
Die Zukunft der Energieversorgung.

Photos from gridX's post 04/09/2024
Photos from gridX's post 11/06/2024

📣 Extra! Extra! Read all about it!
📰 gridX is a hot topic in energy news today.🔥

🕸️ We are optimizing in the by launching our new “Ready for gridX” label, thereby strengthening strategic relationships with Europe’s leading OEMs. The goal is to foster closer cooperation between key energy players and ultimately accelerate the .

is our first strategic partner becoming , showing its commitment to providing an optimized end-to-end energy management system experience for market players and end users alike – from installation to maintenance to future expansion of compatibility.

🗣️ Tobias Mitter, gridX Managing Director and Chief Technology Officer, says, “The energy transition requires as many integrated energy assets as possible and the smartest energy management, but connecting different types of devices from multiple OEMs is still time-consuming today. That’s why we have created ‘Ready for gridX.’”

👉 Check the link in our bio to learn more!

Photos from gridX's post 31/05/2024

📰 Monthly news roundup!

🇳🇱 The Netherlands announced new regulations that will encourage households to enhance their energy self-sufficiency.

🇮🇹 Italy released their 2024 EV incentives.

🇩🇪 Germany could have utilized energy more efficiently with better management.

❄️ A heat pump myth is busted.

📈 Solar and wind energy must increase 6x to achieve a Net-Zero Scenario.

👉 Take a look through our slider to learn more.

Photos from gridX's post 26/04/2024

🌞🌛 During this month’s solar eclipse, how many households did smart grid management keep from experiencing power outages in North America?

📉 💷 Compared to 2022, how much did the UK’s average price of electricity drop thanks to an increase of renewables in the energy mix?

☢️🚫 What’s been the impact of phasing-out Germany’s nuclear power plants?

🤑🌍 How much GDP growth has clean energy added to the EU and worldwide?

💡 Find the answers to these questions and more in our monthly energy news update.


🌼🐰Easter is often associated with the beginning of spring. Flowers poke their head through the soil once more, trees bloom and countless animals come out to enjoy the sunshine and warmth.

🌷At gridX, this arrival of spring and all the renewal, growth and regeneration it brings, reminds us of only one thing — renewable energy.

🐣Just like spring breathes new life into the world, renewable energy offers a clean (get it?) start — a shift towards infinite and sustainable sources like solar, wind and water.

As our employees take some well-deserved time off and enjoy their Easter break, we wish everyone a great holiday full of joy, hope and green energy vibes! 🌱💚

(Btw, these eggs came from the farm of one of our employees 😍.)

Photos from gridX's post 29/03/2024

It’s almost the end of the month 🗓️, which means it’s time for another Monthly News roundup. This month, we enjoyed articles focused on the strides renewable energy made last year 💪, at home and abroad, plus a look at optimistic goals for the future 🥅.

⭐️ If there is any outstanding news from the past month that you think is worth a highlight, comment below!


Our sales team mentally preparing for the number of customers they’ll close this year 💪🚀.



Value stacking flexibility services gives the most Kenergy 💖. Read more about this strategy in our latest blog. Link in bio ✏️


When Germany is stuck on a defensive play but the market is ready for more touchdowns.


🏭 The energy sector accounts for around three quarters of global greenhouse gas emissions.

💻 A lot of hopes rest on digitalization to drive the adoption of renewable energies but:

👉 How far has the digitalization come in the energy sector?
👉 What technologies offer the biggest potential?
👉 What are the biggest challenges?

Our latest report aims to answer those questions.

Download it for free!

Timeline photos 23/06/2021

Live is life! 💃 🕺

gridXdays is live!
Tune in now 📺
Follow the discussions 🗣️
Pose your questions to our panelists 🙋


Just one more day until gridXdays – our first conference!

Sign up now and listen to more than 35 speakers in 17 sessions over the course of 2 days.


We are hosting our first ever conference – the gridXdays! 🥳

⚡ 👩‍💻 ♻️ The gridXdays on 23rd and 24th June aim to bring together thought leaders from the fields of , and or put short discuss the question: "How can we use technology to make energy sustainable?"

📢 Register now (it's free) and stay tuned for speaker and panel announcements over the next weeks.

📹 And like any proper tech company we made a teaser video with bold text and upbeat music 😉

Sign up now 👉


Timeline photos 24/02/2021

📊 We analyzed data on more than 1,800 charging point operators and 32,000 charging points in Germany.
Read what we found out in our Charging Report 2021

gridX – Brains over Copper: The different Ways of Load Management 04/02/2021

⚡ Grid capacity is limited and the widespread adoption of EVs will further strain the grid.

🧑‍💼 Policy makers are now looking towards intelligent load management solutions to reduce the need for grid expansions – an approach which could be dubbed "brains over copper". But how can loads be managed intelligently?

🤓 Read our latest blog post on load management summarizing different approaches, strategies and technical implementations.

gridX – Brains over Copper: The different Ways of Load Management Feb 03, 2021 – Intelligent charging infrastructure is increasingly becoming the focus of attention – also among politicians. For example, the state of Baden-Württemberg supports projects that intelligently connect charging infrastructure in public parking spaces with up to 500,000€ to reduce ...


📚 We do recommend readings from time to time.

🌍 This week we came across a piece dubbed "A mental model for combating climate change" which lays out the two levers we have to get to net zero and explains the underlying steps to pull those levers.


gridX – The new German Renewable Energy Act 2021 21/01/2021

Today is the 21st day of the 21st year of the 21st century – what a day to publish our first blog post 😉

We had a read of the new German Renewable Energy Act (EEG) 2021. It sets out to drive the share of renewables in the German electricity mix up to 65% by 2030. We summarized what we considered the most important measures and their impact:
👉 Mieterstrom becomes more attractive
👉 Businesses are encouraged to install PV-systems
👉 The path for new tariffs is cleared

🌱 The act is definitely a step in the right direction but might not go far enough to meet its own goal.

🤓 Read the full article to learn more.

gridX – The new German Renewable Energy Act 2021 Jan 21, 2021 – On January 1, 2021, the new German Renewable Energy Act (EEG) came into force following a long discussion. The amendment has profound consequences for the expansion and remuneration of renewable energies - an overview of the most important changes.

Timeline photos 05/01/2021

🌱 In 2020 Germany cut its greenhouse gas emissions down by 42.3% compared to 1990 – exceeding the goal of 40%.*

🤔 Why the asterisk? Well, two thirds of the reduction achieved in 2020 can be attributed to lower energy consumption due to the pandemic. That's why experts expect emissions to rise again once the economy recovers – unless new policies are introduced.

Source: Agora Energiewende

Timeline photos 01/01/2021

Happy new year! 🎉

It's 20:21 on the first day of 2021. We are unsure if that qualifies to make a wish but we wish everyone a great start to the new year.

Timeline photos 29/12/2020

📚 We recommended the first part and we recommend the second part as well.

🧠 Max Roser has written another brilliant article on renewable energies. This time he discusses the twin problems of global energy:
👉 Energy poverty: people lack access to energy (bottom left in the chart)
👉 High CO2 emissions: energy is available but heavily reliant on fossil fuels (top right)

⚡ From these problems the challenge for the energy of the future is derived: find large-scale energy alternatives to fossil fuels that are affordable, safe and sustainable – i.e. move to the bottom right of the chart.

Timeline photos 27/12/2020

New Year. New You. New Job?

We are hiring in almost all teams:
👉 Dev – Backend and DevOps
👉 Marketing
👉 Product
👉 Sales – Account Executives, Customer Success Manager and more

Start your green career in 2021.

2020 - It wasn't all bad. 23/12/2020

🏁 2020 comes to a close.

🎢 The year certainly took an unexpected course and surely featured a lot more downs than ups. To shed some light on the positive developments that did occur we put together a little review of the past 12 months.

We hope you enjoy it. Have peaceful holidays. See you next year. 👋

In person. 👩 👨

Hopefully. 🙏

2020 - It wasn't all bad. 2020 certainly had more downs than ups but there were also some positive developments and there are good reasons to be optimistic about the future.


We keep adding integrations to our XENON platform.
👋 Say bonjour and servus to our latest joiners:
Schneider Electric 🇫🇷
my-PV 🇦🇹

Check out all our integrations 👉


Atomico released their annual report on the state of tech in Europe this week. For the third year purpose-driven companies increased their share of the total investment volume.
Since 2016 $11 bln have gone into companies combating climate change.
Read the full report 👉

Was die Klimakrise wirklich für uns bedeutet 08/12/2020

Gestern Abend wurde der Deutsche Reporterpreis verliehen 🏆
Und auch wir können das ausgezeichnete Projekt der Süddeutsche Zeitung "Anatomie einer Katastrophe" nur empfehlen.

Was die Klimakrise wirklich für uns bedeutet Alle reden über den Klimawandel, aber die wenigsten verstehen ihn. Was mit unserem Planeten passiert und was auf uns zukommt - ein visueller Erklärversuch.

Timeline photos 03/12/2020

Renewable energies are cheaper than ever - and also cheaper than fossil fuels.

Now decision makers have a financial rationale to opt for renewables rather than fossil fuels when planning new plants. The financial incentive works: renewables accounted for 72% of newly added capacity in 2019.

Read Mark Roser's article on the decline of the cost of renewables:


Plattform? Ja, der Begriff ist recht vage 🤔

Deswegen haben wir e.on's Head of E-Mobility Solution Management in unser Webinar am Freitag eingeladen, um zu erklären, wie der Energiekonzern unsere Plattform nutzt.
Hier könnt Ihr euch anmelden:


We have come a long way in but there is also still a lot to be done! 🇪🇺

🌊 30 years ago only 16% of European electricity came from renewable sources and 96% of that came from hydropower.

☀️ 🌬 Fast forward to 2019: 37% of Europe's electricity is renewable. Solar and wind energy have caught up and now account for 42% of renewable electricity vs. 43% from hydropower.

It is worth noting that this is not only due to the growing popularity of solar and wind energy but also because hydropower production has increased by less than 3% since 2000.

So the question stands: Where will the remaining 63% come from in the future?

Source: BP Statistical Review of Global Energy


It's a match! 💚
🚗 ⚡ have what the grid needs: to store energy. That's why we are working on bidirectional charging solutions.
☀️ Charge your car during the day.
🌙 Power your house with the car at night.
To the news:

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Oppenhoffallee 143


Montag 09:00 - 17:00
Dienstag 09:00 - 17:00
Mittwoch 09:00 - 17:00
Donnerstag 09:00 - 17:00
Freitag 09:00 - 17:00

Andere Energieversorger in Aachen (alles anzeigen)
Regionetz Regionetz
Lombardenstraße 12-22
Aachen, AACHEN

Der Netzbetreiber für die Region Aachen.

BenEnergyx BenEnergyx
JakobStr. 68
Aachen, AACHEN

BenEnergyX ist ein Unternehmen, das im Energiesektor mit Handel, Solar, klassische Energiearten und Dienstleistungen tätig ist.

EvoSell EvoSell
Schloss-Rahe-Str. 15
Aachen, 52072

Solar-Experten für Ihr Zuhause. EvoSell - Ihr Partner für grüne Energie und Nachhaltigkeit.

H2Works e.V. H2Works e.V.
Aachen, 52066

Gemeinnütziger Verein zur Förderung der Grünen Wasserstoffwirtschaft
Pascalstrasse 6
Aachen, 52076

Mieter / Besitzer von Eigentumswohnungen können hier eine eigene Solaranlage pachten. Auch ohne Dach.

CESA - Clean Energy Solutions for Africa CESA - Clean Energy Solutions for Africa

CESA ist eine Initiative, die auf neue innovative und nachhaltige Energieprojekte in Afrika aufmerksam machen will und diese unterstützt.