
Reliable partner on the path to success


Red flags - what are they?

And what do investors see from afar?

Phase 1: Initial assessment via your online presence

But it’s not about the looks. From the outset, a clear red flag is a startup that shows a high burn rate without demonstrating a concrete plan for profitability.

Context over visual satisfaction. Rapid capital depletion without viable profit strategies is a high-risk indicator.

Phase 2: Evaluating founders' credentials (and values)

Just like before going for a doctor’s appointment - it is important to know who is behind the tools. A founder or management team with a solid background gives a good feeling, but if one resists feedback or external input - it poses a significant risk.

It indicates an inability to adapt, a crucial factor for survival and growth in the business world.

Phase 3: Inspection of previous financial documentation

Let’s not take transparency for granted. And justification in expenditure reports is even more crucial.

Poor financial management is a sign to jump the fence. Make sure that you have it all well done.

To mitigate red flags, think like an investor: is this idea worth diving into, or is the world not prepared for it yet? And if it’s not - prepare the world. Implement the idea. And reap the benefits.

Further resources? Reach out to us at Miteyda.Startups.


APIs, or Application Programming Interfaces, enable seamless data exchange between apps.

Best Practices:

Thoughtful Documentation: Create comprehensive guides for seamless integration.

Smart Versioning: Implement updates strategically for compatibility.

Rigorous Testing: Prioritize tests for optimized performance.

Industry-Leading Examples:

🏦 JPMorgan Chase & Co.. Chase: Real-Time Payment Solutions
Integrate APIs for instant fund transfers, elevating the banking experience.

🏭 Siemens: IoT Integration for Smart Manufacturing
Use APIs for real-time monitoring and predictive maintenance, enhancing efficiency.

🏢 Deloitte: Cloud-Based Collaborative Tools
Leverage APIs for real-time collaboration and efficient project management.

Master APIs for limitless possibilities in the dynamic tech landscape. 🌐💡🚀


We've all been in this situation.

When we are sure of our capabilities to make things ourselves, and make them better with customizations, however, there is also the choice of going with a ready-made e-commerce platform, which is not so shabby either.

It's a decision that could shape your business's future - or is it?

Sure, a custom website offers unique design and control, but it might take more time and money.

Existing platforms like Shopify, though, can get you selling fast, but you might not have as much flexibility.

When it comes to 'build or buy', it's about finding what works best for your business and your customers.

And if you choose to ‘build’, contact us at Miteyda.Startups to assist you with your creations.


A startup suddenly appears on the market.

How did that happen? And where has it been?

The answer is it has been a Stealth Startup, and now - it’s announced.

What’s behind the scenes of that decision? A lot - market readiness, validation, and strategic positioning.

Let's dive in:

Market readiness involves thorough testing, ensuring your product or service meets market standards and customer expectations. It's about having the necessary infrastructure and resources in place.

Validation confirms market demand, often through beta testing and feedback.

And strategic positioning discerns your unique value proposition and competitive niche.

Transitioning from a stealth startup can be tactical, based on milestones like funding or product readiness, or opportunistic, responding to external market events and trends.

Learn more with Miteyda.Startups.

Questions? We're here to help!


Considering hiring friends, former colleagues or new talents?

It's a common thought.

But the question really is: who's the best fit for your company's needs and goals? And what type of talent would they be?

Need constant, dedicated tech talent? Full-time employees fit the bill.

Have specific, short-term tasks? Freelancers come in handy.

Looking at longer, ongoing projects? Contractors provide stability in longer projects.

And if you need a diverse set of skills or rapid scalability, outsourced teams can be the key.

Making the right choice isn't just about familiarity or convenience. It's about what each type of tech talent brings to the table.

At Miteyda.Startups, we help you navigate this landscape, ensuring your choices align with your startup's needs and goals.

Ready to assemble your dream team? Reach out to us.


We've all witnessed overloaded servers.

Problem? They slow down, cause errors, and crash due to too many users accessing the service at once.

The solution? Scaling and performance optimization.

Scaling increases server capacity to handle more users. Performance optimization ensures the system runs smoothly under heavy loads. This is achieved through techniques like load balancing, caching, and database sharding.

Let's break it down:

Load balancing distributes user requests across multiple servers to prevent overload. It involves configuring the load balancer software or utilizing load balancing services provided by cloud platforms we discussed in an earlier post.

Caching stores frequently accessed data temporarily, reducing the need to fetch it from the main database. Integrating caching mechanisms involves identifying the data that needs to be cached and choosing an appropriate caching solution (e.g., Redis, Memcached)

Database sharding divides large databases into smaller parts for better management (e.g., user ID, geographical location).

Scaling can be vertical (upgrading server power or increasing its resources (e.g., CPU, memory)) or horizontal (adding more servers and configuring them to work together effectively).

Learn more with our series . Have any questions? Reach out anytime!


Do we fear the audacious or embrace it?

At Miteyda.Startups - we embrace it. Here is what everyone should be on the lookout for:

We constantly hear of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). However, what’s further down the line? - S-AGI: AI understanding new concepts🧠

Quantum Internet: A web of interconnected quantum computers - digital dawn or privacy cataclysm? ⚛️

Meta-Genetic Customization: Rewriting life's rules for personalized existence - evolution leap or nature's forbidden zone? 🧬

Hyper-Reality Simulations: Implanting experiences directly into the psyche - sensory exploration or existential crisis? 🕶️

Meta-Autonomous Megacities: Life managed by S-AGI and Quantum-IoT - peak convenience or autonomy surrender? 🏙️

The bold and innovative are knocking - let them in :)


Sky's the limit?

Perhaps, but only when you've chosen the right cloud to soar.

Today we are looking at cloud platforms that could spell the difference between launching to stardom or drowning in digital chaos.

Each platform shines in its own domain - AWS for its vast service offerings, Google Cloud for machine learning, and Azure for Microsoft product integration.

So, if you have intensive data processing needs, lean towards Amazon Web Services (AWS). If AI is your startup's forte, consider Google Cloud. Running on a Microsoft tech stack? Microsoft Azure could be your ideal fit.

This pivotal decision is part of the bigger journey we've been exploring in our series, .

Want to dive deeper? Reach out to us to help you make an informed decision that will turbocharge your startup's growth.

Follow us for more insights!


"Welcome to June!"

A simple phrase that ushers us into a month filled with both celebration and curiosity. It's the first big marker on business’s annual journey and a time when fresh ideas often begin to blossom.

But let's not forget, June also raises the flag for Pride Month. A period dedicated to acknowledging, honoring, and celebrating the LGBTQ+ community and the incredible diversity it brings to our society.

In the realm of technology, it's notable that June witnessed the unveiling of the first iPhone in 2007, a defining moment in the evolution of personal communication and mobile technology.

So here we go, here's to Summer - a far more gimmicky and innovation prone season, filled with discovery and acceptance.


Navigating the startup journey , you've made strategic decisions on:

[tech stacks, architectural patterns, design principles, and project management methodologies]

The next key step is embracing DevOps, which essentially serves as the practical implementation of these principles and practices.

DevOps, the fusion of software development and IT operations, shortens the development lifecycle and amplifies software quality.

Simply put, it fosters a culture and environment where developing, testing, and releasing software can happen rapidly, frequently, and more reliably, underlining the principles we've discussed so far.

Practices like Infrastructure as Code (IaC), configuration management, and monitoring/logging systems are a few instrumental tools in the DevOps arsenal. Selection of these tools requires a careful evaluation of your scalability needs, team expertise, and compatibility with existing systems.

Align your DevOps strategy with your startup goals to expedite release cycles, enhance system reliability, and improve responsiveness.

Implement DevOps and witness a transformative shift in your startup's growth trajectory. Need more insights?

Reach out.


“Re-" words, like reflect, retool, refine, are your startups’ best pals. They are akin to periodic pauses, allowing you to regroup and ensure your venture continues to operate at its peak.

Imagine your startup as a vibrant garden. Processes, such as revising strategies or revisiting code, are like the regular pruning, watering, and fertilizing that keep it thriving.

So, what's your go-to? Redesigning your app? Reassessing your target audience? Each 're-' is different and all with their own uses.

Choosing the appropriate 're-' comes down to a close examination of your startup. Identify your pain points, and the right tool to tackle them will often become evident.

When you pick your 're-' method, make sure it's what your 'garden' needs to bloom. The result? A vibrant, healthy startup that's raring to grow.

Don't know where to start? Connect with us, connect with others, learn from their experiences, and let your startup flourish.


Last time around we explored architectural patterns of Netflix with .

Let's understand design principles next - key concepts for purposeful, consistent, and user-friendly software. Among them are SOLID, DRY, KISS, and YAGNI.

Look at Google’s use of SOLID principles:

Single Responsibility Principle (SRP): Typing in a search query shows relevant websites, images, news, and more. Each of these is handled by a separate part of Google's code.

Open-Closed Principle (OCP): Software can be extended without disrupting what already works (adding features, like Google Scholar or Google Books search).

Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP): The choice to search among different types of content like Images, News, Videos, etc. and the process is seamless.

Interface Segregation Principle (ISP): Each service provides a user interface for a specific task - Gmail for emails, Google Docs for texts.

But the greatest of them all is Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP): Google's services depend on lower-level systems like databases and servers. However, changes in these lower-level systems don't disrupt Google's services because they all depend on the same set of stable interfaces :)

Do these principles resonate with your design needs? More on this topic is coming up in .

Meanwhile, aren't we all glad Google keeps things SOLID? :)


Turn your innovative ideas into reality with Miteyda.Startups, the perfect partner for your startup's success! Our dedicated division specializes in engaging skilled developers, enabling you to focus on your revolutionary project while we handle the rest. 🚀🌟

Why choose Miteyda.Startups?
✅ Quick access to top-notch developers for your project
✅ Tailored solutions for your unique challenges
✅ Backed by Miteyda's 10 years of experience in software development

As a startup-focused division of Miteyda, we leverage our parent company's expertise and resources to support your growth. Emanating from Ukraine, our resilient team thrives in dynamic environments and adapts to change with elegance.

Our Process:
1️⃣ Send us a message and share your request
2️⃣ Discuss the request in detail
3️⃣ Identify the optimal solution for your project
4️⃣ Plan implementation and team engagement
5️⃣ Meet with each professional working on your project
6️⃣ Finalize the team and set off to achieve your goals

We go above and beyond in understanding your vision and providing professionals who genuinely care about your success.

Ready to bring your startup dreams to life? Hit us up


Congratulations on establishing your project methodology, the next crucial step is selecting the architectural patterns.

What are they? These patterns address common challenges in software design by providing guidelines for organizing code, connecting components, and managing data flow.

Popular choices are Microservices, Layered, Event-Driven, or Space-Based.

Here is how Netflix adopted the microservices pattern contributing to minimal downtime:

Small, independent services allow updates without impacting the whole system.
Service failures don't disrupt the entire platform or user experience.
Microservices enable quick feature deployment and updates with minimal disruption.
The pattern allows swift scaling of services to meet fluctuating user demands.

See similarities that could benefit your business? Wait until you hear about the other patterns. Remember, this is

In the meantime - Netflix, are we right? :)


We are back from HANNOVER MESSE and are onto managing our lifestyles, but what approaches allow for innovation and progress?

Agile project management methodologies, such as Scrum or Kanban, can breathe new life into your startup's product development process.

Picture agile methodologies as a well-choreographed dance, with team members constantly pivoting and adjusting to the changing rhythm of project requirements and market demands.

As such appears to be Scrum, in which your team works in short iterations called sprints, allowing for quick feedback and adjustments.

Kanban uses a visual board to manage work in progress, ensuring a smooth flow and quick identification of bottlenecks.

These methodologies prioritize continuous improvement. Embrace their transformative power, and watch your startup's product development process soar to new heights.

Photos from Miteyda.Startups's post 17/04/2023

Can you sense the excitement on our faces to be diving into a vibrant ecosystem of industrial technology this week? :)

Committed to helping dreamers achieve their goals, Miteyda.Startups seeks out opportunities to assist and partner with ambitious entrepreneurs at Messe.

Our objective is to supply resourceful, skilled teams to bring your project to fruition and propel the industrial technology sector forward.

Embrace this adventure with Miteyda.Startups at Hannover Messe as closely as Maria Prokofieva is embracing the new teddy bear, and let's join forces to make your visions come true!



It's the end of another week, and Miteyda.Startups eagerly anticipates addressing your most pressing questions regarding our services and capabilities.

Your project success is our priority, and our diverse offerings prove it.

From providing full development teams to hand-picked professionals for specific tasks, we're here to overcome your challenges and deliver results.

Moreover, our team is equipped to identify and resolve past issues that may have hindered your progress.

Reach out to Miteyda.Startups today on our website (link in bio), and let us be the catalyst for your project's success.


We're hopping into the Easter weekend, folks!

It's time to enjoy some egg-citing moments and a well-deserved break.

This Easter, whether you're hunting for your next big idea, fine-tuning your current venture, or just enjoying a chocolate egg (or two) - take the opportunity to recharge and reconnect with family and friends.

And hatch your bright idea with us next week!

See you then ;)


Alright, so, you have established your needs and constraints and are moving to the next step - selecting the right technology stack.

Think of your tech stack as a versatile toolkit that will bring your product to life.

For it to be applicable, you should consider popular options like LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP), MEAN (MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS, Node.js), and MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js) stacks, each with unique advantages.

Assess the strengths and weaknesses of each stack, considering factors like ease of use, performance, community support, and project adaptability.

Choose a technology stack aligned with your startup's goals, providing a solid foundation for building, iterating, and scaling your product. Explore and compare stacks, and equip your startup with the ideal toolkit for success.

And when questions arise - inquire with us, check how fast we answer to messages here on Facebook ;)


Earlier this year, we referred to the Back-end and Front-end in restaurant-like terms. And this time, we would like to continue the analogy to bring you the blueprint, or the so-called master plan for your “chefs”.

First, it’s important that you blend market knowledge and competitor analysis to identify unique opportunities, giving your startup its secret sauce.

Second, whisk in a realistic budget and diverse funding options to tackle financial constraints, adding a pinch of frugality for good measure.

Later, garnish your plan with regulatory compliance, ensuring legal and tax requirements are met for a smooth startup journey.

Combine the right team, operations, and technology in a seamless mix, creating an infrastructure poised for long-term success.

And finally, season your recipe with risk management by recognizing potential challenges and preparing backup plans.

This is the start of our , till next week :)


In today's ever-evolving business landscape, it's crucial to distinguish between established companies and startups, as recent worldwide data reveals the latter make up a staggering 90% of all businesses.

Understanding the differences between these two entities is akin to discerning the contrast between an experienced marathon runner and a novice just beginning their journey. While both share an entrepreneurial spirit and thirst for growth, the disparities in their size, structure, and innovative approach can provide invaluable insights for those invested in either sector.

Even so, every company, no matter the size or structure, can benefit from external teams and support. By gaining fresh perspectives and specialized expertise, they can achieve their objectives, maintain a competitive edge, and navigate the challenges of launching and scaling a business.

Don't be afraid to seek external eyes, for it can make all the difference in achieving success.


The startup sphere is an absolute behemoth with an astonishing 300 million active startups worldwide! Keeping up with all the info may seem daunting, but it's crucial to stay in the know of the important nuances.

Thankfully, we've got some seriously legit sources that constantly dish out valuable details on startup innovation. We're talking TechCrunch, Crunchbase, and Startup Nation - the big guns, if you will.

Their insights and analysis are like gold for entrepreneurs, helping all of us to make savvy decisions and better our operations. Trust us, you won't want to miss out on their juicy intel.

So what are you waiting for? Get on these sources and stay ahead of the game!


We've got a nifty tip to share with you today.

Understanding the startup market is key to success. But how well do you really know it?

Here's a tip that's sure to get you pondering: understanding the startup market is like navigating a new city. Just as you would research the local customs, language, and hotspots, you need to immerse yourself in the startup environment to succeed.

That is the first step everyone should take diving into a new niche. Trust us, it'll make a smidge of difference in your startup's success.

Stay tuned for more, next time we may name some sources.


One year ago today, Russia invaded Ukraine, marking a significant shift in global politics.

Despite this aggression, Ukraine has demonstrated remarkable resilience and determination.

On this anniversary, we stand in solidarity with Ukraine, offering our full support for their efforts towards peace and prosperity through territorial integrity and sovereignty.

Miteyda.Startups, as a division of a company with roots stemming from Ukraine, are committed to the success of Ukraine and have faith in their ultimate triumph.


Wondering what your first interaction with Miteyda.Startups will be like? For starters, you are sure to be greeted with a warm smile and a friendly hello. We're a pretty welcoming bunch, if we do say so ourselves.

After introductions, we'll ask you a few questions to get to know you and your startup better. Nothing too invasive – we just want to understand your situation and figure out how we can help.

Once we've got a good idea of what you need, we'll talk to you about your options and give you some advice on the best course of action regarding your startup. We'll be honest and upfront with you, so you'll know exactly what to expect.

Finally, we'll wrap things up by making a plan for the next steps. We'll let you know what you need to do, what we'll do, and when we'll do it. And if you have any questions, just ask! We're here to help, and we want to make sure you're comfortable with everything.

So, that's pretty much it! We promise to make your first meeting with us as easy and stress-free as possible. Can't wait to meet you!


Are you curious about our location and origins?

We are situated in the beautiful city of Aachen, Germany, known for its vibrant startup community. Aachen is a hub for innovation and entrepreneurship, and our team is thrilled to be a part of it.

However, our roots run deeper than just Aachen. We are proud to come from Ukraine, a country known for its bravery, resilience, and ability to adapt to changing circumstances with class.

We are grateful to be here, and we look forward to sharing more about our journey with you in the future.



At Miteyda.Startups, we would like to take a minute to greet you with the craft of a heartwarming environment and the significance of a memorable pursuit.

Afterall, it's Valentine's Tuesday and we are advocating for you to entertain the occasion. Let it be an additional reason for celebrating your passions, your people and surroundings.

Happy Valentine's Day, entrepreneurs!


Did someone say touch?

That’s right, Mobile App Development is another vector you have to consider for your Startup and Miteyda.Startups is on top of that too.

So here are a few things to look into:

Do you think users will benefit from having a portable version of your innovative ideas?
Do you have a vision that you want to implement?
Is it more than just an application?
Or it has nothing to do with it at all?

A Dedicated Team will answer all your desires.

We are often met with a series of challenges and tasks on our own, however, we believe in people being the ones that make an impact and trust them. With the right people at your disposal, your life is easier.

Reach us to see where we can lend you a hand :)


As promised, it’s “a smidge later” and we are having a deep dive session on the topic of our services:

To start off - our Back-end and Front-end development.

You may have heard that they are crucial parts of any website and application, and that’s true.

Think of a website or application as a restaurant.

The front-end (or the "face") of the website is the menu, the design, and the atmosphere. It's what the customers see and interact with. But, behind the scenes, the back-end (or the "kitchen") is where all the magic happens. It's where the orders are processed, the ingredients are prepared, and the dishes are cooked. Without the back-end, the front-end would not be able to serve any delicious dishes to the customers. But without the front-end, there may be a lack of relevance.

Either way, Miteyda.Startups will get you on the right track.

Keep in touch:)


There, caught you!

It’s the start of a new week and the perfect time to learn more about Miteyda.Startups, in particular, our services.

Let's answer your ponderings. Are we able to provide:

A team of developers for your project? Yes.
A couple of professionals to cover certain aspects? Certainly.
An optimal solution or two for a challenge you have encountered? Absolutely.

And you know what we also have? A team that would be happy to identify the causes of previous troubles, if you are unable to pinpoint them yourself.

So how does our work look in this regard? We will tell you a smidge later, for now - revise the questions).

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Klicken Sie hier, um Ihren Gesponserten Eintrag zu erhalten.




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