Learning English to Chinese Languages

Keep calm on learning chinese.If you have suggest to me to translate, please comment on the last post


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我喜欢你。(wǒ xǐ huan nǐ) I like you.

我想你。(wǒ xiǎng nǐ) I miss you.

我爱你。 (wǒ ài nǐ) I love you.

我好想你。(wǒ hǎo xiǎng nǐ) I miss you so much.

你最好了。(nǐ zuì hǎo le) You are the best.

我为你疯狂。(wǒ wèi nǐ fēng kuáng) I’m crazy about you!


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女朋友 (nǚ péng you) Girlfriend

男朋友 (nán péng you) Boyfriend

爱人 (ài ren) / 情人 (qíng rén) Lover

宝贝 (bǎo bèi) / 北鼻 (běi bí) Baby

宝宝 (bǎo bǎo) Darling

亲爱的 (qīn ài de) Darling/dear/honey

小甜甜 (xiǎo tián tián) Sweetie/sweetheart

老公 (lǎo gōng) Husband (Woman call their boyfriend or husband)

老婆 (lǎo pó) / 媳妇 (xí fù) Wife (Man call their girlfriend or wife)

太太 (tài tai) / 妻子 (qī zi) / 老婆 (lǎo pó) Wife

先生 (xiān sheng) / 丈夫 (zhàng fu) / 老公 (lǎo gong) Husband

美女 (měi nǚ) Beautiful girl

帅哥 (shuài ge) Handsome guy


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Come on. - 来吧 (赶快) (Lái ba) (gǎnkuài)

Hold on. - 等一等。 (děng yī děng.)

I agree。 - 我同意。 (Wǒ tóngyì.)

Not bad. - 还不错。 (Hái bùcuò.)

Not yet. - 还没。 (Hái méi.)

See you. - 再见。 (Zàijiàn.)

Shut up! - 闭嘴! (Bì zuǐ!)

So long. - 再见。 (Zàijiàn.)



Zǎofàn shì yī tiān zhōng zuì zhòngyào de yī dùn fàn.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.


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Wǒ zhǐshì qù sànsànbù.
I am just going for a walk.

————————— Learning English to Chinese Languages

Wǒ huì lái jìn kěnéng cháng lái.
I'll come as often as possible.

————————Learning English to Chinese Languages

Wǒ zhàn zhe děng gōngchē.
I stood waiting for a bus.

——————_Learning English to Chinese Languagesges


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Jīntiān nǐ yào gànshénme?

What are you doing today?

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Měigerén dōu yǒu tā de zuòzhàn cèlüè, zhídào liǎn shàng zhōng le yī quán.

Everyone has a plan til they get punched in the face.

————————— Learning English to Chinese Languages


Zhè shì wǒ niánqīng shíhou zhù de fángzi.

This is the house I lived in when I was young.

——————— Learning English to Chinese Languages


Qǐchū wǒmen bìngbù shúxī, jiànjiàn de jiù shúxī qǐlai le.

At first, we weren't familiar at all. Over time we got to know each other.

—————————Learning English to Chinese Languages


📌Thank you very much for like reacts and share.☺💖 Thank you for your support😍. I promise to post again and I invite you to learn from it. If you have any questions or have anything to translate for me, please do so in the comment section so that I can see it right away. I repeat, thank you very much to all of you. God Bless and take care.


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To substitute; to act on behalf of others; to replace; generation; dynasty; age; period; (historical) era; (geological) eon

to help; to assist; to support; for sb (i.e. as a help); hired (as worker); side (of pail, boat etc); outer layer; group; gang; clique; party; secret society

fan; sliding, hinged or detachable flat part of sth; classifier for doors, windows etc

to resist; to obstruct; to hinder; to keep off; to block (a blow); to get in the way of; cover; gear

mountain; hill; anything that resembles a mountain; bundled straw in which silkworms spin cocoons; gable

The back of a body or object; to turn one's back; to hide something from; to learn by heart; to recite from memory; unlucky (slang); hard of hearing

gold; chemical element Au; generic term for lustrous and ductile metals; money; golden; highly respected; one of the eight ancient musical instruments 八音


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His; her; its; theirs; that; such; it (refers to sth preceding it)

History; annals; title of an official historian in ancient China

To beat; to hit; variant of 考; to inspect; to test; to take an exam

To hire; to rent; to charter; to rent out; to lease out; rent; land tax

To hit; to strike; to tap; to rap; to knock; to rip sb off; to overcharge

To hit (the mark); to be hit by; to suffer; to win (a prize, a lottery)

To hit; to strike; to meet by accident; to run into; to bump against; to bump into

Four horse military chariot (archaic); four (archaic); generic term for history books


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highest; greatest; too (much); very; extremely

High; tall; above average; loud; your (honorific)

To conceal; to hide away; to harbor; to store; to collect

Biography; historical narrative; commentaries; relay station

(possessive particle, literary equivalent of 的); him; her; it


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to hit; to strike; to break

to hide; to dodge; to avoid

to employ; to hire; to rent

to boil; to roll; to take a hike; Get lost!

Diary; record; to hit; to copy

Oh alas; hey!; hi! (loanword)

To exhale slowly; to hiss; hush!


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Yí kànjiàn jiù …
on sight

yībiàn yòu yībiàn
again and again.

huò yīdĭng mào
Or a hat?

Qǐng zài jiǎng yíbiàn

wŏ shuāileyījiāo
I fell.

yīnián yīshú zhì
one crop per annual.

yīzhī huālì shŭ
A chipmunk.

chéngwéi yī fēnzi
make one

zài jiānchí yīhuì
Hang on.

yīzhāo chòu qí
Bad move.


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3.belonging to


1.mountain ridge



water chestnut



See 囹圄

See 玲珑






purine, used in phonetic representation, e....

hilly, steep, rugged

1.This character is never used alone.
2.See 鹡...

1.See 泠泠
2.See 泠然

1.This character is never used alone.
2.See 白...

1.This character is never used alone.
2.See 茯...

An evergreen bush or small-sized tree with ridge...

A boat that has windows.

A bottle-like vessel made of tiles used to hold wa...

Windows, railings, or door grids with patterns ca...

good fortune

see 醽醁, good wine

to wisper


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Here are some words to stall for time when trying to remember your Chinese sentences!

“So, um…”: ēn (嗯)

“Um…”: nèi ge (那个)

“Uh…”: jiù shì (就是)

“Well then”: hǎo ba (好吧)

“Like…”: rán hòu (然后)


Chinese Pronunciation

Chinese is a tonal language, meaning the same word can have different meanings based on the way you say it. For instance, “ma” could mean “mother” or “horse” depending on the inflexion.

There are five different inflexions and they’re marked with accents. The accent marks help guide you with the pitch because they visually represent what your voice should do. Take a look at these with “ma”. (“Ma” is a common example because it’s a simple, single-syllable word that has a word with each intonation.)

Long, flat tone: mā

Rising tone: má

Falling then rising tone: mǎ

Falling tone: mà

Neutral tone: ma

As you can see, the accent marks help guide you. So pinyin will be your friend when learning to speak Chinese! This Chinese dictionary is an excellent resource for learning Chinese and pinyin tonal accents.

Last thing: We are going to be learning Mandarin Chinese phrases. This is the official language of China, and the most common form of Chinese spoken in China. It’s also spoken in Singapore and Taiwan. But, even though it’s most common, there may be many instances where Mandarin isn’t spoken. For instance, if you’re planning on visiting Hong Kong a majortravel destination in China… Well, they speak a completely different language — Cantonese.


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60 Mandarin Chinese language that you can definitely use in your daily life

1. I see. - 我明白了。 (Wǒ míngbáile.)

2. I quit! - 我不干了! (Wǒ bù gān le!)

3. Let go! - 放手! (Fàngshǒu!)

4. Me too. - 我也是。 (Wǒ yěshì.)

5. My god! - 天哪! (Tiān nǎ!)

6. No way! - 不行! (Bùxíng!)

7. Come on. - 来吧 (赶快) (Lái ba (gǎnkuài))

8. Hold on. - 等一等。 (děng yī děng.)

9. I agree。 - 我同意。 (Wǒ tóngyì.)

10. Not bad. - 还不错。 (Hái bùcuò.)

11. Not yet. - 还没。 (Hái méi.)

12. See you. - 再见。 (Zàijiàn.)

13. Shut up! - 闭嘴! (Bì zuǐ!)

14. So long. - 再见。 (Zàijiàn.)

15. Why not? - 好呀! (为什么不呢?) (Hǎo ya! (Wèishéme bù ne?))

16. Allow me. - 让我来。 (Ràng wǒ lái.)

17. Be quiet! - 安静点! (Ānjìng diǎn!)

18. Cheer up! - 振作起来! (Zhènzuò qǐlái!)

19. Good job! - 做得好! (Zuò dé hǎo!)

20. Have fun! - 玩得开心! (Wán dé kāixīn!)

21. How much? - 多少钱? (Duōshǎo qián?)

22. I'm full. - 我饱了。 (Wǒ bǎole.)

23. I'm home. - 我回来了。 (Wǒ huíláile.)

24. I'm lost. - 我迷路了。 (Wǒ mílùle.)

25. My treat. - 我请客。 (Wǒ qǐngkè.)

26. So do I. - 我也一样。 (Wǒ yě yīyàng.)

27. This way。 - 这边请。 (Zhè biān qǐng.)

28. After you. - 您先。 (Nín xiān.)

29. Bless you! - 祝福你! (Zhùfú nǐ!)

30. Follow me. - 跟我来。 (Gēn wǒ lái.)

31. Forget it! - 休想! (算了! ) (Xiūxiǎng! (Suànle! ))

32. Good luck! - 祝好运! (Zhù hǎoyùn!)

33. I decline! - 我拒绝! (Wǒ jùjué!)

34. I promise. - 我保证。 (Wǒ bǎozhèng.)

35. Of course! - 当然了! (Dāngránle!)

36. Slow down! - 慢点! (Màn diǎn!)

37. Take care! - 保重! (Bǎozhòng!)

38. They hurt. - (伤口)疼。 ( (Shāngkǒu) téng.)

39. Try again. - 再试试。 (Zàishì shì.)

40. Watch out! - 当心。 (Dāngxīn.)

41. What's up? - 有什么事吗? (Yǒu shén me shì ma?)

42. Be careful! - 注意! (Zhùyì!)

43. Bottoms up! - 干杯 (见底)! (Gānbēi (jiàn dǐ)!)

44. Don't move! - 不许动! (Bùxǔ dòng!)

45. Guess what? - 猜猜看? (Cāi cāi kàn?)

46. I doubt it - 我怀疑。 (Wǒ huáiyí.)

47. I think so. - 我也这么想。 (Wǒ yě zhème xiǎng.)

48. I'm single. - 我是单身贵族。 (Wǒ shì dānshēn guìzú.)

49. Keep it up! - 坚持下去! (Jiānchí xiàqù!)

50. Let me see. - 让我想想。 (Ràng wǒ xiǎng xiǎng.)

51. Never mind. - 不要紧。 (Bùyàojǐn.)

52. No problem! - 没问题! (Méi wèntí!)

53. That's all! - 就这样! (Jiù zhèyàng!)

54. Time is up. - 时间快到了。 (Shíjiān kuài dàole.)

55. What's new? - 有什么新鲜事吗? (Yǒu shén me xīnxiān shì ma?)

56. Count me on - 算上我。 (Suàn shàng wǒ.)

57. Don't worry. - 别担心。 (Bié dānxīn.)

58. Feel better? - 好点了吗? (Hǎo diǎnle ma?)

59. I love you! - 我爱你! (Wǒ ài nǐ!)

60. I'm his fan。 - 我是他的影迷。 (Wǒ shì tā de yǐngmí.)


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Some basic words in Chinese words vocabulary

它们 [tā men] : they (for inanimate objects)
应 [yīng] : to answer
到 [dào] : to (a place)
何处 [hé chù] : whence
寻找 [xún zhǎo] : to seek
藏身 [cáng shēn] : to hide
微不足道 [wēi bù zú dào] : negligible
往往 [wǎng wǎng] : often
是 [shì] : is
School – 学校 – xuéxiào
Classroom – 教室 – jiàoshì
Class – 课 – kè
Student – 学生 – xuéshēng
Teacher – 老师 – lǎoshī
Book – 书 – shū
Schoolbag – 书包 – shūbāo
危害 [wēi hài] : to jeopardize
食品 [shí pǐn] : foodstuff
质量 [zhì liàng] : quality
重要 [zhòng yào] : important
因素 [yīn sù] : element
为了 [wèi le] : in order to
保持 [bǎo chí] : to keep
卫生 [wèi shēng] : health
和 [hé] : and
安全 [ān quán] : safe
规章 [guī zhāng] : rule
于 [yú] : to go
盐 [yán] : salt
糖 [táng] : sugar
我 [wǒ] : I / Me
总是 [zǒng shì] : always
放 [fàng] : to release
一 [yī] : one
把 [bǎ] : to hold
备用 [bèi yòng] : reserve
的 [de] : of
钥匙 [yào shi] : key
在 [zài] : (located) at
病者 [bìng zhě] : patient
傍边 [bàng biān] : near
把 [bǎ] : to hold
针 [zhēn] : needle
头 [tóu] : head
锁 [suǒ] : to lock up
接 [jiē] : to receive
针 [zhēn] : needle
端口 [duān kǒu] : interface
不正确 [bù zhèng què] : incorrect
的 [de] : of
使用 [shǐ yòng] : to use
会 [huì] : can
导致 [dǎo zhì] : to lead to
滑 [huá] : to slip
脱 [tuō] : to shed
或 [huò] : maybe
破裂 [pò liè] : to rupture
出于 [chū yú] :due to
安全考虑 [ān quán kǎo lǜ] : security consideration
北 [běi] : north
电 [diàn] : electric
允许 [yǔn xǔ] : to permit
过夜 [guò yè] : to spend the night
停车 [tíng chē] : to stop

安 [ān] : peaceful, tranquil, quiet, content, calm, still, to pacify, peace

如果 [rú guǒ] : if
那 [nǎ] : variant of 哪
电炉 [diàn lú] : electric stove
不安全 [bù ān quán] : unsafe
你 [nǐ] : you (informal, as opposed to courteous 您)
应该 [yīng gāi] : ought to
叫 [jiào] : to shout
人 [rén] : man
修理 [xiū lǐ] : to repair
姨 āyí aunt
啊 a ah
矮 ǎi short
爱 ài love
爱好 àihào hobby
安静 ānjìng Be quiet
八 bā Eight
把 bǎ hold
爸爸 bàba Dad
吧 ba
白 bái white
百 bǎi hundred
班 bān class
搬 bān turn; pull
半 bàn half
办法 bànfǎ Way
办公室 bàngōngshì Office
帮忙 bāngmáng Help
帮助 bāngzhù Help
包 bāo package
饱 bǎo full
报纸 bàozhǐ Newspaper
杯子 bēizi glass
北方 běifāng north
北京 běijīng Beijing
被 bèi cover
本 běn book
鼻子 bízi nose
比 bǐ than
比较 bǐjiào compare
比赛 bǐsài Match
必须 bìxū Must
变化 biànhuà change
表示 biǎoshì Express
表演 biǎoyǎn perform
别 bié other
别人 biéren Others
宾馆 bīnguǎn hotel
冰箱 bīngxiāng Refrigerator
不客气 búkèqi You are welcome
不 bù No
才 cái just
菜 cài food
菜单 càidān menu
参加 cānjiā participate in
草 cǎo grass
层 céng layer
茶 chá tea
差 chà difference
长 cháng long
唱歌 chànggē Sing
超市 chāoshì Supermarket
是 zǒngshì always
走 zǒu go
最 zuì most
最近 zuìjìn Lately
昨天 zuótiān Yesterday
左边 zuǒbian left
坐 zuò sit
做 zuò do
作业 zuòyè task
作用 zuòyòng Effect
______ _______ ______ ______ ______ ______ _____ ______ _______ ______
wǒ bāng nǐ ba.
Let me help you.

Bāng wǒ mǎi bēi kāfēi.
Help me buy a cup of coffee.

Nǐ néng bāng wǒ xuǎn gè xīn diànnǎo ma?
Can you help me to choose a new computer?

Tā jīngcháng qù yǎnglǎoyuàn bāngzhù lǎorén.
他经常去养老院帮助老人。He often goes to nursing homes to help the elderly.

Gǎnxiè pèi pèi lǎoshī bāngzhù wǒmen xuéxí zhōngwén.感谢珮珮老师帮助我们学习中文。
Thank you Teacher Peipei for helping us learn Chinese.

Wǒ xūyào nǐ de bāngzhù.
I need your help.

wǒ yào chūchāi jǐ tiān, kěyǐ bāngmáng zhàogù yīxià gāli ma?我要出差几天,可以帮忙照顾一下咖喱吗?I'm going on a business trip for a few days. Can you help to take care of Gali?

Kěyǐ bāng gè máng ma?
可以帮个忙吗?Can you do me a favor?

Bùhǎoyìsi, wǒ kěnéng bāng bú shàng máng.
Sorry, I may not be able to help.

Yìdiǎn máng dōu bāng bú shàng
I'm not able to help even a little bit

用法(yòngfă) Usage:
“觉得”(juéde) is a commonly used term to express one’s ideas or opinions. For example:
Wŏ juéde wŏmen xūyào qù măi xiē shíwù huílái.我 觉得 我们 需要 去 买 些 食物 回来。
I think we should buy some food.

Wŏ juéde tā hěn piàoliang.
我 觉得 她 很 漂亮。
I think she is really beautiful.

Zǎoshang hǎo. Huānyíng nín dào Běijīng lái. Nín yào qù nǎ? 早上好。欢迎您到北京来。您要去哪?Good morning! Welcome to Beijing. Can I help you?

Wǒ yào qù Běijīngjiŭdiàn. Wǒ kéyĭ bǎ xíngli fàng zài chē hòuxiāng ma?我要去北京酒店。我可以把行李放在车后厢吗?Could you take me to the Beijing Hotel? By the way, can I put my luggage in the trunk?

Dāngrán kéyĭ. wǒ lái bāng nín ba!
Sure! Let me help you.

Kǒngpà wǒmen dŭchē le.
I am afraid we are in a traffic jam.

Nà dàgài yào dŭ duōcháng shíjiān?
How long will we be held up?

Bù qīngchu. Yàobù wǒmen huàn yìtiáo lù zǒu ba! Zhèyàng dàgài èrshí fēnzhōng jiù néng dào le.不清楚。要不我们换一条路走吧!这样大概二十分钟就能到了。I am not sure. Let’s take another route. It would take twenty minutes to get to your hotel.

Tài hǎo le!太好了!That’s great!

Qĭng nín jì hǎo ānquándài, wǒ yào zhuǎn wān le. Nín xiǎng tīng shōuyīnjī ma?请您系好安全带,我要转弯了.您想听收音机吗?Please fasten your belt. I’m making a turn now. Can I turn on the radio?

èn, kéyĭ yóudiǎn yīnyuè.
Yea…let’s have some music.

Hǎo le, wǒmen dàole. Zhèshì nín de xiǎopiào, wŭshí kuài好了,我们到了。这是您的小票,五十块。Here we are! Fifty yuan please and here is your receipt.

Gěi nín qián, zàijiàn.
OK. Here is the money. Bye!

Nín zǒu hǎo. Zàijiàn.
You have a good day. Bye!

司机 (Sījī) driver

堵车 (Dŭchē) n/v traffic jam/be stuck in the traffic jam

安全带 (Ānquándài) n safety-belt
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Let's learn some basics chinese language's😇☺

👉59 chinese words👈
1. No problem !
没问题 (méi wèn tí)
2. Of course !
当然 (dāng rán)
3. I promise.
我保证 (wǒ bǎo zhèng)
4. Me too.
我也是 (wǒ yě shì)
5. Never mind.
不要紧 (bú yào jǐn)
6. No way !
不行 (bù xíng)
7. Come on.
来吧(lái ba) / 赶快(gǎn kuài)
8. Hold on.
等一等 (děng yi děng)
9. I agree.
我同意 (wǒ tóng yì)
10. Not bad.
还不错 (hái bú cuò)
11. Not yet.
还没 (hái méi)
12. See you.
再见 (zài jiàn)
13. Congratulations !
祝贺你 (zhù hè nǐ)
14. Anytime.
别客气 (bié kè qi)
15. Why not ?
好呀 (hǎo ya)
16. Allow me.
让我来 (ràng wǒ lái)
17. Be quiet!
安静点儿 (ān jìng diǎnr)
18. Cheer up!
振作起来 (zhèn zuò qǐ lái)
19. Good job!
做得好 (zuò de hǎo)
20. It’s a long story.
说来话长 (shuō lái huà cháng)

21. How much?
多少钱 (duō shǎo qián)

22. I'm full.
我饱了 (wǒ bǎo le)
23. I'm back.
我回来了 (wǒ huí lái le)
24. I'm lost.
我迷路了 (wǒ mí lù le)
25. My treat.
我请客 (wǒ qǐng kè)
26. So do I.
我也一样 (wǒ yě yí yàng)
27. This way.
这边请 (zhè biān qǐng)
28. After you.
您先(nín xiān)
29. Bless you!
祝福你 (zhù fú nǐ)
30. Good luck!
祝好运 (zhù hǎo yùn)
31. Follow me.
跟我来 (gēn wǒ lái)
32. Forget it!
算了 (suàn le)
33. I decline!
我拒绝 (wǒ jù jué)
34. Let go!
放手 (fàng shǒu)
35. I quit!
我不干了 ( wǒ bú gàn le)
36. I beg your pardon.
请你原谅 (qǐng nǐ yuán liàng)
37. How's everything?
一切还好吧?(yí qiè hái hǎo ba)
38. You're welcome.
不客气 (bú kè qi)
39. Try again.
再试试 (zài shì shì)
40. Watch out!
当心 (dāng xīn)
______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______
______ ______ ______

Dark color - 深色 - Shēn sé
Light color- 浅色 - Qiǎn sè
Black- 黑色 - Hēisè
Brown- 褐色 -Hésè
Gray- 灰色 - Huīsè
Red- 红色 -Hóngsè
Green- 绿色 -Lǜsè
Yellow- 黄色 -Huángsè
Blue- 蓝色 -Lán sè
Pink- 粉色 -Fěnsè
Purple- 紫色 - Zǐsè
Orange- 橙色 -Chéngsè
White- 白色 - Báisè
Dark blue- 深蓝色 -Shēnlán sè
Gold -金色 -Jīnsè
Silver- 银色 -Yínsè
_______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ _______ ________ ______ _______
1. 读 = dú = to read
2. 写 = xiě = to write
3. 去 = qù = to go
4. 来 = lái = to come
5. 喝 = hē = to drink
6. 吃 = chī = to eat
7. 说 = shuō = to say
8. 听 = tīng = to listen
9. 爱 = ài = to love
10. 恨 = hèn = to hate
11. 卖 = mài = to sell
12. 买 = mǎi = to buy
13. 哭 = kū = to cry
14. 笑 = xiào = to laugh
15. 坐 = zuò = to sit
16. 站 = zhàn = to stand
17. 有 = yǒu = to have
18. 看 = kàn = to watch
19. 扔 = rēng = to throw
20. 要 = yào = to want
21. 进 = jìn = to enter
22. 给 = gěi = to give
23. 叫 = jiào = to call
24. 走 = zǒu = to walk
25. 打 = dǎ = to beat
26. 开 = kāi = to open
27. 教 = jiāo = to teach
28. 接 = jiē = to receive
29. 发 = fā = to send
30. 问 = wèn = to ask
31. 找 = zhǎo = to search
32. 谢 = xiè = to thank
33. 停 = tíng = to stop
34. 玩 = wán = to play
35. 用 = yòng = to use
36. 是 = shì = to be
37. 请 = qǐng = to please
38. 感 = gǎn = to feel
39. 拿 = ná = to hold
40. 做 = zuò = to make
41. 飞 = fēi = to fly
42. 洗 = xǐ = to wash
43. 住 = zhù = to live
44. 到 = dào = to arrive
45. 回 = huí = to return
46. 完 = wán = to finish
47. 等 = děng = to wait
48. 让 = ràng = to let
49. 见 = jiàn = to meet
50. 加 = jiā = to add
51. 过 = guò = to pass
52. 祝 = zhù = to wish
53. 穿 = chuān = to wear
54. 选 = xuǎn = to choose
55. 关 = guān = to close
56. 推 = tuī = to push
57. 骑 = qí = to ride
58. 爬 = pá = to climb
59. 唱 = chàng = to sing
_______ _______ ______ _____ ______ _____ ______ ________ _______ ______
😊👉Basic Chinese words
我 / wǒ / me, I, my
你 / nǐ / you
人 / rén / person, people
孩 / hái / child, children
男人 / nán rén / man, men, male
男孩 / nán hái / boy
女人 / nǚ ren / woman
女孩 / nǚ hái / girl
也 / yě / also, too
他 / tā / he, him, his
她 / tā / she, her
他们 / tā men / They, Them
你们 / nǐ men / you (plural)
我们 / wǒ men / we, us
和 / hé / And
喝 / hē / drink
说 / shuō / speak, talk, say
是 / Shì / is, are, am, yes, to be
好 / hǎo / Good
看 / kàn / see,look at,watch
你好 / nǐ hǎo / Hello
早上好 / zǎoshàng hǎo / Good morning
下午好 / xiàwǔ hǎo / Good afternoon
晚上好 / wǎn shàng hǎo / Good evening
晚安 / wǎn ān / Good night
再见 / zài jiàn / Goodbye, see you
谢谢 / xiè xiè / thank you, thanks
不客气 / bù kèqì / you're welcome
对不起 / duì bù qǐ / sorry (apology)
抱歉 / bào qiàn / sorry
没关系 / méi guān xi / It doesn’t matter
请问 / qǐng wèn / Excuse me
小姐 / xiǎojiě / Miss
是的 / shì de / yes
不是 / bù shì / No, not

你叫什么名字 ?/ nǐ jiào shén me míng zì ? / What is your name ?
我的名字是.... / wǒ de míng zì shì.... /
My name is....
很高兴认识你 / hěn gāo xìng rèn shí nǐ /
Nice to meet you
你好吗?/ nǐ hǎo ma? / How are you?
我很好 / wǒ hěn hǎo / I am fine
我不太好 / wǒ bù tài hǎo / I am not fine
你呢?/ nǐ ne?/ and you?
你是那里人?/ nǐ shì nàlǐ rén?/
Where are you from?
我来自 / wǒ láizì / I'm from
你要去哪里了?/ nǐ yào qù nǎlǐ le?/
Where are you going?
我们见过吗?/ wǒmen jiàn guò ma? /
Have we met?

小心!/ xiǎo xīn!/ Be careful!
没问题 / méi wèn tí / No problem
恭喜! / gōng xǐ!/ Congratulations!
生日快乐!/ shēng rì kuài lè!/ Happy birthday!
新年快乐!/ xīn nián kuài lè!/ Happy new year!
春节快乐!/ chūn jié kuài lè!/ Happy Spring Festival ,Happy chinese new year
圣诞快乐!/ shèng dàn kuài lè / Merry christmas
祝你好运!/ zhù nǐ hǎo yùn!/ Good luck!
为什么?/wèi shén me? / Why?
谁?/ shuí? / Who?
什么?/ shén me? / What?
哪个?/ nǎ gè?/ Which?
什么时候?/ shén me shí hòu?/ When?
在哪里? / zài nǎ lǐ? / Where?
多少 / duō shǎo? / How much?
多少 / duō shǎo? / how many?
______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______
ni hao

how are you
ni hao ma

Glad to see you
hen gao xing jian dao ni

good morning
zao shang hao

Good afternoon
xia wu hao

good evening
wan shang hao

Have brother and sister
you xiong di jie mei

Big family
da jia ting

Small family
xiao jia ting

nan peng you

nu peng you

What time get up
ji dian qi chuang

What time have breakfast
ji dian chi zao fan

What time go to work
ji dian shang ban

Often stay up late
jing chang ao ye

Do housework
zuo jia wu

What time go to sleep
ji dian shui jiao

Often work overtime
jin chang jia ban

do sports
zuo yun dong

what are you doing
nǐ zài gànmá

你 you nǐ
在 in zài
干嘛 Why gànmá
呼吸 Breathe hūxī
Invite you to dinner tomorrow
míngtiān qǐng nǐ chīfàn

明天 tomorrow míngtiān
请 invite qǐng
你 you nǐ
吃饭 eat chīfàn
I'm not hungry tomorrow
míngtiān bu è

明天 tomorrow míngtiān
不饿 not hungry bu è
What kind of boy do you like
nǐ xǐhuan shénmeyàng de nánháizi

你 you nǐ
喜欢 like xǐhuan
什么样的 what kind shénme yàng de
男孩子 boy nánháizi
I like the one who ignores me
wǒ xǐhuan bùlǐ wǒ de

我 I wǒ
喜欢 like xǐhuan
不理 ignore bùlǐ
我 I wǒ
we can only be friend?
zhǐnéng dāng péngyou mǎ

只能 Only zhǐnéng
当 become dāng
朋友 friend péngyou
吗 ? mǎ
or I can block you
bùrán lā hēi ba

不然 otherwise bùrán
拉黑 block lāhēi
吧 particle ba
what did you have for dinner
wǎnshàng chī shá yā

晚上 at night wǎnshàng
吃啥 eat what chī shá
呀 particle yā
9⃣️吃的饭 meal
chī de fàn meal

吃的 what I eat chī de
饭 rice fàn
can I hang out with you
kěyǐ yuē nǐ chūqùwán mǎ

可以 can kěyǐ
约你 invite you yuē nǐ
出去玩 go out to play chūqùwán
吗 It mǎ
1. Question问题(wèn tí)
2. Answer回答(huí dá)
3. Truth真相(zhēn xiàng)
4. Lie谎言(huăng yán)
5. Nothing没有(méi yŏu)
6. Something有一些(yŏu yī xiē)
7. Same相同的(xiāng tóng de)
8. Different不同的(bù tóng de)
9. pull拉(lā)
10. Push推(tuī)
11. Long长的(cháng de)
12. Short短的(duăn de)
13. Cold冷的(lĕng de)
14. Hot热的(rè de)
15. Light亮的(liàng de)
16. Dark暗的(àn de)
17. Wet湿的(shī de)
18. Dry干的(gān de)
19. Empty空的(kōng de)
20. Full满的(măn de)
_______ ______ ______ _____ ____ ___ _____ ______ ______ _______ ______ _____ ______
I am on a diet我正在节食
(wŏ zhèng zài jié shí)

I am vegetarian我是素食主义者
(wŏ shì sù shí zhŭ yì zhĕ)

I don’t eat meat我不吃肉
(wŏ bù chī ròu)

I am allergic to nuts我对坚果过敏
(wŏ duì jiān guŏ guò mĭn)

I can't eat gluten我吃不了含麸质的食物
(wǒ chī bù liǎo hán fū zhì dí shiwù)

I can’t eat sugar我吃不了糖
(wǒ chī bù liǎo táng)

I am not allowed to eat sugar
我不能吃糖(wǒ bù néng chī táng)

I have allergies to different foods
(wŏ duì bù tóng de shí wù guòmĭn)

What ingredients does it have?

(zhè lǐ miàn dū yǒu nǎ xiē pèi liào)
【Learning – Shopping/学习-逛街】
What do you value most when buying clothes?

【jià gé】价格 Price
【fēng gé】风格 Style
【pǐn pái】品牌 Brand
【zhì liàng】质量 Quality
______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______


to do,to make.

located, at, (to be), in.



the lady of the house,housewife.


bù zài
not to be present.


feeling well, comfortable.

bú shūfú
feeling ill.unwell.

to Fall ill. To sick.

______ ______ ______ ______ ______ _______ ______ ______ ______ ______ _______
🔹new post⭐

你跟我一起去吗? Are you coming with me? Nǐ gēn wǒ yìqǐ qù ma?

你能肯定吗? Are you sure? Nǐ néng kěndìng ma?

快到了吗? Are we almost there? Kuài dàole ma?

尽快。 As soon as possible. Jìnkuài。

相信我。 Believe me. Xiāngxìn wǒ。

买下来! Buy it! Mǎi xià lái!

明天打电话给我。 Call me tomorrow. Míngtiān dǎ diànhuà gěi wǒ。

请您说得慢些好吗? Can you speak slowly? Qǐng nín shuō de màn xiē hǎo ma?

跟我来。 Come with me. Gēn wǒ lái。

恭喜恭喜。 Congratulations. Gōngxǐ gōngxǐ。

把它做对。 Do it right! Bǎ tā zuò duì。

你当真? Do you mean it? Nǐ dàngzhēn?

你经常见到他吗? Do you see him often? Nǐ jīngcháng jiàn dào tā ma?

你明白了吗? Do you understand? Nǐ míngbái le ma?

你要吗? Do you want it? Nǐ yào ma?

你想要些什么? Do you want something? Nǐ xiǎng yào xiē shénme?

不要做。 Don’t do it. Bú yào zuò。

不要夸张。 Don’t exaggerate. Bú yào kuāzhāng。
不要告诉我。 Don’t tell me that. Bú yào gàosu wǒ。

帮我一下。 Give me a hand. Bāng wǒ yíxià。

一直往前走。 Go right ahead. Yìzhí wǎng qián zǒu。
祝旅途愉快。 Have a good trip. Zhù lǚtú yúkuài。

祝你一天过得愉快。 Have a nice day. Zhù nǐ yì tiān guò de yúkuài。

再来一个。 Have another one. Zài lái yígè。

你做完了吗? Have you finished? Nǐ zuò wán le ma。
他没空。 He doesn’t have time. Tā méi kòng。

他现在已经在路上了。 He is on his way. Tā xiànzài yǐjīng zài lù shàng le。

你好吗? How are you doing? Nǐ hǎo ma?

你要呆多久? How long are you staying? Nǐ yào dāi duōjiǔ?

多少钱? How much? Duōshǎo qián?

我对她着迷了。 I am crazy about her. Wǒ duì tā zháomí le。

我在浪费时间。 I am wasting my time. Wǒ zài làngfèi shíjiān。

我能做。 I can do it. Wǒ néng zuò。
我简直不能相信。 I can’t believe it. Wǒ jiǎnzhí bùnéng xiāngxìn。

我不能再等了。 I can’t wait. Wǒ bù néng zài děng le。

我没时间了。 I don’t have time. Wǒ méi shíjiān le。

我一个人都不认识。 I don’t know anybody. Wǒ yī gè rén dōu bú rènshi。

我不喜欢。 I don’t like it. Wǒ bù xǐhuan。

我认为不是。 I don’t think so. Wǒ rènwéi búshì。

我感觉好多了。 I feel much better. Wǒ gǎnjué hǎo duō le。

我找到了。 I found it. Wǒ zhǎo dào le。

我讨厌你! I hate you! Wǒ tǎoyàn nǐ!

我希望如此。 I hope so. Wǒ xīwàng rúcǐ。

我早知道了。 I knew it. Wǒ zǎo zhīdào le。

我爱你。 I love you. Wǒ ài nǐ。

我注意到了。 I noticed that. Wǒ zhùyì dào le。

我明白了。 I see. Wǒ míngbái le。

我认为是这样的。 I think so. Wǒ rènwéi shì zhèyàng de。

我想跟他说话。 I want to speak with him. Wǒ xiǎng gēn tā shuō huà。

我赢了。 I won. Wǒ yíng le。

请给我一杯咖啡。 I would like a cup of coffee, please. Qǐng gěi wǒ yì bēi kāfēi。

我饿死了。 I’m hungry. Wǒ è sǐ le。

我要走了。 I’m leaving. Wǒ yào zǒu le。

对不起。 I’m sorry. Duì bu qǐ。

我习惯了。 I’m used to it. Wǒ xíguàn le。

我会想念你的。 I’ll miss you. Wǒ huì xiǎngniàn nǐ de。

我试试看。 I’ll try. Wǒ shìshì kàn。

我很无聊。 I’m bored. Wǒ hěn wúliáo。

我很忙。 I’m busy. Wǒ hěn máng。

我玩得很开心。 I’m having fun. Wǒ wán de hěn kāixīn。
______ ______ ______ ______ ______ _______ _______ ______ ______ _______ _____
Nà wǎn duōyún。
It was cloudy that night.

wǒ bù rènshí nàgèrén。
I don't know that person.

Wǒmen de chē zài nà'er。
Our car is there。
我很喜欢那个 。
Wǒ hěn xǐhuān nàgè。
I like that a lot。

Nà bù hǎoxiào。
That wasn't funny.

nà tiáo lù bù cháng。
That road is not long。

晚 - wǎn - evening, Night.
多云- duōyún - cloudy
路- lù- road
不好- bù hǎo - no good
长- cháng - length, long.
车 - chē- car
认识- rènshí- to know.
很 - hěn- Very
喜欢 - xǐhuān- to like
笑 - xiào- Smile
______ ______ ______ ______ ______ _______ _______ ______ ______ ______

flower; blossom

peanut; groundnut⁣

锦上添花 錦上添花
to decorate something already perfect; gilding the lily⁣


bud; flower bud⁣

odd (number)


zhè zuò qiáo kànqǐlai hěn ānquán
This bridge looks secure

flower; blossom

异 (異)

different; other; hetero-

grass; straw; manuscript
very rarely seen, unusual


huābàn fú zài shuǐmiàn shàng
The petals are floating on the water

fire; urgent; hot (popular)

火车站 火車站
train station⁣

着火 著火
to ignite; to burn⁣

match (for lighting fire)⁣


blaze; flame⁣

火药 火藥

涮火锅 涮火鍋
hot pot; (a dish where thinly sliced meat and vegetables are boiled briefly in a broth and then served with dipping sauces)⁣

恼火 惱火
to get angry; irritated; annoying⁣
______ ______ ______ ______ ______ _______ _______ ______ ______ ______

我有钱。【wǒ yǒu qián】I have money
我有车。【wǒ yǒu chē】I have car
我有事。【wǒyǒu shì】 I have work
我有空。【wǒ yǒu kòng】I am free / i have free time
我很忙。【wǒ hěn máng】I am very busy

你有钱吗?【nǐ yǒu qián ma?】
Do you have money?

你有车吗?【nǐ yǒu chē ma?】I have car ?

【nǐ yǒu shén me shì ma?】

你有忙吗?【nǐ yǒu máng ma? 】
Are you busy?

你有空吗?【nǐ yǒu kòng ma?】
Are you free ?

你有钱吗?【nǐ yǒu qián ma?】
Do you have money?

•有 (yǒu) =have
•事【shì】=matter; work
•(有)空【kòng】(have) time

我没有钱。【wǒ méi yǒu qián】
I don’t have money.

我没有车。【wǒ méi yǒu chē】
I don’t have car.

没什么。【méi shén me】Nothing.

没事。【méi shì】It’s okay.

我没有空。【wǒ méi yǒu kòng】
I don’t have time.

我不忙。【wǒ bù máng】 I am not busy。

我没有做【wǒ méi yǒu zuò】I didn’t do

我没有说【wǒ méi yǒu shuō】I didn’t say that

我没有看【wǒ méi yǒu kàn】
I didn’t look / see

-Ex: 我没有钱。【wǒ méi yǒu qián】
I don’t have money

•没有【méi yǒu】= Don’t have
•没什么【méi shén me】Nothing
•没事【méi shì】It’s okay
•事【shì】=matter; work
•(有)空【kòng】 (have) time
•说【shuō】= say
•看【kàn】=look / see / watch

我可以进吗?【wǒ kě yǐ jìn ma?】
Can I enter?

我可以拿吗?【wǒ kě yǐ ná ma?】 I take it?

我可以看吗?【wǒ kě yǐ kàn ma?】
I see / look?

我可以用吗?【wǒ kě yǐ yòng ma?】
Can I use it?

我可以吃吗?【wǒ kě yǐ chī ma?】
Can I eat ?

我可以喝吗?【wǒ kě yǐ hē ma?】
Can I drink?

我可以开吗?【wǒ kě yǐ kāi ma?】
Can I open it ?

我可以关吗?【wǒ kě yǐ guān ma?】
Can I close ?

我可以吗?【wǒ kě yǐ ma?】Can I ?
______ ______ ______ ______ ______ _______ _______ ______ ______ ______

1。你不可以进 【nǐ bù kě yǐ jìn】
You cannot enter.

2。你不可以拿 【nǐ bù kě yǐ ná】
You cannot take it

3。你不可以看 【nǐ bù kě yǐ kàn】
You cannot see / look

4。你不可以用 【nǐ bù kě yǐ yòng】
You cannot use

5。你不可以吃 【nǐ bù kě yǐ chī】
You cannot eat

6。你不可以喝 【nǐ bù kě yǐ hē】
You cannot drink

7。你不可以开 【nǐ bù kě yǐ kāi】
You cannot open

8。你不可以关 【nǐ bù kě yǐ guān】
You cannot close

9。你不可以 【nǐ bù kě yǐ 】You can’t

-Ex: 你不可以进 【nǐ bù kě yǐ jìn】
You cannot enter.
~English form: subject (you) + cannot + enter
>Chinese form: subject (你)+ cannot (不可以) +…
= 你不可以进 【nǐ bù kě yǐ jìn】
You cannot enter

1。你可以进 【nǐ kě yǐ jìn】You can enter.
2。你可以拿 【nǐ kě yǐ ná】You can take it
3。你可以看 【nǐ kě yǐ kàn】You can see / look
4。你可以用 【nǐ kě yǐ yòng】You can use
5。你可以吃 【nǐ kě yǐ chī】You can eat
6。你可以喝 【nǐ kě yǐ hē】You can drink
7。你可以开 【nǐ kě yǐ kāi】You can open
8。你可以关 【nǐ kě yǐ guān】You can close
9。你可以 【nǐ kě yǐ 】You can

-Ex: 你可以进 【nǐ kě yǐ jìn】You can enter
~English form: subject (you) + can + enter
>Chinese form: subject (你)+ can (可以) +…
=你可以进 【nǐ kě yǐ jìn】You can enter

•可以吗?【kě yǐ ma?】= can i ?
•不可以【bù kě yǐ】= can’t
•可以【kě yǐ】=can
•进【jìn】=enter, in
•看【kàn】=see / look / watch
•用【yòng】= use
______ ______ ______ ______ ______ _______ _______ ______ ______ ______

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