Profmed Healthcare Solutions

As a leading supplier of CPAP equipment, PROFMed can assist you in treating your sleep apnea.


Here are five main outcomes associated with CPAP therapy:

1. Improved Sleep Quality: CPAP therapy provided by Profmed Healthcare Solutions improves sleep quality by treating obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), reducing interruptions in breathing, and promoting restful sleep.
2. Increased Daytime Alertness: Our CPAP therapy helps individuals with OSA feel more awake, alert, and refreshed during the day, enhancing productivity and improving overall quality of life.
3. Reduction in Snoring: With Profmed Healthcare Solutions’ CPAP therapy, snoring is significantly reduced or eliminated, benefiting both the individual and their bed partner or household members.
4. Improvement in Cardiovascular Health: Effective management of sleep apnea through our CPAP therapy can reduce the risk of cardiovascular problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke, promoting better heart health.
5. Enhanced Quality of Life: By addressing sleep apnea with CPAP therapy, individuals experience an improved quality of life, including increased energy, fewer health concerns, and a greater sense of vitality and happiness.

At Profmed Healthcare Solutions, we strive to provide high-quality CPAP therapy to help our patients achieve these positive outcomes and enjoy better overall health and well-being.


Overcoming difficulties with CPAP therapy can be challenging, but here are some tips to help:

1. Patience and Persistence: It takes time to adjust to using a CPAP machine. Be patient with yourself and give your body time to adapt.

2. Proper Fit: Ensure that your mask fits well and is comfortable. Experiment with different mask styles and sizes to find the one that works best for you.

3. Gradual Adaptation: Start by using the CPAP machine for short periods while awake, such as during a nap, to get accustomed to the sensation of breathing with it.

4. Maintain a Consistent Routine: Use your CPAP machine every night, even if you feel fine. Consistency is key to experiencing the full benefits of therapy.

5. Address Mask Discomfort: If your mask is causing discomfort, such as pressure points or skin irritation, discuss it with your healthcare provider. They may recommend alternative mask options or adjustments.

6. Humidification: Consider using a CPAP machine with a built-in humidifier or using a separate humidifier. This can help alleviate dryness or nasal congestion associated with therapy.

7. Compliance Tracking: Many CPAP machines have compliance tracking features. Monitoring your usage can provide motivation and accountability to help you stay consistent.

8. Support Network: Seek support from family, friends, or support groups for individuals using CPAP therapy. Sharing experiences and tips can be helpful and encouraging.

You can reach our CPAP specialist at Profmed Healthcare. Our specialist is highly knowledgeable and experienced in the field of CPAP therapy, and they will be able to provide you with expert guidance and support. Feel free to contact us for any questions or assistance regarding your CPAP needs.

CPAP Machines & Masks Toronto | PROFMED Healthcare Supplies 05/02/2023

There is a clear correlation between sleep apnea and age, as sleep apnea becomes more prevalent as people get older. As we age, our muscle tone decreases, and this can lead to a narrowing of the airway during sleep. Additionally, older individuals may be more likely to have other health conditions that increase their risk of developing sleep apnea, such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension, or heart disease.

Studies have shown that the prevalence of sleep apnea increases with age, with the highest rates observed in individuals over the age of 60. Men are also more likely to develop sleep apnea than women, and this difference becomes more pronounced with age.

If you are concerned about sleep apnea or are experiencing symptoms such as loud snoring, gasping for air during sleep, daytime fatigue, or morning headaches, it is important to talk to your healthcare provider. They may recommend a sleep study to evaluate your sleep and determine if you have sleep apnea or another sleep disorder. Treatment options may include lifestyle changes, such as losing weight or avoiding alcohol before bed, or using a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine to keep the airway open during sleep.

CPAP Machines & Masks Toronto | PROFMED Healthcare Supplies Looking for sleep apnea treatment? PROFMED Healthcare is the #1 CPAP Machines & Masks suppliers in Toronto, GTA & Barrie. Call us today! 416-876-2544


A humidifier can provide several benefits for individuals who use a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine for sleep apnea therapy. Here are some of the benefits of using a humidifier with a CPAP machine:

Reduces Dryness: One of the most common side effects of using a CPAP machine is dryness in the mouth, nose, and throat. A humidifier adds moisture to the air, which can help reduce dryness and prevent irritation.
Improves Comfort: The moist air produced by a humidifier can make it more comfortable to breathe through the CPAP machine, especially for individuals who live in dry climates.
Reduces Congestion: A humidifier can help reduce congestion in the nasal passages, making it easier to breathe through the CPAP machine. This is particularly helpful for individuals who suffer from allergies or sinus problems.
Enhances Compliance: Using a humidifier can make CPAP therapy more comfortable, which can lead to better compliance. Compliance is important for individuals to receive the full benefits of CPAP therapy.
Reduces Condensation: In some cases, using a CPAP machine without a humidifier can cause condensation to build up in the mask or tubing, which can be uncomfortable and lead to bacteria growth. A humidifier can help prevent condensation and keep the equipment dry and clean.
Overall, using a humidifier with a CPAP machine can help improve the effectiveness and comfort of the therapy.


CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) therapy has been used to treat sleep apnea since the early 1980s, but the first CPAP masks were not very comfortable or effective. Here's a brief history of CPAP masks:

1981: Dr. Colin Sullivan, a sleep physician in Australia, developed the first CPAP machine, which used a nasal mask to deliver continuous air pressure to keep the airways open during sleep.

1983: The first full-face CPAP mask was developed by Dr. Sullivan and his team. This mask covered both the nose and mouth, providing a more secure seal and reducing air leaks.

1990s: Manufacturers began developing more comfortable and lightweight CPAP masks, using materials like silicone and gel to create a better fit and reduce skin irritation.

2000s: New designs of CPAP masks were introduced, such as nasal pillows and hybrid masks that combine the features of nasal masks and full-face masks. Nasal pillows fit directly into the nostrils and are less intrusive, while hybrid masks provide a secure seal with less bulk.

Present day: CPAP mask technology continues to evolve, with the introduction of smart masks that track sleep data and adjust pressure settings automatically, and masks that use magnetic clips for easier assembly and disassembly.
Overall, CPAP mask design has come a long way since the early days of CPAP therapy, and the variety of options available today makes it easier for patients to find a mask that is comfortable and effective for their individual needs.


The development of CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) machines can be traced back to the early 1980s. The first CPAP machine was invented by Dr. Colin Sullivan, a researcher at the University of Sydney in Australia.

Dr. Sullivan was investigating ways to treat sleep apnea, a condition in which the airway becomes partially or completely blocked during sleep, leading to pauses in breathing and a drop in oxygen levels. He realized that by applying a continuous stream of positive air pressure to the airway, he could prevent it from collapsing during sleep and improve breathing.

Dr. Sullivan's first CPAP machine was a prototype made from a vacuum cleaner motor and other household items. He tested the device on himself and later on his patients, and found that it was highly effective in treating sleep apnea.

The first commercial CPAP machines were introduced in the mid-1980s. These machines were large and noisy, and required patients to wear a bulky mask that covered their nose and mouth. However, they were still a significant improvement over previous treatments for sleep apnea, which often involved invasive surgeries or uncomfortable oral appliances.

Over time, CPAP technology has continued to evolve, with smaller, quieter machines and more comfortable masks. Today, CPAP machines are widely used around the world to treat sleep apnea and other sleep-related breathing disorders.

While CPAP is still considered the gold standard treatment for sleep apnea, there are now a range of other treatments available as well, including dental appliances, surgery, and positional therapy. However, CPAP remains a highly effective and widely used treatment option for those with moderate to severe sleep apnea.


The science behind CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) involves the use of positive pressure to keep the airway open during sleep. Sleep apnea is a condition in which the airway becomes partially or completely blocked during sleep, leading to pauses in breathing and a drop in oxygen levels. This can cause a range of health problems, including fatigue, high blood pressure, and an increased risk of heart disease and stroke.

CPAP machines work by delivering a continuous stream of air at a prescribed pressure through a mask that covers the nose and/or mouth. This positive pressure helps to keep the airway open, preventing the collapse of the soft tissues at the back of the throat.

The pressure setting on a CPAP machine is determined by a sleep specialist or respiratory therapist based on the severity of the patient's sleep apnea. The pressure may be adjusted over time based on the patient's response to treatment.

CPAP machines typically consist of a motor, a humidifier, and tubing that connects the mask to the machine. The machine can be set to different levels of pressure, depending on the needs of the patient.

Studies have shown that using a CPAP machine can improve sleep quality, reduce daytime sleepiness, and lower the risk of health complications associated with sleep apnea. It is considered the gold standard treatment for moderate to severe sleep apnea.


A patient's history before being diagnosed with sleep apnea can vary, but some common symptoms and characteristics include:

-Excessive daytime sleepiness
-Loud snoring
-Observed episodes of cessation of breathing
during sleep
-Restless tossing and turning during sleep
-Awakening with a dry mouth or sore throat
-Morning headache
-Difficulty staying asleep
-High blood pressure

If a patient has any of these symptoms, a doctor may order a sleep study to diagnose sleep apnea. The patient's medical history, including any previous sleep disorders or other health conditions, may also be taken into consideration.


If sleep apnea is undiagnosed, it can lead to a number of serious health problems. Some of the risks associated with undiagnosed sleep apnea include:

-High blood pressure: Sleep apnea can cause high blood pressure, which can increase the risk of heart attack, stroke, and other cardiovascular problems.

-Cardiac arrhythmias: Sleep apnea can cause abnormal heart rhythms, which can increase the risk of heart failure and sudden cardiac death.

-Diabetes: Sleep apnea can make it more difficult to control blood sugar levels, which can increase the risk of developing diabetes.

-Depression and anxiety: Sleep apnea can lead to feelings of fatigue and sleepiness during the day, which can contribute to depression and anxiety.

-Daytime fatigue and sleepiness: People with undiagnosed sleep apnea often feel extremely tired during the day, making it difficult to focus, remember things and increase risk of accidents.

-Cognitive impairment: People with sleep apnea have a higher risk of cognitive impairment and memory loss.

-Sexual dysfunction: Sleep apnea can cause erectile dysfunction in men and decreased sexual desire in both men and women.

-Fatigue and decreased quality of life: People with undiagnosed sleep apnea may experience fatigue and a decreased quality of life due to poor sleep and lack of energy.

It is important to seek medical attention if you suspect you may have sleep apnea, so that it can be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible.


If you're at risk for sleep apnea, there are several steps you can take to reduce your risk and manage the disorder:

Maintain a healthy weight: Obesity is a major risk factor for sleep apnea, so losing weight can help reduce your risk.
Change your sleep position: Sleeping on your back can cause your airway to collapse, so try sleeping on your side instead.
Quit smoking: Smoking can cause inflammation in the upper airway and increase the risk of sleep apnea.
Limit alcohol consumption: Drinking alcohol can relax the muscles in your throat, making it more likely that your airway will become blocked.
Treat underlying medical conditions: If you have a medical condition that increases your risk of sleep apnea, such as high blood pressure or diabetes, be sure to follow your treatment plan and manage your symptoms.
Use a CPAP machine: If you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea, your doctor may recommend using a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine to help keep your airway open during sleep.
Follow up with your healthcare provider regularly: Regular check-ups and monitoring of your condition by your healthcare provider will help ensure that your treatment is working and adjust if necessary.
Get enough sleep: Try to get 7-8 hours of sleep per night. A consistent sleep schedule will help prevent sleep apnea.
By taking these steps, you can reduce your risk of sleep apnea and manage the disorder if you have been diagnosed with it.


CPAP therapy is a widely accepted treatment for sleep apnea, a condition characterized by the repeated interruption of breathing during sleep. One of the main benefits of CPAP therapy is that it can help to reduce the risk of serious health complications associated with sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea is linked to several health problems, such as hypertension, heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and depression. CPAP therapy can reduce the risk of these health complications by providing a steady stream of pressurized air to the airways, which helps to keep them open during sleep. This allows the users to breathe normally and avoid repeated interruptions in breathing that are characteristic of sleep apnea.

CPAP therapy can also help to reduce the risk of high blood pressure, which is a common complication of sleep apnea. High blood pressure can damage the blood vessels and increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. CPAP therapy can help to lower blood pressure by improving the quality of sleep, which in turn reduces the stress on the cardiovascular system.

Additionally, CPAP therapy can also help to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. Studies have shown that people with sleep apnea are at a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes and that CPAP therapy can help to lower this risk by improving the quality of sleep.

Overall, CPAP therapy can help to reduce the risk of serious health complications associated with sleep apnea by providing a steady stream of pressurized air to the airways and allowing for a more restful and restorative sleep. It's important for people with sleep apnea to work closely with their healthcare provider to ensure that they are using their CPAP therapy correctly and that it's adjusted to their specific needs.


If you're using CPAP therapy to treat sleep apnea, it is essential to maintain proper cleaning and replacement of your equipment to ensure optimal performance and effectiveness. Here are a few key points to keep in mind:
1. Clean your equipment regularly: It is essential to clean your mask, hose, and machine regularly to prevent the buildup of bacteria and other contaminants. This can be done using mild soap and water or specialized cleaning solutions.
2. Replace your equipment as needed: The lifespan of your CPAP equipment will depend on the specific product and how often it is used. It is essential to replace your mask, hose, and machine as the manufacturer recommends to ensure proper functioning.
3. Keep your equipment dry: It is important to keep your equipment dry when not in use to prevent the growth of mold and bacteria. Make sure to store your equipment in a dry, cool place and avoid getting it wet.
4. Follow the manufacturer's instructions: Be sure to follow your equipment's specific cleaning and replacement instructions to ensure proper care and maintenance.
Properly cleaning and replacing your CPAP equipment can help ensure that it is functioning at its best and provide you with the benefits of CPAP therapy. If you have any concerns about the maintenance of your equipment, be sure to speak with your healthcare provider.


CPAP therapy is a popular treatment for sleep apnea, a condition characterized by disrupted breathing patterns during sleep. It involves using a machine that delivers pressurized air through a mask worn over the nose or mouth.

There are many benefits to using CPAP therapy, including the following:

1. Improved sleep quality: CPAP therapy can help individuals with sleep apnea sleep more soundly and wake up feeling rested and refreshed.

2. Reduced risk of heart problems: Sleep apnea is linked to an increased risk of heart problems, such as high blood pressure and heart attacks. By treating sleep apnea with CPAP therapy, you can help reduce this risk.

3. Improved mental clarity: Poor sleep can lead to cognitive issues, such as difficulty concentrating and memory problems. By using CPAP therapy, you can improve your mental clarity and focus.

4. Reduced snoring: CPAP therapy can help reduce snoring, which can be disruptive to you and your partner.

Overall, CPAP therapy can greatly improve the quality of life for individuals with sleep apnea. If you think you may be suffering from sleep apnea, it is important to speak with your doctor and discuss treatment options, including CPAP therapy.


Profmed Healthcare Solutions


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Profmed Healthcare/CPAP Machines and CPAP Masks in the Greater Toronto Area, Ontario Profmed Healthcare Solutions is licensed by the Ontario Ministry of Health’s Assistive Devices Program respiratory homecare services provider based in the Greater Toronto Area. Our company specializes in CPAP products and services.

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10040 Keele Street # 3
Vaughan, ON

Opening Hours

Monday 10:30am - 7pm
Tuesday 10:30am - 7pm
Wednesday 10:30am - 7pm
Thursday 10:30am - 7pm
Friday 10:30am - 7pm
Saturday 10:30am - 3pm

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