Clinique dentaire Mark Bonner - Traitement des gencives

Clinique dentaire Mark Bonner - Traitement des gencives

Clinique dentaire. Pratique limitée aux soins de la gencives. La parodontite est une maladie infect Guérir vos gencives? Vous souhaitez en apprendre davantage?

Clinique dentaire spécialisée dans les soins de la gencive et le traitement de la parodontite. Notre vision de la santé nous amène à vous offrir une approche clinique biocompatible, accompagnée d’un suivi microbiologique de votre santé buccale. La parodontite est une maladie infectieuse. Notre méthode consiste à éliminer les microbes puis laisser cicatriser votre gencive. Une méthode médicale, dou


Avis à notre bienveillante clientèle
Veuillez prendre note que Dr Mark Bonner, dentiste limité aux soins de la gencive, situé au Centre Dentaire Mark Bonner, 49 Laurier Ouest, Victoriaville, G6P 6P5, cesse ses activités professionnelles pour cause de retraite le 1 avril 2024.

Merci à notre chère patientèle pour toutes ces années de collaboration et de travail commun sur la santé dentaire optimale. Nous vous souhaitons une bonne santé à tous.

Nous avons fait cession des dossiers de tous les patients en traitement consulté au cours de 5 dernières années au Dr Jimmy ST-Onge Lemay, à la Clinique Dentaire Laurier, 39 rue Laurier Est, Victoriaville, G6P 6P6. Ces dossiers seront conservés pour une période de 5 ans à partir du 1 avril 2024.



Avis à notre bienveillante clientèle

Veuillez prendre note que Dr Mark Bonner, dentiste limité aux soins de la gencive, situé au centre Dentaire Mark Bonner, 49 Laurier Ouest, Victoriaville, G6P 6P5, cesse ses activités professionnelles pour cause de retraite le 1 avril 2024.

Merci à notre chère patientèle pour toutes ces années de collaboration et de travail commun sur la santé dentaire optimale. Nous vous souhaitons une bonne santé à tous.

Nous avons fait cession des dossiers de tous les patients en traitement consulté au cours de 5 dernières années au Dr Jimmy ST-Onge Lemay, à la Clinique Dentaire Laurier, 39 rue Laurier Est, Victoriaville, G6P 6P6. Ces dossiers seront conservés pour une période de 5 ans à partir du 1 avril 2024.

Flore normale Mark molaires décembre 2023 Healthy gum biofilm 12/23/2023

Joyeuses Fêtes à tous!
Et bonne flore normale!

Flore normale Mark molaires décembre 2023 Healthy gum biofilm Santé: coccis filaments immobiles, cellules épithélialesAbsence de spirochetes,-1%, absence vibrions, absences bacilles mobilesAbsence de granulocytesDr Mark...

Flore normale Mark molaires décembre 2023 Healthy gum biofilm 12/23/2023

Bonne santé à tous
En une belle flore normale!

Flore normale Mark molaires décembre 2023 Healthy gum biofilm Santé: coccis filaments immobiles, cellules épithélialesAbsence de spirochetes,-1%, absence vibrions, absences bacilles mobilesAbsence de granulocytesDr Mark...

Microscopy Analyses Reveal the Parasitism of Entamoeba gingivalis in Periodontitis: An Observational Study | Auctores 11/15/2023


Do you know anyone who has bleeding gums and/or has bad breath? This may very well be since more than half of the adult population suffers from gingivitis and periodontitis or gum and bone diseases. A recent retrospective study conducted by Dr. Mark Bonner and a group of dentists over 632 patients published in the French newspaper "Actualité Odonto Stomatologique" and also presented at the meeting of Parasitology "Amebiasis XVII 2013" in Mexico in March 2013 confirms the systematic presence of pathogenic parasites in oral periodontal disease. The beauty of this result is that it lead us to realize that the elimination of these parasites can allow permanent cure of the disease.
In fact, parasites Entamoeba gingivalis and Trichomonas tenax, two unicellular animalcules that live inside the gum infection and, thanks to the white and red blood cells, enjoy breeding and feeding while releasing proteolytic enzymes on the bone that supports the teeth. Now that we know there is an association between gum disease and cardiovascular disease, certain lung infections, stroke, diabetes and premature births of low weight babies, it is crucial to eliminate this disease which touches nearly half the planet population.
Do you think you could be affected? If so, the edge of your gum probably shows some redness, might be swollen and might bleed easily upon brushing. On the contrary your gum may even be pink and pale, but your teeth are inextricably receding without your knowing why. Unpleasant-tasting can also indicate that you suffer halitosis. Sometimes even purulent discharge may be released at the touch of the gum with your finger. In the long term some teeth become loose, fairly mobile and then eventually fall out as the jaw bone holding them is eventually destroyed. Your dentist says it is chronic, gene dependent and stress and to***co related. Not much to reassure you. Your dentist then considers surgery obligatory but you might lose your teeth within 5 years anyway! If so, dental implants are the next step, but the same disease can appear on implants with 25% risk of tooth loss within 10 years!
Do you think you could test positive for gum disease? Fortunately, the solution exists. The new approach to cure periodontal disease is mainly based on the use of the microscope to improve the diagnosis and to view the flora of microorganisms that live under the gum. When gum is healthy, rather motionless bacteria in the form of dots and dashes are present and we call this commensal flora. When gingivitis sets in either through lack of brushing or because of local predisposing factors around the teeth, motile bacteria known as unfavorable benefit from oral environment and proliferate in large numbers. Your body responds consequently and your immune system sends the appropriate granulocytes defense white cells. This superficial gum disease is then said reversible provided that you reduce the number of bacteria and find favorable dental conditions. Nature serves you well seemingly. However, if this condition persists, a more aggressive flora consisting of anaerobic bacteria and parasites may overlap. Parasites too want to win! Once installed at the bottom of the gum crevice, enjoying the warm and humid growing conditions and the absence of oxygen, this aggressive parasitic biofilm, living in inquilinism with bacteria, develops in strength and number to gradually destroy the bone supporting your teeth. Micro abscesses flourish and dental x-rays show at posteriori the deterioration of the supporting bone. This condition can then be described as chronic and progress slowly over the course of your life. Many times, when the conditions are more aggressive (motility of parasites, adhesion to human cells, reproduction, phagocytosis of white blood cell nucleus, additional presence of Trichomonas), this can cause in nearly 15% of cases, rapid loss of teeth within a few years including inconvenience to your well-being and that of those around you.
Dentist Mark Bonner assisted by Solange Dunoyé, who contributed to the implementation of the working tools for this periodontal monitoring, has proposed this new protocol which allows systematic healing by restoring a so-called healthy microflora. This protocol shows to be very different from traditional methods which often only delay the disease or stabilize the situation without real healing. The results of this new method are exceptional: focused on the disappearance of oral parasites, the bleeding stops as soon as the cure of the infection starts. There is elimination of halitosis and closing down of the periodontal crevice in a proportion of 95 to 100%. This medical and pharmacological therapy is based on similar medical treatments of intestinal and ge***al parasites. Indeed, two well-known diseases observed by our fellow doctors recall the same phenomenon. These are the affections of the mucous membranes named amoebic dysentery causing intestinal diarrhea, liver abscesses and also vaginal trichomoniasis responsible for uroge***al infections. As we well known in such cases, personal partners mutually transmit small-celled animals of the same family leaving an eroded mucosa and causing unpleasant odors. The treatment for the oral type of infection: disinfectants, antiparasitic drugs, changing or improving oral habits and also treat entourage and relatives affected by the disease, then logically appears to be the credible solution.
Here is the method proposed for oral lesions: first we diagnose parasitic infection using a phase contrast microscope. We take three samples of pathogenic flora from the deep portion of the most affected gingival crevices. This is done without any discomfort for the patient. The frequency of parasitic infestation in the case of active periodontitis is more than 99%, making it extremely easy to confirm. Second we reduce the superficial infection by brushing with home prepared solution made of hydrogen peroxide 1%. We than after recommend to add a bicarbonate powder application of lightly salted soda called Torrens Powder on the gum line. Third we use oral disinfectants and if necessary, relevant specific local antiparasitic cream applied to the surface of the gum and possibly systemic antiparasitic medecine if the situation requires. Finally as it is typical for parasitic component of the disease, we advise patients to avoid re-infection by reducing direct or indirect contact with partners or members of the immediate family who are still infected. Also we ask to watch for contaminated food, water contaminated with parasites, and going further, pets such as dogs and cats that can also infect you as they very frequently harbor periodontitis. It must also be acknowledged that the patient should become hygiene sufficient in order to prevent primary gingivitis from reoccurring being the starting point of the disease.
Traditional methods practiced by the majority of dentists and periodontitis specialists are rather mechanical or surgical in nature and limited to bacteria and tartar buildup removal around the teeth. Usual subtractive surgery certainly can restore a more harmonious bone outline around the teeth and promote good oral hygiene. However, what seems to happen too often is that the parasitic pathogenic flora may very well remain in place and continue to form micro-abscesses at the bottom of the periodontal crevice, worsening the situation beyond appearances.
Therefore our studies show that characteristics of periodontal diseases prove to be directly related to blood-sucking parasites and their pus formation properties. Indeed these small-celled animals are not commensal, but rather benefit from primary gingivitis to feed on white blood cells nuclei (“exonucléophagy”) which renders PMN unable to normally defend the body tissues. They also feed itself on hemoglobin contained in red blood cells. These parasites physically adhere to immune cells and easily thwart their action through binding mechanism (probable amebapores similar to amoebic dysentery) and pe*****te by way of pseudopodia to finally phagocytize nucleus of white blood cells. We witness an avoidance of defense mechanism phenomenon with formation of numerous parasites colonies that literally infest the gums and cause micro-ulcerations in the crevice around teeth. The treatment technique devoted to the scrupulous elimination of oral parasites, rather than the surgical approach, is relatively easy to apply, completely painless and gives outstanding results even in the early portion of the treatment.
Lectures and seminars have been available for dentists in Canada, Europe, USA and Mexico by Dr. Mark Bonner through the International Institute of Periodontology for more than 16 years and are part of the communication effort to share treatment protocol for this endemic disease. More than a thousand dentists currently use this technique based on preventive screening and curative disinfection treatment confirmed by the use of a phase contrast microscope equipped with a camera to visualize and share the gingival biofilm and carefully follow patient’s progress in order to obtain periodontal healing.
If some of you remain clueless when your dentist diagnoses periodontal disease do not despair. There is no reason to wait until it is too late and teeth become mobile. It is now possible to early detect, to prevent adequately and to cure this disease completely if taken at the right time. So first, eliminate the concerned parasites, then treat close family members and avoid contamination from entourage.
Dentist Mark Bonner from Canada, assisted by Solange Dunoyé from France, proposes a healing technique of periodontal disease based on the original works of Kofoid (1929), Keyes (1981), Lyons (1989), Bonner (1998 -2014) and Trim (2011). According to the literature, for over a century these researchers have identified with phase contrast microscopy the protozoan Entamoeba gingivalis in the teeth crevices affected by periodontal disease. The recent use of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has detected the amoeba in more than 76% of diseased sites (Trim 2011, Santi-Rocca 2012, Bonner 2014) and has demonstrated its absence in all situation of healthy gingiva. All these studies originally initiated from clinical microscopy allow the practicing dentists on the one hand to visualize either the pathogen biofilm in periodontal disease situation or healthy commensal biofilm according to the gingival condition. This technic on the other hand allows exceptional clinical results. This protocol is also pertinent and efficient for any dental practice involved in parasitic component of periodontal diseases and implantology.
As the protozoan Entamoeba gingivalis is virtually always present within the active deep periodontal pocket, a retrospective evaluation of patients with periodontitis was conducted through several dental offices using phase contrast microscopy (Bonner et al, 2013 AOS). The periodontal therapy protocol proposed by Dr. Mark Bonner includes microscopic visualization of the biofilm in all examinations and all appointments for the entire periodontal treatment and maintenance. Teaching and practicing complete hygiene care in real time in dentists’ offices become part of every appointment during treatment. Disinfection is done by repeated application of topical antiparasitic medication based on hydrogen peroxide 1% and Torrens Powder (slightly salty bicarbonate), by the use of topical metronidazole paste onto gum crevice as well as a systemic antiparasitic and an antifungal when required. This disinfection phase is followed by root subgingival scaling strictly limited to the use of sonic or ultrasonic instruments, once and only once disinfection is confirmed. No sharp curettes are permitted to prevent cement removal. This protocol henceforth allows for real healing of the periodontal crevice in a supportive and healthy environment and enables real bone reconstruction repairing vertical bone defects over the years without any added grafting material.
To establish a concise treatment plan and adapt every appointment during the therapy, the Periodontal Healing Protocol Bonner Dunoyé use microscopic biofilm examination to each appointment. The biofilm sample is prepared with patient salivary medium to which is added biofilm from the 3 most affected teeth of the mouth. No other medium is accepted. This avoid deformation of the parasites with tap water or saline for example, which could make them unrecognizable. Each patient is evaluated by measuring the periodontal pocket depth at the beginning and at the end of the therapy (12 months). We consider normal health is attained when the depth of the periodontal crevice is equal to 3 mm or less.
Images of protozoa, motile bacteria and granulocytes is recorded in the various situations of periodontitis and or peri-implantitis using the phase contrast microscope under 100x magnification (scanning low power at dark field) and 1000x (spotting for parasites) magnification. The pathogenic characteristics of the amoeba Entamoeba gingivalis and Trichomonas tenax or sometimes T. vaginalis, less frequent, taken from the infected crevices are easily observable: displacement, chemotaxic trend, adhesion to immune granulocytes cells, cell division, nesting, and frequent and original phagocytosis of polymorphonuclear neutrophils nucleus (which we explicitly call "exonucleophagy”).These observable phenomena clearly destroy the immune capacity of neutrophil granulocyte and forces a release of proteolytic enzymes over the surrounding tissues. This in our opinion prevents NETs PMN activity and encourage similar tissue destruction as in amoebic liver abscess. In addition to this, peri-implantitis (95%, Bonner et al, OAS 2013) are no exception to this pathological protozoa infestation following a first mucositis. Post-treatment evaluation of periodontal pockets from a normaly proposed 3 millimeters or less after treatment shows no parasites (Bonner et al, 2013 AOS). Average healing is equal to 95 - 100% at 12 months from the rigorous use of this specific Periodontal Healing Protocol Bonner Dunoyé. We have found amoeba are also present in 95% of cases studied in situations of peri-implantitis which caused loss of dental implants. This infection however may persists in the case of implants despite antiparasitic therapy controls. It seem more difficult to achieve healing on dental implants compared to that of natural teeth as they rarely are exempt of mucositis and PMN proliferation. At the opposite, teeth respond much more easily to periodontal healing: no pocket more than 3 mm, no bleeding and no PMN granulocytes present, return of commensal bacterial flora composed of cocci bacteria type and non-motile filaments. This of course as long as mechanically sufficient initial bone is present and primary mobility of the teeth is acceptable.
In conclusion we can say with certainty that the amoeba E. gingivalis, blood-sucking and disruptive of cellular immunity infect dental plaque gingivitis or induced gingivitis (that said primary infection), is a causative pathogen factor through its lytic activity in periodontal diseases and peri-implantitis where it is omnipresent. Imagery of this unicellular eukaryote can also serve as a useful guide to find the balance between periodontitis and health. It also helps to detect early infection of most periodontal disease even before bone loss happens and then prevent the effects of infection and promote the therapeutic success with great predictability. The antiparasitic therapy is remarkably efficient on natural teeth and applicable in any dental office using phase contrast microscope at 100x and 1000x magnification. One should make sure to use quality hospital grade microscope and understand specific antiparasitic medication limiting the reproduction of the amoeba E. gingivalis or T. tenax similar to what is found in the case of intestinal amoebic dysentery and vaginal trichomoniasis therapies.
The imagery provided by Dr. Mark Bonner as presented in his popular books, "Tant de bouches à guérir des parasites qui les vampirisent. Vaincre la parodontite" Amyris Editions 2009”, “To Kiss or Not to Kiss. A Cure for Gum Disease” Amyris Editions 2013, “Tantas bocas por curar... de los parásitos que las vampirizan. Vencer la periodontitis” Amyris Ediciones 2013, gives us a glimpse of specific biofilm characters depending on whether we are in the presence of normal flora and periodontal health (colored here in green background) or of reversible bacterial character during gingivitis (colored in yellow) or of periodontitis assaulting supporting tissues of the tooth (colored in red). After therapy, microscope controls are used for every periodontal follow up becoming a real diagnostic aid in the same way as dental radiography has been used for dental decay. This practice allows for accurate diagnosis of the activity of periodontal disease and, as proposed, becomes obligatory to confirm periodontal healing for patients.
Periodontal disease then becomes easily detectable, preventable and curable.

Case Report | DOI:

Research Article | DOI:

Microscopy Analyses Reveal the Parasitism of Entamoeba gingivalis in Periodontitis: An Observational Study | Auctores Background: Whereas the periodontal microbiota is well described, its non-bacterial component needs a better understandi

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Entamoeba gingivalis Bonner Article observational study

Parasites in Periodontitis. Identification and treatment

Reassessing the role of Entamoeba gingivalis

Detection of Entamoeba gingivalis in Periodontal pocket

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Entamoeba gingivalis associated to periodontitis in Chinese population

Guérir les parodontites, parasitose et historique. Dr Mark Bonner 12/17/2021

Guérir les parodontites, parasitose et historique. Dr Mark Bonner La parodontite est caractérisée par une inflammation microbienne, médiée par l’hôte, qui entraîne une perte d’attachement parodontal. Bien que le microbiome ...

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