Sweet Prana CR
Sharing the love and generating wellbeing through delicious artisanal desserts made with all natural and nutritious ingredients. Vegan, gluten-free.
Another way to treat yourself.. Pure goodness!
Vegan, gluten-free and refined sugar free Apple upside down cake, is a thing cake, almost like a tart with a delicious caramelized edges.
Have a beautiful cinnamon spice and apple flavor.. definitely one of my favorite desserts for this rainy season. 🍎🥰🌧️
Chocolate cake with a rustic blackberry frosting.
This cake is earthy, fruity and DELICIOUS 💜💜💜
Baking with real ingredients not only improve the flavor and nutritional value of your dessert. It promotes a healthier lifestyle and allows you to create meaningful connections through the shared experience of cooking and enjoying real food..
By making conscious choices about the ingredients we consume, we can contribute to a healthier and more sustainable food system.
Made with organic/ local cacao, blackberries and lots love.
El diente de león es la única flor que representa los 3 cuerpos celestiales del sol, la luna y las estrellas.
La flor amarilla se asemeja al sol, la bola de puff se asemeja a la luna y las semillas dispersas se parecen a las estrellas.
La flor de diente de león se abre para saludar la mañana y se cierra por la tarde para ir a dormir.
Cada parte del diente de león es útil: raíz, hojas, flor.
Puede usarse para comida, medicina y tinte para colorear.
Las semillas de diente de león son transportadas a menudo por una ráfaga de viento viajando como pequeños paracaídas a muchos kilómetros de su origen.
Animales como aves, insectos y mariposas consumen néctar o semilla de diente de león.
Las flores de diente de león no necesitan ser polinizadas para formar semillas.
Los dientes de león han hundido sus raíces en la historia.
Fueron conocidos por los antiguos egipcios, griegos y romanos, y han sido usados en la medicina tradicional china durante más de mil años.
El diente de león se utiliza en la medicina popular para tratar infecciones y trastornos del hígado.
El té hecho de diente de león actúa como diurético.
Como alimento se utilizan sus hojas en ensaladas o hervidas y sus flores comestibles, como decoración de variados platillos.
Los dientes de león son, muy posiblemente, las plantas más exitosas que existen, ¡maestros de la supervivencia en todo el mundo!
Lamentablemente cada año los países gastan millones en pesticidas de césped para tener césped uniformes de hierba no nativa, y usamos el 30 % del suministro de agua del país para mantenerlos verdes y nos deshacemos de esta hierba tan saludable y factor importante en el buen desarrollo del medio ambiente.
La naturaleza nos brinda muchas de estas maravillas de nuestra flora silvestre.
Seguro que las encontrarás en tu jardín.
¡Utilízala y no la deseches! ¡Cuidémoslas!
Mango season is here!! 🥳🥰
we are blessed once again with these beautiful and delicious mangoes in the Guanacaste area.
The king of fruits, is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, A, potassium, fiber and antioxidants which can help tremendously boost the immune system and promote digestive health.
This mango tart is raw, vegan, gluten-free and refined sugar free. Super refreshing, creamy and full of flavor, perfect for Easter weather ☀️
Bread has been a staple in many cultures around the world for thousands of years. It remains an a very important food for all of us. The quality of the ingredients affects the flavor, texture and the overall healthiness of the bread. Is important when making bread to ensure that is nutritious, flavorful and good for our body’s.
Vegan, gluten-free bread.
Packed with protein and fiber.
This wholesome bread is made with chickpea, quinoa and chia. Oil and yeast free.
Is super delicious and very healthy as well.
-freebread .
Carrot cake 🌱🧡🌱
Vegan, gluten-free and refined sugar free. It contains homemade almond flour, coconut oil, maple syrup, walnuts, carrots, shredded coconut and raisins.
The creamy frosting is made with homemade date syrup and cashews.
This cake is a nutrient rich dessert, full of flavor, high in fiber, protein and will satisfy your sweet tooth.
It’s amazing how far we have come with so much variety of healthy, vegan and gluten-free ingredients to prepare inclusive classic desserts like this.
Feeling blessed 🥰.
New super cookie!! 🥰🥳
Is made with three powerful local superfoods like cacao, uchuva and ojoche, known as well as nuez maya or ramón, this drupe fruit is rich in nutrients, high In potassium, fiber, antioxidants, zinc, protein and vitamins A, B, C and E. How wonderful!!✨✨. I am in love with this combination, can’t wait for you to try it.
Sweet Prana is super happy to shared our favorite 100% whole food, whole grain bread.
Vegan without gluten, corn, oil or yeast. Super delicious and healthy, packed with lots of nutrients, high in protein and fiber. Good for avocado toast, sandwiches or just to dipping in your favorite sauce or soup.
Is absolutely delicious!!
Strawberry tart with beetroot powder and cacao. There is something special with strawberries and cacao combination. I love to experiment with different superfoods and beetroot powder blend perfectly with this flavors. Beetroot it is a powerful antioxidant, an anti-inflammatory and it’s rich in vitamins minerals. This tart is very creamy, fruity, it just melts in your mouth. 100% artificial colored free without any additives or artificial ingredients. Nothing like a deliciously wholesome desserts. ❤️🍓❤️🍓 🇨🇷
Rainy season is here ⛈ and who doesn’t need a delicious and healthy treat. Now you can get Sweet Prana by slice. Whether you are craving some cookies, brownies, tarts or cakes. Another way to treat yourself 🥰💝🍰
| Conociendo un poco más sobre el cacao ¡es asombrosos que gracias a éste magnifico fruto podamos comer chocolate!
Raw, vegan, gluten-free, sugar free energy bites 🌱💪🏼⚡️
These maca energy bites are made with superfoods, a perfect combination of protein, good carbs, healthy fats and high in fiber 😋💪🏼⚡️. You can find them .
Açaí is one of the most powerful superfood in the Amazon due to their incredible antioxidant properties, high content of vitamins and nutrients. Açaí tart is a healthy and delicious way to satisfy your desire for sweets..
Another way to treat yourself ✨💜🌱💜✨
@ Superfoodscr
La moringa es una de las plantas más nutritivas que se conoce.
Las hojas de Moringa oleifera tienen todos los aminoácidos esenciales, grasas beneficiosas y aceites omega. La Moringa tiene grandes cantidades de calcio, hierro y otros muchos minerales vitales, así como una amplia y abundante variedad de vitaminas, antioxidantes y sustancias anti-inflamatorias. Y además tiene muy pocas calorías.
-Contiene 24 veces más hierro que la espinaca
-16 veces más calcio que la leche
-9 veces más vitamina A que la zanahoria
-Contiene todos los aminoácidos que el cuerpo necesita
-Contiene 46 antioxidantes poderosos, protegiendo al organismo de los radicales libres que nos pueden causar daño celular y enfermedades
-Previene el cáncer de diversos tipos
-Alivia infecciones provocadas por bacterias
-Alivia úlceras gástricas y sirve como antiácido
-Reduce los calambres musculares
-Mejora el sueño
-Disminuye el colesterol, triglicéridos y los lípidos en la sangre
-Fortalece el corazón, previniendo daños estructurales
-Previene y disuelve las piedras en el riñón
-Desintoxica y nutre la sangre, los tejidos musculares, la médula ósea y los tejidos grasos.
-Limpia profundamente el hígado
-Ayuda a la pérdida de peso.
Feliz 2022 !! We are super happy to offer from next week Sweet Prana sweets 🎇🥰🙏🏽
La uchuva es una fruta exótica de la familia de las solanáceas que se asemeja a un pequeño tomate y también recuerda a las patatas por la textura de su pulpa. Procede de la planta Physalis peruviana, originaria de Perú, y en todo el mundo se la conoce por distintos nombres, como aguaymanto, fisalis, ushun o uvilla. Sus frutos, también llamados tomatillos, y sus hojas son una importante fuente natural de vitaminas y de minerales.
The best dishwashing sponge 🥰
Açaí strawberry tart vegan and gluten-free. It is a really delicious refreshing treat 🍓💗🍓💗
Cacao is a true superfood, contains more antioxidants than most food. it’s a notable source of flavonoids, good amount of iron, calcio and magnesium. Cacao is also the reason dark chocolate is considered to have health benefits.
Dark chocolate/ cacao vegan gluten-free refined sugar free muffins.
Tips On How to Live Longer by Centenarian Costa Ricans | The Art Of Living | Tonic Pura Vida - a simple and stress-free life - is the rule of thumb on the Nicoya Peninsula in Costa Rica. Niklas goes to see if a simple life far away from the...
Vegan, gluten-free chocolate cake with pure cacao creamy ganache ❤️❤️❤️
Vegan, gluten-free almond-orange cake with a creamy cashew, turmeric, orange icing 💛💛💛 🇨🇷
Lemon with h**p seeds Muffins. Vegan, gluten-free. Trying New recipe 🍋🌱🥰 Delicious!!
Vegan, gluten-free, sugar free Chocolate cake. Super healthy and incredibly delicious 🌱❤️🌱
Vegan gluten-free free carrot cake ready to deliver 🌱🧡🌱Absolutely delicious!!
Vegan gluten-free carrot cake with walnuts and creamy cashew frosting 🌱🥕🌱🥕 Delicious! 🧡😋
Moringa powder, boosts immune system, boosts stamina, detoxifies body..Must try! Delicious Moringa, banana, cacao muffins 🌱🙌🏼🌟
Super cookie with antioxidant blend, vegan, gluten-free, more than a cookie 😋💓
Lemon coconut tart super creamy 💛😋🍋just delicious!!
Vegan gluten-free sandwich super cookies! Pure cacao, moringa, almonds, cashews...crazy delicious 🤤💚
Super cookie Moringa choco-coco is in and . Must try! 🌱💚⚡️
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