Geneva Coaching - Professional Coaching Services

How can they benefit from coaching? How can you and your company benefit from business coaching? How can life coaching help you?

Geneva Coaching provides professional coaching services to everyone who wants to get closer to his or her desired goals and needs support and professional guidance to reach them. MEDICAL AND SCIENTIFIC FIELD COACHING
Coaching for professionals in the medical and scientific sectors

I believe that coaching can be an immensely helpful tool when health professionals and researchers are constantly und

Top 18 Coaches In Geneva In 2022 01/06/2022

Képzeljétek, bekerültem a 🔥 LEGJOBB 18 🔥 GENFI COACH közé!!!
Annyira jóóó!!! 🥰🥳🤗

Nagyon boldog vagyok, mert óriási megtiszteltetés egy ilyen válogatott listán szerepelni, ennyi nagyszerű coach között!

I am extremely happy and grateful for the honour of being a part of this amazing group of coaches! 🥰🥳🤗

Top 18 Coaches In Geneva In 2022 Geneva is a city where its quality of life has been admired all over the world and here are you can find Coaches In Geneva in 2022 that you can contact right now


Képzeljétek! 🥰

Az ICF (International Coaching Federation) Magyar Tagozata és a HiSchool közös kezdeményezésében középiskolásoknak nyújtunk segítséget abban, hogy megismerjék az erősségeiket, képet kapjanak arról, milyen foglalkozás passzol hozzájuk, és így el tudják dönteni, hova szeretnének jelentkezni a felvételikor.
Szeretném megmutatni nektek az első középsulis kliensem ajánlását, amit a folyamatunk után írt rólam.
Hát nem édes? 🥰 Mondom, hogy jó "cucc" ez a coaching! 😍

Egyébként ez tényleg szuper kezdeményezés, érdemes élni vele, sok profi coach vesz részt benne, és őrült nagy segítség ez a gyerekeknek!


Egyébként, ti tudjátok, mi az a coaching?

Én anno azt hittem, az olyan "humbuk", értelmezhetetlen valami. 😁 De akkor is éreztem, hogy „ez jó lesz nekem!”, úgyhogy jól kiképeztem magam, mielőtt elmentem a sulim (Coach School) nyílt napjára. Alaposan utánanéztem, melyik képzést válasszam: melyik, milyen akkreditációval rendelkezik, milyet ad; milyen minősítésük, milyen hátterük van az oktatóknak.

Szóval, a coaching hivatalos meghatározása a következő:

„A coaching az ügyféllel való partneri együttműködés, olyan gondolatébresztő és kreatív folyamat, amely arra inspirálja az ügyfelet, hogy a legtöbbet hozza ki önmagából személyes és szakmai szempontból is.
A coaching egyedi szolgáltatás, és elkülönül a terápiától, tanácsadástól, mentoringtól és a tréningtől egyaránt. Akik résztvevői lesznek egy coaching folyamatnak, megtapasztalhatják annak élményét, hogy:
• másképp látják majd személyes kihívásaikat és lehetőségeiket,
• megerősödik gondolkodásuk és döntéshozó képességük,
• fejlődik személyes hatékonyságuk,
• nő az önbizalmuk, és
• közelebb kerülnek munkájuk és élet-szerepük beteljesítéséhez.”

Fontos megjegyezni (legalábbis nekem fontos 😇), a coachingnak van tudományos szakirodalma, csomó cikket találtam a Pubmed-en. Ha nagyon akarjátok, majd néhányból csinálok egy rövid összefoglalót (már úgyis annyira hiányoznak a cikkek, főleg a cikkírás...🙃)!

Forrás:, a Nemzetközi Coach Szövetség (ICF, világ legnagyobb coach szervezete) Magyar Tagozatának honlapja


Kezdd TUDATOSAN az új évet!

A LEGHASZNOSABB ajándék a jövő évre (magadnak is):
6 alkalmas, egyéni, online ÉVINDÍTÓ COACHING folyamat!

Érvényes: 2022. 03. 15.

Kérlek, részletekért érdeklődj privát üzenetben!


A LEGJOBB utolsó pillanatos ajándékötlet (akár magadnak is)!

Az ajándékutalvány tartalma:
120 perces, egyéni, online ÉVTERVEZŐ COACHING ülés, hogy a 2022 tutira jól induljon!

Érvényes: 2022. 02. 28.

A részletekről érdeklődj privát üzenetben!


Kedves Barátaim!

Egyszerűen fantasztikus, milyen sokan csatlakoztatok az oldalamhoz, NAGYON KÖSZÖNÖM!

Most azért írok, mert van még pár szabad hely decemberre és januárra online business és/vagy life coachingra.

Ha szeretnétek kipróbálni, foglaljatok időpontot INGYENES konzultációra, aminek a célja az, hogy felmérjük:
- merre jársz most az életben,
- hova szeretnél eljutni,
- tudok-e neked segíteni,
- van-e összhang, szimpátia közöttünk, tudunk-e együtt dolgozni.

Ismertek, nem vagyok nagy Facebook posztoló, de megpróbálom aktivizálni magam.
Mindenesetre, nagyon köszönöm az érdeklődést és a sok üzenetet!

Tünde Tőkés


Coaching szolgáltatás magyar és angol nyelven, online vagy személyesen!

- coaching az ORVOSI és TUDOMÁNYOS VILÁG tagjainak
- coaching az ÜZLETI SZFÉRÁBAN tevékenykedőknek
- coaching MAGÁNÉLETI elakadások, nehézségek esetén



In my personal opinion, everyone needs a coach in his or her life. Especially those professionals dealing with high pressure on an every-day basis at their workplace, such as health clinics, research centers, universities, pharmacological companies, multinational organizations or banks where, medical doctors, healthcare staff members, managers, researchers, group/division leaders, executives and their teams need and deserve to be well. If the employees and leaders are both mentally well and the personal and common goals are clearly set, they can be productive and efficient for the company.

I believe that we are capable of achieving much more than we allow ourselves to. My role is to identify and help you overcome these mind-blocking fears and beliefs. I believe in my clients’ (sometimes hidden) potentials that only need to be brought to the surface and they need to start to believe in themselves.

As a qualified coach, my main aim is to support people in discovering their full potential, inner power to lead a more productive, successful and well-balanced life both in their private and work life.



After a successful career of almost 20 years in the field of medical and scientific research, I chose to use my experience and knowledge as a qualified life and business coach. Originally from Hungary, I’m currently living in Geneva, Switzerland.


As a researcher, the reliability and proven results of a method is of the utmost importance. Keeping this in mind, I chose a certified business coach school with International Coach Federation (ICF) and Approved Coach Specific Training Hours (ACSTH) certifications.
After I started to feel the power of coaching on myself, I certainly felt that this process could be beneficial for my colleagues working in the field of sciences, and that I would like to help them discover and experience the same. I am convinced that the Eureka moments during the coaching process can be life changing. Everyone can activate and utilize new methods of problem-solving while achieving the goals set during the coaching process (goals that may have not been clear at the beginning).
I am a firm believer of this method as it can help you to become a better version of yourself and together we can get rid of the obstacles on the way to your success.


Coaching for business professionals and executives

Executive coaching is an impactful type of coaching and on high demand as it delivers results that can be measured by the financial success of your business. Business coaching is a common, well-tried practice of successful (multinational) businesses, banks and non-governmental organizations.
How can you and your company benefit from business coaching?
It can help to:
- set goals for your business and make an action plan in order to achieve them,
- improve business owners’ and business professionals’ communication skills and self-management,
- work better with your team to get better and faster results,
- make conscious decisions that benefit your business in the long term,
- clarify the desired goals and keep your focus on them,
- develop effective leadership skills,
- improve organizing yourself and your tasks,
- increase productivity,
- better time-management skills,
- decrease pressure and stress at the workplace,
- improve your work-life balance.



While business coaching focuses on work, life coaching deals with you and your personal well-being. It helps to tackle the difficulties, obstacles, challenges posed by everyday life. I can also guide you on how to remove limiting beliefs, help to create an optimal work-life balance and help to deal with the feeling of burn-out, and ultimately guide you towards a restart or a fresh start.

How can life coaching help you?
It can help to:
- clarify, identify and reach your personal aims,
- stay in focus,
- guide you through self-discovery and promote growth,
- find out which problem-solving strategy fits your personality the best,
- make hard decisions and take actions accordingly,
- increase productivity in your personal life,
- improve communication skills and self-management,
- overcome the fear of change, failure and risk taking,
- find a new career path,
- re-build your life after a significant life crisis,
- avoid burn-out,
- restart after burn-out,
- help resist conformity to social expectations.


Coaching for professionals in the medical and scientific sectors

I believe that coaching can be an immensely helpful tool when health professionals and researchers are constantly under the pressure of time and work responsibilities.
Healthcare professionals, stakeholders and researchers working in the medical and scientific field are constantly being challenged by the continuous change of trends, shrinking budgets and stressful work environment.

How can they benefit from coaching?
It can help to:
- alleviate stress,
- focus more on their ultimate professional goal,
- reach these specific goals,
- increase productivity,
- improve communication and presentation skills, self-awareness and self-management skills,
- create better time-management strategies,
- learn how to assist co-workers,
- improve teamwork at the workplace, therefore build a more efficient team.



Needless to say, everything disclosed during the coaching process is completely confidential.

The process starts with a preliminary phone conversation to discuss what the client is looking for, what coaching is and to clarify any questions that the client has about coaching.

Usually, the coaching process consists of 6-8 sessions, 60 minutes each. I provide both face-to-face and online coaching services. Each session is tailored according to the client’s goals and needs.

Initial assessment of the client`s position helps us to set a baseline and allow us to measure the progress and identify current and potential obstacles. After this very important first step, we take a look at the available resources, understand the client’s current situation and make an action plan accordingly. We work together on establishing the most important steps to take in order to achieve the desired outcome and create a timeline for the process. This enables the client to identify the foreseeable obstacles and get prepared to overcome them. During the session, the coach guides the client on the journey that will likely be filled with „A-ha!-moments” of gained insights, finding new perspectives, solutions and new opportunities. At this point, the client can see a clear picture of what needs to be done during the process and that all the steps are leading towards the goal. If the action plan needs to be altered during the process, the coach is there to assist the client and help him or her to stay motivated, committed and make sure that everything is on track towards their goal(s).



Coaching can help everyone who wants to take the leap and make a significant change in private or work life. Nowadays all kinds of business professionals use coaching services, such as executives, managers, small business owners, start-up pioneers, entrepreneurs, homemakers, creators or actors.
I suggest coaching to everyone who wants to get closer to his or her desired goals and needs support and professional guidance to reach them.



As a biomedical researcher, it is very important for me that the methods I use produce visible and measurable results, such as a successful career change, restart after a burn-out or increase productivity. I believe that a trustworthy and professional coach should have an ICF-accredited certification, should continuously improve on a professional and personal level, and last but not least, needs to be genuine and authentic. The authenticity of a qualified coach can provide a new perspective to the clients who then discover solutions they have never thought about before. I am attentively listening to the clients during the sessions and use the best method that suits their personality and goal(s). I work with several different methods, such as personality or psychological tests, homework, worksheet, questionnaire, drawing, picture cards, or Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) techniques.
Former clients who chose to work with me in the past pointed out my enthusiastic, honest and motivating coaching style. Also, I am able to see the hidden potential in my clients and bring out the best of them with providing constructive feedback that let them grow and give a different perspective.



We can use coaching to:

- clarify, identify, focus on the desired goals in order to reach
- develop self-awareness: identify your values, discover your potentials and resources, and be conscious of your talents,
- regain motivation and enthusiasm,
- build self-confidence and develop resilience,
- self-discovery and growth,
- find what problem-solving strategy is the best fit for your personality,
- make hard decision and find the courage to take actions,
- become a more effective leader: improve your skills to increase productivity, inspire others and build rapport with clients and co-workers,
- improve self-management, communication, presentation skills,
- overcome the fear of change, failure, risk, and eliminate limiting beliefs,
- help resist conformity to social expectations/alleviate the urge to conform to social expectations,
- time-management,
- restart after a life crisis,
- create a work-life balance.


Geneva Coaching - Professional Coaching Services Geneva Coaching provides professional coaching services to everyone who wants to get closer to his o

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