Peter Lang International Academic Publishers

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The Peter Lang Publishing Group has over 40 years of experience in academic publishing around the world. Our five main offices in Bern, Brussels, Berlin, Oxford and New York work closely together to serve the academic community. We are an agile modern publisher, committed to supporting our authors to contribute excellence in the humanities and social sciences.


Come by the Peter Lang bookstand at to meet Documentary Film Cultures Series Editor Dafydd Sills-Jones. The Meet the Editor session will be held on Thursday 5 September at 10:30 am in the MMU Business School Atrium at Manchester Metropolitan University.

And don't miss the chance to meet with Acquisitions Editor Elizabeth Howard and see our latest & titles. Get 30% off when you use promo code PLME30 at

Kate, la realeza y el gran museo del retrato de Londres | El Correo 04/09/2024

Our authors know how to keep busy!

Here at Peter Lang Group we like to celebrate our authors achievements outside of book publishing, and recently enjoyed seeing author Mark Stuart-Smith, author of 'Juan Muñoz. The Politics of Silence' contribute to a great article in 'El Correo'.

You can find the article here:

Discover more about the book:

Kate, la realeza y el gran museo del retrato de Londres | El Correo Con el patronato de la princesa de Gales, el National Portrait Gallery custodia y exhibe obras con Enrique VIII y sus seis esposas o serigrafías de Warhol con Isabel II

‘It enriches your mind in every way’: the fight to keep the UK learning German 04/09/2024

For all those interested in learning German, have a look at the latest researches in German Studies here 👉

‘It enriches your mind in every way’: the fight to keep the UK learning German With A-level entries for the language halving in a decade, a new initiative is hoping to save it from the academic scrapheap


Bis morgen habt ihr noch Zeit, die neuesten Ausgaben der internationalen Zeitschrift "literatur für leser:innen" (lfl) auf der "92nd Conference of The Association for German Studies in Great Britain and Ireland" (AGS) zu entdecken und darin zu stöbern. Dr. Ingo Cornils, "lfl"-Mitherausgeber, und Dr. Laurel Plapp, Peter Lang Group Senior Acquisitions Editor, freuen sich über euren Besuch am Stand.

Erhaltet hier weitere Informationen zur "lfl" sowie alle Ausgaben 👉


Wir freuen uns auf die GAL 2024:

11. - 13. September 2023
Jahrestagung Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik e.V. (GAL)
TU Dresden

Besucht unseren Bücherstand und stöbert in unseren Titeln. Entdeckt vor Ort die neuesten Bänder unserer Reihe FORUM ANGEWANDTE LINGUISTIK – F.A.L., herausgegeben von Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik e.V. Alle Bände und weitere Informationen erhaltet ihr hier 👉 Unser komplettes linguistisches Verlagsprogramm findet ihr auf

Ihr möchtet eure Forschungsergebnisse veröffentlichen? Kontaktiert dazu unseren Lektor
Michael Rücker, E-Mail: [email protected]

Bleibt auf dem Laufenden zu neuen Titeln der . Abonniert unseren Fachgebiets-Newsletter 👉 /Anmeldeformular-Fachgebietsnewsletter

Photos from Peter Lang International Academic Publishers's post 01/09/2024

💡Ratgeber Recht und Wirtschaft 💡

Liebe Leser:innen,

Digitalisierung und Automation: Was bedeutet das für Unternehmen und Privatpersonen?

Die fortschreitende Digitalisierung und Automatisierung prägen nicht nur die Wirtschaft, sondern auch das Leben jedes Einzelnen. Google spielt dabei eine zentrale Rolle, sowohl für Unternehmen als auch für Privatpersonen. Doch was bedeutet das konkret?

👉 Für Unternehmen und die Wirtschaft:
➡️ Effizienzsteigerung: Automatisierte Prozesse ermöglichen eine schnellere und fehlerfreie Abwicklung von Routineaufgaben.
➡️ Kostenreduktion: Der gezielte Einsatz digitaler Technologien senkt Personalkosten und optimiert Ressourcen.
➡️Datenbasierte Entscheidungen: Mit Tools wie Google Analytics können Unternehmen fundierte Entscheidungen treffen und ihren Wettbewerbsvorteil ausbauen.

👉 Für Privatpersonen:
➡️ Personalisierte Erfahrungen: Google-Services bieten durch Algorithmen personalisierte Suchergebnisse, Werbung und Inhalte, die den Alltag erleichtern.
➡️ Datenschutz: Die Digitalisierung bringt auch Herausforderungen mit sich, wie den Schutz der eigenen Daten. Es ist wichtig, sich über die Nutzung persönlicher Daten durch Unternehmen im Klaren zu sein.
➡️ Arbeitsmarkt: Die Automatisierung kann den Jobmarkt verändern. Manche Berufe verschwinden, während neue Chancen entstehen. Es ist entscheidend, sich kontinuierlich weiterzubilden und sich auf neue Technologien einzulassen.

👉 Wichtige rechtliche Aspekte:
➡️ Datenschutz und Privatsphäre: Sowohl Unternehmen als auch Privatpersonen müssen die DSGVO einhalten, um den Schutz persönlicher Daten zu gewährleisten.
➡️ Arbeitsrechtliche Herausforderungen: Automatisierung kann den Bedarf an bestimmten Arbeitskräften reduzieren und neue Fragen zum Arbeitsrecht aufwerfen.
➡️ Wettbewerbsrecht: Der Einsatz von Algorithmen kann nicht nur den Markt, sondern auch die Privatsphäre beeinflussen. Hier sind rechtliche Grenzen zu beachten.

Unsere Empfehlung: Nutzt die Chancen der Digitalisierung bewusst, aber seid euch auch der rechtlichen und ethischen Herausforderungen bewusst. Die Peter Lang Group bietet euch fundierte Fachliteratur, um euch optimal zu informieren.

📖 Unsere Buchtipps:
1️⃣ „Digitale Machtkonzentration von Google Search: Eine Untersuchung der Auswirkungen der 10. GWB-NovelleAutomation and Employment Law in the Age of AI”
2️⃣ „Rechtlich-regulatorische Rahmenbedingungen für Wearables und Apps im Gesundheitswesen Big Data and Privacy Law: Challenges in a Digital World“
3️⃣ „Die Verarbeitung von Daten Drittbetroffener in vernetzten und automatisierten Kraftfahrzeugen: Eine Bewertung des technologieneutralen Ansatzes der Europäischen Datenschutzgrundverordnung“
4️⃣ „Der digitale Wandel und der Erschöpfungsgrundsatz des Urheberrechts: Reformbedarf hinsichtlich des Vertriebs und der Weitergabe von Software und anderer digitaler Güter“
5️⃣ „Die private Cyberversicherung“
6️⃣ “Digitalisierung im Gesellschaftsrecht: Eine Untersuchung der Richtlinie (EU) 2019/1151 im Hinblick auf den Einsatz digitaler Werkzeuge und Verfahren im Gesellschaftsrecht“

Habt viel Spaß beim Stöbern durch unsere Titel. Ihr findet diese und viele weitere auf


Celebrating one of our titles.

Dangers of Narrative and Fictionality
A Rhetorical Approach to Storytelling in Contemporary Western Culture

Find it here:

Part of our series 'Literary and Cultural Studies, Theory and the (New) Media'

2024 AGS Conference – Association for German Studies 26/08/2024

Entdeckt auf der "92nd Conference of the Association for German Studies in the UK and Ireland" (AGS) die neuesten Ausgaben der internationalen Zeitschrift "literatur für leser:innen" (lfl).

Die „lfl“ versammelt Beiträge, die sich auf die sprachlichen und historischen Eigentümlichkeiten literarischer Texte einlassen und die interpretierende Auseinandersetzung mit ihnen suchen. lfl will außerdem dazu beitragen, die Beziehungen der deutschen Literatur zu den übrigen europäischen und außereuropäischen Kulturen zu erörtern. Weitere Informationen sowie die Ausgaben erhaltet ihr hier 👉

Registriert euch für die AGS-Konferenz, vom 2. - 4. September 2024 in Leeds, hier 👉

2024 AGS Conference – Association for German Studies Registration is NOW OPEN for the 92nd Conference of the Association for German Studies in the UK and Ireland, which will be held in Leeds from 2-4 September 2024.

Photos from Peter Lang International Academic Publishers's post 23/08/2024

New Environmental Studies List 2024! 🌱🌎

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our brand-new Environmental Studies List 2024. Dive into a world of knowledge and explore the issues that shape our planet's future.

Discover our comprehensive range of titles covering a wide array of environmental topics, including:

🌿 Climate Change and Sustainability
🌿 Eco-Consciousness, Ecosystems & Ecological Transition
🌿 Environmental Policy and Governance
🌿 Water Resources and Management
🌿 Sustainable Development

Visit our website at -Studies-2024 to browse through our list and get your hands on the latest research, insightful analyses, and thought-provoking perspectives in the field of environmental studies.

Never miss the latest research – subscribe to receive our subject newsletter here: /Subject-Newsletter-Registration-Form


You are interested in English Studies? Then visit our bookstand at

Université de Lausanne in Lausanne, Switzerland

and meet our editor Ulrike Döring from 26-28 August 2024. She will be happy to talk with you about your publishing projects, discuss the advantages of publishing with us, and show you our current titles in this field. You can find our complete publishing program on our website

Stay up to date on our new publications in . Subscribe to our newsletter here >> /Subject-Newsletter-Registration-Form


Take a look at our for July 2024. Our new publications catalogue featuring new in , , , , , , , , and more is out now:


Limited time discount!

Benjamin von Stuckrad-Barres «Panikherz»
Text – Poetik – Inszenierung

Edited by Kai Bremer, Lisa Czolbe, Jasmin Plewka

Use code LOOKPANIKHERZ at checkout for 30% discount until 23 August 2024.

Discover more here:

Photos from Peter Lang International Academic Publishers's post 14/08/2024

Last week at the conference, we were honored to participate in the Teaching Panel Session celebrating the tenth anniversary of AEJMC/Peter Lang Scholarsourcing Series:
Looking Back, Looking Ahead.

Moderating/Presiding was Carolyn Bronstein, DePaul, Series Editor and Founding Scholarsourcing Editorial Board Member (pictured, far right.) Other panelists included Elizabeth Howard, Acquisitions Editor for Media and Communication, Peter Lang (pictured, center);
Carolyn Kitch, Scholarsourcing Editorial Board Member, Temple; Paula M. Poindexter, Founding Scholarsourcing Editorial Board Member, Texas at Austin (pictured, far left); Jane Singer, Founding Series Editor, City University of London; Sarah Smith-Frigerio, Scholarsourcing Series Author/Volume Editor, Tampa; and Alexis Tan, First Author in the Scholarsourcing Series, Washington State.

Learn more about the Scholarsourcing series at and save 30% on all Media & Communications titles with promo code PLAE30 at

Happy Anniversary to Scholarsourcing and cheers to the next ten years!

Comparative Lives, Grievable Lives - Peter Lang 14/08/2024


Author S Satish Kumar explores the world of Comparative Literature, and also of comparative lives in the latest blog post on 'Peter Lang et al'.

Read it here:

Comparative Lives, Grievable Lives - Peter Lang Given the locus of my academic training, I am especially thinking Comparative Literature as an academic discipline in terms of how it has been situated over the years within discussions of inclusivity, often based on an assumed correlation between a politics of inclusion and an ethics of comparison....



Two fascinating titles in from author Sally Watson at 30% discount for a limited time.

Use code WATSON30 at checkout until 30 September 2024. Not valid in regions with fixed book pricing.

Peter Lang Verlag - Le Mur de Berlin 13/08/2024

Heute, am 13. August, erinnern wir uns an den Bau der Berliner Mauer im Jahr 1961. Ein Ereignis, das die Weltgeschichte prägte. In diesem Zusammenhang möchten wir den Band „Le Mur de Berlin: Histoire, mémoires, représentations“, herausgegeben von Nicole Colin, Corine Defrance, Ulrich Pfeil und Joachim Umlauf vorstellen. Es bietet eine umfassende Analyse der Geschichte der Mauer, ihrer Erinnerungen und ihrer Darstellungen in verschiedenen Medien. Dieses Werk lädt dazu ein, sich sachlich mit der Vergangenheit auseinanderzusetzen und die Bedeutung dieses Kapitels der Geschichte zu reflektieren. Erhaltet hier mehr Informationen:

Peter Lang Verlag - Le Mur de Berlin Le 9 novembre 1989 au soir s’ouvrait le Mur de Berlin. Vingt-huit ans durant, il avait divisé la ville, l’Allemagne, l’Europe et même le monde en deux ...


As the Olympics enters the final days, we look to the future and what will become of the fantastic competitors from .

For all the positive stories in the media there will inevitably be those who fall from grace. This title, awarded CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title 2014, considers those stories.

🏅 Fallen Sports Heroes, Media, & Celebrity Culture
Edited by Lawrence A. Wenner

The intriguing analyses featured in this book make us think about our cultural preoccupation with sports, the prospects for finding heroes in celebrity culture, and the moral complexities that are engaged as sport heroes fall and sometimes rise again redeemed.

Find it here:

Don't forget, you can get 30% discount on this title and more until 19 August with code OLYMPICS24. Not valid in regions with fixed book pricing .

Photos from Peter Lang International Academic Publishers's post 09/08/2024

Bücher sind mehr als nur gedruckte oder digitale Seiten. Sie sind Tore zu anderen Welten, Quellen unendlichen Wissens und treue Begleiter durch verschiedene Phasen unseres Lebens. Jedes Buch hinterlässt einen einzigartigen Abdruck in unserem Geist und formt unsere Perspektive auf die Welt. Sie bieten uns die Möglichkeit, in Geschichten einzutauchen, die weit über die eigenen Erfahrungen hinausgehen. Sie inspirieren, neue Ideen zu entwickeln. Bücher sind stille Freunde, die in schwierigen Zeiten Trost spenden, in Momenten der Langeweile unterhalten und stets bereit sind, neue Einsichten zu bieten, wann immer wir sie brauchen.

Das alles sind Bücher für uns 💜 Wie sieht es bei euch aus? Was bedeuten euch Bücher?

Zum Tag der Buchliebhaber:innen haben wir euch eine Auswahl unserer aktuellen Lieblingsbücher zusammen gestellt. Viele weitere Bücher findet ihr auf Habt viel Freude beim Stöbern und Lesen.

📘 "Bra Wars: The Struggle Against Decency" 👉 🔗

📘 "Lost & Found: Reflections on Travel, Career, Love and Family " 👉 🔗

📘 "Seamus Heaney: A Portrait in Letters" 👉 🔗

📘 "The Next Generation: A Jewish Immigrant's Granddaughter and Her Life in Late 20th and Early 21st Century America and Israel" 👉 🔗

📘 "Embodied Books: Experiencing the Health Humanities through Artists’ Books" 👉 🔗

📘 Forthcoming: "Alice Through the Looking-Glass: A Companion" 👉 🔗


Celebrating more key titles from our collection in Sports, this time one that considers those who were unsuccessful on their path to professional sports careers.

🏅Dreams and Deception
Sports Lure, Racism, and Young Black Males' Struggles in Sports and Education
by Isabel Ann Dwornik

This book helps young black males, educators, policy makers, parents, and all other interested parties to understand the importance of education alongside athletic pursuits. This book presents a social historical and critical deconstruction introducing readers to this sports lure, revealing what makes it so powerful in the lives of these youths

Find it here:

30% discount with code OLYMPICS24 until 19 August.


We can't wait to see you at ! Drop by booth 108 to talk to us about our series and meet Media and Communications Editor Lizzie Howard.

Find out more about the AEJMC - Peter Lang Scholarsourcing Series on our website, including the latest title, Crisis Communication Case Studies on COVID-19 here:

You can save 30% on Scholarsourcing titles and all other Peter Lang Media and Communications titles with promo code PLAE30 now through September 11.


One for the film enthusiasts and scholars today.

🏅 The Cinema of the Swimming Pool
by Christopher Brown, Pam Hirsch

The swimming pool frequently appears in film not merely as a setting but as a dynamic site where social, political, cultural and aesthetic forces converge. What is it about this space that has so fascinated filmmakers and what kinds of cinematic investigations does it encourage? This collection features essays by an eclectic, international range of film researchers.

Find it here:

30% discount with code OLYMPICS24 until 19 August.


As the Olympics medal tally rises, we're showcasing some of our titles we think should be medal-winners in their field. 🏅

Sport, Rhetoric, and Political Struggle
Edited by by Daniel Grano, Michael Butterworth

The essays collected in this book contextualize sport and political struggle, examine the mobilization of resistance in sporting contexts, identify ongoing stigmas that present limitations in and around sport, and attend to prevailing ideological features that provoke questions for future research.

Remember you can get 30% discount on this and other titles with code OLYMPICS24 until 19 August. Not applicable in regions with fixed book pricing.

Find it here:

Olympic Visions: Winning Gold, Film, and the Ends of Sport - Peter Lang 06/08/2024

Continuing with our celebration of the Olympics this week - we have a brand new blog post from author Neil Archer.

Exploring themes from his new book 'Sport, Film, and the Modern World' the post looks at the interaction between the Olympics and film.

If you enjoy the post, you can purchase the book with 30% discount using code OLYMPICS24 until 19th August* OR enter on our previous post for your chance to WIN a copy.

*Not applicable in regions with fixed book pricing.

Olympic Visions: Winning Gold, Film, and the Ends of Sport - Peter Lang If this media landscape forms some of its backdrop, one of the aims in my new book, Sport, Film, and the Modern World, recently published by Peter Lang, is to look at film’s role in both exploring and questioning these contexts of sporting performance. I consider what film might say, on the one ha...


This week we're celebrating the Olympics and the world of sports.

You can grab a fantastic 30% discount* on the listed titles until 19th August.

Even better - comment on this post with your favourite Olympic sport and be entered into our prize draw to win a Peter Lang title of your choice. Please note your selection will be subject to approval.

Code OLYMPIC24 at checkout for 30% discount on:

> Sport in Taiwan

> Chinese Women Striving for Status

> College Athletes and Their Transitions Out of Sports

> Communication and Sport

> American Sport in the Shadow of a Pandemic

> Head Game

> Bodies of Discourse

> Serving Equality

> Reinventing Martial Arts in the 21st Century

> Female Olympian and Paralympian Athlete Activists

> The United States of Sport

> Sport in Hong Kong

> Sport, Film, and the Modern World

*Not applicable in regions with fixed book pricing.

AL FRESCO | Este investigador nos lleva a la mirada taurina de Ernest Hemingway 05/08/2024

No deje de ver el vídeo con Ricardo Marín Ruiz, autor de "Knowledge and Art in Ernest Hemingway’s Vision of Bullfighting: An Introduction" 🔗 😃

AL FRESCO | Este investigador nos lleva a la mirada taurina de Ernest Hemingway Esta semana, nos sentamos Al Fresco para hablar con un investigador especializado en la figura Hemingway. Ricardo Marín es profesor Filología Moderna de la U...


🎉 🇨🇭 🎉 Einen schönen für euch, liebe Schweizerinnen und Schweizer / Bonne à vous, chères Suissesses, chers Suisses / Buona , cari Svizzeri, care Svizzere

# Svizzera

Peter Lang Verlag - Weaving Hope Through Our Education System 31/07/2024

Clair Sprake, contributor to the excellent ‘Weaving Hope Through Our Education System’, spoke on the ‘Unique Challenges of Being a Woman in School Leadership’ for week 219 of the AP & New Principals Academy weekly professional learning sessions.

This channel is a must-watch for aspiring assistant principals, assistant principals and new principals, and Clair Sprake was in fantastic company for this episode.

Catch up here:
Discover the book:

Peter Lang Verlag - Weaving Hope Through Our Education System Educators are constantly being asked to do more with less. During these complex times, it can be difficult to find hope, yet, as John Gardner (1990) ...



Our world faces many challenges, crises and forces of division — such as poverty, violence, and human rights abuses […] — that undermine peace, security, development and social harmony among the world's peoples. To confront those crises and challenges, their root causes must be addressed by promoting and defending a shared spirit of human solidarity that takes many forms — the simplest of which is friendship.

Through friendship […] we can contribute to the fundamental shifts that are urgently needed to achieve lasting stability, weave a safety net that will protect us all, and generate passion for a better world where all are united for the greater good.”

by United Nations,

Our authors and editors have taken on the challenges raised in order to analyse and scientifically study them. Browse through our titles and learn more about it:

📘 „Global denken, nachhaltig handeln: Ein kritisch-interdisziplinärer Blick auf die nachhaltigen Entwicklungsziele der Vereinten Nationen“ 👉 🔗

📘 „Flucht - Nation - Soziale Ungleichheit: Eine Diskursanalyse zur bildenden Funktion von Medien“ 👉 🔗

📘 „Women, Children and (Other) Vulnerable Groups: Standards of Protection and Challenges for International Law” 👉 🔗

📘 “Peace, Safety and Security: African Perspectives” 👉

Let's celebrate today’s and our existing friendships. Above all, let's find ways to support each other and to work together to improve the situations of others.

Writing about "The Next Generation" - Peter Lang 29/07/2024

Have you ever felt like you belong to multiple generations?

This powerful blog post explores the complexities of generational identity through a personal story. From child of a Holocaust survivor to second-generation American and Israeli immigrant, Professor Judith Tydor Baumel-Schwartz shares their unique journey.

Writing about "The Next Generation" - Peter Lang Because belonging to a generation doesn't always have to do with one's personal, professional, or gendered identity which often have greater influences on one's life, personality, and experiences than any other factors. But I'm getting ahead of myself and sound too much like the academic that I am i...


❗Final Call❗

Dear . There is only one week left. Don't miss out on taking part in our 2024 Emergings Scholars Competition in Environmental Humanities. Submit your proposal now here 👉 🔗

Don't miss out!

This years Emerging Scholars competition in Environmental Humanities closes 31 July.

We invite proposals for single-author books on the following topics from a humanities or social sciences perspective:

● environmental justice
● climate change
● sustainability
● society and the environment
● environmental education
● Indigenous knowledge and the environment
● animal rights
● plants and animals
● the wilderness
● history of the environment

We have a particular interest in studies of these topics in relation to gender, race, disability, equity, intersectionality and/or the Global South.

For more information visit:

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Editions d'en bas Editions d'en bas
Rue Des Côtes-de-Montbenon 30
Lausanne, 1003

Les Editions d'en bas publient des ouvrages qui témoignent de la face cachée de la Suisse, et plus particulièrement de ce qui s'y vit “en bas”, à l'envers du décor.

NPA éditions NPA éditions

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Editions Favre Editions Favre
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Les Editions Favre publient principalement des guides ayant trait à la santé et aux loisirs, ainsi que des beaux-livres, des essais, des témoignages et quelques fictions.

EPFL Press/Rolex Learning Center ; Case Postale 119
Lausanne, 1015

EPFL Press publie des ouvrages scientifiques fiables et pédagogiques.

BSN Press BSN Press
Lausanne, 1007

Maison d'édition

Éditions L'Âge d'Homme Éditions L'Âge d'Homme
Avenue Du Théâtre 2-4
Lausanne, 1005

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Cahiers de la Renaissance vaudoise Cahiers de la Renaissance vaudoise
Place Du Grand-Saint-Jean 1

Maison d'édition vaudoise

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Paulette éditrice Paulette éditrice
Lausanne, 1002

Paulette est une éditrice engagée, spécialisée dans la fiction courte et les écrits LGBTQIA+.

Adventice Editions Adventice Editions
Lausanne, 1018

Adventice Editions is an independent publishing house based in Switzerland.