Keling Medical

Keling Medical 27 years specialized in the R&D and production of Medical Equipment——Since 1996 among the ten series of nearly 200 varieties.

Keling Medical was founded in 1996 and was awarded the "National hi-tech enterprise" and "Chinese well-known trademark". As one of the leading innovators in the field of medical appliances in China, Keling specializes in research, development, and manufacturing. It currently possesses assets of more than 18 million dollars with an occupation of about 120,000 m2. It owns two sole subsidiaries in Sh


Throwback to the unforgettable Medical Exhibitions Memories 2023 from Keling Medical! 🎉
From cutting-edge technology to inspiring innovations, it was an incredible showcase of the future of healthcare. Can't wait to see you next time!

Photos from Keling Medical's post 24/01/2024

Keling Medical is Shipping a 1*40HQ Container of Products to Tanzania! Including wheelchairs, medical trolleys, canes, etc.. 🌍🚚

Keling Medical отправляет 1 контейнер продукции в Танзанию! Включая инвалидные коляски, медицинские тележки, трости и т. д.. 🌍🚚
#ГлобальноеВоздействие #медицинскоевооружение #госпитальнаямебель


Introducing the KL-T.IIBQ medical bridge suspension unit, designed specifically for ICU rooms, observing rooms, and recovering rooms. This unit gathers all medical gases, electrical & instruments, and network on the control board, with the added convenience of a light in the middle of the bridge. Additionally, it can be equipped with a communication machine, monitor, video phone, background music, teaching, and distance consultation system.

- The cross beam and control cabinet of the tower crane are made of imported high-strength aluminum alloy, with a surface that undergoes primary oxidation treatment.
- Non-slip texture aluminum molding tray
- Mechanical friction damping brake
- Gas pipeline, power supply, and computer communication lines arranged without interference
- German standard gas terminal with over 20,000 insertions and pull-outs
- Independent design for dry and wet areas, equipped with a gas cabinet body
- Transverse translation in dry and wet areas to meet various care requirements
- Equipped with a light in the middle of the bridge

For more information, please feel free to contact us at [email protected].

Представляем медицинскую мостовую подвесную установку KL-T.IIBQ, специально разработанную для палат интенсивной терапии, наблюдения и восстановления. Эта установка собирает все медицинские газы, электрическое оборудование и инструменты, а также сеть на пульте управления, с удобством добавленной подсветки посередине моста. Кроме того, ее можно оснастить коммуникационным устройством, монитором, видеотелефоном, фоновой музыкой, системой обучения и дистанционной консультации.
- Поперечный балок и шкаф управления башенного крана изготовлены из импортного высокопрочного алюминиевого сплава, с поверхностью, прошедшей первичную окислительную обработку.
- Лоток из алюминиевого сплава с антискользящей текстурой
- Механический трение демпфирования тормоза
- Газопровод, электроснабжение и линии компьютерной связи размещены без помех
- Немецкий стандартный газовый терминал с более чем 20 000 вставками и извлечениями
- Независимый дизайн для сухих и влажных зон, оснащенный корпусом газового шкафа
- Поперечное перемещение в сухих и влажных зонах для удовлетворения различных потребностей ухода
- Оснащен подсветкой посередине моста


Only 2 weeks until Arab Health 2024! 🌟
Get ready for the healthcare revolution with Keling Medical at Booth No. Z4.B10-9.
Cutting-edge innovations, groundbreaking insights, and a wave of excitement await! 🏥

يبقى أسبوعان فقط حتى معرض الصحة العربي 2024! 🌟
كونوا جاهزين لثورة الرعاية الصحية مع كيلينج الطبية في جناح رقم Z4.B10-9.
الابتكارات الحديثة، والرؤى الرائدة، وموجة من الإثارة بانتظاركم! 🏥


Introducing the DFX-23C.V, featuring a movable medical suction device designed for precision and reliability. Ideal for operations and wards, it efficiently extracts outputs, blood, sputum, and thick liquids from the human body.

- DFX-23C.V: Constructed with a durable all-plastic enclosure formed in one piece
- Equipped with an imported membrane pump for an extended lifespan
- Operates with minimal noise and requires no maintenance
- Includes an overflow protection unit to safeguard the pump from liquid infiltration
- Comes with a hand switch and foot switch for added convenience

Experience superior performance and exceptional quality with the DFX-23C.V.

Feel free to contact us:[email protected]

Представляем DFX-23C.V, оснащенный подвижным медицинским всасывающим устройством, разработанным для точности и надежности. Идеально подходит для операций и палат, он эффективно удаляет выделения, кровь, мокроту и густые жидкости из человеческого организма.

- DFX-23C.V: Изготовлен из прочного пластикового корпуса, слитного в одном экземпляре
- Оборудован импортированной мембранной насосом для продленного срока службы
- Работает с минимальным шумом и не требует обслуживания
- Включает блок защиты от переполнения для предотвращения проникновения жидкости в насос
- Поставляется с ручным переключателем и ножным переключателем для дополнительного удобства

Ощутите превосходную производительность и исключительное качество с DFX-23C.V.


Introducing our latest hospital furniture products——Medical Trolley.
Integral ABS surface, special concave top design covered with transparent plastic. Model A with four aluminum columns; Model B with four plastic-steel columns. Total with fice drawers; two small, two medium and one big, each inner with partitions can be organized freely into different size units. Accessories: sliding side shelf, dust basket, needle disposable holder(optional), IV pole, defibrillator shelf, C.P.R. board(optional), oxygen tank holder, power outlet & hooks, file holder, centralized lock, stainless steel guard rail, luxurious whisht casters, etc.

At our company, we are committed to delivering exceptional customer service and ensuring that our products meet the highest standards of quality and safety. We understand the importance of reliable and efficient hospital furniture, and we strive to exceed our customers' expectations with every product we offer.

Whether you're outfitting a new healthcare facility or looking to upgrade your current hospital furniture, we have the solutions you need. Our team is dedicated to helping you find the right products to meet your specific requirements, and we are always available to answer any questions you may have.

We look forward to the opportunity to work with you and provide the hospital furniture solutions that will help you deliver the best possible care to your patients.

If you're interested in learning more about our hospital furniture products, please don't hesitate to contact us at [email protected] or visit our website at or

Мы представляем наши последние продукты медицинской мебели - Медицинский тележка.

Интегральная поверхность из ABS, специальное вдавленное верхнее покрытие с прозрачным пластиком. Модель A с четырьмя алюминиевыми столбами; Модель B с четырьмя пластиково-стальными столбами. Всего пять ящиков: два маленьких, два средних и один большой, каждый из них с отделениями, которые можно свободно организовать в различные размерные блоки. Аксессуары: выдвижная боковая полка, корзина для мусора, держатель для одноразовых игл (по желанию), стойка для ВС, полка для дефибриллятора, доска для СПГ (по желанию), держатель для кислородного баллона, электрическая розетка и крючки, держатель для файлов, централизованный замок, нержавеющая стальная поручня, роскошные колесики с тихим ходом и т. д.

Если вас заинтересовали наши продукты медицинской мебели, пожалуйста, не стесняйтесь связаться с нами по адресу [email protected] или посетить наш веб-сайт по адресу или
#медицинскоеОборудование #медицинскаяМебель #медицинскаяТележка #аварийнаяТележка

Photos from Keling Medical's post 10/01/2024

Just received the most amazing compliment from a client about our KL05L LED Operating Lamp series! We are so proud of the hard work and dedication that went into creating these top-quality products.
If you're interested in more info, plz feel free to contact us: [email protected]

Мы только что получили удивительный комплимент от клиента о нашей серии операционных ламп KL05L с светодиодной подсветкой! Мы гордимся тем, что вложили много усилий и преданности в создание этих продуктов высочайшего качества. Если вас интересует больше информации, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами: [email protected]
#СветодиодныеЛампы #ВысокоеКачество #КлиентскийКомплимент


KL01L.II LEDTR shadowless operating lamp is suitable for the exam room.
○ Adopt imported LED cold light source
○ Adopt digital means for stepless regulation of LED
○ Adjust color temperature with the R9 function
○ Unique balance arm design, which is flexible up and down
Contact us for more information at [email protected]

LED-лампа KL01L.II LEDTR shadowless предназначена для использования в кабинетах для осмотра пациентов.
○ Использование импортированного светодиодного холодного источника света
○ Бесступенчатая регулировка яркости светодиодов с помощью цифровых средств
○ Возможность регулировки цветовой температуры с помощью функции R9
○ Уникальный дизайн сбалансированной руки, обеспечивающий гибкость в вертикальной плоскости
○ Питание от сети переменного и постоянного тока
Для получения дополнительной информации свяжитесь с нами по адресу [email protected]
#медицинскиеустройства #операционнаялампа #медицинскоеборудование


Keling KL-350A Medical Electric Knife
Product features:
1. Dual knife pen simultaneous output function (can be simultaneously electrocutaneous output or simultaneous electrocoagulation output,
to meet the needs of heart bypass, anorectal, and other more discrete
operation surgery)
2. The machine can memorize the output setting value of using each
function in real-time, more than 90 groups of memory
3. Three-foot pedals independently control the output of the direct
pedal, without conversion
4. Built-in output of 10 groups of memory mode, support for
endoscopic treatment, ESD, ERCP, polypectomy, and other procedures
5. Supporting bipolar closure and separation to meet the surgical
bipolar treatment without sticking negative plate
6. Mode selection adopts a touch key system, which is more
convenient to use
7. Real voice alarm function prevents misoperation and makes
it safer to use;
8. The machine adopts instant corresponding technology, that is,
step on the foot pedal or that is, press the key, that is, output work
9. The machine supports the underwater cutting function

Медицинский электрический нож Keling KL-350A
Особенности продукта:
1. Функция одновременного вывода ручки с двумя ножами (может быть одновременным электрокожным выходом или одновременным выходом электрокоагуляции,
для удовлетворения потребностей сердечного шунтирования, аноректального и других более дискретных
операция хирургия)
2. Машина может запомнить значение настройки вывода при использовании каждого
функция в режиме реального времени, более 90 групп памяти
3. Трехфутовые педали независимо контролируют выход прямого сигнала.
педаль, без преобразования
4. Встроенный выход 10 групп режима памяти, поддержка
эндоскопическое лечение, ОЭД, ЭРХПГ, полипэктомия и другие процедуры
5. Поддержка биполярного закрытия и разделения в соответствии с хирургическими требованиями.
биполярное лечение без приклеивания отрицательной пластины
6. Выбор режима осуществляется с помощью системы сенсорных клавиш, что более удобно.
удобно использовать
7. Функция реального голосового оповещения предотвращает сбои в работе и делает
его безопаснее использовать;
8. Машина использует соответствующую технологию мгновенного действия, т.е.
нажать на педаль или то есть нажать клавишу, то есть вывести работу
9. Машина поддерживает функцию подводной резки.
#Медицинскоеоборудование #Хирургическиеинновации #келингмедицинский #медицинскоеоборудование


Join us at the 2024 Dubai International Medical Exhibition Arab Health from January 29 to February 1, 2024.
Visit Keling Medical at Booth No. Z4.B10-9.
We look forward to seeing you there! 🎉 🎉


Happy New Year from Keling Medical! 🎉
Wishing you all a joyful and prosperous year ahead.
May good health and happiness be with you in 2024! 🫶


Excited to announce Keling Medical's 2024 exhibition schedule! 🎉
Want to discuss medical innovation or explore collaborations?
Schedule a meeting with us! Let's build a healthier future together.
See you there! 🙌

Photos from Keling Medical's post 27/12/2023

Keling Medical's hospital furniture, including hospital beds, wheelchairs, examination beds, etc. are being shipped to Vietnam.🚛🚛
We're thrilled to be able to provide quality medical equipment to hospitals in need.🙌


Spread the holiday cheer with Keling Medical! 🥳🥳
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year filled with love, laughter, and unforgettable moments. 🎄🎁🎉


Introducing the Keling Medical Aneroid Sphygmomanometer! 🌟
- Measure scope: 0-300mmHg
- Accuracy: +/-3mmHg
- Subdivision: 2mmHg
- Nylon cuff with silk printing and metal ring
- ABS plastic gauge
- Adjustable aluminum column (80-125cm)
- Sturdy plastic base plate with 5 castors and brakes
- Includes PVC bladder and bulb
- Compact packaging: 1pc/ctn, 50.5*47.5*18.5cm, 5.5kgs

Get in touch with us at [email protected] and take your medical measurements to the next level! 🩺✨

Photos from Keling Medical's post 20/12/2023

Nothing can stop us! ❄🌞 Keling Medical Factory is on a roll, making sure our products reach you on time. Trust us for dependable and prompt delivery! 🚚💨


Introducing the KL-T.IIBQ medical bridge hanging tower! 🥳
Designed for ICU, observing, and recovering rooms, it's equipped with all the necessary medical gases, electrical & instruments, and networks. Plus, it can be customized with communication devices, monitors, and more. 🙌
Contact us for more info: [email protected]


Introducing the DFX-23B.II, designed for precision and reliability in medical procedures and home care.🚒
With low-noise technology, it efficiently extracts various bodily fluids including blood and sputum. Key features include dual AC and DC power supply options, self-storage capacity of up to 2 hours, and automatic switching for uninterrupted functionality. The device also boasts an imported membrane pump for extended durability, full charge protection, and a compact, portable design ideal for ambulances and field use. With overflow protection and high-quality construction, it ensures safe and efficient operation.
For more information, contact us at [email protected].


The KL-TC001 series is a medical emergency trolley, suitable for
operating rooms, wards, emergency centers, etc. 🏥
It is durable, convenient, and labor-saving.🌟
Main size: 750*480*920mm (small size) 850*520*950 (large size)
——ABS engineering plastic material, strong weighing capacity, easy to clean
——Reasonable partitioning of the working platform
——Storage space can be customized, flexible and adjustable
——Complete functions, easy to operate
——Mute tracks and casters ensure smooth and safe operation
——Variety of accessories, optional


Introducing the KL- LED.STZ5 series LED shadowless operating lamp, perfect for various surgical needs. With an imported LED cold light source, step-less LED brightness regulation, and a removable handle sheath for easy cleaning, it's the modern ideal for operating rooms. 🙌
Contact us at [email protected] for more information. 📩


Keling Medical is an international trading company specializing in medical equipment. We have been for the past 27 years proud to have established ourselves as a trusted name in the industry.

At our company, we focus on the production and distribution of a wide range of medical devices, including surgical lights, operating beds, suction devices, tower cranes, and hospital furniture. Our goal is to provide high-quality products that meet the of healthcare professionals around the world.

Our key strengths lie in our three manufacturing facilities, which are equipped with state-of-the-art technology by a skilled workforce. This allows us to maintain strict quality control to ensure that our products adhere to international standards. Additionally, our extensive experience in the field enables us to understand the evolving needs and requirements of the medical industry.

We take pride in our commitment to customer satisfaction. We understand the importance of reliable and efficient service, and therefore, we strive to exceed our team and are always ready to assist with any inquiries, provide technical support, and ensure a seamless purchasing experience.

Whether you are a distributor, hospital, or medical institution, we are that our comprehensive range of medical equipment will meet your requirements. We invite you to visit our website or us directly for more information or to discuss potential collaborations.
Welcome to inquiry!
⭕E-mail:[email protected]

Photos from Keling Medical's post 06/12/2023

Thank you to all the customers who came to our booth! 🤝
Welcome to Keling Medical, booth 8.1D54, to get comprehensive operating room and ICU solutions. 🙌
📅: 12.04-08
📍: Expocentre, Moscow, Russia
Спасибо всем клиентам, пришедшим на наш стенд! 🤝
Добро пожаловать в Keling Medical, стенд 8.1D54, где вы сможете получить комплексные решения для операционных и отделений интенсивной терапии. 🙌
📅: 12.04-08
📍: Экспоцентр, Москва, Россия

#медицинскиеприборы #медицинскоеоборудование #хирургическое

Photos from Keling Medical's post 05/12/2023

Join us at the Russian Health Care Week 2023 International Scientific and Practical Forum from December 4-8 at Expocentre Fairgrounds, Moscow, Russia. 👈
This is the largest healthcare project in Russia, supported by authorities and governments. 🤝
Visit Keling Medical Booth: 8.1D54.
See you there! 😁🙌

Присоединяйтесь к нам на Международном научно-практическом форуме "Неделя здравоохранения России 2023" с 4 по 8 декабря на выставочном комплексе "Экспоцентр" в Москве, Россия. Это крупнейший проект в области здравоохранения в России, поддерживаемый властями и правительством.
Посетите стенд медицинской компании Keling: 8.1D54.
До встречи там!
#НеделяЗдравоохраненияРоссии2023 #ФорумЗдравоохранения

Photos from Keling Medical's post 04/12/2023

We are excited to announce that at the upcoming Russian Health Week Exhibition, Keling Medical will be showcasing two new LED Operation Lamps, KL-LED.MDT61 and KL-LED.MST45.
Visit us at booth 8.1D54. 🙌
We look forward to seeing you there! 🤝

Мы рады объявить, что на предстоящей выставке Russian Health Week компания Keling Medical представит две новые операционные лампы с LED-подсветкой, KL-LED.MDT61 и KL-LED.MST45.
Посетите наш стенд 8.1D54.
Мы с нетерпением ждем встречи с вами там!
#здравоохранение #выставка #медицинскиеустройства


Introducing the DL.C electric operating table, a comprehensive multi-function solution for various surgical procedures. With features such as a hand-held remote control, 304 stainless steel base and column cover, a high-quality artificial leather mattress, and a brand motor with a long service life, this table provides the reliability and functionality you need. The foot-operated brake device and gas spring-controlled legs make it easy to maneuver and adjust for different procedures.
📌 Upgrade your operating room with the DL.C electric operating table today.


📢 Save the date! 📢
Russian Health Care Week 2023 is happening on December 4-8th. Visit us at Booth No. 8.1D54 and discover the latest in medical technology.
Keling Medical can't wait to meet you there! 🙌

📢 Сохраните дату! 📢
Неделя здравоохранения в России 2023 года состоится 4-8 декабря. Посетите нас на стенде № 8.1D54 и откройте для себя последние достижения в медицинской технологии.
Компания Keling Medical с нетерпением ждет встречи с вами там! 🙌
#МедицинскаяТехнология #Инновации

Photos from Keling Medical's post 27/11/2023

just shipped hospital beds and sterilizers to ! Another step towards improving healthcare worldwide! 🌎🏥


Happy Thanksgiving! Thank you for your support of Keling Medical. 🫶🫶
We will continue to provide high-quality products and excellent service to bring you the best experience. 🙌

Want your business to be the top-listed Engineering Company in Shanghai?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

A Brief Introduction To Keling Medical

Shanghai Keling Medical Appliances Co., Ltd. is a specialized manufacturer engaged in the R & D and production of medical equipment, with 21 years of accumulation of brand reputation.

The company's main products are operating tables, obstetric tables, gynecological tables, electric hospital beds, shadowless lamps, medical ceiling pendants, aspirators, gastric lavage machines, film viewers, and so on, which are divided into10 series of nearly 200 varieties, with an annual production capacity of 30,000 sets.
We have established the core value of science and technology leading, quality-oriented, service based development, abiding by the commitment of “offering medical products with sincerity and love” and adhering to scientific development and sustainable development. Keling has become the leader in the domestic medical equipment industry. The products are sold across the country and exported to Europe, the Middle East, South America, Africa, Southeast Asia and the CIS and other countries and regions.
Keling will, as always, take human health as their responsibility, adopt the market-oriented concept, make continuous improvement and innovation, and create a better future together with customers.

Videos (show all)

Throwback to the unforgettable Medical Exhibitions Memories 2023 from Keling Medical! 🎉From cutting-edge technology to i...
Only 2 weeks until Arab Health 2024! 🌟Get ready for the healthcare revolution with Keling Medical at Booth No. Z4.B10-9....
Introducing the DFX-23C.V, featuring a movable medical suction device designed for precision and reliability. Ideal for ...
KL01L.II LEDTR shadowless operating lamp is suitable for the exam room.Features:○ Adopt imported LED cold light source○ ...
Introducing the KL-T.IIBQ medical bridge hanging tower! 🥳Designed for ICU, observing, and recovering rooms, it's equippe...
Introducing the DFX-23B.II, designed for precision and reliability in medical procedures and home care.🚒 With low-noise ...
Introducing the KL- LED.STZ5 series LED shadowless operating lamp, perfect for various surgical needs. With an imported ...
Keling Medical is an international trading company specializing in medical equipment. We have been for the past 27 years...
Introducing the DL.C electric operating table, a comprehensive multi-function solution for various surgical procedures. ...
Thank you to all the customers who visited us at MEDICA. 🤗Meeting old friends and making new connections is truly inspir...
🎉Mark your calendars for MEDICA - Leading International Trade Fair 2023, happening in Düsseldorf from 13-16 November 202...
🎉 The 88th CMEF concluded with resounding success! 🎉We extend a huge thanks to our valued customers for their participat...


Room 2405, No. 1725, Huangxing Road, Yangpu District

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