International Labour Organization, Geneva Videos

Videos by International Labour Organization in Geneva. We are the ILO, the UN agency for the world of work. Advancing social justice, promoting decent work.

The Paralympic Games, like the Olympics, are often the high point of an athletes career. But competing at such an elite level requires extraordinary dedication and investment of time and resources.

In all the tension and drama of the Games it is easy to forget that athletes are also workers and, outside competition, they still need to earn a living and are entitled to the same rights and protections as any other worker.

So, what is life like as a Paralympic athlete? How do elite sports-people balance the demands of sporting excellence with earning a living? And how do the Paralympic Games promote disability inclusion?

🎧Have a listen at our new podcast episode:

Other International Labour Organization videos

The Paralympic Games, like the Olympics, are often the high point of an athletes career. But competing at such an elite level requires extraordinary dedication and investment of time and resources. In all the tension and drama of the Games it is easy to forget that athletes are also workers and, outside competition, they still need to earn a living and are entitled to the same rights and protections as any other worker. So, what is life like as a Paralympic athlete? How do elite sports-people balance the demands of sporting excellence with earning a living? And how do the Paralympic Games promote disability inclusion? 🎧Have a listen at our new podcast episode:

Promoting #DecentWork includes resting time! We wish you all an amazing weekend ahead!

📝Think about young people that are not employed, in education or in training. Who is more affected? Men or women? Find out on our new Instagram Reels series:

Imagine landing a great job after a long time trying. You’re well qualified, were the best candidate but are told by a new colleague on your first day, that you only got the post because of positive discrimination. Over time you prove your worth but every year are passed over for promotion. Sometimes you don’t want to go into work because of the little digs about your braids or about the way you express yourself. Race discrimination in the workplace is a reality for many Black people, despite the existence of a multitude of ‘diversity and inclusion’ initiatives. While overt racism may be a thing of the past, systemic racism, microaggressions and biases mean the world of work is far from being a level playing field. Listen to our specialists on the subject🎙:

🗣️"My HIV status won't prevent me from achieving my goals." Meet Reena Mistry, a 23-year-old from Surat, India, who is living with HIV and aspiring to join the Indian civil service. Despite facing stigma and personal challenges, Reena found hope and independence through an ILO-supported skills development program. "We shouldn't face discrimination," she says, advocating for greater awareness and inclusion in the workplace. Reena's journey shows the power of resilience and community support. With help from International Labour Organization and UNAIDS she gained new skills and now helps others in her community, showing that everyone deserves a chance to succeed, regardless of their status. 👉 Read her story:

⚠️ Unsafe journeys should never be the norm. ILO Convention no. 190 provides a framework for governments to prioritize the safety of workers on their way to and from work. ℹ️ Learn more about the convention here:

🔴 Extreme temperatures are threatening the health, safety, and lives of workers around the world. In Jalisco, Mexico, the International Labour Organization Vision Zero Fund is taking action to protect those in the chili, pepper, and tomato value chains from the dangers of heat stress. Enhanced occupational safety and health measures are essential to protect workers globally. U.S. Department of Labor

📍 Thailand Soe Moe Oo, a Burmese migrant worker, used to feel helpless navigating the complex language and labor laws in a foreign land. But everything changed after he received training from an ILO-supported Migrant Resource Centre. Today, Soe Moe Oo proudly assists other migrant workers in overcoming the very challenges he once faced. Have a look 👇

Young people will make up 20% of the world’s population by 2030. One of the greatest global challenges will be to get these 1.3 billion people into decent work.

What’s needed to promote decent work and a brighter future for youth? ☑️Employment promotion ☑️Education & training ☑️Interventions for disadvantaged youth ☑️Entrepreneurship ☑️Labour rights Read the new @‌ILO report:

Nearly two-thirds of young adult workers in low- and lower-middle-income countries hold qualifications that do not match well with the work that they do. We need to ensure that: ✅ Educated young people can fully realize the potential gains of higher educational attainment ✅ Undereducated young people have access to on-the-job training and lifelong learning to raise their productivity levels in the enterprises that employ them.

Young people will make up 20% of the world’s population by 2030. One of the greatest global challenges will be to get these 1.3 billion people into decent work. The ILO's "Global Employment Trends for Youth 2024" report provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of youth employment worldwide. While the global youth unemployment rate reached a record low of 13% in 2023, many regions, particularly the Arab States, North Africa and sub-Saharan Africa, still face significant challenges.

🔴Climate change is widening inequalities while damaging the planet, putting workers at greater risk of hazards like excessive heat. 🟢 A sustainable future requires a just transition to net-zero.

🔴 Extreme temperatures are threatening the health, safety, and lives of workers around the world. In Jalisco, Mexico, the International Labour Organization Vision Zero Fund is taking action to protect those in the chili, pepper, and tomato value chains from the dangers of heat stress. Enhanced occupational safety and health measures are essential to protect workers globally. U.S. Department of Labor

Sharing the responsibility of care within families and between families and the government is a pillar to achieving gender equality in the world of work. This can be done by strengthening care policies & services and investing in care. Let’s work together to close the gender gaps in the labour force. 👉 Find out more at: