At Spokensense we facilitate to help free people from emotional & physical pain, anxiety, fears & phobias.
Myofascial Release, Cranial sacral therapy, Hypnotherapy, Mindshifting, Breathwork, Energy healing, Yoga Nidra.
Join us at our upcoming workshop on Nov 25&26 in Cobh, Co Cork, Ireland.
We'd love to see you there!
Book here:
Release Your Fascia in Cork, Ireland in 4 Westbourne PL, Cobh, Co Release with Fascialization in Cobh, Cork, Ireland!Monday, November 25th and Tuesday, November 26th9:00 AM - 5:00 PM$500 USDVenue:Commodore Hotelhttps://www.commodorehotel.ie/Address:4 Westbourne PL, Cobh, CoJoin Maria Alfieris for this two-day full body fascial release workshop - all are welcome!Le...
Sweet memories of our fabulous time in 🌴🌞
Learning and growing with Maria Alfieris' Rom fascia release, breathwork, stretching, meditation and beautiful connection ❤️
Follow us at our upcoming workshop in Cobh, Co
Cork, Nov 25&26, for more insights and learning.
Book here👉https://bit.ly/3NEpfWJ
Helen Geary Joanne Ormond Clare Mooney
Let’s get out of the fight and flight response and invite more rest and digest
De-stress your system
Did you know that CST can help tinnitus? Here's a quote from Julian Cowan Hill, published in The Fulcrum in 2020
I believe that CST is particularly good for tinnitus as it works very specifically on the parts of the central nervous system that switches off the stress response. It helps people come out of the freezing response, pass through fight or flight, back towards the ideal and calm state of homeostasis. It is important to note that some people may never have experienced this ideal state of calm and well being and it can come as a real surprise and new experience, as it was for me!
Free up your fascia - free up your mind!
Join us Nov 25/26 for a 2-day workshop 'Fascia Relaease & more' in Cobh, Co. Cork, Ireland.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Registration here 👉
Helen Geary Joanne Ormond Maria Alfieris' Rom
🌟 **Entdecke die Kraft deines Geistes!** 🌟
Wusstest du, dass Hypnose eine schmerzfreie Alternative zur Narkose bei Operationen sein kann? Im Kantonsspital Baden hat ein Patient kürzlich einen Eingriff ohne Narkose durch Selbsthypnose erfolgreich gemeistert! 💪✨
Dank der OMNI-Hypnosetechnik konnte er den Esdaile-Zustand erreichen, der absolute Schmerzfreiheit bietet. Diese Methode basiert auf den historischen Entdeckungen von Dr. James Esdaile und zeigt, wie mächtig unser Geist ist!
Aber das ist noch nicht alles! Hypnose wird auch in der Schmerztherapie und bei psychischen Störungen erfolgreich eingesetzt. Studien an der Universität Zürich haben bereits positive Veränderungen in der Gehirnaktivität während der Hypnose nachgewiesen. 🧠💖
Lass dich inspirieren und entdecke, wie Hypnose auch dir helfen kann, Schmerzen zu lindern und dein Wohlbefinden zu steigern.
Link zum Video https://youtu.be/vxVmhl4anZk
👉 **Möchtest du mehr erfahren? Kontaktiere uns!**
Zertifiziertes Mitglied beim Schweizerischen Berufsverband für Hypnosetherapie SBVH
The fabulous Maria Alfieris' Rom is coming to Cobh, 25th and 26th November. She's on a beautiful mission to share tools and techniques to relieve and release suffering in all forms. Liberate yourself. Join us in Cobh or wherever Maria is teaching in the world. Clare Mooney Joanne Ormond and I, the Fascia Gangsta crew will be there to support too. Absolutely no fun to be had 🥳
Book here -
Regression to Cause Hypnosis - What’s the issue? Regression to Cause Hypnosis - What’s the issue with it?Lets discuss Regression to Cause (R2C) and why it has a poor reputation with some of the Hypnosis and...
Stress erhöht die Infektionsanfälligkeit und schwächt das Immunsystem. Zudem wird erforscht, inwieweit Stress für Krankheiten wie Krebs, Depressionen und Demenz anfällig macht.
Die Craniosacral Therapie ist eine bewährte Methode, um das Immunsystem zu stärken. In der Behandlung können die Klient*innen zur Ruhe kommen. Die Therapeutin unterstützt mit sanften Berührungen und über die Orientierung zum innewohnenden Gesunden die Selbstregulation der Klientin / des Klienten. Dies dient auch dem Immunsystem. Denn in einem entspannten und regulierten System funktioniert auch die Immunabwehr besser.
Im Artikel der Schweizer Familie findest du mehr Informationen, schau' gern rein!
A wonderful statement in support of Craniosacral Therapy by HRH King Charles, given to our 3rd Breath of Life Conference in London in 2005. Here is his full statement:
"I am delighted to support this third Breath of Life Conference on approaches to holistic health. As many of you will know, I have for many years been pursuing a vision of a truly integrated healthcare system in the UK, one which brings together the best of conventional, complementary and alternative approaches. As part of this whole person approach, I am particularly keen to see a more holistic and spiritual dimension brought into mainstream healthcare.
Through the work of my Foundation for Integrated Health, we have made great strides in making complementary and alternative medicine more acceptable and available to the general public, but I am well aware that there still is a long way to go before we achieve a properly regulated system in this country.
There is no doubt that work such as yours is vital to the health and well-being of our society which is, now more than ever, so desperately in need of mental, physical and spiritual sustenance. I am convinced that your work with babies and young children, in particular, is crucial in helping to avoid the suffering of future generations by healing imbalances so early in the young lives of individuals.
I was heartened to hear that the Craniosacral Therapy community has embraced the drive towards self-regulation of the profession, with the help and support of my Foundation – a necessity if complementary therapies such as yours are to be taken seriously in the future. I have also noted the progress of the Cranial Forum, over the last few years, as it has moved towards creating a strong and cohesive group that will act as a single regulatory body for this invaluable work.
I wish you every success with this conference, and I hope that it will provide a valuable and fruitful forum for discussion and education for you all in your various professions within the healing arts."
HRH The Prince of Wales
Endlich Ruhe für deinen Reizdarm mit Hypnose
Das Reizdarmsyndrom kann ein ständiger Begleiter im Alltag sein und die Lebensqualität stark beeinträchtigen. Aber es gibt Hoffnung! In unserer Hypnosepraxis zeigen wir dir, wie Hypnose dabei helfen kann, die Symptome des Reizdarmsyndroms zu lindern und für mehr Ruhe und Wohlbefinden in deinem Leben zu sorgen. Lass uns gemeinsam einen Weg finden, um deinen Reizdarm in den Griff zu bekommen.
Link zum Artikel: https://sbvh.org/home/detailview/article/119897/eyJlIjoiMjUwMTI4IiwiaSI6bnVsbH0=
Ich bin zertifiziertes Mitglied beim Schweizerischen Berufsverband für Hypnosetherapie SBVH
OMNI Hypnosis💕
You gotta love Hypnosis
Hypnotiseur nahm sich der Nati an Adrian Brüngger betreut Schwing-Gigant Samuel Giger und Spitzen-Mehrkämpfer Simon Ehammer. Mit seiner Hypnose-Therapie soll der Ex-Handballer der Hockey-Nati nach dem Viertelfinal-Sieg auch zum Halbfinal-Triumph gegen Kanada verhelfen.
Game-changing - Deep Tissue Pain Release
2-day Workshop !!
March 2/3 in Zurich
Register with this link
Magical Hands Physical Therpay Myofascial Continuing Education New Jersey (NJ) Myofascial Continuing Education Classes. CEU credits approved by the state of New Jersey.
Klicken Sie hier, um Ihren Gesponserten Eintrag zu erhalten.
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