UWindsor Anthrozoology Club

UWindsor Anthrozoology Club

Welcome to the UWindsor Anthrozoology Club page!


Our next meeting is Monday Oct. 24th at 7pm on Teams! I hope we see some new faces - anyone can join!


Hello Anthrozoology students and welcome to fall semester 2022! For those that do not know me, my name is Tammie and I am excited to take over as President of the Anthrozoology club for Riley; although she left very big shoes to fill!

We are finally back to on campus learning and with that we now have the option to meet in person, if we so choose to. I am placing a poll below to gage everyone’s thoughts. Our first meeting will be announced soon as results from this poll come in. Meetings will be every other week. Our topic for the first meeting will be announced at a later date, and suggestions are always welcome. ALL ARE WELCOME and we are always open to new members!

Link to survey:

Please contact me with any questions or concerns at
[email protected]. I look forward to seeing everyone!

Presentation to reflect on wildlife captivity | DailyNews 03/21/2022

Check out our feature in the UWindsor DailyNews!


Presentation to reflect on wildlife captivity | DailyNews Rob Laidlaw, founder of the wildlife protection organization Zoocheck, will discuss “Reflections on Wildlife Captivity and Advocacy” Monday, March 28. Presentation to reflect on wildlife captivity Mar 21st, 2022 Rob Laidlaw, founder of the wildlife protection organization Zoocheck, will discuss ...

Student project advocates for animal welfare | DailyNews 03/17/2022

Check out our very own Liz Wheeler in the UWindsor DailyNews! 🎉


Student project advocates for animal welfare | DailyNews Anthrozoology student Liz Wheeler launched a podcast challenging listeners to address animal welfare issues. Student project advocates for animal welfare Mar 17th, 2022 What to do during a pandemic if you have always been interested in animal welfare issues and want to further your formal education....


Mark your calendars, UWindsor Anthrozoology friends! Dr. Daly and I are thrilled to announce that Executive Director and Founder of Zoocheck Canada, Rob Laidlawand, will be joining us virtually on Monday, March 28th for a presentation titled “Reflections on Wildlife Captivity and Advocacy”! 🐅 Rob Laidlaw has spent more than 40 years working to protect the interests and well-being of animals in Canada and around the world. He is a Chartered Biologist, founder of the wildlife protection organization Zoocheck and a winner of the prestigious Frederic A. McGrand Lifetime Achievement Award for substantial contributions to animal welfare in Canada. Rob is also an award-winning author of ten children’s books about animal welfare and wildlife protection, as well as numerous articles, reports, book chapters and other materials. He has spoken to hundreds of audiences of all ages throughout the world and appeared in a broad range of media stories and documentary films. If you are interested in learning more about Rob’s work and asking him a question after his presentation, you can register for the event via email ([email protected]) or by using the Eventbrite link below. This event is free to attend and is open to the public. It will be taking place on Monday, March 28th from 7:00-8:00 p.m. EST via Microsoft Teams. I hope to see you there—this is an opportunity you will not want to miss!



The scale of the tragedy in Ukraine is still unfolding. While the focus is rightly on the humanitarian disaster, it’s meant some people have had to make agonizing decisions about what to take with them; this includes companion animals. Some families may be stranded in their homes, unwilling to leave their companion animals behind. Others refuse evacuation orders or attempt to re-enter evacuation sites illegally to rescue their non-human animals. Although several countries have eased entry regulations for humans and their companion animals seeking refuge from Ukraine—sadly, some companion animals have been separated from their families, and others have been abandoned. Psychopathologies such as grief, depression, and PTSD are associated with companion animal abandonment during an evacuation. Furthermore, zoonotic disease risk increases when companion animals are abandoned or left to roam, where they are more likely to encounter infected wildlife or unowned animals than they would if they were safely sheltered with their caretakers. As a result of this crisis, animal shelters and rescues in Ukraine are being overwhelmed with animals in need. With stores closing and supplies dwindling, animal shelters and rescues are racing to find food and medical necessities for the non-human animals in their care. Companion animals are an integral part of human society, but evacuation and sheltering methods are often overlooked when disaster strikes. This disregard for companion animal welfare during a disaster can have public health consequences. Please join us on Monday, March 14th at 7 pm via Teams to discuss companion animals in times of crisis and war. If you have any further questions, comments, and/or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me via email ([email protected]). I hope to see you there.


Hi UWindsor Anthrozoology friends! We hope you enjoyed your reading week and are refreshed for the last half of the semester! Tomorrow we will be discussing horses and their place in human society—both today and in the future. Long ago, humans domesticated horses and began using them as beasts of burden. They were used for everything from farming and transportation to war; humanity has been carried on the back of the horse. However, as we mechanized and became more reliant on machines, horses became a leisure item and a plaything for the wealthy. Tomorrow let's look at the future of horses and humans. Will they always be bred for our use and entertainment? Or will they ever be allowed to be free from humanity's grip? Let's talk horses!🐴 If you have any further questions, comments, and/or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact Riley via email ([email protected]). We hope to see you there!
-Tammie & Riley


Hi UWindsor Anthrozoology friends! Because Valentine’s Day fell on our usual meeting day, we decided to push back our club meeting to tonight, Tuesday, February 15th @ 7pm EST. Please join us for an engaging discussion about animals used for entertainment as romantic props. In recent years, the notion of participating in activities like dog-sledding and horse-drawn carriage rides has become increasingly controversial. From former New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio pushing to ban the horse-drawn carriage industry in Manhattan, to a recent W5-CTV News investigation that has uncovered the shocking treatment of sled dogs in Canada, we are experiencing a shift in societal opinion as tourists are asked to reconsider these forms of entertainment. If you have any further questions, comments, and/or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me via email ([email protected]). I hope to see you there!


Hi UWindsor Anthrozoology friends—long time, no see! I hope you have all enjoyed your winter break and have settled into second semester 😄 Tammie & I are happy to share that Anthrozoology Club meetings will be starting again this Monday, January 31st @ 7pm EST on Microsoft Teams. However, we have made the adjustment to meet *every other Monday* moving forward. Now let’s get into the topic for the week: In a world where artificial intelligence (AI) seems to be growing by leaps and bounds, robots may soon become commonplace in our homes. But what will our relationship with them be? How much of our ways with non-human animals will translate into our handling of robots? Will we anthropomorphize them as we do out companion animals? Will sharing our home with pets help ease us into sharing it with robots? Let's talk about the future of robots and our relationship with them! If you have any further questions, comments, and/or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me via email ([email protected]). We can’t wait to see you on Monday!
-Riley & Tammie


Good Afternoon UWindsor Anthrozoology friends! Tonight we are honoured to be joined by Marena Wigmore from the Haliburton Forest & Wild Life Reserve. She will be talking all about the centre, the wolves, and their unique approach to public education. The Haliburton Forest is home to the Haliburton Wild Life Reserve & Wolf Centre. The Wolf Centre is a 5,000 square foot, all-indoor facility that houses self-guided, museum-style exhibits, a cinema and classroom, a souvenir shop, and a large indoor observatory. With live wolfcams and wolf exhibits, you can almost always catch a glimpse of wolves as they wander through their large, naturally forested environment. This is NOT your typical zoo! The facility is designed to mimic the wild as closely as possible, so people do not touch or interact with the wolves in any way. The wolves are unsocialized, and because of this, they maintain their fear of humans like a wild wolf. This also means they maintain much of the behaviour and social structures of wild packs, and we are able to observe them in a way that is not typically possible in a zoo environment. This is the future of animal sanctuaries! If you are interested in learning more about Marena’s work and asking her a question during the live session, you can access the event by scanning the QR code or sending an email to Riley ([email protected]). This event is free to attend and is open to the public. It will be taking place tonight, Monday, November 1st from 7:00-8:00 p.m. EST via Microsoft Teams. We hope to see you there—this is an opportunity you will not want to miss! Let's learn how to make captivity better for animals and more educational for humans!
-Tammie & Riley


Good Afternoon UWindsor Anthrozoology Friends! I hope that you enjoyed your Thanksgiving weekend and fall reading week! I apologize for posting this without much notice, I got caught up with life and realized this morning that we had a club meeting tonight—it’s been one of those Mondays🤦🏼‍♀️Anyways, tonight’s discussion topic will be the current bunny crisis. Our club treasurer, Emily, is extremely knowledgeable on this topic, and I’m sure—without a doubt—will further enlighten us on the subject and why it is SO important, especially for bunnies in our area🐰If you have any further questions, comments, or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me via email ([email protected]). Looking forward to seeing all of my peeps in a few hours!


Hello UWindsor Anthrozoology friends ☺️ This is just a friendly reminder that we will not be hosting a meeting this upcoming Monday. With it being Thanksgiving weekend and fall reading week, we thought it would be good to take the night off so that we could all use our time wisely in whatever way we see fit (get caught up, work ahead, relax, etc). Also, starting on October 18th, we will begin accepting submissions for the !! If you are interested in showing off your furry—or maybe not so furry—friend on our social media, make sure to either send a direct message to our social media account or email Tammie ([email protected]) by Wednesday, October 20th with a picture and a brief bio of your friend! 🐶🐱🐰 🐢🐠Enjoy your reading week! Stay safe!


Good morning everyone! I sincerely apologize for posting tonight’s meeting topic so late. I attended the Canadian Animal Law Conference over the weekend and got wrapped up in everything with that. Anyways, onto tonight’s topic! They are creepy, they are crawly, they insight nightmares in many people—who are we talking about? BUGS, of course! Many people view them as pests, but the natural world depends on them for so many things. From pollinators to controlling other insect populations and providing masses of food for birds and other insectivores, bugs are necessary. So let's talk about bugs and their essential role on planet earth. If you have any further questions, comments, or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact Riley via email ([email protected]). See you tonight!
-Riley & Tammie


Happy Saturday everybody! For this week's meeting, we will be discussing the disturbing new footage that has emerged of the Orca named Kiska at Marineland. This footage shows her banging her head against her tank walls repeatedly. Despite growing pressures on Marineland, they continue to hold on to Kiska. It seems that moving to a sanctuary is an unattainable dream of animal lovers and Kiska herself, but what CAN we do? Should we fight for improvements to her daily life? What form would those improvements take? Should she be removed from performance, or is there any value to her continued exposure to the next generation? What changes can we fight for and how can we make those changes happen? If you have any further questions, comments, or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact Riley via email ([email protected]).
-Tammie & Riley

Join conversation 09/18/2021

If anyone is interested in joining our bi-weekly club meetings on Monday nights at 7 pm EST, here is the link:


If you have any further questions, comments, or concerns please don't hesitate to contact me via email ([email protected]). We look forward to welcoming old and new friends 🙂

Join conversation


Happy Friday UWindsor Anthrozoology friends! The topic for our next meeting will be trophy hunting as a means of conservation. I know that our knee-jerk reaction can be to say that all hunting is wrong, but is it? Conservation areas in Africa are in desperate need of money to continue their work. Charging thousands, or even tens of thousands of dollars per hunt may be an answer, but it is ethical? Does it send the right message? This will be a HOT topic so don't miss this meeting! If you have any further questions, comments, or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact Riley via email ([email protected]). See you Monday!
-Tammie & Riley


Happy Monday UWindsor Anthrozoology friends! I hope you have all enjoyed your summer vacation and are ready to begin the fall semester 😌Our first meeting of the school year is tonight @ 7pm on Teams! As a way to ease back into the swing of things, I thought it would be a good idea to have an open discussion about any hot topics in Anthrozoology that you have come across during our summer hiatus. I am looking forward to welcoming old and new faces tonight! If you have any further questions, comments, or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me via email ([email protected]). Hope to see you there!


Good afternoon Anthrozoology Club friends! It’s official: Anthrozoology Club meetings will be hosted on Monday nights from 7-9pm during the fall semester. Thank you to everyone who participated in the Doodle Poll! With that being said, mark your calendars as the first club meeting of the school year will be on Monday, September 13th, from 7-9pm via Teams. The meeting topic is TBD, so if you have any ideas or themes you’d like to discuss, please send them my way! In other news, I would also like to announce that Tammie has been selected to be our first Vice President of the Anthrozoology Club! Congratulations Tammie 🥳 Make sure to keep up with our social media accounts and Teams page, as we will be posting future updates here. I hope to see you in a few weeks via Teams. Enjoy the last bit of summer vacation! Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions!


Hi UWindsor Anthrozoology Club friends, I hope this post finds you well and that you are having a safe and happy summer! With fall classes commencing in just over a month (!!!), I wanted to get a pulse on how everyone's schedule will look like this upcoming semester. If you could please fill out this Doodle Poll questionnaire (https://doodle.com/poll/bgyehugchsmkzcyf?utm_source=poll&utm_medium=link) by Friday, August 13th with the time(s) of the week that you are available to attend club meetings, that would be great. Although we meet once a week, the more choices you make will allow for a broader range of options for club meetings. The poll is set for the second week of September, but keep in mind that your choice(s) will be reflected for the rest of the semester (i.e., if you choose Monday, September 13th @ 10 a.m., your vote will actually be for every Monday @ 10 a.m.). Hopefully, we can find a day and time that is convenient for everyone! I will send out a follow-up social media post by Monday, August 16th with the day and time of our fall semester club meetings. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions!

Anthrozoology is no joke 04/05/2021

Anthrozoology is no joke! Check out Dr. Daly's feature in the University of Windsor's DailyNews to learn more about our AMAZING human-animal studies program—the only one in Canada!

Anthrozoology is no joke Students can pursue studies in anthrozoology as a certificate or a minor alongside their selected major.


Hi everyone! Dr. Daly is looking for a student to take on a leadership role in revamping our official University of Windsor Anthrozoology website! We have someone that does all of the actual editing, but we are looking for a student to help curate the site. We would love to post regular updates, send out promotional emails when we have guest speakers, have links to animal-related job & volunteer opportunities, post info about conferences & webinars, and have a student blog corner (+ more)! If this sounds like something you would be interested in, please send a letter of intent to Dr. Daly ([email protected]). Priority will first be given to UWindsor Anthrozoology Club Members before Dr. Daly presents it to other students. If you have any additional questions, comments or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Dr. Daly or myself ([email protected])!


Hello UWindsor Anthrozoology friends! I would like to take a moment to thank all of you who made it to last night’s Question & Answer Session with Dr. Marc Bekoff 🐺 If you missed it—don’t sweat it, the recording has been uploaded to our YouTube channel (link below). This officially wraps up our semester, and I really couldn't have hoped for a better way to complete the 2020-2021 school year as a club! Thank you to all of you who have shown your support and interest in the UWindsor Anthrozoology Club—it means the absolute world! I have really enjoyed our discussions and hearing about your passion & love for animals—but most of all, I am grateful for the friendships that have been created (especially during such a weird and isolating time in our lives)! To those of you who are graduating this spring, I wish you nothing but success in your future endeavours! Please keep in touch with us—the door is always open to join a meeting if you'd like to talk about animals on a Thursday night ☺️ Good luck with final exams, see you in September!



Hi there UWindsor Anthrozoology Club friends! I’m sure that most of you have heard the exciting news that Dr. Marc Bekoff from University of Colorado Boulder will be joining us on Thursday evening!! 🎉 What a way to complete our very first school-year as a club! Thank you so much to all of you who have expressed interest and given your support to the UWindsor Anthrozoology Club—it is because of people like you who have made events like this possible! Dr. Bekoff’s presentation will be taking place on the “UWindsor Anthrozoology Events & Guest Speakers” Team. If you are a member of the club, please be rest assured that you will already have access to this Team page. Again, this event is open to the public and free to attend. So, if you know of any friends who would also be interested in learning more about Dr. Bekoff’s work, they are more than welcome to “tag-along”—we just ask that they sign up via the Eventbrite link below ☺️ If you have any additional questions, comments, or concerns, please don’t hesitate to send me a message or email ([email protected])!


Photos from UWindsor Anthrozoology Club's post 03/10/2021

Happy Wednesday UWindsor Anthrozoology Members! Here is our ! 🐶🐱🐰🐢🐠

“Meet Pudge, he’s 12 going on 13 in April and loves the outdoors! This is Chewbacca, he’s 9 and loves to chirp and sing!”

Thanks for sharing your furry friend with us, Anna! If you are also interested in showing off your furry—or maybe not so furry—friend on our social media, make sure to either dm our account or email me ([email protected]) by Tuesday night with a picture and a brief bio of your friend. A reminder that you can also nominate other people to enter as well by tagging them in the comments below 😌


Hi UWindsor Anthrozoology friends! It’s hard to believe that we only have two more club meetings left of this semester—I always find that second semester FLIES by!! Since we will be having a guest speaker next week, we thought it would be fun to have a Game Night this week ☺️ For the first half of our meeting, we will be playing an animal-topic Jeopardy game, leaving the last half of our meeting for more ‘traditional’ games that we can play virtually through Teams! If you have any further questions, comments, and/or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me via email ([email protected]) Hope to see you tomorrow!


Happy Sunday UWindsor Anthrozoology peeps! Just a reminder that we are taking submissions for the 🐶🐱🐰🐢🐠If you are interested in showing off your furry—or maybe not so furry—friend on our social media, make sure to either dm our account or email me ([email protected]) by Tuesday night with a picture and a brief bio of your friend. You can also nominate other “non-members” to enter as well by tagging them in the comments below 😌 The will be announced on Wednesday!

Photos from UWindsor Anthrozoology Club's post 03/03/2021

Happy Wednesday UWindsor Anthrozoology Members! Here is our ! 🐶🐱🐰🐢🐠

“Disco is a sweet 1 year old dachshund labrador mix. She has been such a great companion and comfort during Covid. We love to go for walks together and she is always on the lookout for a good stick to carry.”

Thanks for sharing your furry friend with us, Natalie! If you are also interested in showing off your furry—or maybe not so furry—friend on our social media, make sure to either dm our account or email me ([email protected]) by Tuesday night with a picture and a brief bio of your friend. A reminder that you can also nominate other people to enter as well by tagging them in the comments below 😌


Mark your calendars, UWindsor Anthrozoology friends! Dr. Daly and I are thrilled to announce that renowned biologist, ethologist, and behavioural ecologist, Dr. Marc Bekoff, will be joining us virtually on Thursday, March 18th! 🐺🐶 Dr. Bekoff is a professor emeritus of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Colorado, Boulder. Dr. Bekoff is the co-founder, with Jane Goodall, of Ethologists for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, a fellow of the Animal Behaviour Society, a former Guggenheim Fellow, and an advocate for the compassionate conservation movement. Dr. Bekoff has published numerous essays and 31 books, some of which are: “Species of Mind: The Philosophy and Biology of Cognitive Ethology,” “Wild Justice: The Moral Lives of Animals,” and “The Emotional Lives of Animals: A Leading Scientist Explores Animal Joy, Sorrow, and Empathy and Why They Matter.” If you are interested in learning more about Dr. Bekoff’s work and asking him a question during the live session, you can register for the event via email ([email protected]) or by using the Eventbrite link below. This event is free to attend and is open to the public. It will be taking place on Thursday, March 18th from 7:00-8:00 p.m. EST via Microsoft Teams. I hope to see you there—this is an opportunity you will not want to miss!


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Windsor, ON