Where the world meets: Premium virtual events and conferencing solutions since 1999

Founded in 1999, MEETYOO provides a premium all-in-one platform for immersive virtual and hybrid event experiences. As an experienced managed service provider we have organized numerous digital events such as trade shows, town halls, conferences and career fairs for clients like SAP, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, L'Oréal, Commerzbank, the Fraunhofer Institute, Continental, the University of Ade


Unsere neue Blog-Serie von unserem CTO Tim Adelmann, die verschiedene Anwendungsbeispiele von KI im Eventmanagement beleuchtet, ist übrigens auch auf Deutsch verfügbar! Und das Beste daran: Wir haben Beispielprompts inkludiert, die Sie direkt nutzen können!

Hier ein kleiner Vorgeschmack auf das, was Sie erwartet:

📈 Event-Marketing & Zielgruppenanalyse – Entdecken Sie, wie KI Ihnen hilft, Ihre ideale Zielgruppe zu identifizieren und zu binden, um sicherzustellen, dass Ihre Events genau die richtigen Personen erreichen.

🎨 Event-Design– Erfahren Sie, wie KI-Tools Ihren kreativen Prozess optimieren können - von der Erstellung atemberaubender Visuals bis hin zur Entwicklung von Mood Boards, die das Wesen Ihrer Veranstaltung einfangen.

Und ab nächster Woche:

🎵 Musik, Jingles & Soundtracks – Erkunden Sie, wie KI die Atmosphäre Ihrer Events mit perfekt ausgewählten Musikstücken und Soundtracks bereichern kann, die einen bleibenden Eindruck hinterlassen.

📝 Content Management & Teilnehmendenbetreuung – Sehen Sie, wie KI das Content-Management und die Teilnehmendenbetreuung erleichtern kann, um Ihre Events reibungsloser und ansprechender zu gestalten.

⏳ Event-Management – Finden Sie heraus, wie KI die Event-Logistik vereinfachen kann, indem sie Ihnen Zeit bei Präsentationen, Protokollen und der Gesamtzeitorganisation spart.

Jetzt lesen:


Revolutionize Your Event Design with AI-Generated Visuals and Mood Boards 🚀✨

It's a new week and it's time for a new blog by our CTO, Tim Adelmann, as a part of our blog series on how AI is transforming event management! 🌐✨

Today, we dive into the fascinating world of AI-generated visuals and mood boards. Tim will unveil practical insights and tips on how to leverage AI to create stunning event designs effortlessly.

What you can expect:

+ How AI can generate high-quality design sketches and mood boards.
+ Practical applications of AI tools like Leonardo.Ai and DALL-e
+ Real-world examples showcasing the power of AI in event planning.

Read the full blog post here:


Transform Your Target Audience Analysis and Marketing Strategy with AI 🚀

We are excited to announce the launch of our brand-new blog series by our CTO, Tim Adelmann, on how AI is revolutionizing event management! 🌐✨

Today, we kick off with a deep dive into AI for Target Audience Analysis and Marketing Strategies. Tim sat down to share practical insights and tips on how to leverage AI to understand your audience better and enhance your marketing efforts.

What you can expect:
+ How AI can help you identify and engage your ideal audience.
+ Practical applications of AI tools like ChatGPT for event planning.
+ Real-world examples and strategies to make your marketing more effective.

Read the full blog post here:


🚀 Exciting News! 🚀

We are super excited to announce our upcoming blog post series coming to you from our CTO, Tim Adelmann, diving deep into the transformative power of AI in event management. 🌐✨

In this 5-part series, Tim will unpack how AI is revolutionizing every aspect of our industry, providing invaluable insights, practical tips and example prompts that you can use right away. Here’s a sneak peek at what you can look forward to:

+ Event Marketing & Target Audience Analysis – Discover how AI is making it easier than ever to identify and engage your ideal audience, ensuring your events resonate with the right people.

+ Event Design – Learn how AI tools can streamline your creative process, from crafting stunning visuals to creating mood boards that capture the essence of your event.

+ Music, Jingles & Soundtracks – Explore how AI can enhance your event’s atmosphere with perfectly curated music and soundtracks that leave a lasting impression.

+ Content Management & Participant Support – See how AI can simplify content management and elevate participant support, making your events smoother and more engaging.

+ Event Management – Find out how AI can take the hassle out of event logistics, saving you time on presentations, meeting minutes, and overall time organization.

The first post will be live this Thursday, and trust us, you won’t want to miss it! 🗓️

Stay tuned! 🌟


Ready to see innovation and gender equity in action? 🚀 Discover how the MEETYOO platform powered the Gender Summit 2024, bringing together global leaders for impactful discussions and collaboration. Dive into our latest blog to learn more!

Read the full blog here 👉


Kicking off the week with some big news! 🌟
We're thrilled to announce that our demo platform is now open to everyone! 🎉 Whether you're an experienced event organizer or just curious about what digital or hybrid events can do for you, this is your chance to dive in and explore our event solutions firsthand.

👉 👈

Feel free to reach out with any questions. We're here to help!


Happy Monday! 🌟

Starting off the week with a valuable tip from MEETYOO for all event planners: Just like at live events, remember to build in some breathing room in your virtual schedule. just like at live events, remember to build in some breathing room in your virtual schedule. It’s easy to overlook, but those breaks let attendees explore the platform, connect with others, and really absorb what’s being shared. After all, events are about more than just content – they’re about making meaningful connections. We want to support you in creating events that feel as engaging as they are informative. 🚀

Have a wonderful start to the week!


Revolutionize Your Content Management with Our AI-Powered Hub! 🚀

Struggling with scattered content and high production costs? At MEETYOO, we've innovated the ultimate solution: our Content Hub. Crafted to streamline content management, our hub ensures a seamless, engaging experience for organizers and participants alike, across events, onboarding, e-learning, and more.

Your benefits?
🌟 Content Consistency
🔍 Improved Accessibility
💰 Cost Savings
🎉 Enhanced Engagement

Additionally, our integrated AI assistant simplifies content discovery, provides summaries, recommendations and answers to any content-related questions.

Visit our website to learn more:


Fühlen Sie sich manchmal unter Druck gesetzt, wenn Sie in eine Kamera sprechen und Ihr Publikum nicht sehen können? Sie sind nicht allein. Bei MEETYOO kennen wir diese Herausforderung und unterstützen Sie in jeder Phase.

In unserem neuesten Blogartikel teilen wir einfache Tipps und Tricks von unserem Webcast-Team, um Ihren Vortragenden mehr Sicherheit zu geben und die Herausforderungen virtueller Präsentationen zu meistern.

📖 Den ganzen Blogartikel gibt’s hier:


🚀 Our latest blog post is now live! 🚀

In the whirlwind of event planning, FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) has been a double-edged sword - great for attracting attendees but sometimes overwhelming during the event itself. Inspired by insights from industry expert Julius Solaris in his latest newsletter, we've explored how to balance pre-event hype with sustainable, engaging in-event experiences and how AI can be a gamechanger in decreasing FOMO.

📅 Read the full blog here:

A big thank you to Julius Solaris for the inspiration! 🌟 Check out his newsletter for more valuable event insights.


🔎 Industry Use Case: Revolutionieren Sie Ihre medizinischen Produktpräsentationen!

Die Zukunft der Pharmaindustrie ist da – und wir sind mittendrin. Mit unseren innovativen Lösungen bieten wir Ihnen die perfekte Kombination aus Sicherheit und Interaktivität für Ihre medizinischen Produktpräsentationen:

🔒 Live-Streaming mit Premium-Sicherheitsstandards: Erleben Sie flexible Live-Übertragungen, die höchste Qualität und Informationssicherheit garantieren.

📚 Interaktive On-Demand Inhalte: Unsere Mediathek ermöglicht es medizinischem Fachpersonal, jederzeit auf relevante Inhalte zuzugreifen.

🗣️ Interaktive Elemente: Machen Sie Ihre Veranstaltungen dynamisch und ansprechend mit Umfragen, Q&A-Sessions und Abstimmungen.

🎨 Individuelle Gestaltung: Präsentieren Sie Ihr Unternehmen in Ihrem einzigartigen Corporate Design und heben Sie sich von der Konkurrenz ab.

🌐 Benutzerfreundliche Teilnahme: Einfacher Zugang über den Browser, keine Installation erforderlich, und auf Wunsch integrieren wir den DocCheck-Identifizierungsdienst.

📄 Jetzt One Pager lesen und alle Vorteile entdecken:


🚀 Exciting News! 🚀

We've just released a new blog post delving into the key findings from the 2024 Skift Meetings Event Tech Almanac! Discover the trends that are set to redefine the future of events, from the essential role of hybrid solutions to the advantages of AI in events.

In our latest post, we explore how innovative, engaging, and sustainable approaches are shaping the industry. Learn about the booming demand for event technology, the power of integrated systems, the critical importance of support services, and much more.

🔗 Read the full blog post here:


🌟 We are thrilled to share that MEETYOO has been featured in the renowned renowned Skift Meetings Event Tech Almanac 2024! 🌟

Being recognized alongside industry leaders is a testament to our commitment to innovation and excellence in virtual events. From seamless live streaming to interactive digital environments, we continue to empower our clients to create unforgettable experiences.

Read more:


Curious about our AI Assistant? Last week, we shared a short video that demonstrates how effortlessly and effectively our technology supports your event experience.

What can our AI Assistant do for you?

🎯 Personalized recommendations
🚀 Seamless event navigation
💬 Real-time assistance
📊 Data-driven insights
🛠 Effortless content creation
💡 Revolutionized learning experiences

Learn more on our brand new page:


🚀 Discover our AI assistant in action at the Gender Summit 2024! 🚀

Ready to see how your experience as a participant and organizer can be enhanced? Watch our video from the Gender Summit to see our AI assistant transforming the on-demand phase of a digital event into an engaging and seamless experience.

And guess what? You can register for free to check it out live:


🔔 Just 4 hours to go! 🔔

Join us at 5:00 CEST / 11:00 AM EDT for "Everyday Awareness," an insightful virtual event in honor of Mental Health Awareness Month.

🗣️ Featuring:

- Annette Gregg, CMP, MBA, CEO of SITE
- Leslie Bennett, Partner at Mental Health Innovations Consulting

We'll dive into managing workplace stress, enhancing mental well-being, and fostering psychologically safe environments.

Don’t miss out on this chance to gain practical strategies for improving your mental health at work!

Register here:

See you soon! 👋


🚀 Ready to elevate your event game? Dive into our latest blog post for 13 expert tips on creating a registration page that captivates your audience and ensures seamless event attendance! From engaging headlines to inclusive design, we've got you covered. Don't miss out!

Read now:


🔒 Der Deutsche IT-Sicherheitskongress feiert sein 20. Jubiläum und wir sind stolz darauf, das Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI) bereits zum vierten Mal auf unserer digitalen Eventplattform begrüßen zu dürfen.

Morgen und übermorgen können Sie spannende Live-Vorträge, Podiumsdiskussionen, virtuelle Messestände, und die Welt der IT-Sicherheit hautnah erleben. Unter dem Motto "Cybernation Deutschland: Kooperation gewinnt." werden Trends und Entwicklungen für eine sichere Digitalisierung beleuchtet.

📝 Erfahren Sie mehr über das Programm und entdecken Sie hochwertige Beiträge von Expertinnen und Experten und aufstrebenden Talenten im Bereich der Informationssicherheit. Sichern Sie sich jetzt Ihren Platz:


Von unseren ersten Schritten mit Telefonkonferenzen bis hin zu den innovativen virtuellen Lösungen von heute war unser Weg bei MEETYOO wirklich aufregend! 🚀

Heute, am Tag des Telefons nehmen wir uns gerne einen Moment, um unsere Ursprünge zu feiern und zu erkennen, wie weit wir gekommen sind.

Auch heute noch schätzen wir die Einfachheit und Effektivität von Telefonkonferenzen und sind dankbar für die treuen Kunden, die diese immer noch täglich nutzen, um sich zu verbinden und auszutauschen.

Danke, dass Sie uns vertrauen, sei es durch traditionelle Telefonkonferenzen oder unsere innovativen virtuellen Veranstaltungsplattformen. Auf viele weitere Jahre voller Innovation und Zusammenarbeit! 🌍💙


Join us live today at Africa GreenTec's Content of Opportunities! 🌍

Don't miss out on insightful webinars! Engage with special guests and key partners, or discover how you can contribute to the change by investing in Africa GreenTec's products and services! 💡💚

And let's not forget the fun – swing by the DJ Stage and test your knowledge with the Africa quiz! 🎶🌍

Register and join here:

It's time to connect, learn, and be part of the sustainable future we're building together. See you there!


🌍✨ Happy Earth Day from all of us at MEETYOO! 🌿🌎

Today, we celebrate the beauty of our planet and reaffirm our commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility. 💚

As a virtual-first company, we're proud to play our part in reducing carbon footprints by offering innovative digital communication solutions that connect people without harming our planet.

Let's continue to work together towards a greener, cleaner future! 🌍


Ob Sie sich für ein Renovierungsprojekt zuhause oder die Organisation digitaler Events vorbereiten – die Entscheidung zwischen "selbst machen" und professioneller Unterstützung kann einen großen Einfluss haben.

In unserem neuesten Blog beleuchten wir die Vor- und Nachteile von DIY vs. professioneller Unterstützung. Erfahren Sie, wie Sie den richtigen Weg für Ihr Projekt finden können.

Lesen Sie mehr:



Tired of on-demand events losing steam? We've got the fix: MEETYOO's AI Assistant! 🤖✨

For attendees, it's an interactive journey. For organizers, it's effortless management. Say hello to sustained engagement and value!


🎓 Exciting News! 🎉 We're thrilled to announce our latest collaboration with DAAD for the Study in Germany Virtual Fair on May 8th, from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM!

Are you dreaming of studying, working, and living in Germany? 🌟 This event is tailor-made for you! With 12 prestigious universities from across Germany in attendance, you'll have the opportunity to explore a wide range of study programs and find your perfect fit. 📚

Register now to access this prime example of an engaging virtual career fair, meticulously designed to connect with a global audience.🌍



🌟 Unser neuer Blogpost ist da! 🌟

Tauchen Sie ein in unseren Leitfaden für Webcasts, die begeistern, zusammengestellt von unseren Expert*innen bei MEETYOO! 💡

Entdecken Sie bewährte Strategien für visuelle Dynamik, interaktive Teilnahme und effektive Veranstaltungsplanung, um Ihr Publikum zu begeistern. Nutzen Sie die Expertise unseres Teams, um Ihre virtuellen Veranstaltungen auf ein neues Level zu bringen!

Jetzt lesen:


In a world where virtual communication is king, it's essential to choose the right tools for the job. But why should you consider live streaming over your existing web conferencing solutions? 🤔 We've got the answer!

Traditional web conferencing solutions are fantastic for meetings and small group collaborations. But when it comes to hosting impactful events that leave a lasting impression, live streaming takes the crown. 💥

From global reach to engaging event features, professional production value to branding opportunities, live streaming offers a multitude of benefits that set it apart from the rest. And the best part? Our latest one-pager has all the details you need to know! 📄

Check it out now:

Discover why live streaming is the ultimate add-on to your toolkit, capable of taking your events to new heights. Don't miss out! 🚀✨


📢 Have you checked out our latest blog post yet? 📝

Explore the future of corporate events with insights on boosting engagement, enhancing content retention, and fostering team building. Plus, discover how to ensure participant satisfaction and maximize ROI!

Read now:

Don't miss out on valuable tips and tricks for your next virtual event! 🚀


🚀 Dive into the Future of Corporate Events! 🌟

From HR training to sales kick-offs, virtual events are reshaping the corporate landscape. But how do you ensure success in this ever-evolving sphere?

Discover the secrets to:
👥 Boosting engagement
🧠 Enhancing content retention
🤝 Facilitating team building
😊 Ensuring participant satisfaction

And more! Read our latest blog post for insider tips and tricks:

Don't miss out—unlock the potential of virtual events today!


Heute teilen wir mit großer Freude einen kleinen Einblick in eine unserer innovativen Veranstaltungen - die virtuelle Messewelt der SELECT AG! Teilnehmende erleben hier interaktive Stände, spannende Präsentationen und direkte Interaktionen mit den Herstellern. Schauen Sie sich unser Video an, um mehr zu erfahren!


Yesterday, we were honored to once again partner with The Conferences for Women, hosting an exceptional event on our event platform! 🌟

From engaging keynotes to interactive breakout sessions, enriching networking opportunities, and a vibrant interactive hall featuring a bookstore and career coaching, the day was brimming with inspiration and empowerment.

🗣️ Keynote sessions featured a lineup of esteemed speakers, both familiar faces and new voices, delivering powerful insights and motivating messages.

🔍 Attendees delved into a diverse range of topics across leadership, career development, personal growth, and more through curated breakout sessions, gaining valuable knowledge and actionable strategies.

🤝 Networking flourished as women from across regions and industries connected, forming meaningful relationships and fostering collaboration.

💡 In the interactive hall, attendees explored a wealth of resources, from the latest reads in our bookstore to personalized career coaching sessions, providing invaluable support on their professional journey.

A heartfelt thank you to The Conferences for Women for choosing MEETYOO as their partner once again. We're truly honored to be a part of such a transformative event dedicated to empowering women.

Here's to continued collaboration and inspiring success stories. Together, we're making strides towards a more inclusive and empowered future. 💪

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