Czech Translations

We're here to help you break down the Czech and Slovak language barrier. We guarantee a response within 60 minutes on weekdays!

Based in Prague, the heart of Central Europe, we’ve been helping our clients get their message across since 2004. No matter the type of text or even the deadline, our team of expert translators are here to help you speak Czech and Slovak.

Translators landed on Mars in October | České překlady (Czech Translations) 19/11/2021

We activated the cameras of our computers, moved from office mode to a friendly and informal one, poured a glass of wine or beer at home, and met our colleagues to have fun in virtual chat zones. The final online disco with a playlist prepared to perfection was definitely an unforgettable experience for all of us.

This can happen only on Mars 😉

Our mission to the Red Planet was successfully completed and we are ready to share our impressions in a new blog article 👇

Translators landed on Mars in October | České překlady (Czech Translations) On 13-15 October, the crews of the individual translation companies, together with freelancers, transformed themselves into a variety of avatars.

St Jerome's Days 11/11/2021

The festival of lectures and discussions on translation, interpreting and related fields known as Jerome's Days will be online this year, too!

Come and join the discussions. Admission is free, no registration is required.

Simultaneous interpretation (EN-CS) will be available.

For more information visit Jednota tlumočníků a překladatelů or

St Jerome's Days St Jerome's Days


Cooperation with the ARPOK educational organization has enchanted us, so we had no hesitation in supporting them in the future 🤝

Get involved with us:

Global development education is important.

Translating website content using a CMS connector | České překlady (Czech Translations) 01/11/2021

Technology rules the world, and we are part of it.

The highly successful Czech tech start-up Memsource commissions to us the translation of its blog, website and app updates from 🇬🇧 into 14 European and Asian languages.

Check out our new blog post with a case study on how we make all this happen.

Do you need to have your website translated and don't know how to go about it? Call us at 📞

Translating website content using a CMS connector | České překlady (Czech Translations) We provide the technology start-up Memsource with regular translations from English into fourteen European and Asian languages.

"I Now Understand That the Translation Industry Is My Destiny", Said Irena Šotková | České překlady (Czech Translations) 21/10/2021

Our team rocks! 😉

You may have heard about Irena Šotková or may have even met her before, as she has been active in the translation industry for more than two decades!

Please read our blog article about how she became a language enthusiast 👇

"I Now Understand That the Translation Industry Is My Destiny", Said Irena Šotková | České překlady (Czech Translations) I have been working in this industry for over 20 years. Since 2002 I have worked as a court translator for English.


How are we doing on Mars?

We fly around, stopping here and there to chat with others or see something interesting, but most of the day we spend at our booth, talking to visitors.

Come and meet us today and enter our lottery to win a SURPRISE GIFT! The draw will take place at 3:30pm today.

We are looking forward to it!


Deep talks have reached Mars!

Join us to discuss the best way to provide feedback to translators.
Starting today at 4:45pm. You'll find us in pink at the České překlady stand (Central Hub #7)

Who is going to Mars? | České překlady (Czech Translations) 11/10/2021

Don't miss out on meeting our absolutely fantastic team of five women at Meet Central Europe Conference.

Make sure you make your booking in advance, ideally using app 😉

Who is going to Mars? | České překlady (Czech Translations) We have taken part in MCE several times before but this year will be special! The conference will be virtual and is moving to Mars itself.


From the life of a translator...

To lighten up your Friday and commemorate yesterday's International Translators Day ❤

Photo credit: Překladatelé musejí být šílení


This year once again, we're sending a phenomenal team into orbit for the Meet Central Europe Conference!

You can catch up with them either at our virtual booth or contact them directly via the app.


As in previous two years, we are a proud partner of Meet Central Europe Conference, for the third time this year.

This year’s conference will be hosted on a VR platform and as the organizers say, it might as well be on Mars 🚀

We will have a virtual booth ready for you so make sure to register and attend, it will be worth it!

Click here to register 👉

Anežka Soukupová | České překlady (Czech Translations) 13/09/2021

Completed "Scandinavian Studies" majoring in Swedish at Masaryk University, took on two semesters of Biblical Hebrew and later began to learn Danish...

Who are we talking about? Check out new blog post 👇

Have a great Monday!

Anežka Soukupová | České překlady (Czech Translations) She has been interested in languages since she was a child. She graduated in Scandinavian Studies, majoring in Swedish at Masaryk University.


This year's Meet Central Europe Conference will be different!

We once again help in the organisation of this international translation conference and are proud to let everyone know that it will be virtual and magical 🤩

We'll keep you updated about all details, but those who can't wait can also find more information here:

Helping the P-Centre Improve Online Teaching | České překlady (Czech Translations) 25/08/2021

September is approaching, and once again we wonder whether and to what extent schools will need to go online.

This is why P-Centre based in Olomouc published its for students’ online learning. We are happy that we could participate in this project. More information and a link to the methodology, please read our new blog post.

Helping the P-Centre Improve Online Teaching | České překlady (Czech Translations) We were therefore happy to lend a hand when the P-Centre association approached us with a request for the proofreading of online teaching methodology.


English vs. English for GenZ 😁

All you need to know about Croatian | České překlady (Czech Translations) 09/08/2021

Those who haven't been to Croatia, as if they didn't exist 😊

In Croatia, we Czechs can make ourselves understood reasonably well. But what do we really know about Croatian?

We have interviewed our friends from Zagreb, see our blog 👇

All you need to know about Croatian | České překlady (Czech Translations) How much do we really know about Croatian? We’ve teamed up with our friends/colleagues from Ciklopea, one of the leading translation agencies in Zagreb.

Sworn translation “on demand” | České překlady (Czech Translations) 29/07/2021

In the summer, things are usually left to deal with until the very last minute before departure.

This is no different with sworn translations to be used abroad. More and more often we hear from you that you need them immediately or on the spot.

Read the article below 👇 to see whether this is possible or not.

Sworn translation “on demand” | České překlady (Czech Translations) Any translation can be done “on the spot”; it just depends on how long you are willing to wait on that particular spot.


P-centrum in Olomouc helps people in need.

We partnered with them in the preparation of an online learning methodology for students this year, as we consider this more than useful and relevant in the current situation. We will soon provide more details in a new blog article.

Join us and help!


Which CAT tool is your favourite?

JURIDIKUM - Doplňkové studium pro překladatele právních textů 2021-2022 | Právnická fakulta UK 20/05/2021

Do you want to become an expert in translating and interpreting LAW from/into German, English, Russian and French?

Don't miss out on the popular Juridika course organised by the Faculty of Law of Charles University and the Chamber of Court Interpreters (Komora soudních tlumočníků ČR).

JURIDIKUM - Doplňkové studium pro překladatele právních textů 2021-2022 | Právnická fakulta UK Elektronickou přihlášku je třeba podat do každé části zvlášť: Část A - právnické minimum v češtině (kód kurzu 3823)


For several years, we have been contributing to the Čmeláček z.s. - Centrum pro mentální handicap non-profit organization, which helps people with mental and combined disabilities and autism spectrum disorders as well as their families. We're happy to help and hope we're in it together ❤

How to get involved:


One of the key areas of activity in a translation agency is vendor management.

Last year alone, we received a total of 1000 CVs and started cooperation with exactly 141 candidates. Most of them were translators (56%) and proofreaders/revisers (31%), followed by interpreters, sworn translators, engineers, graphics specialists and other specialized professions. For a detailed breakdown see the chart below 👇

We’re pleased you want to be part of our team ❤

Easter traditions from around the world | České překlady (Czech Translations) 04/04/2021

How do you celebrate Easter where you are? Here in the Czech Republic, men go round whipping women to keep them healthy and beautiful :)

Happy Easter everyone!

Easter traditions from around the world | České překlady (Czech Translations) Let´s talk about Easter traditions from around the world.


The pandemic goes on ...

At least we'll have enough time on our hands to see the webinar on the translation community mobilization and management hosted by Manuela Nosek of Translators without Borders.

For more details and link to the webinar see


Our offices are empty again. During the coronavirus times, we work from home as much as possible and only go to our offices if absolutely necessary.

For this reason, please make sure to submit your translation orders electronically.

For e-mail orders, we are available during our standard office hours, Monday to Friday, between 8 AM and 6 PM.

If you need to bring in your documents for a court translation or collect translated documents, please contact us in advance.

Let's keep fingers crossed and hope for better times 🤞


Another online webinar held by the One Language Industry starts tomorrow at 4PM! The topic is building translator community and the relationships between LSPs and translators.

Complete information and link to the webinar 👉


If you are planning to have your sworn translation superlegalized, please contact us in advance.

Pursuant to the new Act on Sworn Translators and Interpreters, effective on 1 January 2021, the translator's clause must be provided with a notarized signature for the purposes of superlegalization.


Only our umbrella will keep you safe, even in a snow calamity.

Thank you for sharing. We are pleased our gift has made you happy 😊


As a member of Content Committee we are thrilled to invite you to join the 1st One Language Industry webinar in 2021 with Giada Gerotto. Let’s discuss how to build & strengthen relationships between freelance translators and LSPs.

Join the One Language Industry and be ready this Wednesday at 4pm!


This year's caroling during the Three Kings Collection organized by Caritas Czech Republic was unlike any time before.

Strangely, this allowed us to get involved not only by making a financial contribution, but also by giving a volunteering hand. A big thank you goes to Klára for exemplary guarding of the money box in Horka nad Moravou.

The money boxes closed last Sunday, but you can continue contributing until April 30 at

Helping people in need always makes sense ❤


On 1 January 2021, the long-awaited Act No. 354/2019 Coll., on sworn interpreters and translators, finally entered into force. Court-appointed language professionals had to wait more than 50 years to see new legislation regulating their activity!

However, the content of the new act is somewhat disconcerting as some of the obligations imposed on them are impossible to meet. The most pressing ones include the obligation to record translation and interpreting operations into an electronic register, yet to be set up, the non-existing sub-division of translators and interpreters into separates trade groupings, the unavailability of the new licenses and seals, etc. Concerns raised by remuneration, but also fines, would provide enough material for a separate post 🙂

Let us hope that the Ministry of Justice will rectify the situation soon and the numbers of sworn interpreters and translators will continue to grow 🤞


We highly value the cooperation with our clients and we do take the trouble to visit their respective realms when invited.

We would like to extend our thank you to Koutný Prostějov for a pleasant afternoon spent in their marvelous facility and for giving us the opportunity to see samples of their clothing products directly on the company's premises.


We don't have a crystal ball but somehow we suspected that there would be no snow before Christmas and a pink companion for rainy days would come in handy.

Thank you for sharing. We are pleased our gift has made you happy :)


Happy holidays, and all the best for the New Year!

Wishing you good health, happiness, security, and love, while keeping disasters at bay.


Be it in our office or at home, České překlady is with you despite all the measures .... relaxed and in good spirits :)


Did you know that we spend as much as one third of our working hours typing?

Thus the ability to type with all ten fingers is of great benefit, at least in our industry. If you don't have a good command of this method, join us. Get the most of the present emergency situation and spend your evenings training and competing, like we do 😉


Today you can attend a free seminar organized by Meet Central Europe Conference.

This time, the topic will be new services based on AI and NLP and what it means for translation agencies and their linguists.

For more information use the link below 👇

How to Become a Court-Appointed Translator/Interpreter? | České překlady (Czech Translations) 20/11/2020

You often ask us what to do to become a court-appointed interpreter, or court-appointed translator, as the title is sometimes colloquially referred to. Check our blog post below to see it in black and white.

To make things a bit more complicated, from 1 January 2021 everything will be a little different again, as the new Act No. 354/2019 Coll., on court-appointed translators and interpreters, is entering into force. No worries, we will notify you of the changes in good time, that's what we are here for 🙂

How to Become a Court-Appointed Translator/Interpreter? | České překlady (Czech Translations) Let us briefly outline what one needs to comply with in order to qualify for appointment as a court interpreter or translator.


How is your Friday? Would you care for some advice on how to avoid fatigue caused by videoconferencing via Zoom and other applications?

Count us in! Together we'll make it... ;)

Source: Courier Weekly

Chcete, aby vaše společnost byla nahoře v seznamu automobilových společností ve měste Obchod?
Klikněte zde pro získání vašeho sponzorovaného zápisu.

Our Story

Based in Prague, the heart of Central Europe, we’ve been helping our clients get their message across since 2004. No matter the type of text or even the deadline, our team of expert translators are here to help you speak Czech and Slovak.


Internetová stránka



Otevírací doba

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