Visite Bagaces

Real Estate, Farm, Village, Bird sanctuary,Agriculture, rice farm, fish , cattle ,fish breeding, shrimp, grass for the cattle, rice field, US$100.000).

You know someone who is interested in a large piece of land at a bargain price of less than 2 euros/dollars per square meter? The land is at 3 KM from a bird sanctuary. It is suitable for farming or to rent out for farming, to build a tourism spot, to build something as a village, or where it is right to start a new life. Lots of people here in Costa Rica want to work. The


This is a honey bee. The pollen on her legs is from dandelions.Her tongue is sticking out due to what killed her that was on the dandelions. It's spring, dandelions are the bees first food. This bee is dead from w**d killer spread on what we see as w**ds, but what nature sees as food. Please don't spray for w**ds until vou see the blackberries blooming. In this area, w**ds, flowers and fruit trees are bees only source of food until midle of June. There are FAR more w**ds than flowers or fruit trees, so it's their only food source. No bees, no food crops for us and we all starve.

The Self-Sufficient Backyard

Doctor's Book of Survival Home Remedies

The US Army’s Forgotten Food Miracle

Self-Sufficiency on 1/4 Acre

The Homestead Canning Cookbook

The Farmer's Kitchen Handbook

The Backyard Homestead

Edible Landscaping


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¿Qué mejor forma de aprender sobre el mundo literario, que leyendo curiosidades sobre distintos autores?

Esta vez traemos a Gabriel García Márquez, reconocido escritor colombiano.


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Ten el coraje de seguir a tu corazón e intuición. De algún modo, ellos ya saben lo que realmente quieres ser. Todo lo demás es secundario. - Steve Jobs.

Timeline photos 05/05/2023

Los primeros abrazadores de árboles fueron 294 hombres y 69 mujeres pertenecientes a la rama bishnois del hinduismo, quienes, en 1730, murieron mientras intentaban proteger los árboles de su aldea para que no se convirtieran en materia prima para la construcción de un palacio. Literalmente se aferraron a los árboles, mientras los silvicultores los masacraban. Pero su acción condujo a un decreto real que prohibía la tala de árboles en cualquier aldea bishnoi. Y ahora esos pueblos son oasis boscosos virtuales en medio de un paisaje desértico.

No solo eso, los bishnoi inspiraron el movimiento Chipko (chipko significa "aferrarse" en hindi) que comenzó en la década de 1970, cuando un grupo de mujeres campesinas en las colinas del Himalaya en el norte de la India lanzaron sus brazos alrededor de los árboles designados para ser talados. En unos pocos años, esta táctica, también conocida como árbol satyagraha, se había extendido por toda la India, lo que finalmente obligó a reformas en la silvicultura y una moratoria en la tala de árboles en las regiones del Himalaya.
Foto: Las mujeres del pueblo del movimiento Chipko a principios de los años 70 en las colinas de Garhwal en la India, protegiendo los árboles para que no fueran talados.


Taller de MANGA animé durante las Vacaciones de Julio 2022.
Eso es Un llamado a los talentos y alumnos del curso “Dibujando por Observación “.

- Dibujar y crear Figuras MANGA y animé.

Presencial y ZOOMs de mínimo 40 minutos durante la tarde…
Hay que Apuntarse ahora!
Todo información al Chat número 88222860 con la profesora Patricia Coenjaerts.

¿Quieres que tu empresa sea el Compañía Financiera mas cotizado en Santa Cruz?
Haga clic aquí para reclamar su Entrada Patrocinada.

Our Story

You know someone who is interested in a large piece of land at a bargain price of less than 2 euros/dollars per square meter?

The land is at 3 KM from a bird sanctuary. It is suitable for farming or to rent out for farming, to build a tourism spot, to build something as a village, or where it is right to start a new life.

Lots of people here in Costa Rica want to work.

The Land is for sale
8 Hectares
It has 200 meters along the main road.

There is water all year round and electricity. In this moment it is rented out as a rice field and income is every 3 months: 900,000 colones. (Nearly 2,000 dollars).

You are free to farm anything, as fish breeding, shrimp, rice, grass for the cattle, sugar cane, or cattle and so on.

Or build a village,with castle and church and football field and restaurant and B & B. …

The land is clear, no limitations of a kind
... and I am the elected representative of the owner. He asks 80 million colones, which is something like less than US $ 160,000.

If one wants more land to 30 hectares or more, can be arranged at 50 million colones. US$100.000). The part that I sell is the most centrally and best cared for.

Daily three buses with bird viewers pass along towards the bird sanctuary. Government announces 8 million Bird Watchers for the coming months. View here also pink spoonbills at 3 KM.
Also count All the trucks up and down with rice and cane harvest and so on ...

Message me here or write at [email protected]
for the acquisition of real estate.


Road To BIRD Sanctuary
Santa Cruz

Otros Inversión en bienes raíces en Santa Cruz (mostrar todas)
Full Circle Full Circle
Santa Cruz, 50307

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