Warmth for the Battlefront Grannies

For 9 years, we've been helping frozen Grandmothers in Ukraine survive the winter with donated fuel. If you like our assistance, support us!

Donate fuel via PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=EYYLYD4RSYEJG


We are volunteers from the Czech Republic who have been helping frozen grandmothers in eastern Ukraine survive the winter with donated fuel for 9 years (since 2015). Now, we want to share our assistance with an English-speaking audience, people who enjoy filling their hearts with meaningful help for others. If you like our assistance, support us!

English website: www.chutpomahat.cz/en

Photos from Warmth for the Battlefront Grannies's post 04/03/2024

Grandma Tanya is already the 137th front-line grandmother saved this year, who is warmed at home by the heat of fuel briquettes donated by good people from the Czech and Slovak Republics - that is, from you ❤️

We are extremely happy that we can organize an imaginary bridge between you and the grandmothers and thus transform the warmth of your hearts into the warmth that will warm these dear brave ladies. Thank you for your willingness to share it with them 🔥

P.S. We stayed with Grandma Tanya until she lit the stove, because it was really cold 🥶 in her house due to saving wood. Tanya explained to us that she is so used to the cold that now she will have to get used to the heat. We believe that this will be a much more pleasant experience 😊

Thank you for your support!


“It's so, so cold here now ❄️ and I can't heat the house.”

“ ... but thanks to these briquettes I can do it now. My dear children and grandchildren, thank you for your help.”
Grandma Valentina (1934) - 90 years old, warm from today thanks to you 🫶🔥

English website: www.chutpomahat.cz/en


“That's why I'm crying - if it wasn't for you, I would have frozen to death. I haven't heated the house for four days..."

Grandma Vera is already warm ❤️🔥 Thanks to your donations from last week, she has enough briquettes to heat her home until spring.

Donate a Month of warmth - the joy of the Grandmothers will brighten your day 🫶🔥

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Kozí 8
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Oficiální profil Betlémského světla v České republice.