Generational income creation through Digital Marketing by Vera.

Income creation through digital marketing



✅Pas à pas, nous vous montrerons comment vous pouvez devenir un entrepreneur indépendant et construire un grand héritage.

✅Pour obtenir plus d'informations à ce sujet, cliquez simplement sur ce lien ci-dessous ou sur le bouton WhatsApp sous ce post.


Father, on this Tuesday, I give thanks to my Lord and Savior for His protection. I thank You for the shelter of Your wings and the grace of Your love that keeps me safe from harm. I pray that my day be filled with joy, peace, and love.

I pray that no matter what I face today or in the future, You will be my strength and refuge. May I always look to You and place my trust in You so that I remain strong in faith and safe from danger.

I ask for continued guidance to make wise decisions, enabling me to stay on the path of righteousness. Let me recognize Your leading so that nothing can take me away from Your will for my life.🙏


Never stop trying.

I am a winner! I never stop trying.

I know you are too.

We move to greatness.

Ahead ahead is the code🤸‍♂️🤸‍♂️

It's a beautiful Tuesday friends🤍🤍💕💕

Good Morning to you and yours💃💃



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Happy Fathers' Day to all the Fathers. May God continue to keep and bless all your endeavours. I pray you shall not labour in vain. And may God continue to provide for your needs to enable you cater for your family.



Success Simple means mindset, weather u agree with me or not, success is ur mindset.

Your Success depends on you, if u truly want to change ur life, u must first be willing to change ur mind. And if u are born poor it's not ur mistake, but if u die poor it's your mistake.

Until u take it serious, it cannot pay you seriously .Everything begins inside ur mind, with the right mindset you will succeed.

Photos from Generational income creation through Digital Marketing by Vera.'s post 08/06/2023


🌐L’âge est la cause numéro 1 de l’arthrose lombaire. En effet, plus vous avancez en âge, plus les tissus de articulations évoluent, vers une perte progressive de leurs propriétés viscoélastiques, ce qui provoque des douleurs et diminue votre capacité à effectuer certains mouvements.😓

🌐 il peut être bon de savoir que le poids en excès (surpoids)crée une charge importante au niveau des vertèbres ; c’est pourquoi on recommande généralement de perdre du poids pour soulager le dos.


🌐 L’arthrose lombaire se manifeste principalement par une lombalgie, c’est-à-dire une douleur dans le bas du dos. Cette douleur augmente en général lors des mouvements et de l’exercice physique ; elle s’accompagne aussi d’une raideur, ce qui entraîne une diminution de la mobilité dans la région du bas du dos.

🌐 l’arthrose lombaire peut également comprimer les nerfs. ce qui peut notamment entraîner une sciatique (compression du nerf du même nom). La sciatique se caractérise par des douleurs du membre inférieur (le long du trajet du nerf) pouvant dans certains cas aller jusqu’aux orteils. L’arthrose lombaire peut aussi être associée à une hernie discale.😱

🛑 Si vous ressentez toujours une douleur lombaire, s'il vous veuillez nous contacter.
Longrich met à votre disposition des produits de qualité pour remédier à ce genre de problème de santé 👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽 pour commander cliquez sur Mon lien whatsap👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇



Allo allo yaounde! Êtes-vous prêt pour le tsunami du 4 juin ?
Les créateurs de maison millionnaires se rendent à yde où ils partageront le parcours du succès et vous apprendront à créer votre propre chemin vers le succès.
Êtes-vous un étudiant? .personnel médical, agriculteur, homme d'affaires ou êtes-vous un employé ayant besoin d'une 2ème source de revenus ?
Rejoignez-nous pour ce sommet extraordinaire alors que des coachs d'affaires prospères du 21e siècle montent sur scène pour transformer nos rêves en réalité.

Yaoundé Lève-toi.

Allo allo yaoundé! Are you ready for the tsunami coming on the 4th of june ?
The millionaire home makers make their way to yde where they'll share the success journey and teach you how to create your own success path.
Are you a student? Medical personnel, farmer, business man or are you an employee in need of a 2nd income stream?
Join us for this extra-ordinary summit as successful 21st century business coachws take the stage to transform our dreams to reality.

Yaounde Arise. pour Les reservations gratuite/for free reservation click on the link below.


Who are those in your circle?

Are they discussing ideas, business ventures at all?

Are they adding value to you or draining you?

Sincerely answer the questions above.

If they are not doing any of the above, then you need a new circle.

Be intentional. 🤝🏻🤝🏻. 🥗🍏🥗🍏🥗🍏Intentional Thursday 💃💃💃💃🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳


An entrepreneur on a mission to impact lives by helping people to start and grow their own businesses through LEVERAGING on a renown/proven system.Follow up n coaching till u are on the link below to get to my whatsap for more information.


*Pursing money by working for 30 to 35 years is gradually fading out, making money is more about positioning now. You can LEVERAGE on the internet, on information, a skill, an opportunity, and even employ the service of a Robot 🤖, in the Online space. The Job cycle is fading out, the online investment is taking over. Learn how to POSITION yourself for cash inflow.*
*In need of an opportunity to leverage on n build a sustainable system?? I got one powerful system that u can leverage.
*Interested? click on the link below let's get started.
Beautiful Morning to you all💕 ❤️


*Are You Starving For Success And Greatness? Where And What Is Your Proof Of Performance?*



Are your thoughts self-limiting or self-empowering? 🤔 Do a quick inventory and make some positive changes! ✨✅

Think possibility. Think winning, see yourself on the stage winning all awards, see yourself crushing goals, see yourself getting promotions etc then work towards it, you will have them.

If you see impossibilities and failure, you will attract such to yourself.
Your life is a reflection of your thoughts.

Choose to see the good all the time.

Be limitless!

Hope you got the memo, Good morning dearies & happy weekend to you all🥰


Leverage is the tool of the rich.
How leveraged are you?
Join the leveraged Club of Entrepreneurs today.
I am an advocate.
I am a beneficiary.
You too can.
Chat me up to know HOW.


Leverage is the tool of the rich.
How leveraged are you?
Do you need a PLAN B/Second Source of Income?
Join the leveraged Club of Entrepreneurs today.
I am an advocate.
I am a beneficiary.
You too can.
Chat me up to know HOW.


❗ Greetings Lovelies 💕💕
Hey!!! Don't let pain stop you, rather be inspired by it to achieve more. 💪💪💪
Life is not about who finished first🤷🏼‍♀️
Life is about who finishes best💪
The number of bridges you crossed, challenges you surmounted, skills you acquired, experiences you accumulated and characters you have built over time will stand you out and make you a legend. 💪💪
Remember, effort takes you to the top but character keeps you at the top.👌💯💯💯
See you at the very best top❤️
Good morning to you all.💕 And happy start of weekend 🥳🥳🥳💃💃💃


You and your family deserve better life.
You don't need to remain in lack. There is a better way, I can help you get started 🤝
Discover To Recover


Do you know you can become your own Boss by
Using your smartphone or laptop to connect
with people across the globe,
And build a business that pays you Residual Income weekly?

If you are interested click on the WhatsApp button below.


A plan B that transforms a NOBODY into SOMEBODY without the help of ANYBODY is worth paying attention to.

Care to know more? Drop Interested in the comment section or inbox me.



1. I am unemployed but:
👉I am tired of sitting at home and doing nothing
👉I want to build a legacy for my family.
👉I need income.
2. I am employed but:
👉My salary is not enough to meet all my needs.
👉I need extra income
👉 I'm looking for financial stability/freedom.
👉I am tired living from hand to mouth every month.
3. I love traveling but:
👉I can't afford it.
👉My monthly income doesn't allow me to save for a holiday.
👉I don't have financial freedom.
4. I am a student
👉I need money to take care of my school needs.
👉 I want to start my entrepreneurial journey
👉 I want a scholarship for my masters program
5. I want to own a car:
👉I can't afford it, because my earnings aren't enough for me to buy a new car!
6. I want to carry on a project but
👉 I don't have money
👉 I don't have access to loans .
This opportunity is for you.
Contact me and let's chat.


Take the action today!

To think big and see the big picture is by turning thinking into action. This often results in success and further motivation to see new ways to expand your big thinking strategy.
Get out of your feelings and take the steps to better your future ✌
You won't always feel like it, you won't always feel like waking up early, following up clients etc but hey, you must get past those feelings and do must you must do so you can achieve your dreams and live the life you desire.

The ball is in your court. What would you do?

Decide right! Act today💯💯💝



If you wished you had more time for your loved ones and most importantly for yourself ,then you've got to work smarter not harder.

🤷Are you living the life you most desired? Yes everyone has unique and most cherished dreams.
🤷Do you want more out of life and to be a better version of you?
🤷Is your salary or present income insufficient to take care of all your bills and you desire a plan B that can add to your income?
🤷Are you stocked and tired of watching your life go by in a blur?
Then it's time to get up and follow your dreams.

My name is Gwellem Vera,the CEO of UNIQUE & INNOVATIVE ENTREPRENEURS.Our goals are:
📍to empower as many passionate youths as possible by assisting them start and develop their own businesses in a bid to restrain poverty and hunger.

📍to help people creat and develop alternative streams of income and who will ultimately attain financial freedom and live their dream lives.

📍to assist those who desire to earn passive income from the comfort of their homes without necessarily quitting their jobs.

📍to enhance wellbeing and reduce mortality rate which is one of our millennium goals,and

📍to promote universal education through scholarships .

Choose to live intentionally according to your unique blueprint,your prime vision,become a better version of you and live your highest potential. Life's short,let's make the most out of it with the right game plan.


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Cliquez ici pour réclamer votre Listage Commercial.

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*Are You Starving For Success And Greatness? Where And What Is Your Proof Of Performance?*


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