RES-Q Registry of Stroke Care Quality

RES-Q is a global registry of Stroke care quality developed in 2016. we work in close collaboration with Angels initiative.

RES-Q is a global stroke registry to help hospitals improve quality of care & reduce the stroke burden by working together in close cooperation with WSO, ESO, AHA/ASA to drive continuous quality monitoring and make it a part of routine clinical practise Goal of RES-Q is to improve quality of stroke care and reduce the stroke burden by close cooperation and working together with World Stroke Organi


When the World Stroke Organization(WSO), European Stroke Organisation (ESO), and the hashtag come together, meaningful improvements happen!

Join the Global effort this September in collecting all stroke cases in RES-Q.

Let's make every patient count.

Learn more at

World Stroke Campaign ESO - European Stroke Organisation Eso-East “Enhancing and Accelerating Stroke Treatment”American Stroke AssociationMission ThrombectomyThe Angels Initiative Stroke Alliance for Europe Stroke AHA/ ASA


The deadline for the Q2 2024 ESO/WSO Angels award is almost here.
Data entry deadline is Jul 15th, 2024, 11:59 PM Central European Time.
The approval process will run from Jul 16th, 2024 to Jul 25th, 2024, and official Q2 2024 results should be available on Jul 26th, 2024.

RES Q+ World Stroke Campaign - European Stroke OrganisationEso-East “Enhancing and Accelerating Stroke Treatment” American Stroke Association Mission Thrombectomy The Angels InitiativeStroke Alliance for Europe Stroke AHA/ ASA


ESO - European Stroke Organisation World Stroke Campaign Eso-East “Enhancing and Accelerating Stroke Treatment” American Stroke Association Stroke Alliance for Europe Stroke AHA/ ASA Mission Thrombectomy The Angels Initiative


Join RES-Q at ESOC2024 between 15-17 May at booth A3. Explore how our new robust RES-Q platform can help improve stroke care and learn about future enhancements with RES-Q+.
See you in Basel!

- European Stroke Organisation World Stroke CampaignEso-East “Enhancing and Accelerating Stroke Treatment”American Stroke AssociationStroke Alliance for Europe Stroke AHA/ ASAMission ThrombectomyThe Angels Initiative


ESO - European Stroke Organisation World Stroke Campaign Eso-East “Enhancing and Accelerating Stroke Treatment” American Stroke Association Stroke Alliance for Europe Stroke AHA/ ASA Mission Thrombectomy The Angels Initiative


ESO - European Stroke Organisation World Stroke Campaign Eso-East “Enhancing and Accelerating Stroke Treatment” American Stroke Association Stroke Alliance for Europe Stroke AHA/ ASA Mission Thrombectomy The Angels Initiative


RES Q+ ESO - European Stroke Organisation World Stroke Campaign Eso-East “Enhancing and Accelerating Stroke Treatment” American Stroke Association Mission ThrombectomyThe Angels InitiativeStroke Alliance for EuropeStroke AHA/ ASA

📢The RES-Q platform has officially launched!
RES-Q is one of the largest international stroke quality registry. The new platform features a strong legal framework, improved functionalities, and is built with the capacity for future upgrades, which will be rolled out progressively.

Access the platform via the RES-Q official website and learn more:

RES-Q Registry of Stroke Care Quality Stroke Alliance for Europe


Roundup for an Amazing 2023 with RES-Q!

Thank you for your great collaboration to Improve Quality of stroke care. Wishing you all a safe and relaxed holiday season.

RES Q+ World Stroke Campaign ESO - European Stroke Organisation Eso-East “Enhancing and Accelerating Stroke Treatment” American Stroke Association Mission Thrombectomy The Angels InitiativeStroke Alliance for Europe Stroke AHA/ ASA

Photos from RES-Q Registry of Stroke Care Quality's post 25/11/2023

What gets measured gets improved!
I had a great opportunity to speak to the Latin America countries on this important topic, , a key to improve quality of at the Global Stroke Alliance ministerial meeting in , How arequality (RES-Q)helps every stakeholder working towards improving stroke care and outcomes. How , , can work together to unlock the power of data and use it in meaningful way to improve stroke care in their country, thereby save more patient lives, reduce cost, improve access. RES Q+ Mission Thrombectomy Stroke Alliance for Europe,The Angels Initiative Stroke Leaders Programme World Health Organization (WHO),Eso-East “Enhancing and Accelerating Stroke Treatment”, ESO - European Stroke Organisation,Sheila Martins, RES-Q Registry of Stroke Care Quality


RES Q+World Stroke Campaign Eso-East “Enhancing and Accelerating Stroke Treatment”American Stroke AssociationMission ThrombectomyThe Angels InitiativeStroke Alliance for EuropeStroke AHA/ ASA


RES Q+ World Stroke Campaign Eso-East “Enhancing and Accelerating Stroke Treatment” American Stroke Association Mission Thrombectomy The Angels Initiative Stroke Alliance for Europe Stroke AHA/ ASA


RES-Q Registry of Stroke Care Quality achieves yet another milestone of crossing 700,000 patient cases in the registry. Let us continue to unlock the Power of Data.
RES Q+ World Stroke Campaign ESO - European Stroke Organisation Eso-East “Enhancing and Accelerating Stroke Treatment” American Stroke Association Mission Thrombectomy The Angels Initiative Stroke Alliance for Europe Stroke AHA/ ASA


Meet one of the largest quality registry for stroke, RES-Q at , 24-26 May, Munich, Germany.

ESO - European Stroke Organisation World Stroke Campaign American Heart Association



Touching lives of 500K+ Stroke Patients and counting.. Thank you for helping us to Make Data Meaningful and Improve Quality of Stroke Care worldwide.


Creating Global Evidence on Quality of Stroke Care using RES-Q. Be Part of It!


Enter data of all stroke patients discharged between Oct to Dec 2021 (Q4 2021) in RES-Q Registry before 15th January 2022 to participate in the ESO/WSO Angels Awards!


Data entry deadline for Q3 2021 (July to Sept) is quickly approaching.
Don't forget to enter your patients from Q3 2021 until October 15 to participate in ESO/WSO


We are happy to celebrate our latest milestone with you:

RES-Q registry has reached 1.500 registered sites!

We are delighted that our community keeps on growing. Your trust inspires us to keep on improving the quality of our services.

Thank you!


We are happy to announce the beginning of March 2021 - in RES-Q.
The deadline will be 15th May 2021.
We encourage you to enter all the patients for this period to have clear picture of the of the in your hospital and country.


We are happy to announce the readiness of the Reports for Q4 2020, H2 2020 and for year 2020.
We have also started of , which will last until the end of February.
Angels Awards should be available during first week of March, which we will update you!

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Our story

RES-Q is an initiative of the European Stroke Organization to provide an open, accessible, and transparent platform for improving stroke care quality.

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