
Mamá, Psicopedagoga, Especialista en Desarrollo Infantil, Estimulación Oportuna y Guía Montessori.


We have a handy printable on the Signs of Dyscalculia that is available on our website to print and take to meetings with you. The link to the pdf version is here:



Las personas con dificultades específicas del aprendizaje tienen fortalezas y habilidades, que en muchas ocasiones se desconocen, no porque la dislexia sea un regalo y un don, no, sino porque todos y todas tenemos potencial y todos y todas tenemos fortalezas.
Aquí os dejamos algunas, pero repetimos… cada caso es distinto, lo que tenemos muy claro es que es realmente importante reconocer todo su potencial y no centrarse solamente, en sus dificultades.

Photos from Dyslexia Inspired's post 18/06/2024

Swinging is not just a fun activity but can also be incredibly beneficial for children’s sensory development.

Photos from Made By Dyslexia's post 17/03/2024

The student requires "positive behavioral supports".

Don't they all? Isn't that just " good teaching"?

When you see this on a legal document as an accommodation that means that the student requires positive behavioral support to mitigate the impact of a disability. At times the consequences of not using this accommodation with fidelity can be devastating.

This is way beyond good teaching.

Do they need you to provide reassurances/encouragement vs. correction and criticism at a rate of 4:1 ?

Provide behavioral feedback using written, symbol or quantitative feedback ?

Avoid lecturing or criticism to counteract symptoms of RSD?

Avoid questioning child's motivation or effort?

Use specific rather than general praise?

Praise student to increase esteem of others and avoid using child as negative example to others due to severe history of social difficulties?

Should they make time to talk alone with student? How often?

Positive behavioral supports needs implementation guidance to be the effective individualized accommodation that you mean it to be. 💕

Follow all month for more...


"Breaks" 🙄 Oh those tiny violins sure sound pretty.

We all need a break. I need a break! Who doesn't benefit from frequent breaks?

As an accommodation, this , again, is more serious than it looks. But how would anyone know that?

Some learners do not have the cognitive endurance to keep up with the typical engagement demands of the classroom and will not be able to access the curriculum without more frequent or specific breaks.

These breaks, when used , proactively and strategically can make or break( no pun intended) learning .

But unless we get really clear on what we mean by a break, fidelity will naturally suffer.

What does the learner need to access instruction?

Preemptive breaks prior to periods of prolonged inactivity?

Do they need small concurrent breaks to aid sustained attention for listening ?

Would a stress ball or other fidget to use while listening do?

Or do they need physical movement incorporated into lessons?
-Allow the student to stand while working
-Provide access to flexible seating
-Frequently alternate seated activities with physical activities

Do they need physical or brain breaks to alleviate restlessness or anxiety?

Would assigning classroom "tasks" to increase movement ie. handing out papers , meet the students need ?

Specific , clear and measurable accommodations with implementation guidance will help both your student and next years teacher.

More all of march and at


Some of these seem like simple everyday instructional strategies . How could they possibly make a difference in someone's ability to do Algebra?

Do not let the simplicity fool you.

Math is executive functioning on paper.

The multi step processes, cognitive shift , working memory load and mental manipulation required for math is next level!

Ever notice when learners with executive function challenges are learning multi step mathematical concepts their writing gets really big and all over the place.

This is because they are using the mental control they had over number size and alignment to mentally multi task, while reading and writing and excusing my Dear Aunt Sally.

It is cognitive overload . And that space is too small to begin with. 😩

We can reduce the cognitive load upon working memory to free up some brain space for higher level operations .

Think of it as "one less thing".

Graph paper and columns, one less thing to think about.

Calculator, one less thing.

Enlarged , color coded signs, one less thing , they give a salient cue to the busy brain.

Concrete manipulatives are one less thing for a student who has trouble holding things in mind to hold in mind.

One less thing to hold in mind can make the space for the thing your are teaching.

Follow for more and visit us .

Photos from Aprender a Leer y Escribir es Divertido/Neuroeducación.'s post 07/03/2024

Cuando se trata de escribir, considera el uso de dictado por parte de los padres, Dragon Speak, u otros programas que convierten voz en texto para ayudar a tu hijo a expresar ideas. Muchas veces, las mentes de los niños superdotados se mueven mucho más rápido de lo que pueden sus dedos. Tienen una idea para una historia maravillosa sobre su mascota, por ejemplo, pero se sienten tan frustrados por el tedio de la escritura, que la emoción rápidamente se reduce. ¡Aprovecha esa energía!

¿Tu hijo necesita ayuda con una lista de tareas secuenciales para llevar a cabo su gran experimento científico? Siéntate con tu hijo y tome notas para él. O siéntalo frente a la computadora y deja que uno de los muchos programas de dictado de software haga el trabajo para ti. (La mayoría de las computadoras vienen equipadas con un applet de voz a texto. Acabo de mirar en mi computadora con Windows, por ejemplo, y se encuentra en las opciones del Panel de Control de "Reconocimiento de voz" y un "Centro de Accesibilidad" que hacen el equipo más óptimo para los niños pequeños). Tu objetivo, una vez más, es actuar sobre su energía y darle una salida para expresarse. Una vez finalizado, puede construir desde allí.

Christopher Taibbi M.A.T

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