Meg Pearson

Chef, Speaker & Women’s Coach
Breathwork | Retreat Experiences
🎙Host @rebelsoulhealthradio Culinary Academy in Santa Monica California. The perfect present.

Meg is an open book, over-sharing, passionate plant-pusher, and natural foods chef. She loves nice things, enjoys sparkle, tattoos and heaps of color, and some might say her fashion sense a tad eclectic. She is a self-professed abundance addict and health coach, specializing in self discovery and integrative nutrition. She is a certified yoga guide, and a cheerleader for powerhouse plant medicines


💀D E A T H 💀
..and dying.

I’ve been reflecting a lot on what I have lost,
left behind,
set free,
cried over,
smiled over,
and been grieving the last while. 🌙

what I’ve let die, and what I am watching be reborn…

My old self.
Robbed futures (so many).
Fear of not being enough.
Fear of being too much.

But death herself? I’ve made friends with her. I’ve welcomed her into my life with open arms as I know she is inevitably always with me anyhow.

And the constant death and rebirth process both in our day to day evolution, as well as in the human body/life/death/reincarnation beautiFULL.

Of course I’m not ready to go right this second. And I still grieve for all that have been lost both in my circles, and all the innocent lost all over the world.

How privileged we are to be able to die and be reborn over and over again.

So many don’t get the chance.


I’ve decided to ditch reels and carousels in favor of regularly riffin’ on the mic once again!

(What that means is, I’m going to be sharing less of my life and offerings here on the ‘gram and more over on my podcast, )

I’m going to try to remember to share episode updates here, but I would recommend that if you want to stay in the loop with all things Rebel Soul Health, my life updates and offerings, be sure to subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts and Spotify!


Summer time ☀️


Six years ago, I got this tattoo on my foot. The one of the moon, stars, and ankh.

It was the day after a powerful plant medicine ceremony in which I learned a lot about myself, the universe, what it means to be a woman, among many other things.

I still love the tattoo, although some of the meaning behind it has faded.

It’s interesting how when we move through phases in life, morph into new versions of ourselves, and discover life beyond certain invisible limitations, what was once so profound seems mundane.

I have a lot of tattoos. So many that I’ve stopped counting many them still hold a lot of truth and significance, and some of them are simply there for fun.

The same can be said about a lot of things in life no?


You know what’s so cool?


I realize not everyone grew up with brothers or sisters and I’m sure there is a lot to celebrate about being an only child.

But my experience was growing up with two older sisters.

My sister Stephanie and I shared the same bedroom until I was six. We wrote a series of children’s books called “the Vicky and Beauty series“, produced Barbie movies, and built Lego cities for the ages.

My eldest sister, Bronwyn was a spectacular singer and I remember going to countless competitions to watch her belt out hit songs from Les Mis or the hottest Debbie Gibson tracks.

I’ve hurt both my sisters. I’ve lied to them. I’m sure I’ve stolen from them at some point too given my habits as a younger, thieving bulimic, addict.

We haven’t always “gotten” each other. There’s still a lot about each other that we don’t understand and that’s what makes these relationships so unique.

Siblings get you even when there’s parts of you that they don’t.

Sisters, especially, offer a special sort of support, a silly sort of gossip, and a solid source of insight.

I haven’t really felt like posting much on social media these days. But I came across this photo of my sisters and I, and wanted to share it.

Why don’t you do your siblings a favor and shoot them a text to tell them how special they are. And if your relationship is strained, maybe just send some compassion and understanding their way.

And if your relationship is nonexistent due to any reason, maybe just give yourself some love today.


This photo of me came up on my Facebook memories today. It was taken in 2013 in Muskoka Ontario, where I was invited to speak at a big conference for teachers.

This was the first time I ever led a wellness workshop, my talk titled “thriving through chaos and dancing into Bliss“.

At this point I had only recently left my career in television to become a yoga teacher and raw food chef, and was working full-time managing a holistic health clinic in downtown Toronto.

My life looked decent on the outside although I was still very much in my addiction to alcohol and my eating disorder.

I wanted to share this photo and speak about how proud I am of this version of me and how far she’s come…

But then part of me hesitated.

Am I allowed to be proud?

Isn’t pride the root of all other sins?

If I continually speak about my success, will I be seen as threatening?

Will I be ostracized for being so open about my struggles and how I overcame them?

Should I be more modest?

i’ve certainly been taught I should.

Isn’t that the funny thing, though? As women we are conditioned to believe that asserting our accomplishments makes us arrogant.

And so we stay quiet.

Well, I’m not going to any longer.

Please drop your accomplishments in the comments! Let’s celebrate ourselves sisters!


Doing “the work” gets exhausting.

The constant pursuit of “higher self” can isolate; when we obsess with healing ourselves we lose sight of our humanity.

We’re here to LIVE. We’re here to FEEL.

It’s easy to get lost in self inquiry.
And the problem with that is we stop putting our energy into things outside of ourselves, the things that matter to the collective.

Self-care isn’t selfish. And at the same time the individualistic mentality that has been at the forefront of the spiritual revolution needs to be addressed.

Remember, we are all walking EACH OTHER home. 💗


Watching the sun set on different chapters in our lives is bittersweet isn’t it?

The moment I find myself deeply grieving, the universe hands me so much to be excited about and thankful for!

And then she pulls the rug out from underneath me…

What a wild ride, this life.

Anyone else going through a profoundly expansive time right now?


You’re invited to my party! 🎉

Five days. Five offers. 50% off!

April 27 marks my one year anniversary of moving me and my FamJam back to Canada. What a wild ride this crazy move has been and I’m so grateful to have you along with me for the ride!

To celebrate I’m throwing a virtual soirée from April 23-27, and guess what? You’re my VIP guest!

For five days I’m rolling out five exclusive offers each day a new surprise. And because I love a good party, I’m slicing prices by 50%!

👉Want in?

Your VIP discounts are delivered by email only.

If you’re ready to join the celebration and unlock the sweet deals, make sure you’re on the list!

DM me or comment the word SECRET to get in, or check out the link in my bio!

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Haga clic aquí para reclamar su Entrada Patrocinada.





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