Unblock and Unfold

Unblock and Unfold

Weekly dance yoga classes to unblock and unfold your body via strengthening postures and relaxing s


In this class we prepare ourselves for the rest of the day and week. We take our time to recognize and accept what’s already there, we become aware of our feelings, thoughts and body. Keeping this awareness, we go through different strengthening postures and relaxing stretches. We unblock our bodies until our freedom of movement becomes bigger. Finally we unfold in – step by step – having a better posture, more balance and stability and being able to improvise through life with gentleness and gratitude.
The lessons are organized in packages of six lessons. Every package has a specific focus and a routine accordingly that will be explained in great detail and thought with precision. This will enable you to continue practicing the routine at home.


Join us!! Next Tuesday's focus: posture and lower back!



Kastanienallee 37

Opening Hours

10:00 - 11:00