Workcamp PARQUET

International sharing of the traditional parquet master art.

Photos from Workcamp PARQUET's post 18/08/2024

From the notebook of the parquet restorer:

» Wax and the purpose of parquet waxing

Parquet wax has historically been used to finish parquet floors. It was supposed to prevent water and dirt from entering the wood, to facilitate the maintenance and cleaning of the parquet. It was also supposed to protect the wood from the direct effects of using the core soap that was used to clean wooden floors. Thanks to polishing, wax was used to brighten rooms and transport light into space. (We will return to the topic of gloss and room lighting in one of the following volumes of our Parquet Restorer's Notebook.)

Previously, parquet wax was boiled directly in the home on the stove. The main components of these traps were yellow beeswax, potash and natural dyes or pigments. There are many floor wax recipes. By adding various additives to the paste, its properties were modified.

For example, a paste consisting of beeswax, rosin and turpentine was used for oak floors. This wax was applied hot and ironed into the parquet. After drying the wax on the floor and polished with brushes. Before applying the wax itself, it is advisable to impregnate the floor with, for example, glue impregnation, in order to preserve the original, natural colors of the wood. Less often, light oil was used as impregnation, since the floor then acquired a darker shade.

White wax paste in combination with alcohol was an option for light woods in parquets. The application is similar to the previous variant, however polishing with a woolen cloth is recommended. A mixture of wax, soap and lye was used for plank floors.

Later, the production of home waxes and parquet pastes moved from the household to the hands of druggists and "floor cleaners". The production of wax thus acquired a more controlled course and it was possible to produce wax in larger quantities. Later, with the greater development of trade routes to the east, carnauba wax also began to be used.

Important!! for the application of waxes, the wooden floor should be treated with "iron". This detail is essential for the perfect application of wax on historic parquet floors. We will cover the topic of processing with "iron" in the next edition of Notes of a Parquet Restorer.

What waxes and waxing techniques do you use?

Tell me in the comments what your experiences with wax are or what else you would like to know about this topic.

René Caran Kartause Mauerbach Österreich

Photos from Workcamp PARQUET's post 29/06/2024

Vorbereitungen für WORKCAMP PARQUET 2o25

In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Bundes Denkmal Amt Mauerbach bei Wien, Österreich, laufen derzeit schon die Vorbereitungen und Planungen für unser anstehende Projekt im Jahr 2o25.


Ein wunderschönes Schloss der Familie Esterhazy wird im Mittelpunkt stehen und den Teilnehmern eine Möglichkeit bieten, ein Stück der Geschichte zu berühren und gleichzeitig zu gestalten. Auf welchem Schloss diese Berührung stattfindet, verraten wir natürlich noch nicht..

Neben der professionellen Restaurierung eines wertvollen historischen Parketts, werden gleichzeitig einige Fachseminare stattfinden. Interessante Themen Wochen zum Thema Parkettrestaurierung, Restaurierungstechniken und Parkett Gesichte stehen steht uns bevor.

Workcamp PARQUET Kartause Mauerbach Esterházy Ausztria Österreich Česká Republika Maďarsko René Caran


Parquet restoration with René Caran
Tage der offenen Kartause und Saisoneröffnung

Saturday, May 25 and Sunday, May 26, 2024 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Cartouche Mauerbach, Kartäuserplatz 2, 3001 Mauerbach, Austria

Demonstrations of traditional craft techniques, restoration demonstrations, expert advice, a children's program and much more. The open days will showcase the following craft techniques: lime burning, stone sculpting, stucco marble, blacksmithing, oil painting, brick cutting, parquet restoration, pigment production, window repair, wood turning and much more. FREE ENTRY on open days.

Photos from Workcamp PARQUET's post 17/04/2024

Hot seminar with hot glues

At the Faculty of Wood Technology and Creative Industries in Sopron, Maďarsko, students had the opportunity to learn about details and know-how by work with the hot glues in the restoration of historic parquet floors or in the creative surface treatments. The university's lecture room was transformed into a practical workshop where students could try out bone, hide or rabbit glue on real historic floors.

The lecture was given by Mrs. Michaela Reichlová, the translation into Hungarian was done by lMrs. Dr. Csilla CSIHA PhD, and the students carried out the practical work with René Caran.

The wood of Arts and Antique Furniture Wood Mood

Photos from Workcamp PARQUET's post 07/04/2024

Scraper plane Workshop for Parquet Restorers

If you do a lot of scraping, or frequently work with figured woods on the parquet, then you’ll probably want to consider a scraper plane. Scraper planes come in a few different sizes and designs.

Plane scraper is based on classic Stanley design, the large plane #112. With traditional k**b and tote handles, a scraper plane looks and feels a more like a conventional bench plane. But unlike a bench plane, a scraper plane holds a thick scraper blade instead of a plane iron.

During the to days workshop in one parquetry workshop in Vienna, we will work with #122 planes from Vertias and with a toothed plane. In addition, participants will be able to view the original unfinished parquet from the KAČINA castle (Czech Republic), which master parquetters left at the castle in 1823, planed with the help of the aforementioned planers.

René Caran Martin Kranl Restauratoren unter sich

Photos from Workcamp PARQUET's post 22/01/2024

DOMOTEX on Stage

it is you, friends, our participants, who have done a good and great job on all WORKCAMP PARQUET projects. Already since 2016.

At DOMOTEX on Stage we were able to talk about your work, motivation for our beautiful parquet craft and sharing.

Teamwork makes the dreamwork!

Link to the video from on STAGE in the comments.



Greetings to our Chinese colleagues, whom we would like to invite to participate in one of our original projects. Let's look forward to the participation of Chinese colleagues and an interesting sharing of various craft traditions in the field of wooden floors. Either in Europe or perhaps in the future in China.

The goal of our project is motivation and inspiration to preserve the tradition of craftsmanship and beautiful parquet floors. So that master knowledge and know-how, shared between participants, can be used for further development and for future generations. Not only when restoring these wooden floors.

FENTO Knee Protection DOMOTEX Čína STAUF Klebstoffwerk GmbH Bona padlóbevonatok Workcamp PARQUET


Let's meet at DOMOTEX 2024

11.01. - 14.01.2024 - Messegelände Hannover

News from the World of Flooring in one Place

DOMOTEX is not "just" an exhibition. It also means a rich accompanying program, the opportunity to meet your business partners, but also friends. You can find complete information about the exhibitors and the program on the fair's website. (see link below)

We can meet together

Our participants and friends of the project have a unique opportunity to visit the DOMOTEX 2024 trade fair for FREE.

We will be at the fair on January 12 and 13, 2024. On 12.1. we can meet for a joint dinner and on 13.1. as part of "DOMOTEX on Stage" we have a lecture about WORKCAMP PARQUET at 11:30 - 12:00. We look forward to meeting you.

Want a free ticket? Register and write to us, we will send you the code.


PARKETT - von Dielenboden zum Tafelparkett

Ein Film zu der Sonderausstellung PARKETT in der Kartause Mauerbach, Österreich, die im Rahmen des „TAGS DES DENKMALS. – 100 Jahre Österreichisches Denkmalschutzgesetz“ am Wochenende zum Tag der offenen Kartause eingeladen hatt.

Die gemeinsame Planung für das Projekt WORKCAMP PARQUET 2025 in Zusammenarbeit mit BDA Mauerbach sind laufen auf Hochtouren. 🤩 👍 Ein Event vollgepackt über die Geschichte des Parketts. Frei nach den Motto der Austellung - Vom Dielenboden zum Tafelparkett.

👉🏻 2o24 - Spanien 🇪🇸 und danach 2o25 - Österreich 🇦🇹 👈🏻

René Caran


Master art of traditional parquet

Lenny’s report from WORKCAMP PARQUET 2023 Gyor, Hungary

Leonard A. Hall Zoltán Molnár René Caran


The last scraping strokes


Day 8 and still going strong!!!!💪💪💪


Day 8

Photos from Workcamp PARQUET's post 08/09/2023

We can see the finish line .


The master art of traditional parquet

From WORKCAMP PARQUET Hungary reported for AIPPL - Associazione Italiana Posatori Pavimenti di Legno

Pietro Belloni


Johan en Che zijn reporter of the day!

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