Taras Machula
A skilled hypnotherapist that heals with love. Please book a free 15 minute call: https://calendly.com/tmachula66/free-clarity-call
For the people who've enjoyed my free talk on the Angels of White Light, I'd like to offer a practice mini course for you to learn how to work with them.
🌟 Enhance Your QHHT Practice with the Angels of White Light! Saturday, September 28th, at 9 am CST🌟
🔮 Angels of White Light Mini-Course - Just $199 USD! 🔮
Are you ready to add a powerful healing tool to your QHHT or BQH practice? This mini-course is designed specifically for past life practitioners to help release entities and work directly with the divine before, during, or after a session, deepening your client's spiritual growth.
In this 6-hour program, you'll learn how to: ✨ Access the Temple of Divinity for powerful, transformative healing. ✨ Call in the Angels of White Light to facilitate healing with nets and meshes. ✨ Help your clients release trauma, entities, and attachments through divine support. ✨ Use this tool as part of your practice to grow spiritually and elevate your healing work.
📚 Required Book: Transcalar Healing by Howard Battie 📝 Included Materials: Notes from Taras Machula, M.A., Ch.T., and the first mini-book of The Temple of Divinity Halls.
💫 What You Get: 1️⃣ Session 1: Introduction to the Angels of White Light, accessing the Temple of Healing or the Temple of Divinity, guided healing experience, and live client healing. 2️⃣ Session 2: Group practice, healing diary, and a final group healing session with the Angels of White Light.
Join us and expand your healing abilities while adding another essential tool to your toolkit. Your clients and your own spiritual journey will thank you!
🌟 Limited spots available. Reserve your spot now and be prepared for deep, transformative work! Please email me to confirm your spot, at [email protected]🌟
🌟 Trauma is stored in the Spirit, but it doesn't have to stay there. 🌟
At Machula Hypnosis, we believe that true healing starts within.
Our approach, backed by over 35 five-star reviews, focuses on releasing deep-seated trauma, helping you take the first step toward overcoming addictions—whether it's alcohol, food, or drugs.
Taras Machula, one of Winnipeg’s top-rated hypnotherapists, has created a unique method of releasing trauma with love, without ever revisiting or re-experiencing the trauma.
This gentle, yet powerful approach allows you to heal without the pain of reliving past experiences.
🌀 Ready to start your healing journey?
Message us today to learn more about how hypnotherapy can help you break free from the chains of addiction and reclaim your life.
💬 Click 'Send Message' now to chat with us directly and take your first step toward healing.
Do you know that the Mayo clinic used Hypnotic Anasthesia in their practice and not one patient died from it? The "Story" behind the Mayo Clinic's great reputation
Most everyone knows of the Mayo Clinic. The clinic gained world fame primarily because of a survival rate unheard of in the early twentieth century. Why?
Around this same time, the Mayo Brothers were becoming well known as superb surgeons. The prestigious Mayo Clinic resulted from the results of hypnotic anesthesia trance. A nurse named “Alice Magaw” was the nurse-anesthetist who assisted at all of the Mayo Brothers surgical procedures. At the time, the death rate from incorrect dosing of chemical anesthetics was higher than the death rate from the basic surgery.
This was true throughout America and Europe. Many sayings such as “The operation was a success but the patient died” and “If the operation doesn’t kill you, the doctor will” were not jokes when they originated around 1900. They accurately described the danger of chemical anesthesia of the time and the resulting high mortality rate.
In contrast, Alice Magaw insisted on using medical hypnosis for all anesthesias. Because of the prejudice against hypnosis among certain religious groups, this point was not mentioned or even acknowledged in the early days of the Mayo Clinic. However, after over 14,000 successful operations in which there was not one death from the hypnotic anesthetic, the Mayo Clinic had established itself as the safest hospital in America and possibly in the world.
Magaw A. A Review of Over Fourteen Thousand Surgical Anæsthesias. Surgery, Gynecology, and Obstetrics. 1906;3(6): 795-99.
In Hypnotherapeutic Techniques: Second Edition the tenth chapter begins with this: "A century ago, Dr. Alice Magaw used hypnosis for more than 14,000 painless surgeries, and the then not-so-famous Mayo Clinic, without a single anesthesia-related death. At the time, the death rate was 1 in 400 from the use of ether, even at the nation's best hospitals."
Будь ласка розповсудєіть
🗣️ Struggling with Conversational English? We’ve Got You Covered! 🗣️
Speaking English fluently can be one of the hardest parts of learning the language. Do any of these challenges resonate with you?
❌ Freezing up during conversations with native speakers
❌ Struggling to find the right words quickly
❌ Feeling self-conscious about your accent or pronunciation
❌ Getting stuck with formal language that doesn’t fit everyday situations
These are common hurdles, but they don’t have to hold you back. Imagine if you could naturally and confidently speak English without hesitation or fear.
✨ Master Conversational English with Subconscious Learning ✨
Our unique approach taps into the power of your subconscious mind, helping you to:
✅ Internalize everyday phrases and expressions without memorization
✅ Speak more fluently and naturally by practicing in a relaxed state
✅ Improve your pronunciation and accent effortlessly
✅ Gain the confidence to join any conversation with ease
This is more than just a language class. It’s a transformative experience led by skilled hypnotherapist Taras Machula, M.A., Ch.T., and experienced educator Windie Alvenido, M.A.
💬 Why Choose Our Conversational English Class?
Because we combine over 250 hours of engaging content with subconscious learning techniques that make speaking English second nature.
🚨 Limited Spots Available—Only 10 Students Will Be Accepted! 🚨
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to finally master Conversational English.
💼 Enroll now for just $550 USD and take the first step towards fluent, confident English conversation.
🚀 Join Us Today—Speak English with Confidence! 🚀
🌍 Важко вивчати англійську? Ви не самотні. 🌍
Вивчення англійської може бути справжнім викликом. Вам це знайомо?
❌ Години, проведені за заучуванням слів, але ви швидко їх забуваєте
❌ Важко розуміти носіїв мови і ви почуваєтеся загубленими в розмовах
❌ Складна граматика викликає розгубленість
❌ Немає впевненості в собі, щоб говорити в реальних ситуаціях
Ми розуміємо ці труднощі. Але що, якщо існує спосіб зробити вивчення англійської простішим, швидшим і природнішим?
✨ Розкрийте справжній потенціал вашого розуму з підсвідомим навчанням ✨
Уявіть, що ви вивчаєте англійську без зусиль—засвоюючи її на підсвідомому рівні під час сну, відпочинку і навіть у повсякденному житті.
З нашою унікальною 12-тижневою програмою ви зможете:
✅ Перепрограмувати свій розум, щоб природно запам'ятовувати слова і граматику
✅ Покращити свої навички слухання і говоріння без стресу
✅ Набути впевненості для використання англійської в будь-якій ситуації
✅ Зекономити час і енергію, навчаючись під час відпочинку
Це не просто ще один курс англійської.
Це революційний спосіб інтегрувати англійську мову у ваше життя за допомогою досвідченого гіпнотерапевта Тараса Мачули, M.A., Ch.T., TEFL і експерта з освіти Вінді Альвенідо, M.A.
💼 Готові зробити англійську частиною себе?
Приєднуйтесь до нашої програми всього за 550 доларів США і трансформуйте свій досвід вивчення англійської.
🚨 Обмежена кількість місць—ми приймемо лише 10 студентів! 🚨Не пропустіть свій шанс стати частиною цієї ексклюзивної програми.
🚀 Зробіть перший крок сьогодні—вивчайте англійську розумним способом! 🚀
#ВивченняАнглійської #АнглійськаМова #РозмовнаАнглійська #ПідсвідомеНавчання #Гіпнотерапія #ПокращенняВимови #КурсАнглійської #Освіта #Саморозвиток #ОнлайнНавчання #ВпевненеСпілкування #ОбмеженаКількістьМісць #ЗапишітьсяЗараз #МовнеМайстерство #трансформація
🌟 Вивчайте англійську швидше, ніж будь-коли раніше! 🌟
Хочете освоїти англійську мову з комфортом і в приватності вашого дому? Що, якби ви могли прискорити навчання навіть під час сну?
Представляємо унікальну 12-тижневу програму вивчення англійської, розроблену для того, щоб завантажити англійську мову у вашу підсвідомість за допомогою досвідченого гіпнотерапевта і носія мови Тараса Мачули, M.A., Ch.T. та Вінді Альвенідо, M.A., яка є викладачем із великим досвідом та пристрастю до навчання.
🕒 Що включає програма?
Понад 250 годин захоплюючих уроків
45 годин інтерактивних занять
Персоналізована увага і перевірені методи для досягнення успіху
💰 Вартість: Лише 550 доларів США за всю програму!
Розкрийте свій повний потенціал і вивчайте англійську якнайшвидше. Приєднуйтесь до нас сьогодні і розпочніть свою подорож до вільного володіння мовою!
🚀 Реєструйтеся зараз і трансформуйте свої знання англійської 🚀[email protected]
I'm thankful and grateful to have received another 5 star review.
🌟 Transform Your Life with Hypnotherapy! 🌟
Hey everyone! 🌟 I just had to share this incredible experience I had with hypnotherapy. When I first heard about it, I was a bit skeptical. I imagined a swinging pendulum and being told, "You’re getting sleepy." 😴 But oh, was I wrong!
After a session with Taras from Valene Rud Consulting, I’m speechless. 😮 The way Taras creates a sacred, calming space and guides you through deep, transformative healing is nothing short of extraordinary. 🙌
Weeks later, a health issue that had me worried is now almost completely resolved. It’s truly remarkable! 🌈✨
If you’ve ever thought about trying hypnotherapy but weren’t sure, I’m here to tell you—take a deep breath, take that leap of faith, and trust the process. You won’t regret it. 💫
Share this with someone who might need a little inspiration and let’s spread the word about this amazing journey to healing! 💖👇
I am so thankful for receiving another 5 star review from my client Ian. If you're needing the healing wisdom of hypnosis, please reach out. This is what Ian posted:
ian Herbert
6 reviews • 0 photos
starstarstarstarstar 2 days ago New
Thank you again Taras. It was an amazing experience.
Taras is a hypnotherapist you can trust. Had a great experience and will be going back soon.
Drop a ❤️ if you Agree!
🤕Are you haunted by the shadows of childhood trauma inflicted by narcissistic parents? Normally, people with childhood trauma has these:
❌Constant fear of rejection or abandonment due to childhood trauma inflicted by narcissistic parents
❌Struggles with low self-esteem and self-worth stemming from emotional manipulation and invalidation
❌Difficulty forming healthy relationships and setting boundaries, leading to a cycle of toxic dynamics in adulthood
⏰ It's time to break free from the chains of abuse without reopening old wounds. With heart healing, there's a gentle path to release emotional baggage and reclaim your inner peace, even amidst the scars of child abuse.
🤲Through compassionate hypnotherapy and spiritual regression, I offer a safe haven to heal from the wounds inflicted by narcissistic parents. Together, we unveil your resilience, connect with your inner strength, and pave the way for profound healing without retraumatization.
❤️🩹 Imagine a life where you no longer feel shackled by the scars of child abuse, where joy, love, and peace are your constant companions.
Today, spiritual and heart healing is not just a dream❤️🩹❤️🩹
📲Book a complimentary 15-minute clarity call with me today, and take the first step towards a brighter, healed future. >> https://calendly.com/tmachula66/freeconsultation
🤔 Picture this: it's one of those rare moments when the world around you seems to quiet down, and you're left with nothing but your thoughts.
In that stillness, there's a gentle nudge within you, urging you to connect with something greater. 🤲
💯 It's like tapping into a well of insight and clarity, guiding you through life's twists and turns with a newfound sense of understanding.
💥So, whenever life throws its challenges your way, remember to tune in to that inner voice—it's your compass, leading you towards a brighter tomorrow.
Is this you? 🤔
You've tried everything—affirmations, meditations—but nothing seems to work. It’s because these methods, while helpful, often address only the surface issues.
❤️Ever considered healing from the heart first? Through the years, I've witnessed people successfully releasing whatever is holding them back.
What Heart Healing can do for you:
✅ Releasing Deep-Rooted Trauma: Only by addressing the emotional wounds within can you truly let go of the past and move forward.
✅ Reconnecting with Your True Self: Healing the heart helps you rediscover who you are at your core, beyond the pain and trauma.
✅ Creating Lasting Change: Genuine heart healing leads to profound and sustainable transformations in your emotional and spiritual well-being.
❤️🩹Heart healing is the ultimate fix because it addresses the root cause of emotional pain, allowing true transformation and lasting peace. When you heal the heart, every aspect of your life begins to align with love, purpose, and fulfillment.
🌟Did you know that you can release trauma without having to relive the painful experiences of the past?
❤️🩹Often, we avoid healing because we fear reopening old wounds. But there is a gentle and effective way to heal that doesn't involve revisiting those traumatic moments. By focusing on heart healing, we can release the emotional baggage and transform our lives from within.
🤲Through compassionate hypnotherapy and spiritual regression, I guide you to connect with the divine, uncover your inner strength, and release trauma in a safe and nurturing environment. This process allows you to heal deeply and profoundly without retraumatizing yourself.
Imagine a life where you're no longer burdened by the weight of past traumas, where you can truly embrace joy, love, and peace. It's possible, and I'm here to support you on this journey.
💖Ready to take the first step towards a brighter, more healed future?
Book a complimentary 15-minute clarity call with me today, and let's start your journey to healing together. >> https://calendly.com/tmachula66/freeconsultation
Through compassionate hypnotherapy and spiritual regression, I guide you to connect with the divine, uncover your inner strength, and release trauma in a safe and nurturing environment. This process allows you to heal deeply and profoundly without retraumatizing yourself.
Imagine a life where you're no longer burdened by the weight of past traumas, where you can truly embrace joy, love, and peace. It's possible, and I'm here to support you on this journey.
💖Ready to take the first step towards a brighter, more healed future?
Book a complimentary 15-minute clarity call with me today, and let's start your journey to healing together. >> https://calendly.com/tmachula66/freeconsultation
🍂Hi everyone! Taras here, your guide on the path to heart healing.
🤕 Many come to me seeking relief from past traumas, but fear reliving the pain.
❤️🩹Here's the good news: with Heart Healing, you don't have to!
As a leading expert in spiritual regression and connecting with the divine, I've helped countless individuals find peace by addressing the energetic root of their trauma. Imagine releasing burdens without revisiting the past.
Here's a glimpse into what Heart Healing offers:
✅ Gentle & Transformative: We access the wisdom of your Higher Self, bypassing conscious recollection of the trauma.
✅ Deep Healing: We address the energetic imprint of the trauma, promoting lasting positive change.
✅ Connect with the Divine: We tap into your inner guidance, fostering a sense of peace and empowerment.
🤲 If you're ready to finally release the hold of past traumas, I'm here to guide you. Let's explore this transformative journey together!
Book a FREE 1 on 1 clarity call so we can discuss who we can start your heart healing journey! >> https://calendly.com/tmachula66/freeconsultation
or DM me for a free consultation to see if Heart Healing is right for you.
Drop a ❤️ if you Agree!
Self-compassion is the balm that soothes the wounds of the past, allowing your heart to heal and blossom into the masterpiece it was always meant to be. By treating yourself with kindness and understanding, you create a safe space within to address and release old traumas. This gentle nurturing not only alleviates emotional pain but also fosters growth and transformation, enabling your true essence to shine.
Today, it's your time to turn the pages on past pain and start a new chapter of healing and growth! Embrace the journey of heart healing and discover your true potential.
📲 Book a complimentary 15-minute clarity call with me to begin your transformation. >> https://calendly.com/tmachula66/freeconsultation
🥰 Imagine waking up each morning feeling a profound sense of lightness, as if a heavy burden has been lifted from your shoulders.
Yet, many of us face daily struggles such as:
✅ Persistent feelings of negativity and emotional heaviness.
✅ Strained relationships that leave you feeling disconnected and misunderstood.
✅ A constant sense of anxiety and restlessness, making it hard to find inner peace.
🤷♀️ You’ve tried everything—affirmations, meditations, and even self-help books—but nothing seems to work.
🤔 It’s because these methods, while helpful, often address only the SURFACE ISSUES.
❤️🩹 To truly transform, you need to heal the heart first.
When the heart is burdened by past traumas and unresolved emotions, it blocks the flow of positivity and hinders your ability to fully embrace healing and growth.
Here’s why heart healing is essential:
✅ It helps release deep-seated emotional blockages, allowing positivity to flow freely.
✅ It fosters deeper, more meaningful connections with those around you.
✅ It aligns you with your true purpose, bringing a profound sense of peace and fulfillment.
❤️🩹 I offer heart healing services designed to guide you on this transformative journey.
Today, I am offering complementary clarity calls through this link >>> https://calendly.com/tmachula66/free-clarity-call
Together, we'll unlock your inner healing potential and create a life brimming with love, purpose, and serenity.
🤷♀️ Imagine your life where each day begins with a sense of peace and ends with a feeling of fulfillment. But right now, you might be feeling stuck in a cycle of emotional pain and struggle.
Perhaps you find yourself:
❌ Battling constant anxiety and stress, unable to find a moment of calm.
❌ Feeling disconnected from your loved ones, struggling to maintain healthy relationships.
❌ Facing a lack of purpose or direction, unsure of how to move forward.
🤲Heart healing is the ultimate fix because it addresses the root cause of emotional pain, allowing true transformation and lasting peace. When you heal the heart, every aspect of your life begins to align with love, purpose, and fulfillment.
🤔 Did you know that every heartbeat carries the rhythm of healing? Listen closely, and you'll find your way to profound transformation.
Many people struggle with:
❌ The weight of unresolved past trauma that seems impossible to shake off.
❌Strained relationships that lack deep connections and mutual understanding.
❌ A lack of clarity and purpose, feeling disconnected from a higher power and their true path.
💯What if there is a solution that I can help you with?
❤️🩹 Imagine healing your heart through spiritual regression, connecting with the divine, and releasing trauma without having to relive those painful past experiences.
💯Here’s why you need spiritual regression through Divine Connection:
✅ Experience profound healing without reliving painful memories.
✅ Build stronger, more meaningful relationships.
✅ Discover and align with your true life purpose through a deep connection with the divine.
This holistic approach can bring you the peace, clarity, and fulfillment you’ve been seeking.
😇I provide heart healing services to guide you on a transformative journey. Together, we'll unlock your inner healing potential and create a life brimming with love, purpose, and serenity.
📲Book a complimentary call with me today and take the first step towards a brighter, more harmonious future. >> https://calendly.com/tmachula66/free-clarity-call
Another wonderful review/testimonial from one of our 1 on 1 session clients!
💯 Our Complementary 1 on 1 clarity call is open for booking! Book your call through here >> https://calendly.com/tmachula66/free-clarity-call ❤️🩹
🤔Did you know that connecting with the divine within you can lead to profound transformations in your life?
Imagine your life where:
✅ You wake up each day with a heart full of peace and joy, free from the burdens of past trauma.
✅ Your relationships blossom with deeper connections and genuine understanding.
✅ You effortlessly align with your life's purpose, feeling fulfilled and guided by a higher power.
❤️🩹 Through heart healing, spiritual regression, and connecting with the divine, I can help you release trauma without revisiting painful past experiences. Let's embark on this journey together and watch as miracles unfold in the tapestry of your life.
🌟 Book a complimentary call with me today and let's start your journey to a life filled with love, purpose, and miracles. >> https://calendly.com/tmachula66/free-clarity-call
🍂Did you know that starting your day with self-love affirmations can transform your entire life? When you affirm your worthiness each morning, everything starts to fall into place with ease. 🌟
😇As a hypnotherapist, I've witnessed the incredible power of heart healing, spiritual regression, and connecting with the divine. It's not about revisiting painful memories but about gently guiding you to release emotional blockages and find inner peace. Through spiritual regression, we can uncover insights into your soul's journey, helping you to embrace a deeper connection with yourself and the divine.
♥️Imagine waking up each day feeling loved, purposeful, and fulfilled. Your heart's whispers can lead you to this beautiful place of healing and growth.♥️
If you're feeling stuck or weighed down by past trauma, I'm here to help.
📲 Today, I’m offering a complimentary 15-minute clarity call where we can discuss a personalized strategy for your healing journey. It's a chance to explore how you can overcome past traumas and step into a life of peace and fulfillment.
Let's take this journey together. If this resonates with you, feel free to share this post with others who might benefit. And if you're ready to start, book a call with me today. >> https://calendly.com/tmachula66/free-clarity-call
🥲 I know how tough it can be to carry the emotional scars of past traumas, failed relationships, or lingering pain. It's like these invisible wounds follow us everywhere, making it hard to move forward.
But here's something I that I know; you can heal without reliving those painful memories. Through heart healing, trauma release, connecting with the divine, and spiritual regression, we can let go of the past and find lasting peace.
💥 Heart healing helps release those emotional blockages, while trauma release techniques allow us to let go without revisiting the pain. By connecting with the divine, we gain inner peace and purpose. And spiritual regression offers insights into our soul's journey, helping us understand and heal.
💯 Imagine turning your scars into badges of honor, symbols of your strength and resilience. This journey isn’t about reliving trauma—it's about honoring your past and embracing a brighter future.
😇 If this resonates with you, let's walk this path together. Share this post if you believe in the power of healing and strength. Let's support each other on this beautiful journey.
🤲 If you’ve tried other methods like affirmations, dream boards, or meditations and still feel stuck, there could be other reasons why they aren't working.
😔We all have scars from our past. They might not be visible, but they shape our self-esteem, our relationships, and our overall sense of well-being. It’s tough to move forward when these hidden wounds weigh us down. 😔
But imagine being able to heal these scars without having to relive the painful experiences that caused them. ❤️ This is possible through the gentle art of heart healing. By connecting with the Divine within ourselves, we can release trauma easily and peacefully. ❤️
Here’s how heart healing can transform your life:
✅Self-Compassion: Start each day with a moment of kindness towards yourself. ✅Acknowledge your pain, but also recognize your strength and resilience.
✅Inner Connection: Spend a few minutes daily in quiet reflection or meditation, focusing on your heart and what it needs to heal.
✅Divine Guidance: Open yourself to the wisdom within. Trust that connecting with your inner Divine will guide you towards peace and healing.
❤️🩹Heart healing isn’t just about addressing symptoms; it’s about unveiling the masterpiece that lies beneath your scars. It’s about transforming your pain into a source of strength and beauty.
💯Feel free to share this with anyone who might benefit. Let’s support each other on this journey towards healing and wholeness. 💖✨
Life’s challenges can leave deep scars, impacting our self-worth and relationships. If you’re feeling trapped by past traumas, you’re not alone. Many carry these burdens silently, unsure of how to heal.
😇As a hypnotherapist specializing in heart healing and spiritual regression, I’ve helped many find peace without the need to revisit painful memories. Sure, affirmations, dream boards, and meditations can help, but true healing begins with heart healing, and I am speaking from experience and people's testimonies.
❤️ By healing the heart and connecting with the Divine within yourself, we can release trauma easily and peacefully.
📲 I’m offering a free 15-minute 1-on-1 coaching session to explore your struggles and potential healing paths through heart healing.
During our brief call, we’ll:
✅ Connect on a Personal Level: Share your story in a safe, compassionate space.
✅ Discover New Paths to Healing: Learn how spiritual regression can help you release trauma without revisiting the past.
✅ Plan for Transformation: Together, we’ll outline a personalized approach to help you overcome obstacles and find inner peace.
💯This limited opportunity is your first step towards lasting change. 📲Book your FREE 15-minutes clarity call now ➡️➡️➡️ https://calendly.com/tmachula66/free-clarity-call
😢Imagine living a life free from the weight of past traumas. Many of us carry unseen burdens that affect our self-esteem, relationships, and overall well-being. If you’re finding it hard to move forward, know that you’re not alone.
😇I’m a hypnotherapist who specializes in heart healing through spiritual regression, and I understand the pain of feeling stuck. But there's a gentle, non-invasive way to heal your heart and transform your life without reliving painful memories.
💯I’m offering a free 15-minute 1-on-1 coaching session to discuss what’s troubling you and explore how we can work together to bring you peace and clarity.
During our brief call, we’ll:
✅ Connect on a Personal Level: Share your story in a safe, compassionate space.
✅ Discover New Paths to Healing: Learn how spiritual regression can help you release trauma without revisiting the past.
✅ Plan for Transformation: Together, we’ll outline a personalized approach to help you overcome obstacles and find inner peace.
✅ This isn’t just another quick fix; it’s about genuine healing and growth. I’m here to guide you on a journey towards a brighter, more fulfilling life and connect with the Divine.
🤲 Take this step with me and start your healing journey. Our time is limited, and I want to offer this opportunity to those who are truly ready to heal their hearts. If you feel a calling to make a change to your life now, let’s talk.
📲Book your FREE 15-minutes clarity call now ➡️➡️➡️ https://calendly.com/tmachula66/free-clarity-call
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💯You can now harness the alchemy of heart healing to transform your pain into power. Embrace this journey and discover the strength that lies within your heart.💯
You may carry deep emotional wounds from past traumas or difficult experiences, leading to feelings of overwhelm, sadness, and a sense of powerlessness. These unresolved emotions can impact various aspects of your life, hindering your ability to experience true joy, fulfillment, and empowerment.
If you start healing your heart, you can:
☑️ Reclaiming Your Inner Strength to empower you to face your pain with courage and compassion, and ultimately emerge stronger than ever before.
☑️ Unlocking your potential and tap into a newfound sense of empowerment, allowing you to pursue your goals and dreams with confidence and determination.
☑️ Embracing endless possibilities and open the door to a life filled with opportunities, as you release the limitations imposed by your past pain and step into a future brimming with hope, joy, and fulfillment.
💯By starting from within and connecting with the Divine within yourself, the possibilities are endless! Start your heart healing journey now and get in touch!
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21 Leslie Avenue
Winnipeg, MB
Opening Hours
Monday | 9am - 5pm |
Tuesday | 9am - 5pm |
Wednesday | 9am - 5pm |
Thursday | 9am - 5pm |
Friday | 9am - 5pm |
Saturday | 9am - 5pm |
308 Morley Avenue
Winnipeg, R3LOY5
It's important to feel good. Call to book your appointment today! 204-475-4424 Or book online @ www.
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