorious God who created us in his image is also social in nature.

The trinity exists in relationship to each other. Humans exist in relationship to each other. And God invites us into a relationship with him, as individuals and as a community of believers. Giving is a way to express love, and so it’s no surprise that the impulse to give is part of our nature.

One way to think about the internet is as a symbol of, and an extension of, our earthly and spiritual connectedness. Our connectedness is a fundamental aspect of our humanity, and of our faith.

Check out our latest blog post for spiritual points to ponder when setting up online giving options for your church.

The Art of Online Giving as a Spiritual Practice Generosity makes sense when you consider that the glorious God who created us in his image is also social in nature. The trinity exists in relationship to each other. Humans exist in relationship to each other. And God invites us into a relationship with him, as individuals and as a community of bel...

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889 West Pender Street
Vancouver, BC

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 5pm
Tuesday 8am - 5pm
Wednesday 8am - 5pm
Thursday 8am - 5pm
Friday 8am - 5pm

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