Finance Phoenix

An online learning platform + experiential community dedicated to helping you achieve financial freedom.


The life you want to live is right there, on the horizon. You just need to go out and take it!


Money might not buy you happiness - but it can buy you freedom! This means time to explore your passions and find who you genuinely want to be. I can teach you how to get there.


My Goal is to make finances more personal - and thereby helping you to take the right steps toward financial freedom. Because I believe that learning how to build wealth ist not a luxury, but a necessity.


There is no better time than now to get started working on your goals! What do you still wish to achieve in 2023?


Spring always feels like a new beginning! Have you felt any different since the days started getting warmer? How have your new year's resolutions held up so far? Are you still motivated to make the best out of 2023?

Photos from Finance Phoenix's post 24/02/2023

Want to know why I decided to build a Financial Education Plattform? If you have followed me for a while, most of this won't be new to you. But I wanted to share my personal journey and inspire some people to go for the life and career they want.
Being good with money helps you tremendously in this endeavor, by the way! 😉

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