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Amarpal sidhu
Amarpal sidhu

analog & digital photographer. Andrea Lavezzaro is a Brazilian photographer based in Berlin since 2007 using both analog and digital tools.

„Ich möchte Momente zeigen, die im Leben und im Alltag von Israelis und Palästinensern einfach passieren“ 07/06/2018

A short series I did in Palestine for Nikon and EDITION F is now up with an interview.

„Ich möchte Momente zeigen, die im Leben und im Alltag von Israelis und Palästinensern einfach passieren“ [Anzeige] Wir haben gemeinsam mit unserem Partner Nikon drei Fotografinnen gebeten, ganz persönliche Fotoprojekte umzusetzen. Die Fotografin Andrea Lavezzaro war dafür in Israel und den Palästinensergebieten und hat dort Momente des Alltags eingefangen. Wir zeigen ihre Bilder im zweiten Teil unse...


Wondering where am I posting my work now? Here: - uncensored pictures, photo classes for all level of photographers, fine art prints delivered at your address - for as little as $1 you can find something for your pocket and support my work! See you there!


For Stephan Doitschinoff, last August, at the IMMA - Irish Museum of Modern Art all film, self-developed at home - *more frequent updates via as facebook is almost dead

Timeline photos 05/07/2017

I'm a contributor to Millennium Images now. Some of my images, like this one, can be found there from now on.

Products – andrea lavezzaro 16/06/2017

Only this month, special prices for Workshops, Private Tuition and Portfolio Reviews. HERE:

Products – andrea lavezzaro

Timeline photos 05/04/2017

Exhibiting in the next Enter Art Foundation event - from 22.04 till 07.05
Leipziger Strasse 42, Mitte, Berlin.

Meanwhile, my profile:

New EAF Artist

Timeline photos 14/02/2017

Happy Valentine's day.
Berlin, 2017.

Andrea Lavezzaro – Small country, small camera | LFI Blog 04/02/2017

Andrea Lavezzaro – Small country, small camera | LFI Blog Berlin-based photographer Andrea Lavezzaro, the winner of last year’s LFI Gallery Music Photo Contest, took her Huawei P9 Plus to Lebanon in October 2016. Despite being branded by war, Lebanon also reveals a love of life – a country full of contradictions.

The female street photographers of Instagram – in pictures 19/01/2017

The female street photographers of Instagram – in pictures The art of street photography was long dominated by men and the ‘male gaze’, but new project Her Side of the Street celebrates women’s role in the practice

It’s a Match! – andrea lavezzaro 19/12/2016

"It's a Match!" was on show at ORi last month, and has been published in - now is finally up in my portfolio too, for those who haven't seen it yet:

It’s a Match! – andrea lavezzaro In November 2015, I started photographing people using the dating app Tinder in Berlin. My idea was to see who was behind the possible encounters the app offers. While doing this project, I met a variety of characters and stories, here’s a glimpse of my +60 portraits from this collection: also on ex...

It’s a Match – The Face of Berlin's Tinder Users 24/11/2016

It’s a Match – The Face of Berlin's Tinder Users The profession of the photographer has changed dramatically with the rise of digital photography and especially with smartphone cameras documenting our everyday

Timeline photos 07/11/2016

Thanks to everyone who came visit the opening of my exhibition this last Saturday. "It's a Match!" will be at Ori until 26 of November, when again we will have an event for the closing. Hope to see you all there!

Timeline photos 12/10/2016

Thanks for the feature, PHmuseum!

The photographer of the day is Andrea Lavezzaro

Timeline photos 20/09/2016

My ongoing series of Usina Da Alegria Planetária is online at the prestigious Positive Magazine - take a look at

Usina da Alegria Planetária - Positive Magazine 19/09/2016

My ongoing series of Usina Da Alegria Planetária is online at the prestigious Positive Magazine - take a look at

Usina da Alegria Planetária - Positive Magazine "Usina da Alegria Planetária" is a community of Brazilian artists that opted to live together in the quiet countryside city of Cotia

Timeline photos 22/08/2016

São Bernardo, São Paulo. 2016. Part of my ongoing series "Tropicaos":


Post temporário para os brasileiro/as que possam se interessar no assunto, e apoiando TANTAS meninas que esse "fotógrafo" (entre aspas, sempre!) abusou, vou relatar minha história com esse infeliz do Yogue Alencar (marquei para que todos parem de segui-lo e bloqueiem do instagram também se possível, porque é GRAVE SIM!). Antes de mais nada, para quem não viu, aqui está alguns dos relatos expostos -

Minha história vem bem antes de 2014 na verdade, ambos ele e a então mulher já me rondavam em redes sociais, mas eu nunca tinha dado trela, porque não sou de muita conversa com quem não conheço (tenho uma certa noção que o mundo é cheio de gente podre, e mesmo assim, cai na dele depois de um tempo...), em 2013 fui ao Brasil resolver pendências sobre a morte do meu pai e fotografei a Bruna Bruce pela primeira vez - ele a levou até a locação e a buscou, foi daí que ficou sabendo da minha situação e se aproximou dizendo que havia perdido o avô recentemente e compartilhava minha dor... Eu não estava muito bem naquela época, ele percebeu e começou novamente a me escrever, então deixei ele se aproximar (hoje sei através de uma modelo que ele falava que ia entrar para o SG me usando, enquanto posava de novo amigo para mim), o convidei para um SG shootfest enorme que fiz no Rio, onde apresentei ele para diversas modelos do site, e também planejamos um workshop juntos, sobre fotografia de nú... Na época ele era bem desconhecido, e montou no meu nome para ganhar atenção... Fizemos 3 aulas, todas super lotadas, 38 alunos pagantes em total, a grande maioria vindo por minha causa - cada R$800 ou mais -tudo na conta da então esposa dele, pois eu não possuía conta no Brasil, vítima perfeita... Ele me enrolou para pagar até o último momento, e o que ele fez quando tive que embarcar para a Alemanha? Me deu R$500 em mãos de quase R$30.000 que me devia e falou que depois me depositaria... só nesse dia eu me liguei que tinha sido enganada (realmente não esperava alguém que eu abri todas as portas, viajei junto, apresentei aulas ao lado, apresentei a modelos, sites, revistas e ajudei tanto, fosse ser TÃO B***O de fazer essa cagada). Pra piorar, na época, como meu pai havia falecido e a nossa então casa estava vazia, eu não tinha onde deixar minha gatinha, eles se ofereceram e confiei meu bichinho com eles, que depois, quando me liguei da m***a que estava envolvida, que esse cara me usou e me roubou e ainda ofereceu para cuidar da minha gata para ter alguma garantia sobre mim e foi - sem exagero - mantida como refém para que eu me calasse sobre a situação, tentei relocá-la e avisar os alunos dos workshops e algumas modelos, muita gente não quis saber ou não acreditou, o que fez tudo isso muito mais complicado, por isso quero apoiar as meninas que agora estão começando a falar.... Foi só com ajuda de muitos amigos que foram buscá-la pessoalmente e sem muita conversa (porque não dá para dialogar com gente ignorante), para levá-la a um novo lar temporário que isso foi resolvido...

Bom, voltando: Ele se auto-convidou na visita que tinha planejada com uma amiga alemã pelo Nordeste, não achamos ruim, afinal até então ele estava sendo super prestativo e educado... Na Bahia, começamos a perceber que ele era enrolado com dinheiro, que estava se gabando para amigos machos que estava comigo e com uma alemã de férias (oi?), e que brigava constantemente com a namorada que deixou em SP - e nos confessou que tinha um caso com uma modelo, que tinha uma filha de 4 anos fora do casamento que era proibido de ver, e outro filho ainda para nascer, com ainda outra mulher. A então parceira dele na época, trabalhava como escrava para ele, beirando comportamento suicída e com uma história de ab**to forçado (ou pelo menos foi isso que ele me contou, e que também ELA tinha uma dívida enorme por causa disso), ela ainda encobre a maioria das ações desse cara, acredito que realmente precisa de ajuda, mas não sei como me portar em relação à isso ou o que pensar direito dessa pessoa... Conheci também o pai dele, não se viam HÁ ANOS, sujeito que ele também maltrata na frente de todos, marca compromisso e não comparece (o pai dele apareceu perdido um dia no nosso apartamento pois tinha levado bolo do próprio filho)... Eu não sei qual é a história pessoal dele, mas nada desculpa o comportamento do Yogue com TANTA TANTA gente!

Pois bem, quase dois anos depois da minha história, ele ainda me deve grana, e hoje fiquei sabendo que ele inventou que eu gastei minha parte em "festas e dr**as" e que eu fui apaixonada por ele? Oi? Olha, eu adoro dr**as e festas, mas pago minhas contas sem ajuda de ninguém desde que me entendo por gente (por isso também só fotografo ensaios de nú quando me pagam!), e nunca tive o menor interesse por ele que, fisicamente, está muuuuito longe de qualquer tipo que me atrai e que me relaciono, e mentalmente ou intelectualmente nem se fala... Dessa parte eu realmente dei muita risada! Agora, o que ele fez com modelos e gente que realmente precisava de ajuda, é muito triste, então por favor: não apoiem esse cara, pois isso te torna SIM comparsa de todas as ações dele!

E por favor: parem de seguir esse babaca em redes socias, de cair em conversas fiadas de quem já fez tanta m***a, ou de deixar esse porquinho usar fotos de modelos que ele abusou. Não acredita em mim ainda? Leia a experiência de muitas outras meninas com ele, e por favor se informem para não ficarem queimado também!

Timeline photos 16/08/2016

Drica. Rio, 2015 - from an iphone. Part of my ongoing series "Tropicaos":

Timeline photos 15/08/2016

Very happy to announce that my work won the first place of a Leica / Huawei contest - this specific series of 7 images will be published in two magazines, and have an exhibition in Hamburg this November. I'll post more details soon, you can see more here: Thanks LFI - Leica Fotografie International!

Timeline photos 12/08/2016

An upcoming - and exclusive - series about +10 years of my work is in the final selection of a LFI - Leica Fotografie International competition - Check the first part here:

Timeline photos 11/08/2016

Why did I merge my pages: It's been a long ride! I started my photography in 2005 (a bit before, maybe, I can't really remember), knowing absolutely nothing about what I was going to do, or what could I eventually represent. I was just a kid exploring (still am, but a bit more aware now!). Back then, it was really easy to engage in the area I have built most of my career - erotic, n**e, soft p**n, however you want to call it. There was no facebook, no instagram, sites and blogs had a lot more of attention, there was no mobile photography either, and it was not as usual as now to have alternatives looking girls, or the girls next door, modelling and exposing n**e pictures - that was something reserved for celebrities or magazine models, mostly pl***oy bunnies-like.

I don't need to pinpoint how much that has changed, and during my journey I raised many personal questions if what I was doing was right, if contributing to this industry was really empowering to women or just another sexist undertake, if engaging in social media was really that important or another plain sign of amateurism - at certain point, after being extremely frustrated with what I was still doing, I got lucky enough to get to know other approach to photography, which is responsible for opening my mind as never before. I read so many books, been in many exhibitions, talked and had the pleasure to work and be guided by several great photographers, made friends with amazing and inspiring artists that changed my perception in different levels - I was then ashamed of my commercial n**e photography, and made sure my name was no longer connected to that.

Two years after I took that decision, and re-built again my "personal" portfolio, where I was proud to sign my name, while keeping my "commercial" n**e photography under a nickname, I realised that the second venue was coming across even cheaper - keeping a page fulfilled with sexy/n**e pictures was making no favor to anyone but to a creepy audience, was obviously still not raising questions but conforming to an old submissive idea, and still something I wasn't proud to say I was behind it, specially when it is SO EASY to get attention and likes when exposing bodies. Just very recently I have come to terms with the idea of photographing n**es - but this time, not as a website or some other source ask, but as I and THE MODELS want, not as a way to *please*, or *be accepted*, but as another way of expression - that's the reason why I decided to mix everything together again, because now I am sure of what I am doing, how this can reflect positively in the society I live in, and how this can be a good change instead of "just another" photo work aiming at nothing but meaningless show off.

Any suggestions, ideas, thoughts to share? I'd be happy to read it, and looking forward to what the future holds.

Model: Hezza/ from an upcoming series of over a decade of work I am just now putting together "These Walls"

Timeline photos 11/08/2016

Vitor Ceolin, in São Paulo, 2014. Part of my ongoing series "Tropicaos":

Understanding Basic Aesthetics in Photography 10/08/2016

What is good photography for you? (do answer!)

"Having an aesthetically successful picture also doesn’t make it automatically great; it provides a beautiful framework to present the story." - There is WAY MUCH MORE TO IT, but as a very basic start, you can get a few ideas from this cute little help guide

Understanding Basic Aesthetics in Photography Recently I got a message from a person who said that they liked my pictures, but unfortunately they don’t have a "photographic eye." This inspired me to wr

Timeline photos 02/08/2016

It's in the frontpage from Caderno2, one of my two pictures now on sale at Triângulo - Galeria da Imagem - if you are in Bahia, and looking for nice photography to admire or purchase, you know where to visit now, also with other works from my friends from Tempo Coletivo. (Rua das laranjeiras, 36 - Pelourinho) // Na capa do Caderno2, uma das duas fotos minhas à venda na Triângulo, se você está na Bahia, procurando por fotografias bonitas para ver ou comprar, passem lá. Com opções dos meus amigos do Tempo também!

Timeline photos 28/07/2016

Francesca. From the series "fleurs savages". More at: #1

Galeria reúne fotografias contemporâneas da Bahia 19/07/2016

Tem foto minha e dos meus amigo do Tempo lá! Se estiver em Salvador, passe para olhar (ou comprar!)

If you're in Salvador, there are pictures of mine and my friends from Tempo at the Triângulo - Galeria da Imagem, go check it out (or buy something, if you'd like!)

Galeria reúne fotografias contemporâneas da Bahia A Bahia está viva ainda lá, mas não com os clichês que nos acostumamos a ver. Tem o porto, tem o povo, tem...

Timeline photos 12/07/2016

Laura. Munich 2016. (1/3)

Timeline photos 05/07/2016

Agouti. Munich - June, 2016.

Timeline photos 24/06/2016

Dark times ahead...

Profile pictures 23/06/2016

Photo taken by Lavezzaro

Timeline photos 17/03/2016

My cat is here with me.

Currently, I've been curios about what keeps an internet profile "alive". I've grown out of this social media stuff quite some time ago, and the more distance I get, the less desire I have to come back. Even as an observer, I rather spend my time in "real life" exchanges and situations, so I honestly don't really know what to do with my pages (which have been ever declining since I divided my cheesecake n**e works from my personal photography), other than announcing about my workshops, projects, or photo-series.

Timeline photos 25/02/2016

Recife, Brazil.

I'm in Brazil for this whole month. A couple of workshops, a couple of photoshoots more and then I'm ready to go back to Europe, when winter will be almost over...

Timeline photos 04/02/2016

I live in Berlin since 2007, and as many that live here for some time, I've seen it changing quite explicitly - but again, all the ones who have been here before me, said the same thing about this place when I arrived too: it is just a different city now.

Regardless, is still a nice place to live, and the city I happily call home. Coincidentally, one thing that I have been playing with, since almost the time I moved to Germany, is analog photography, for many reasons I won't list here.

This year, finally, I decided to leave the easiness of digital only to my commercial work (that I am not exactly proud of, although so many of you got to know me through it), and dedicate to do the work I love strictly in analog. There's absolutely no rush in posting pictures online, it's a completey different realation with time while doing analogs. Also, both facebook and instagram are just decaying platforms - and from what I've learned, everyone who cares about number of followers and likes are more concerned about a weird popularity contest than photography or culture anyways - but from time to time, I will update both as I enjoy it.

I think the whole point of this post was just to reinforce that after so many years, I finally feel home, with photography too.
You can see the whole series at

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Our Story

Andrea Lavezzaro is a Brazilian photographer based in Berlin since 2007.
Using both analog and digital tools, she is often on the road, always using photography to get around.
Her work has been exhibited in Paris, Tokyo, Berlin and several cities in Brazil.
Commercially, she does mostly editorial photograhy, but since 2015 her career has been slowly switching to showcase a more personal approach of her experiences.





Montag 10:00 - 17:00
Dienstag 10:00 - 17:00
Mittwoch 10:00 - 17:00
Donnerstag 10:00 - 17:00
Freitag 10:00 - 17:00

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