MagHil Farms

Into Agricultural projects.Crop cultivation and animal rearing. Write agriculture business plans .


Super proud of you champ. Congratulations 🍾. That was a big win

Photos from Private Agric Consultant & Field Technician's post 16/09/2023
Photos from MagHil Farms's post 30/05/2023

Pigs and piglets for sale
Location:KUMBA, Southwest Region Cameroon🇨🇲
Contact: +237 6 74 35 44 52 call and WhatsApp

Photos from MagHil Farms's post 30/05/2023

Cassava for sale
Cassava sticks for sale
Location: Barombi KUMBA, Southwest Region Cameroon🇨🇲
Contact: +237 6 74 35 44 52 call and WhatsApp


Two months old piglets available in Kumba Southwest Region Cameroon

Calls & WhatsApp +237 6 74 35 44 52
Email : [email protected]
Visit our website:
# Sale of livestock and food crops , pigs , goats , cassava, chicken, Garri , yams plantains…..etc

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Our farm in Kumba Southwest Region Cameroon .

Calls & WhatsApp +237 6 74 35 44 52
Email : [email protected]
Visit our website:
# Sale of livestock and food crops , pigs , goats , cassava, chicken, Garri , yams plantains…..etc

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8 steps that will guide you in starting pig farming :
1. Receive training on how to raise the pigs
2. Select an appropriate land for the farm construction
3. Start the pig housing process
4. Obtain productive pig breeds( this is a very important stage because the breed you choose for your pig farm will determine your profits )
5. Feed the pigs efficiently
6. Initiate the breeding process
7. Ensure proper care and management
8. Focus on marketing your products

Calls & WhatsApp +237 6 74 35 44 52
Email : [email protected]
Visit our website:
# Sale of livestock and food crops , pigs , goats , cassava, chicken, Garri , yams plantains…..etc

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Photos from MagHil Farms's post 15/03/2023

Pig Market in Cameroon and how to make more money in 2023

The most crucial component of selecting the ideal pig production system for you is to design a production system that will match your resources and lifestyle, which is the most challenging component to determine.
You must first analyze the following factors to identify which farming type will perform best in your situation:
* The amount of capital, labor, and land that is readily available.
* Required level of management and marketing proficiency.
How to make money in piggery

1. Farrow-to-Finish .
A farrow-to-finish operation includes breeding and farrowing sows ,feeding and caring for the progeny until they reach a market weight and sell the meat of the pig. Pig meat (also known as pork) is a staple diet and it is highly nutritious meat with a high fat to water ratio. Because pigs are not picky eaters when it comes to food, any leftovers from your kitchen can be fed to them to supplement their diet, but normally a composed feed made up of Remolage,concetrate , fish ,soya beans maize ,magi , groundnuts ..etc helps them generate significantly more Meat from a given amount of feed when compared to other species. One full-grown pig (8 months and above )weighing approximately above 70 kg can sell for 90,000frs to 350,000frs.
2 . Production of Fertilizers
The second option is to produce fertilizers. Pig dung can be used to create a substantial amount of money. As a pig farmer, you can collect manure and convert it into high-quality fertilizer components. A bag of manure now goes above 1500frs .The demand for this manure is increasing rapidly as many farmers prefer it Bc of its advantages of low cost and being easy to get and this is the most comon manure for vegetable farmers in Cameroon .

3 Farrow-to-Feeder
An enterprise that involves breeding and farrowing sows and then selling the piglets to finishing operations . The minimum price for piglets now is above 30,000frs and above for less than 2 months old piglets . This is the most profitable sector because if piglets are sold within this time , you would have spend little or no money to feed them since they feed on their mothers milk and creep feed for about 1 week before u sell them .
3. Feeder-to-Finish
The majority of feeder-to-finish operations purchase feeder pigs (above 2 months old)and feed them until they reach market weight. This system has a low overhead, requires little labor, and requires no long-term commitment on the part of the farmer. This type has its own advantages as farmers don’t need to spend more time at the farm as in the case when the pigs are less than 2 months . This stage also have a high survival rate as compared to the below 2 months old piglets .

4 . sharing your farm space with other farmers/partners/Partnership

This is the most risky aspect in piggery but it also very advantageous and lucrative if the calculations are done properly and if proper measures are put in place . Many farmers sometimes spend a lot of money to build infrastructure for their pigs and don’t have enough money to equipt the farm with pigs . Smart farmers who find themselves in this situation turn to look for other farmers who want partnership or investors who want to invest in piggery but don’t also have enough money to get everything in place . Protocol must be Strickly followed on who visits the farm and on how management is done but most at times it is advantageous for the owner of the farm to take full responsibility of the management of the farm and charge it’s investors or partners a monthly fee which will cover feeding, rents , worker salary…etc

Calls & WhatsApp +237 6 74 35 44 52
Email : [email protected]
Visit our website:
# Sale of livestock and food crops , pigs , goats , cassava, chicken, Garri , yams plantains…..etc

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The soil doesn’t disappoints.
Happy we have this at our farm at Barombi Kang Kumba CAMEROON 🇨🇲

Calls & WhatsApp +237 6 75 09 86 61
Email : [email protected]
Visit our website:
# Sale of livestock and food crops , pigs , goats , cassava, chicken, Garri , yams plantains…..etc

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It can only be God, the joy that comes from it irrespective of high cost of Feed. Our farm was blessed yesterday with 8 piglets .

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MAGHIL FARMS Kumba Southwest Cameroon 🇨🇲
Calls & WhatsApp +237 6 75 09 86 61
Email : [email protected]
Visit our website:
# Sale of livestock and food crops , pigs , goats , chicken, Garri , yams plantains…..etc


Maize farming period in Cameroon

In case someone wants to know when to grow Maize(corn) in Cameroon ..This is from the experts so let's consider ourselves guided.
We can help each other freely as soon as we understand there is enough for everyone.
With the looming hunger and expected spike in prices, lets play our part. We are not competing. There is enough for everyone.
Hire a worker at your farm if u don’t want to do it yourself.

Happy New Week .With love,
From your favorite farmer,

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Calls & WhatsApp +237 6 75 09 86 61
Email : [email protected]
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# Sale of livestock and food crops , pigs , goats , chicken, Garri , yams plantains…..etc


Profitable pig farming in Cameroon in 2023

Your piglets!Your Farm future
* Newborn piglets are very sensitive to cold,drought,wet bedding and floors and sudden temperature changes. Provide a heating source in cold weather;this should be kept out of sow reach .
* The sow milk has sufficient iron supply. Give iron injections between 3-7 days to prevent anaemic
* Make sure piglets suckle a teat as soon as possible after birth
* Feed piglets with a milk mixture continues if sow breast produce little or no milk
* If a sow has more piglets than teats,move piglets to another sow with fewer piglets- but only if the piglets of both sows are born within few days after
* Sometimes a sow won’t accept her own piglets. If this happens,take away the piglets for some time and return them later. During this time, feed them with milk mixture
* If there is no foster sow, rejected and orphaned piglets can be hand reared using milk mixture.
* Introduce safe creep feed as early as possible to rejected and orphaned piglets
* Keep the creep feed out of sow reach and maintain proper hygiene
* Wean pigs at 4-5 weeks if feed with safe creep feed

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Calls & WhatsApp +237 6 75 09 86 61
Email : [email protected]
Visit our website:
# Sale of livestock and food crops , pigs , goats , chicken, Garri , yams plantains…..etc

Photos from MagHil Farms's post 22/01/2023

We had to say bye to these 5 piglets at our farm in Kumba Southwest Region Cameroon 🇨🇲

Email : [email protected]
Visit our website:
# Sale of livestock and food crops , pigs , goats , chicken, Garri , yams plantains…..etc


The time is now to prepare for maize cultivation.Livestock farmers in Cameroon take note . Match is for planting

Photos from MagHil Farms's post 18/01/2023

Why you should start a pig farm in 2023 as a Cameroonian

Many people have gone into pig farming for many reasons , with some of the reasons being their desire to make quick cash , others because of the passion they have for livestock, others because they saw another farmer succeeding in piggery , others because of the I hear say opinion they have about piggery….etc

In 2022, Cameroon’s Ministry of Livestock received pigs from European suppliers. The pigs purchased in the framework of the World Bank - backed Livestock Development Project (Prodel) . This was to gradually rebuild Cameroon’s livestock after the African Swine Fever (ASF)epizootic that broke out in June 2021 . This is to tell you that there is a realization of the shortage of pigs in circulation in the country with the highest demand from pork meat consumers followed by farmers who want pigs for fattening.

The shortage for pigs in Annual cultural dance festivals in some parts of Cameroon like in wum Division of NW Region of Cameroon with villages like Zhoa,Baichan, we , Abuh, befang…etc . Today some of these festivals are done with cow meat in the absence of pigs . There is also the need for pigs which is a requirement during marriages in some traditions like the Bakweri people of SW Region of Cameroon .
Most New pig Farmers in Cameroon need to travel far to acquire pigs (sows & weaners )to start their own . Still on this , some farmers pay money in advance to pig farmers whose sows are pregnant or sows which just got piglets .NOTE: Sow – full grown female pig that gives birth or farrows piglets
Weaners – piglets removed from their mother’s milk and given solid food to eat and water to drink which will continue to be their food .
The absence of pork at pork joints like in cities like Buea in SW . Observers will always notice the rush for pork which is sometimes finish within 2 hours with some days characterized by no pork at the side and when asked the reason is always “there was no pig for slaughter “.
Imported frozen pork is also a noticeable phenomenon in Cameroon.

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Email : [email protected]
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# Sale of livestock and food crops , pigs , goats , chicken, Garri , yams plantains…..etc

Photos from MagHil Farms's post 15/01/2023


To make a pig gain over 80 kilograms in 6 months, you as a farmer have some things you must do. It is simple, just provide your pigs with the following:

ADEQUATE AMOUNTS OF PROTEIN: Pigs require a protein-rich diet to support their rapid growth and development. Around 30% of each meal you give to your pigs should be proteins.

ESSENTIAL AMINO ACIDS: Feeds should provide essential amino acids like lysine and methionine for optimal muscle growth. (Soya beans, fish meal or commercial protein concentrates etc. are good sources of these crucial amino acids)

CARBOHYDRATES: Pigs can utilize carbohydrates as a source of energy, and they are typically included in pig feeds. Pigs need a diet high in energy to support their growth and activity levels. Around 60% of each meal you give to your pigs should be made of carbohydrates. Maize, also known as corn, is a great source of carbohydrates.

FIBER: Fiber is important for maintaining a healthy digestive system in pigs. But fiber should be more balanced and must not make up 40 % of the diet. For weaning piglets or during creep feeding, avoid fibers totally for efficient digestion and faster growth.

MINERALS: Pig feeds should contain a balance of minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, and trace minerals to support bone, metabolism and teeth development etc.

VITAMINS: Vitamins such as Vitamin A, D and E are essential for the growth, development, and overall health of pigs.

FEEDING FREQUENCY: Pigs should be fed regularly and in appropriate quantities to maintain growth and development. Pigs over 3 and a half months can be given around 2.5 to 3 kilograms of feeds each day. Avoid feeds that have toxins. Use appropriate toxin binders if your pig's feed is questionable. Clean water must be present every time.

HYGIENE: Feeding areas and equipment should be kept clean and hygienic to avoid the risk of disease transmission.

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Email : [email protected]
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# Sale of livestock and food crops , pigs , goats , chicken, Garri , yams plantains…..etc


Think like a Farmer


“Don’t wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty and the pig likes it.”

What this quote means is that you become what you allow yourself to get into . This goes hand in hand with arguing or debating with fools. Win or lose, you bring yourself down to the fools level, while the fool, just being himself, gets satisfaction for adding a new member to the club.
Looking at it another way, the message is to be careful of the company you keep and who you interact with. Just like wrestling with pigs, you will get brought down to their level. If you want to help others, bring them into your environment, or take the pigs out of the muddy pen.
Looking at it another way , this also means
Do not engage in a struggle with an opponent that benefits from the struggle even without winning it.

Email : [email protected]
Visit our website:
/Adventurous Farming/Agricultural waste management Expert.

Photos from MagHil Farms's post 11/01/2023

Different Pig breeds commonly used for commercial pig farming in Cameroon.

1, LARGE WHITE ( YORKSHIRE ) white with erect ears, long in size, dished face good mothering ability , produces many litters , fast growing and its maturity weight is Male 310kgs - 330kgs, female /sow 250kgs - 330kgs

2, LANDRACE: white ,long lean , lopped ears, fast growth rate , good mothering ability it has 16 to 17 ribs, are prolific sows that farrow large pigs and which are exceptionally heavy milkers and its maturity weight Male/ boar 310kg - 400kgs , female/ sow 250kgs - 330kgs

3, HAMPSHIRE, characterized by erect ears, a black body, and a white band around the middle, covering the front legs good carcass quality, high meat yield and its maturity weight Male/ boar 300, female/ sow 250

4, CROSSES: genetics of largewhite and landrace is known as CAMBROUGH, combrough have superior weaning capability , robustness , increased weaning weight , short rebreeding intervals , higher conception rates, improved farrowing rates , also croses of landrace and large white are very good when used as sows for breeding, combrough maturity weigh Male 310 - 400kgs , female/sow 250 - 330kgs

Email : [email protected]
Visit our website:
/Adventurous Farming/Agricultural waste management Expert.

Photos from MagHil Farms's post 11/01/2023

Morning blessings.
First time to farrow
7 piglets

Email : [email protected]
Visit our website:
/Adventurous Farming/Agricultural waste management Expert.


Livestock farming is a profession of hope for young people.


God blessed MagHil Farms with these piglets in December 2022 . Today they are 3 weeks old .First time mother of 8 . We ended 20202 with Joy , We have began the year 2023 with multiple blessings from God as we expect more piglets from 3 mothers this month.

Email : [email protected]
Visit our website:
/Adventurous Farming/Agricultural waste management Expert.


Best Lucrative Business Options in Cameroon to venture in 2023

Would you like to start a business in Cameroon? If yes, there are top ideas and investment prospects for new enterprises in Cameroon.The Agric industry has been one of Cameroon's largest employers. The nation stands out for the marketing of crops such as palm oil, cocoa, bananas, rubber, tea, sugar, coffee, and to***co plus fishing and animal husbandry.
1. Food Processing Business
The Cameroon economy is still a rising economy and many businesses are still in the infancy and one of them is food production. For big food manufacturers,the reality is that raw material is cheaper in Cameroon.
But if you can produce the electricity for your plant, then food production is the path forward in the Cameroon industry. The major obstacle that factories in Cameroon face is electricity and to some extent taxes and poor roads .In addition to cheap raw materials , cheap labor is also available .
For small scale food processing business operators , Food processing includes Agro-businesses that deals with manufacturing, sales , marketing services, imports and exports services of can drinks ,
Online trade of edible oil ,
Suppliers of refined sun flower oil , soya beans and corn oil ,
Manufacturing, sales and bottling of vegetables oil ,
Manufacturers of cooking oil of all kinds like refined palm oil,refined soya beans oil, refined sun flower oil and olive oil,
High Quality cocoa beans seeds laboratory,
Processing of cassava products, bobolo and miondo, Egusi and fresh pepper, snails, starch
Coconut chips and plantains cheeps business …etc
2. Agric-businesses
The demand is also growing quickly across the supply chain, with positive opportunities for agricultural inputs producers, supermarkets, farmers, food processors, food manufacturers, and foodstuffs retailers. Agro-business involves Production processing such as
Maize production
Cultivation of several crops
Tomatoes cultivator
Garri production
Lemongrass production
Pig farming
Chicken rearing and smoked chicken business
Edible snails
Agroponics & aquaponics….. etc
NOTE : The fact that others went in to any of the above and they failed doesn't mean you are going to fail
We live in 21st century and technology is here so you can go into any of these and make so much money
If yo are reading this post and you are not working think about taking the advantage
and go in to food processing or Afro-business
In life most at times if you want to succeed you have to do what other people are not willing to do.

Email : [email protected]
Visit our website:
/Adventurous Farming/Agricultural waste management Expert.


This is a Gestation Calender for Pigs. If you know the date the pigs mated, it tells you the expected delivery date and when the pigs will be weaned, if you do it at 8 Wks.


Some day our farm will be like these .


Farming is not a dirty job
Farming is not a poor man's job
Farming is the fastest way to become rich
Farming is not for the uneducated
Farming is the new oil
Roll your sleeves and let's make more money.

Want to know a profitable niche to venture into
Don't hesitate to ring or write to us
Email:[email protected]



The power of social media in the 21st century is now literally in our hands . We have never before had such a powerful tool to connect with millions of people from the comfort of our homes and all around the world this is changing how business is done .

Social media is now the main stream form of communication around the world and farmers who use wisely social media platforms in business and consumer engagement will always have a smile on their face after meeting many customers online .

contact us at farms we have now
🍃Coco yams seedlings
🍃 Plantain and banana suckers
🍃 cassava planting sticks
🍃Agro consultancy

MagHil Farms

[email protected]

Send a message to learn more

Photos from MagHil Farms's post 17/09/2022


Discussing Agriculture and its different facets will never get boring to me. Today I will s
talk about a part of Agriculture that not many people consider but that is important to maximise profit and put yourself at a high place of competitive advantage.

This facet we will be dissecting is STRATEGIC PLANTING.

Now a lot of people might wonder, what does strategy have to do with growing crops?

Follow up the discussion to know why this is important and what you stand to benefit from it.

STRATEGIC PLANTING in simple term means knowing well the crops in your area of specialization, their time of scarcity and providing all the conditions necessary for it's growth.

One of the ways this could be achieved is having a farm plan/farm calendar.

A farming calendar is a book/diary which contains all the activities to be carried out in a farm within a stipulated time.

It might be within months or a year.

Having this farm calendar would help your farm in these ways

🍀It would help you eradicate indecision which would make you jump on any crop you heard is profitable.

🍀Having a farm diary or calendar would help you organize your farm and also

🍀It would help you in bringing about STRATEGIC PLANTING

With strategic planting,you will understand the time of the year each crops do inflate in price and their management practices.


During the raining season,a bag of okra is being sold within the range of - ,and it goes as high as during the dry season

During the dry season,many farmers are always dormant except for some who have the facilities to continue with production.

During this period,most food ingredients are always very expensive

Cucumber, pepper,tomatoes,maize,also experience hike in price during this season.

Aside dry season, currently pepper and tomatoes are very expensive

Every December, tomatoes and onions are gold in the market

Noting these periods in your farm diary and preparing your plantation ahead is what I call STRATEGIC PLANTING.

Onions would be very expensive by December,

Get your seed and other farm inputs when its less expensive.

Start your land preparation and nursery set up ,transplant And harvest December when it would be expensive.

You can strategically calculate this for other crops in this category.

Don't forget to contact us at farms for your

🍃Coco yams seedlings
🍃 Plantain and banana suckers
🍃 cassava planting sticks
🍃Agro consultancy

MagHil Farms

[email protected]


Young people can be a creative force,a dynamic source of innovation and have in some areas contributed and even catalyzed important changes in political systems. Can an increase in Youths participation in Cameroon 🇨🇲 politics bring the changes we need??Hon.Tata Kwawi Mbinglo and Belinda Acha TV will talk on this live on Facebook.
MagHil Farms is a group of Agricultural Entrepreneurs who manage farms and projects for those interested in agriculture . We will be curious to know if Youth participation in politics will increase the help farmers may get from politicians or the government.
Please follow, like and comment on our page these pages and let us know your opinion on this .
MagHil Farms
Location : Kumba
[email protected]

Let The Best Proposal Take The Price.
Come and Help Choose The Winner.
Winning Price Shall Be Given At The End Of The Show.
Tata Mbinglo


An opportunity to earn some money


Another game changer

Join us live on Sunday For this Powerful
Youth impowerment season with Mr Tata.
Tata Mbinglo

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Vidéos (voir toutes)

Two months old piglets available in Kumba Southwest Region Cameroon CONTACT US FOR VISITS/SALES /PARTNERSHIP..etc MAGHIL...
Our farm in Kumba Southwest Region Cameroon . CONTACT US FOR VISITS/SALES /PARTNERSHIP..etc MAGHIL FARMS CAMEROON 🇨🇲Call...
The soil doesn’t disappoints.Happy we have this at our farm at Barombi Kang Kumba CAMEROON 🇨🇲CONTACT US FOR VISITS/SALES...
It can only be God, the joy that comes from it irrespective of high cost of Feed. Our farm was blessed yesterday with 8 ...
Farming is not a dirty jobFarming is not a poor man's jobFarming is the fastest way to become richFarming is not for the...
SETTING UP A FARM IS EASY.Anyone with little or plenty of money can set up a farm within his or her  own level.But farm ...
With an idea to change the way farms look in Cameroon, We are giving farms a face lift and extreme make over starting wi...




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