Mudra Massage

Experience the blissful touch of the LomiLomiNui or try other types of massages. Just come and relax.



Zdjęcie zrobiły moje oczy, moje ciało i zapisane zostało jako doświadczenie.

Dziś brałam udział w wymianie masażowej Lomi Lomi Nui w Bodywork Center, Zurich (dziękuję za możliwość uczestnictwa!).

Chciałam poznać ludzi, nauczyć się nowych technik, etc. Jednak każde spotkanie lomi niesie za sobą coś więcej i trudno to opisać poprzez słowa. Każdy człowiek wnosi do grupy część siebie, doświadcza i daje możliwość doświadczania. Przejawia się na swój własny oryginalny, niepowtarzalny sposób i pozwala przejawiać się innym w “swojej własnej” przestrzeni, przez co uczy nie tylko innych, ale poznaje sam siebie. Dawanie i branie. Wymiana...

Czego doświadczam podczas sesji lomi, o czym to spotkanie przypomniało mi dziś?
- Że można po prostu być i to wystarczy,
- że zasługuję na wszelkie dobro, Ty też!
- że każdy kawałek mojego ciała objęty szacunkiem i uwagą cieszy się,
- że mogę się naprawdę odprężyć, jeśli tylko sobie na to pozwolę.
Mogłam poczuć radość i smutek, kontrolę i zaufanie, złość i spokój, śmiać się do łez i płakać, by uwalniać emocje, których nagromadziło się za dużo. Ponownie doświadczyć pełnego miłości dotyku i dać to doświadczenie innym. Mogłam być; bez pośpiechu, bez udowadniania, bez wysiłku, taka jaka jestem, z tym co we mnie. Obserwować siebie, być...

Czuję ogromną wdzięczność. I nią dzielę się dziś z Wami.


External struggle, chaos is only a reflection of internal states, internal conflicts.
Will you dare to let go of the weapons of anger or fear to feel the inner peace, to open your heart- to yourself, your loved ones, the whole universe? Will you allow yourself to be happy?
Under the layers of the body, thoughts, emotions flows a powerful energy - the essence of unconditional love. It's you.
Zewnętrzna walka, chaos jest tylko odzwierciedleniem wewnętrznych stanów, wewnętrznych konfliktów.
Czy Ty odważysz się porzucić swój miecz gniewu czy strachu by poczuć wewnętrzny spokój, otworzyć swoje serce - na siebie, najbliższych, cały wszechświat? Pozwolisz sobie na własne szczęście?
Pod przykrywką ciała, myśli, emocji płynie świetlista energia - esencja bezwarunkowej miłości. To Ty.


Durch was schauen deine Augen?



"Fascia and the Mystery of chronic pain. Fascia does not show up in MRIs CT scans or X-rays & it has 6-10 times more sensory nerves than muscle!

If you would like to geek out 🧐🧐 and watch this entire presentation on Fascia you can find it at "


// EN / PL
☀️ Have you already done something good for yourself? :)

It can take so little to feel good. A walk? Time with friends, family? A respectful and loving touch? Maybe being just with yourself?

How to get in touch with yourself?
Listen to the silence, listen to your body. Feel, that you have them. Do you feel relaxed or maybe there is a tension and pain? Take your time to notice it, be with it for a moment.
How do you breathe: slowly? deeply? weakly? Notice your breath. Focus your attention on it.

Give yourself 1-5 minutes a day and see yourself -consciously. Get in touch with yourself.

If you have the desire to experience a meeting with yourself with the help of massages - I invite you to a Lomi Lomi Nui session.
// PL

☀️ Czy zrobiłeś dla siebie już coś dobrego? :)
Tak niewiele trzeba by poczuć się dobrze. Spacer? Czas z bliskimi? Pełen szacunku i miłości Dotyk? Może bycie samemu ze sobą?

Jak wejść w kontakt ze sobą?
Wsłuchaj się w ciszę, w swoje ciało. Poczuj, że je masz.
Czy czujesz się rozluźniony? A może pojawia się napięcie, ból? Poświęć mu chwilę, zauważ go, bądź z nim.
Jak oddychasz: wolno? Głęboko? Płytko? Zauważ swój oddech. Skup na nim swoją uwagę.

Poświęć dla siebie chociaż 1-5 minut dziennie i zobacz siebie - świadomie. Wejdź w kontakt ze sobą.

Jeśli masz chęć doświadczyć spotkania z samym sobą za pomocą masażu - Zapraszam Cię na sesję Lomi Lomi Nui.


Take care of yourself and give yourself a wonderful relaxation during the lomi lomi nui massage session.
I invite you again in June! ☺️


A lot of peace in your mind, love in your heart and smile on your face.
Happy Easter to everyone! 🐣

The Active Office Worker Ep. 04: Wake up Dead Hips 24/03/2020

One of the causes of lower back pain is limited mobility of the hips. Many of us are now sitting at home, but this is no reason to neglect our body :)

Hold on, keep calm and stay at home 💪

The Active Office Worker Ep. 04: Wake up Dead Hips Hips feeling a little dead after a day at the office? Get them active again with these hip mobility exercises you can do right at your desk. These 6 moves on...


🌺 März Aktionspaket für 2 Massagen 🌺
Das Paket beinhaltet: Entspannende Massage (90/60 Minuten) und Lomi Lomi Nui Massage (120/75 Minuten), die im Laufe des Monats für Fr. 290/200 angewendet werden.

Ich lade dich ein, per Nachricht zu buchen☺️
Das Reservierungsangebot gilt bis Ende März.


"All power comes from within"

6. MANA - the sixth principle of Huna

Mana defines that ALL power is coming from you.
Your energy is channeled and focused through your beliefs and emotions. So what you belief to be true or what you are afraid to happen - will happen, because you define it through your focused energy.
No one else can make you sad or hurt you - you can only do this by yourself.


"To love is to be happy with"

5. ALOHA - the fifth principle of Huna

Aloha means love in Hawaiian. But not love in the sense of s*x, not love in the sense of desire, not love for activities ... In our community a lot is said about love in one sense or another, often losing the feeling itself.
In the Hawaiian translation, Aloha means "To be with someone here and now and be happy." It's very simple and beautiful at the same time. Be here and now and be happy. This is the essence of love. Just feel the happiness of being here and now with someone or something. There is no pain, no fear, no regret ... there is just love.

All negative ideas limit love. All aversions mean that we don't feel happy being with someone. Our minds contain all sorts of false and unclean views about people. Mind assessments and illusions limit the pure view of reality. The mind assesses people as bad, ugly etc. .. such a view can only cut us off from happiness, or love.

Imagine not judging or expecting anything from another human being. You are sitting opposite each other and expect nothing of each other.

You fully accept his freedom and he accepts yours. Nothing connects you except sitting together. There is no fear or desire. There is total purity and pleasure. What will happen then? A complete feeling of happiness and joy will overwhelm you. Love will vibrate gently in your hearts. You will be surrounded by bliss and beauty. A gentle smile will appear on your faces. There will be love for other people and for each other. With this person you will experience "Here and now" just like that. It raises the true love of existence. Love exists because you exist.

Further, love can flow even when one is alone. Love of existence. This is the natural state of a human being.
It is all within reach. Just get rid of aversion and anxiety. Beyond mind, we are all one. Then fear and hatred diminish, because there is no one who threatens you. When nothing disturbs love, it begins to flow by itself. Man's nature is originally good. Man is the essence of love.

Experience the blissful touch of the Lomi Lomi Nui massage


"Now is the moment of power"

4. MANAWA - the fourth principle of Huna

The present is the most precious moment, the only time you can do something. If you are in the past or future, then you are not really here.
There is no power in the past, for that is gone. Only the memories that you have of it at this moment exist. This can be a very powerful tool if you choose to use it for changing your outlook, perspective, or interpretation of the past. But any and all of these are made in the present moment.
Focus, action and trust in the goodness of what you do today will bring the success and joy you seek.


"Sie kritisieren sich seit Jahren und es hat nicht funktioniert. Versuchen Sie, sich selbst zu akzeptieren um zu sehen, was dann passiert"
~ Louise L. Hay

Ich lade Dich zur Lomi-Lomi-Nui-Massage ein. ❤️

phot. Rondell Melling, Pixabay


"Energy flows where attention goes"

3. MAKIA - the third principle of Huna

Makia's principle refers to the power of being able to focus on one thing.
If you sacrifice your thoughts and the energy of the chosen idea, then you will let it develop and exist in your life, regardless of whether this thing is positive or not.
And vice versa - what you don't pay attention to weakens and disappears. This is both an opportunity and a threat. So pay attention to what you think most often and be aware of who or why you give strength in this way.

phot. Des Kerrigan, Pixabay


"There are no restrictions"

2. KALA - the second principle of Huna

Actually there are no real boundaries between you and your body, you and other people. Every division is an illusion.
An additional meaning of this rule is that there are no creation limits. So you can create in one form or another everything you want, and even more.
The belief that there are no restrictions is a way to give yourself immeasurable freedom, but its consequence is also full responsibility for your actions.

phot. Gerhard Gellinger, Pixabay


"The world is what you think it is."

1. IKE - the first principle of Huna

Dream, which is called physical reality, is produced by beliefs, expectations, intentions, fears, emotions and desires. And also constant, repetitive thoughts and actions. We change it with "states of mind", or thanks to a change in your thinking you can change your world. This principle is the cornerstone of the entire Huna.

If you are open to the world and people, then the perception of the situation and the people you meet are a reflection of your positive attitude.
If you are hostile to yourself, people and the whole environment, then what you encounter and experience is a duplication of the negativity that you carry within you.

phot. Stefan Keller, Pixabay


What is the connection between Lomi Lomi Nui and Huna?
HUNA in free translation means "mystery", "secret" as well as "secret knowledge". This is an ancient science practiced on the islands of Polynesia (Hawaii) and passed down from generation to generation orally. The Lomi Lomi Nui massage is based on this philosophy and its 7 principles.
Huna are the natural laws that govern the universe. It's a science that is actually a practice, and everything in it is consistent, simple and logical. There is no understatement or theory. One rule comes from the other.

First of all, Huna is based on LOVE - the highest energy. Following these principles, you can establish a strong and deep connection with the Higher Self.

Would you like to connect with the Higher Self and experience a touch full of love?
Come and try the Lomi Lomi Nui massage.

phot. Okan Caliskan, Pixabay


The effect of Lomi Lomi Nui massage is multilateral and changes can be observed at all levels of human existence.
At the physical level, circulation in all parts of the body is stimulated, the whole body is relaxed, the hardened tissues become soft and elastic again. The physical body returns to balance, resulting in a free movement life energy flow (KI, CHI) improves joint mobility and flexibility, stimulates the lymphatic system.
At the emotional level, this massage allows you to look at life differently. It removes fears and worries, bad habits, allows you to find ways out of problems and obstacles of everyday life. there is a desire for life changes and changes in consciousness.
At the energetic level, it stimulates further action, adds vigor. At the spiritual level, it increases the understanding of the world around us and self-acceptance of our own self. We sense our own needs because we regain contact with our own nature. We care about what's the best for us.
Thanks to that we become happier, more confident, complemented, balanced. We change the perception of reality that automatically changes for us. Changing ourselves, we are changing the world.


What is Lomi Lomi Nui?
Lomi is the Hawaiian word for massage. It means: press, knead, rub, as well as work on the inside and outside of the human ... but also "touching with a soft paw of a satisfied cat".
However, when we double the word lomi lomi, we emphasize the intensity and quality of the massage.
Nui means: important, unique, one of a kind..
Lomi Lomi Nui is a holistic massage in the true sense of the word. Its aim is not only to relax tense muscles, but also to work on the whole person by removing tensions or blockages inside.In Hawai`i (and not only) there is a saying: “As inside, also outside…” The body and the spirit form an inseparable whole. During the massage the body and the spirit are as a whole and unity. Consequently, the Lomi Lomi Nui massage is the reunion of the man with the wisdom of his own body and giving him new consciousness of his body.


Berührung und Gesundheit
Wenn wir jemanden berühren, der gestresst ist, reduziert man den Stresshormonspiegel. Seine Herzfrequenz sinkt, sein Druck nimmt ebenfalls ab, seine Atmung und Herzfrequenz nehmen ab. Man muss niemandem erklären, dass dies einen sehr positiven Effekt auf das allgemeine Wohlbefinden und die Gesundheit hat. Eine beruhigende Berührung kann auch zum Aufbau Ihres Immunsystems beitragen.

Chronischer Stress führt zu einem konstanten Anstieg des Stresshormons (Cortisol). Und wenn sich unser Körper längere Zeit im Standby-Modus befindet, kommt es zu einer erheblichen Schwächung des Immunsystems. Wenn es nicht richtig funktioniert, sind wir anfälliger für Infektionen.

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