Adrian Limani
Adrian Limani is an Albanian international publishing and award winning photographer. His greatest supporters are his family, his two uncles in particular.
Adrian Limani is an Albanian award winning and international publishing photographer, whose works have been estimated quite creative and have circulated all around the globe.Adrian had early predicted that in the future he might be part of this world. Arts in general, was it photography, music or painting, was his fascination since the time of his childhood. Today, photography is his passion, whic
Summer vibes 🦢
Beautiful Venice
Tower Bridge
Colors of life
Lidhja Shqiptare e Prizrenit
NY 🏙️
Flatiron building NY
NY Skyscraper
Wishing you all a lovely day 🐎
Urime Festa e Kurban Bajramit 🐏
Eid Mubarak 🐏
Forca Shqipëri 🇦🇱 ⚽
NY City
Pure Nature
Në pjesmarrjen time të fundit në konkursin e njohur të fotografisë Exposure One Awards! Ky konkurs prestigjioz, kishte një panel të jashtëzakonshëm gjyqtarësh nga Magnum Photos, Muzeu i Artit Modern të San Franciskos, Galeria Fraenkel, Galeria Leica, Galeria Howard Greenberg dhe të tjerë, të cilët zgjedhin fituesit.
Exposure One Awards është një konkurs monokrom ku fotografët mund të marrin pjesë vetëm me fotografitë e tyre bardh e zi.
Kam dorëzuar një foto në kategorinë konceptuale dhe Fine Art dhe një tjetër në Arkitekturë.
Mora këto çmime:
Çmimi i bronzt për foton “Behind my Old Window” në kategorinë Konceptuale.
Çmimi Honorable Mention për foton “Behind my Old Window” në kategorinë Fine Art
Çmimi Honorable Mention për foton “Basel Eye” në kategorinë e Arkitekturës
Faleminderit të gjithëve që kanë qenë pjesë e rrugëtimit tim.
I’m happy to share the good news of my recent success at the renowned Exposure One Awards photography competition in New York! This prestigious competition, had an exceptional panel of judges from Magnum Photos, the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Fraenkel Gallery, Leica Gallery, Conde Nast Publications, Howard Greenberg Gallery, and others, who choose the winners.
Exposure One Awards is a monochrome only competition where photographers can take part only with their black and white photographs.
I submitted one photo in the conceptual category and Fine Art and another one in Architecture.
Here’s what I won:
Bronze Award for the photo “Behind my Old Window” in the Conceptual category.
Honorable Mention Award for the photo “Behind my Old Window” in the Fine Art category
Honorable Mention Award for the photo “Basel Eye” in the Architecture category
Thank you to everyone who has been a part of my journey.
Goodnight 🌄❤️
Above the clouds
Goodnight ❤️
Thun 🇨🇭
Artikulli ne The Times rreth fotove fituese ne reFocus awards.
📢 Excited to share the news that I've won several important awards at the reFocus photography competition in New York! Judged by a professional panel including the Director of Photography at ABC News, the Director of Editorial Content at Shutterstock, and others, competing against photographers from around the world.
I submitted two photos in the conceptual category and one in Fine Art. The main prizes are the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places overall, as well as separate prizes for each respective category.
My awards:
3️⃣ 3rd place overall for my photo "Moon Silhouette" across all photographers and categories.
🥇 Gold Award, 1st place in the conceptual category for my photo "Moon Silhouette".
🥈 Silver Award, 2nd place in the conceptual category for my photo "Light bulb".
🎖️Honorable Mention in the Fine Art category for my photo "Light bulb".
Walking around
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Videos (alles anzeigen)
Stiglenstrasse 44
Zürich, 8052
rock photographer based in Zurich, Switzerland
Wallisellenstrasse 373
Zürich, 8050
Alle Fotos sind in einem Plexiglas Sandwich und Singel Prints auf 2.30/150 Preise für Einzelprints 25'000.- oder 130/90 m Auflage 5 15'000.-
Josefstrasse 53
Zürich, 8005
ars-imago hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, die Fotografie zu fördern und insbesondere die analoge Fotografi
Limmatstrasse 291
Zürich, 8005
Nightnurse Images ist ein Studio für Architekturvisualisierung mit Sitz in Zürich, New York und Buenos Aires. Wir bieten Architekten, Immobilienvermarktern und -entwicklern auffäll...
Saatlenstrasse 261
Zürich, 8050
Der professionelle Hochzeitsfotograf Peter Sturn fotografiert Hochzeiten in der Schweiz und im Ausla