Donate today and help us to buy an ambulance vehicle for Guatemala.
Dear friends and supporters
Today, after a journey of 5'360km all the way from New Jersey, USA, we safely reached the border to Guatemala!😃🌞🚑🍀
We spent another joyful day on the Mexican roads. One of today's highlights was tasting fresh cocoa - delicious - and homemade chocolate! Thank you Emidio!
We hope to return one day to the charming country of Mexico!
Tomorrow morning at the border we will meet the Mayor of the recieving municipality. Together with Silvana Ayuso of AMEDICAusa we will officially hand over the ambulance.
We are very excited! Looking forward to meeting the people of Muluá and San Felipe!
Mexico is beautiful!
We're moving further south along the Atlantic coast. We enjoy the friendliness of the people, the wonderful scenery with the shore to our left and the hilly forests to our right.
Today we had the chance to visit Quiahiztlán. This is a historic place of the Totonacian people (900 a.c.). It has a fantastic view, which could be a reason why very close the first Mexican city, Villa Rica de Vera Cruz, was founded in 1519.
The boarder of Guatemala is moving closer - expecting to be there in 3 days!
On the Road
Dear friends and supporters
Today was our first day in Mexico! We set off in Matamoros in the dark at 6am in a small group of truck drivers. We drove through the beautifully wild and lush landscape, crossed the tropic of cancer, got to know the mexican topes (speed bumps) and tried to understand the drivers' light signals.
After 500km we arrived in the lively city Tampico and enjoy strolling through the streets, while the Ambulance is cooling down its tire-temperature.
Together with the truck drivers we wait for tomorrow morning when we will head out toward Guatemala early!
It is done. On August 1st we bought the Ambulance vehicle (a Ford E350) in New Jersey with the funds recieved from our Sponsors -
Thanks a lot to all of you! :-D
On our way through the US we met a lot of friendly people who were very helpful, e.g. with lodging, giving us guidance or lending us their Jumper cables when our autobattery died :-p
Now we just crossed the Mexican border and will head out for our first real Mexican dinner:-)
Dear friends and supporters
August has arrived and you might ask yourselves what happened with that Ambulance project?
As in other projects, during the last few weeks before the scheduled start of the journey, many decisions and some changes of plans had to be made.
The major change we would like to announce is that, due to several organizational and administrative issues with the given circumstances, it is not possible for us to deliver the Ambulance to Honduras. However, we would like to give special thanks to Paramedics for Children for the ongoing support during the preparations for the project.
We are very sorry for all of you who were hoping for the Ambulance to be brought to Honduras.
We were lucky though to have a new destination: it is Guatemala the Ambulance will go to. Our new partner organisation is AMEDICAusa (click link below to learn more about this excellent NGO).
Since our chosen name Ambulance4Honduras no longer fits the project, we officially change our name to Ambulance4Guatemala (including the new (upcoming) URL, see link below).
We are happy to be able to realise the project in this new setting. Information about the project can soon be found under:
For information about our new partner organization please see:
Paramedics for Children: This Is What We Do
Don’t miss out on this short portrait of our local partner Paramedics For Children. — Thanks to their effort, our vehicle can get a second life in .
Welcome to Clinica la Esperanza, which provides high-quality medical care to more than 5,000 children and families each year in Copán Ruinas, Honduras. Learn...
🚑 🚑 Equipo de segunda mano puede salvar vidas.
¡Yupii! Estaremos encantados da venir a Honduras en agosto de 2016. Sigenos en Facebook « Ambulance4Honduras », corre la voz y ayuda a gente de Honduras a obtener una ambulancia para garantizar transportes de enfermos graduitos. ¡Hasta pronto! Claudine y Sara
Old ambulance brings new hope
This is what we’re heading for :) Keep your fingers xed Paramedics For Children Based in Charlotte, North Carolina, Paramedics For Children is an international, 501(C)(3) charity dedicated to bringing aid to the children of third world countries. Since 1999 Paramedics For Children has been accepting donated ambulances and delivering them to the needy of Central America.
Well, that’s not exactly what we are looking for… ;)
Big brainstorming ahead. — Where to buy an ambulance vehicle? And how to raise funds?
We found a potential Ambulance Vehicle!!
Negotiations in process!
It's a ACA Unit 215.
Isn't she a beauty:-D
Klicken Sie hier, um Ihren Gesponserten Eintrag zu erhalten.
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