Partnership Chiro Philippines & Jubla Switzerland
Seite der Fachgruppe Philippinen von Jungwacht Blauring Schweiz
Die Partnerschaft mit einem Kinder- und Jugendverband von einem anderen Kontinent hat in Jungwacht Blauring eine lange Tradition. So pflegte der Verband während 20 Jahren (bis 2004) eine Zusammenarbeit mit Bloukring & Jongwag Namibia. Seit Januar 2006 führt Jungwacht Blauring eine Partnerschaft mit dem Kinder- und Jugendverband Chiro Philippinen, der wie Jungwacht Blauring auch Mitglied von FIMCAP
The end is near. Only a few days remaining.
We already evaluated the trip and had the first tearful realisation that the end will come no matter what.
But, we also got to enjoy being actual tourists in Coron, Palawan. Going to the hot springs, doing a boat tour around the islands and enjoying eating in restaurants.
We also got to surprise a few kids with a joyful afternoon and some school supplies for their studies. 📙
For four days we were able to visit the Dumagat Indigenous Community of the Philippines. One of the most important visits duribg our stay. Since we get to see what impact jubla.infanta actually has.
We stayed in one of the satellite schools of Sentrong Paaralan ng mga Agta. The school we support with jubla.infanta and .
We learned so much, had even more fun and made so many new friends.
3rd Day: Education Day
After a chill morning, with many new games, we got on the road again.
Meeting school principles and administrators from all over the district, we talked to students in high school and university about the differences in school education.
In the evening we got to witness "bulkang taal" a small volcano in the middle of a big one.
A very warm welcome to (most) of our new members!! 🤩🙌🏼
Jetzt ist es schon ein Monat her, seit die Chiros wieder nach Hause gereist sind! Was für unvergessliche Momente wir gemeinsam kreiert haben. Möchtest du zum nächsten Team gehören? Melde dich bei uns! Am 02.10. findet der nächste Infoabend statt!
Mercii , mercii unseren fleissigen Helfenden! 🥳🤩 der Funke tanzte auch unter unseren Wokpfannen!
Happy first of august everyone! And a big thank you to for having us and celebrating Swiss national holiday with us! 🇨🇭❤️
We improved our woodcarving skills 😍🫶🙌🇵🇭💙❤️
Traveling Switzerland takes a lot of baggage!!
Lebensfreu(n)de 💙
Feuer und Flamme für die Jubla und Chiros! 🔥
We look back on a great week of Jubla camps!! Thank you so much ph
Follow Lei and Tobal on their discovery tour…🥾🧭🏞ph
Singing Moments 💭☺️🎵
Happy 🤣😊😉giswil
Meanwhile at the Camp with and
Great Swiss music must not be missed! 🎵🪗giswil
Camp days 🥰🥰giswil
Chiro and Jubla cheer 💙❤️giswil
On Sunday afternoon, the second team arrived at their camp. Excited to be camping for the next week! 🏕
On Sunday morning, the first team arrived in their camp - and was challenged right away! 😜 swipe for the result!phgiswil
Also a big thank you to St. Paul church for the warm welcome and letting us participate in their mass on saturday evening 🙂
More Lamas 😍 just as in our theme of the visit: Schellenursli and the Jublama on their trip through Switzerland 🦙ph
Day 2 started with an orientation and a small group challenge 🙉🙈 also the Chiro leaders got to plan their own hike 🥾🧭
Thank you Jonas Amherd for showing us around the national office of Jubla!
First Stop: the beautiful city of Lucerne!
On Friday of July the 6 delegates from Chrio Pilipinas finally arrived in Switzerland. After having to postpone this visit for 2 years we are more than thrilled to finally have them here! Meet Mak, Marj, Tobal, Christy, Geril and Lei (from left to right)
We can‘t wait to finally meet you! The Chiro Team 8 will arrive in a month!! Finally!!! 😱🥳
Hoi, hesch am 15./16. Januar no nüt los ond Lost druf Lüt vom Jugendverband Chiro Pilipinas 🌏 kennezlehre? Den mäud di ah för die eimahlig Glägeheit amene erste gmeinsame online Kors teilznäh.🤩
Kursschwerpönkt si:
- Ustusch zwüsche Jubla & Chiro Leitende
- Kennelehre vo de Länder Philippine und Schwiz
- Teamfüehrig und -organisation im Chiro/Jubla Alltag
- Konflikt bewältige mit Chind und Leitende
- Ehrenamtsmanagement
Höuf au du mit de Jubla-Chiro Funke 🔥 z springe loh. Witeri Infos und Amäldig uf de jubla.db:
Mer freue öis wenn au du debi bisch. Bestemmt chöme der anderi Jubla-Lüt i Senn wo evtl. au Interässe hei. Schick doch dene de Post grad witer. 💌
Chiro Pilipinas and Jungwacht Blauring Schweiz leaders preparing for the Joint Training Course for leaders on Leadership in Jan 2022.
We are very excited to see you there 🙂
Partnership Chiro Philippines & Jubla Switzerland
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