Coaching Global Nomads

Coaching Global Nomads

Fitness-Studios in der Nähe

Kart Basel
Kart Basel

I help Global Nomads calm stress and dissolve unmanageable or overwhelming emotions/situations fast.

International Coaching Profile:

See my Credentials:
- NLP Coaching (Neurolinguistic Programming) Profile:

- emTrace® Coaching (emotion coaching) / stress coaching Profile:



📸 Youfi


„We don’t travel in order to move around, we travel in order to be moved.“


🧠 Your brain gives you 2 options, if you want to manage your better:

1) top down regulation: monitor your body’s sensations 🧘‍♀️

2) bottom up regulation: recalibrating the autonomic nervous system through breath, movement or touch 🌬

—> will post specific techniques in the following days

📷 book:


I think the question becomes, how can we bring excitement, newness and dare I say adventure to work?

I know remote work does the trick for me.

What about you?


When the sun rises, it rises for everyone.


Home is a feeling ❤️


“Only that which cannot be lost in a shipwreck is yours.”
Al -Ghazali


I don’t believe in fighting our emotions because emotions show us our needs. Fighting emotions will not ease or dissolve it. Understanding the triggers, function and needs behind the emotions and knowing how to regulate them (befriend them), will though.

Nevertheless, I like the analogy below because it depicts that we are taught to overemphasize “rational thinking” (calculator) as a solution in the wrong context.
Interestingly enough, our neocortex won’t work if we are emotionally dysregulated, which is like bringing a calculator without batteries to the knife fight.


„The world has enough for everyone's needs, but not everyone's greed.“ Mahatma Gandhi

Let nature forever humble us.


Changing habits ain’t fun. Learning new cultural traditions as an alternative on the other hand is fun. Bye bye coffee, buen día mate 🧉🥰


All I need is a splash of color.


All good things are wild and free.


Explore the world in your way. Create memories you won’t forget.


The feeling of awe is all about feeling lost in something bigger than oneself.


„A ship in port is safe, but that is not what ships are built for. Sail out to sea and do new things.“ Grace Hopper


Invest in memories, not things. Have stories to tell, not things to show.


A doesn’t need a map, because it is the


The balance between and


Today it dawned on me how many skills I have developed backpacking around the world all these years.

The only problem, I always wondered how I could transfer my courage, openness, curiosity, patience, presence, flow, trust, calm, excitement, connection, belonging etc. from traveling to other areas of my life.

Travel has taught me to listen to my inner warning system (emotions). I got to know my needs, my values, my interests and made sure I nurtured them/myself. Now I know that this is the basis to be able to activate all these skills and resources we already have within.

Transferring my skills from travel to another area of my life means now, listening to my alarm system (emotions) in all areas of my life and not only when I think I have the time for it.

This has become my new journey, it is not always easy but I love the process and the best part. There is no end destination.


„Everything great that ever happened in this world happened first in somebody’s imagination.”
— Astrid Lindgren

So why not dream big and crazy, throw our old dusty beliefs that don’t serve us outta the window and replace them with beliefs that are more fun, cheeky and empowering.

I found one from my childhood hero and next time I feel like I can’t do something or feel overwhelmed I know what Pippi would say:

„I have never tried that before, so I think I should definitely be able to do that.“

Fear disappears when you add some fun. 😄


Das Leben auf dem Schaukelstuhl

Eine kleine Geschichte und Metapher über das Leben. Vorgelesen aus dem Buch Wiedersehen aus dem Café am Rande der Welt von John Strelecky.


You can’t choose where you‘ll be born, but you can decide where you want to stay. You can’t pick your parents, but you can choose who you stick with.


We keep investing in lesser goals because there is a clear path - it is safer. A lot of the lesser goals we entertain were the number one goal of our former self. That might have gotten us here but it won’t get us there (to the future self).
I like reflecting on that because it reminds us that we have grown. E.g. we say no to things now that our past self would have said yes to or vice versa.
The question now is: what are we saying yes or no to at the moment and does it match our future self or past self?

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Hammerstrasse 45

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