Knoweaux Applied Futures

Consultancy for transformative Future Modeling

Photos from Knoweaux Applied Futures's post 31/03/2023

🌱A Collective Inquiry into Regenerative Futures 🌱

On Wednesday we hosted the first 'Regenerative Time Lab' at our community space in Berlin. The purpose of the event was to bring together inspiring minds working and exploring in the field of to open the space for collective inquiry, support and collaboration. Together we reflected and shared on what regenerative futures mean for us, and what nutrients and practices we need to apply in order to reach these futures.

In addition, our Kaospilot and project collaborator presented some insights and questions from her current research project on the regenerative paradigm, which sparked some interesting conversations on the topic.

Thank you to everyone who came and shared their insights - we left the event feeling more nourished and motivated!


Mark your calendars for another session! We are hosting the next one on April 19th - if you are interested in attending, feel free to dm us.
Let's continue to bring minds together for a more prosperous and regenerative future.

Photo Credits: ✨

Photos from Knoweaux Applied Futures's post 13/04/2022

Willkommen in der Gegenwart. Eine weitere Future Modeling Practitioner Crew ist gelandet 🚀

Letzten Freitag hatten wir das Abschlussmodul unseres Strategischen Future Modeling Ausbildungsprogramms für , *innen und *innen.

Nach einer digitalen Onboarding Session, Workshopvorbereitung und Briefing, ging es in den 3 physischen Workshoptagen in Berlin darum, einen Future Modeling Workshop real als Teilnehmer*in zu erleben und gleichzeitig die Magie der analog/digitalen Future Modeling Facilitation und Beratung hinter der Kulisse zu erlernen.

Anhand des Fokusthemas „Die Zukünfte der Städte in 2035“ wurden die Teilnehmer*innen durch jeden einzelnen Schritt des Future Modeling Frameworks geführt.

Eine Transformations- und Lernreise für alle Sinne zur Verknüpfung neuer Zukunftsneuronen 🧠. Inklusive Future Walk durch die Stadt Berlin in 2035, Field Research auf dem Fernsehturm aus 368 m Höhe, einem selbstgekochten Futures Dinner, fantastischen Szenario-Prototypen mit Rollenspiel und kleinen duftenden Erinnerungen aus der Zukunft.

Die Erkenntnisse und Erlebnisse aus dem physischen Modul wurden in digitalen Future Modeling Peer Groups und Mentoring Sessions reflektiert und in individuellen Future Modeling Trainingssessions umgesetzt.

„Es war wundervoll, mit euch zu reisen. Nach jedem Modul wirkt die Zukunft lange nach, verändert meinen Blick auf die Welt und meine Arbeit. Future Modeling ist zu einer Begleiterin geworden, die gerne laut Feedback gibt und auf die Welt im NOW aufmerksam macht.“
- Dozentin für Teamseminare und Projektkommunikation, Zentrum für Schlüsselkompetenzen der Uni Kiel

Wer Lust auf eine weitere Zukunftsreise mit uns hat - das nächste Future Modeling Practitioner Programm startet am 13.Mai.
Dieses Mal auf Englisch mit einem 3 tägigen physischen Modul in Lissabon :)
>> Link in Bio

Photos from Knoweaux Applied Futures's post 17/02/2022

🚀 Strategisches Future Modeling Ausbildungsprogramm für Führungskräfte, Designer und Berater/innen.

Am 11. März startet unser 2. Future Modeling Practitioner Trainingsprogramm. In 4 interaktiven und anwendungsorientierten Modulen vermitteln wir die Grundlagen der Future Modeling Methode und unterstützen die Teilnehmenden bei der konkreten Anwendung der 9 Schritte auf ein individuelles Fokusthema.

Nach Abschluss der Ausbildung habt ihr konkrete Ergebnisse und Erkenntnisse zu Eurem Thema, fundiertes Wissen zur Anwendung der Future Modeling Methode in Eurem Team oder Unternehmen sowie theoretische Grundlagen zu , , , , und -Planung.

Wir freuen uns sehr, dass wir unter Beachtung von strengen Hygiene-Maßnahmen das 2. Modul physisch in Berlin durchführen können (eine digitale Teilnahme ist dennoch möglich, wenn ihr Euch nicht sicher fühlt). Die beiden Seminare zur Einführung und Landung des Programms finden jeweils Online statt (insgesamt 8h).

Alle weiteren Infos und Anmeldung auf unserer Website >> Link in Bio


TIME TRAVELER – Strategisches Zukunftsdenken für Führungskräfte,
Online Training, 🚀 Start: 11.02.2022

Langfristiges, strategisches Denken lässt sich erlernen und trainieren. Und vermutlich ist diese Fähigkeit der Schlüssel für viele organisatorische und unternehmerische Fragen unserer Zeit:

🔹 Welche grundlegenden Veränderungen (Paradigmenwechsel) stehen uns bevor? Und wann?
🔹 Inwiefern betreffen diese Veränderungen heutige Geschäftsmodelle und Services?
🔹 Wie kann ich mich und mein Team auf diesen Wandel heute aktiv vorbereiten?
🔹 Was ist unsere langfristige, gemeinsam getragene Vision? Welche Werte vertreten wir zusammen?
🔹 Welche Fähigkeiten brauchen wir künftig?

Sich diesen Fragen zu stellen und systemische, ganzheitliche Antworten zu suchen ist Aufgabe jeder zukunftsorientierten Führungskraft.
Wie man das schafft, wie man Ängste und Barrieren abbauen kann, wie man mit positivem Blick und Zuversicht die Zukunft mit gestalten kann sind Themen unseres nächsten 🚀 TIME TRAVELER Training-Programms.

Eine erfahrungsbasierte Einführung in , strategische Zeitreisen und die Bedeutung dieser Fähigkeiten für jedes Unternehmen.

3 interaktive Online Sessions begleitet von inspirativen Materialien auf unserer Future Modeling Plattform. Erste Einblicke in die Future Modeling Methodik und Anwendungsmöglichkeiten im beruflichen und unternehmerischen Umfeld.

📣 Wir haben noch 3 Plätze frei, los geht es am Freitag den 11. Februar 2022. 📣
Vorab schicken wir eine Einladung zur Future Modeling Plattform um sich auf das Thema und die Zeitreise einzustimmen.

Alle weiteren Infos und Anmeldung in der Bio.


Neuer Podcast über ...und viele andere Dinge die Spaß und Inspiration für die Zukunft bringen.
Danke für das nette Gespräch liebe !

Die Folge findet ihr auf


Today is Global Climate Strike, and our mission to design a good future for this beautiful planet is more important than ever.

Together with these 22 brave crew members, we recently accomplished our latest Future Modeling journey through the past, the present, and the future.

We donated 33% of all registration fees to projects that fight the climate crisis: Fridays for Future Deutschland , The Futures Project , and GROW MY TREE !

Stay tuned for our next Time Traveler programs in early 2022!

We'll see you at the Climate Strike!


🗣 Last chance to register for our upcoming Future Modeling PRACTITIONER Program. We have one seat left; registration is closing on Monday at noon.

🚀 This live online program is designed for professionals who want to learn how to co-create long-term strategies and Future Ready services based on the Future Modeling framework.

🚀 During this 8 weeks program, we will share our knowledge and experiences of over 100 Future Modeling programs with more than 1.500 participants.

🚀 Hands-on results: You will apply all learnings directly to a topic or issue of your choice and get feedback from the program leads and fellow participants.

More info and registration:


💥 Change is the norm. 💫

Our world is in constant transformation, and we as people, society, and organizations need to foresee, react and adapt each time faster.

These paradigm shifts can be seen in the way we see and think about things and the way we live, the way we do and build the world around us.

There are a lot of things that were supposed to be impossible that became normal. What things we can't even imagine yet will become the norm in a couple of years? 📱🧬

KNOWEAUX is a Transformation & Time Travel Consultancy.

We help people, organizations, cities, and projects go beyond radical change. And we want to share our knowledge to support even more people to be catalysts of change in their areas!

Check our Future Modeling Practitioner Program for leaders, designers, HR, consultants, and changemakers:


🧑🏽‍🚀 Longer the journey, the broader our minds get. 🧠

On September 20th, we will start a new cohort of our Future Modeling Practitioner program. It's a professionalization journey of 2 months where we will deep dive into , , , , Future Capabilities, and processes.

After the program, as a corporate , and Learning Development Professional, , , , , or , you will have:

🔹 deep understanding of the Future Modeling Framework and its steps and phases
🔹 deep experience with the framework through our Future Modeling Labs, where you work on your own focal issue
🔹insights on innovative learning and experience design approaches
🔹 experience on Future Modeling facilitation and application
🔹 be part of a great network of Future Leaders

We designed a rich hybrid program based on Ken Wilber Learning Theory, KAOS Learning Arches, and Experience Design elements:

🔸 Weekly live online sessions, in combination with supplementing study materials on the Future Modeling Platform.
🔸 Several Labs within small Future Modeling teams provide an intense training experience over 8 weeks.
🔸 The Future Modeling platform is the central learning and experience hub for all activities, from live sessions to teamwork and self-paced reflection on fully integrated individual boards.

You will see this , , , and world in a different way. It's a journey that will change your career, your team, and especially yourself.

🚀 Are you ready to take off? Book an Info Call with us! ☎️


Life is a heap of revolutions, metamorphosis, and the unexpected.

Have you ever thought of all the patterns changes you went through in your life?

An overview of contemporary speculative practice - SpeculativeEdu 13/08/2021

Speculative Design is not a new area of Design; it became more known in the past decade. But of course, it changes and develops itself into different practices and focuses.

This excellent article from the fantastic SpeculativeEdu by Julian Hanna takes us on a journey through the many speculative design practitioners from yesterday and today. Not forgetting to go through its definitions and analyzing its common themes.

For Knoweaux, what is most important and exciting about (Speculative) Design, it's this idea of convergence and interpretive thinking, as the article concludes: "In its ideal form, Speculative Design acts as an element not of division but of cohesion: connecting people from diverse backgrounds, experts across disciplines, various publics, and stakeholders, to open up meaningful critical discussions about the future and explore how different—how truly different—things could be."

Happy reading!

An overview of contemporary speculative practice - SpeculativeEdu A tour d'horizon of SpeculativeEdu's investigation into contemporary Speculative Design practice by Julian Hanna.


🙌🏼 Say hello to Rica Amaral, one of our newest additions to the team.

He is part of our broad and interdisciplinary network of Future Modeling Architects. 🌎

🌳 He is helping us imagine regenerative futures and supporting push the design of technology for the common good.

💚 Rica is passionate about technology and its myriad of possibilities; and about nature itself and our deep connection to it. The association of both, if done conscientiously, can be powerful and nourishing for all beings on this planet.
Also, he loves a good story and theater, the power of creating and living different realities. 🎭

🚀 Speaking of other realities, he would love to travel through time and space to 5 years in the future but, more importantly, traveling through space into alternative realities to see what happened differently and why. A sneak-peek of alternative presents (or futures?) is a good way of checking possibilities and their impact.

🦸🏻‍♂️ We think that people will enjoy his superpower in his travels, which is his unique and cheerful laugh, extremely contagious, and can brighten up any space.

📚 As a tip for all our network, he thinks everyone should check the book from Daniel Christian Wahl, PhD, "Designing Regenerative Cultures". It is an excellent guidebook to question our present realities, future realities, and processes. Regenerative design should be the basic concept for anyone developing new products and services, working in the public sector, applying future thinking, and developing business strategies.

Do you want to travel into the future with Rica and his great laugh?

Check our Future Modeling Practitioner program, in which we have a deep dive into , , , and :

We see you on other sides!


⁉️ Have you heard about Speculative Design? ⁉️

One of the building blocks of Knoweaux's practice is Speculative Design.

It's accepted that Speculative Design is an open set of tools, techniques, and methods for questioning and critical thinking towards imagination and visions of possible and desirable scenarios. It's a way to speculate alternative futures and presents, imagining what could be and what it's wanted, and questioning existing paradigms.

Speculative Design is also known under other names such as Critical Design, Design Fiction, Future Design, Anti-Design, Radical Design, etc.

That's one of the tools we used to develop our Future Modeling Framework and an essential step in any consultancy and project we do. After all, we truly believe in the power of collective imagination and utopias as inspiration.

▶️ Have you seen all the services we provide?

Check our complete list here:

Photos from Knoweaux Applied Futures's post 10/08/2021

Our Future Modeling framework is the basis of all work we do as a hands-on consulting agency and the methodology we share in our Time Traveler and Practitioner programs.

It is a three-phase process in which has its foundations in , , , , and , combining their principles and strengths, and consequentially leveraging their shortfalls, in one framework.

🧑🏽‍🚀 Phase 1: Future Quo
Before traveling to the future we download existing, often subconscious pictures, assumptions, and knowledge concerning the focal issue.

🚀 Phase 2: Desirable Futures
We travel into the future beyond the paradigm shift and immerse ourselves in an active idea-finding process to create desirable future scenarios.

🌳 Phase 3: Applied futures
Scenarios and ideas are worthless without action and implementation. Therefore this phase is crucial in shaping the future, take action, take a stand, join forces.

If you want to know a bit more about our Future Modeling framework, check our 3-day Time Traveling immersion:

Or our deep-dive 12-week program Practitioner:

If you are looking to implement the process in your organization, institution, or project, check our Strategic Time Travels services here:

You can download the Canvas for non-commercial usage here:

Happy traveling!


Let's start the week with an exercise.

Close your eyes. Pay attention to your breath without intervening in it. After breathing a couple of times imagine your world in 20 years...

What do you see?
What do you hear?
What do you smell?

How do you feel?

What is solarpunk and can it help save the planet? 06/08/2021

Why are important?
The future only looks like the future because that’s what we say the future looks like.

We need to be able to get inspired by better visions of our common future. Here at Knoweaux we love famous dystopian , but we understand and want to share the importance of focusing on utopian so we can always "stir the boat" to the better direction in and .

One of these utopian movements or scenarios very close to Knoweaux's heart is : a highly technological civilization that lives in perfect symbiosis with and other beings. It's the other side of the coin from , where stripped us all from any connection to the natural world and ourselves.

This article by BBC News explains the ideas behind Solarpunk and why it should be what we are aiming for now, giving some great examples like Tate Cantrell from Verne Global, who says is a manifestation of the Solarpunk aesthetic. We also have great insights from Phoebe Tickell, Carbon Upcycling Technologies, Open Source Ecology, and Daniel Egger from Climeworks

What do you think about Solarpunk? How would imagine a Solarpunk world? Do you have any other utopian visions of the future?

Happy reading!

What is solarpunk and can it help save the planet? Solarpunk is art movement that imagines a world where technology is used for the good of the planet.

Photos from Knoweaux Applied Futures's post 04/08/2021

⁉️What is Future Modeling? ⁉️
That's the next entry in our Futuonary!

Future Modeling is a nine steps , divided into 3 phases into two different time zones. It is a co-creative process working best in teams across different organizational layers, including outside from experts or customers.

The standardized approach allows iterations and corporate-wide programs across your organization to foster a shared culture of long-term thinking:

🔶 It's standardized, so it's .
🔶 It's , as it focuses on long-term strategies.
🔶 It's open, , and .
🔶 It takes a holistic, perspective of any subject.
🔶 It focuses on desirable futures and .
🔶 And as a result, you get an instant implementation plan, futures applied.

Besides the actual meaning, to be able to understand a concept is essential to know what it is not. Future Modeling is not:

❌ Predicting the Future
❌ Trend Reports
❌ Fancy cliché scenarios for your board of directors
❌ Long term visions without an implementation strategy
❌ Futures Theater

Download the framework here:

Are you interested in getting to know more about the process? Check our TIME TRAVELER IMMERSION SPECIAL EDITION. We also have an INFO CALL next week, register here.

If you want a more in-depth dive into the Future Modeling, check our 12 weeks Practitioner Program:

Photos from Knoweaux Applied Futures's post 03/08/2021

🛎 Calling ALL corporate , and Learning Development Professionals, , , , , and Individuals, and ! 🌎

🚀 Are you ready to travel through time with us? 🚀

In our TIME TRAVELER IMMERSION program, you will get an introduction to Strategic Time Traveling and Future Modeling, but more than that, you will:

🔹 Learn and reflect about our perception of time (past, present & future) and different futures thinking and foresight techniques;
🔹 Reflect on paradigm shifts and exciting opportunities beyond;
🔹 Evaluate the Future Readiness of your company, team, or service;
🔹 Learn why time traveling is vital for the success of your organization, services, or career;
🔹 Get an overview of associated Future Modeling Capabilities;
🔹 Explore the Future Quo of your industry (or field of interest) and collect relevant Future Images, Drivers, and Barriers.

Register to our info call next week to answer all your questions and meet the Time Travelers Architects:

and don't forget we have a PAY WHAT YOU CAN policy only this time >>> we will donate 33% of your subscription to one of the following organizations that are nourishing our future: Fridays for Future, The Futures Project or Grow My Tree.

🚀 Our most await us! 🌳


What is your wildest dream?

Strategic time traveling is made of imagined utopias and the desire for a better way of seeing things... so what is your most desirable future?

What Is ‘Futures Literacy’ and Why Is It Important? 30/07/2021

At Knoweaux we believe in the power of imagination to change realities and build better futures for everyone and everything.

Futures Literacy, "the capacity to know how to imagine the future, and why it is necessary" is a center piece in our Future Modeling framework. It's the discipline of antecipation, as they write in the article.

Check this great introducionary article by Nicklas Larsen, Jeanette Kæseler Mortensen (both from Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies) and Riel Miller (UNESCO), about the definition of Future Literacy and how UNESCO has been trying and testing techniques using Futures Literacy in different areas like inclusion & diversity, refugees and higher education.

Let us know your opinion and don't forget to check our TIME TRAVELER IMMERSION SPECIAL EDITION!

What Is ‘Futures Literacy’ and Why Is It Important? On overcoming blind resistance to change and poverty of the imagination.


👩🏻‍🚀 We would like to introduce you to our Future Modeling Architect: Amrei Andrasch. 👩🏻‍🚀

She is one-half of the foundation of Knoweaux, helping you, your team, and your organization imagine and build new futures.

❤️ She is very passionate about creating experiences for people to connect, learn, evolve, and enjoy the beauty of life on this planet. 🌎

🦸🏻‍♀️ Her superpower is her imagination, her empathy, and most definitely her obstinacy - she is a true believer and advocate for time travels!

🚀 Speaking of it, she wants to travel to the year 2035 to see if and how all the desirable futures scenarios our time travelers imagined got realized and if not, what were the missing links.

📚 As a last tip for old and new travelers, she believes that everyone should take some time to check "The Invention of Nature", from Andrea Wulf.

🌳 Are you ready to get lost in time and nature with Amrei? ⏰

‼️ Check our TIME TRAVELER IMMERSION - SPECIAL EDITION, in which you learn the fundaments of strategic time travel and future modeling while supporting amazing projects with your subscription! ‼️

🚀 We see you on the other side! 🚀


🚀 We want to help our Time Travelers get ready for our journey! In the next weeks, we will be sharing the meaning of words and concepts that we work with. 🧑🏽‍🚀

Our first word in our Futuonary (Futures Dictionary) is, of course, our name KNOWEAUX. 🌟

Bonus for geeks and nerds: the name KnowEAUX also contains the french word EAU = water in English. The symbolism of water represents a myriad of possibilities, like any future in any time and space.

‼️ Knoweaux is New Knowledge that brings us a myriad of possibilities! ‼️

Let us know what you think of the meaning of our name in the comments below! 🤩


🚀 When we said: "let's start a journey together", we meant it seriously. 🚀

Are you ready to travel to the future with us? 🧑🏽‍🚀


After two fully booked Time Traveler Programs this year we open up another Special Edition to empower more people to become Future Modeling Time Travelers!

This is an program for enthusiasts, designers, , consultants and organizations, in which they get an introduction to Strategic Time Traveling and Future Modeling

🔹 3 Online 3h Live Sessions (+ self-directed learning)
🔹 9th, 10th & 11th September
🔹 PAY WHAT YOU CAN >>> and we will donate 33% of your subscription to one of the following organizations that are nourishing our future:

>>> Fridays for Future International
>>> The Futures Project

To help all people navigate this paradigm shift we are all living in now, we created six different price levels for joining our TIME TRAVELER IMMERSION - SPECIAL EDITION that starts as low as 33€. More details here:

Do you still get questions? Get all the answers you need and meet the future architects in our group INFO CALLS on 09.08 and 01.09. Register on our website.

💚 The only way we will build a better future is together! So share and Tag your co-pilots and associates below! And let us know if you have any questions. 💚


Let's start a journey together to the (un)known. 🧑🏽‍🚀

If you could go anywhere in time and space, where would you go?

And why?

Leave your answers in the comments below ⬇️

Photos from Waterkant Festival's post 03/06/2021

Join us for the in Kiel!
We will be there with a Future Modeling Workshop on each of the six days.
In live - yes :)!!
See you there!


Quick update from the Future Modeling 🚀 Time Machine:

We just finished our final test runs for the TIME TRAVELER Program and are ready to take off to the Future next Friday at 12:30h with 20 brave and fantastic passengers.

Please hurry in case you haven’t registered yet on our website, only 3 seats are still available. First come first travel.

To all Time Travelers from Germany: Our German Time Traveler program is taking off on May 7!

Enjoy your last weekend in 2020, we will see you soon in 2035 🚀

Amrei & Manuel from the Future Modeling Academy


Let’s time travel to the future to explore how we can solve some of the biggest challenges of our times!
Imagine how we will live & work in 15 years. Bring these insights and learnings back to 2021 to prepare your organization, services or personal career for exciting opportunities.

Join us at our next Professional TIME TRAVELER Academy Program and learn how to time travel by applying the Future Modeling Framework.

4 weeks online program „Future Modeling Time Traveler“ 🚀
3 Live Sessions plus self directed learning labs
Start 16.04 (English) or 07.05. (German)

Check out our website for more information:

We are really excited to take you with us on this journey.


Unsere Mitgründerin Amrei Andrasch hatte vor ein paar Wochen eine sehr spannende Unterhaltung mit dem Zukunftbureau Aarau über Future Modeling, Zeitreisen und viele andere schöne Themen.

Schaut einfach mal rein!

𝗭-𝗔𝗔𝗥𝗔𝗨 𝗙𝗥𝗔𝗚𝗧... Amrei Andrasch🚀💛

Amrei ist Chief Time Traveler bei der Zeitreise-Agentur Knoweaux Applied Futures Berlin. Sie reist mit Organisationen und Teams in die Zukunft und öffnet dort positive Räume. Wie sehen unsere Märkte und Produkte in der Zukunft aus? Wie harmonieren wir als Team in der Zukunft? Wie wird sich unsere Organisation durch bevorstehende Paradigmen-Shifts verändern (müssen)?💡

❞𝙀𝙨 𝙜𝙞𝙗𝙩 𝙠𝙚𝙞𝙣𝙚 𝙁𝙖𝙠𝙩𝙚𝙣 𝙖𝙪𝙨 𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙕𝙪𝙠𝙪𝙣𝙛𝙩. 𝘼𝙡𝙨𝙤 𝙠𝙤̈𝙣𝙣𝙚𝙣 𝙬𝙞𝙧 𝙨𝙚𝙡𝙗𝙚𝙧 𝙕𝙪𝙠𝙪𝙣𝙛𝙩𝙨𝙗𝙞𝙡𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙜𝙚𝙣𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙣❗❞

Amrei macht mit diesem Gespräch unseren Zukunftsgestaltern Deliah Kyburz und Dejan Popovic richtig Lust auf eine Entdeckungs- und Gestaltungs-Reise in die Zukunft🎈💛 Tauche auch du mit ihr ein in die verschiedenen Phasen ihres Future Modeling Frameworks🔶💎🍀

Schau dir hier das Interview an:

Mehr Infos zu dem Framework, zu Knoweaux und der neuen Ausbildung zum Future Modeling Time Traveler:

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Future Modeling with KNOWEAUX Applied Futures

KNOWEAUX Applied Futures

is a Strategic Time Travel Consultancy supporting organisations and leaders to radically think and create Desirable Futures.

KNOWEAUX is driven by entrepreneurs, experience designers, futurists and innovators working together with an international network of likeminded experts and partners.

We founded KNOWEAUX because we believe that we have the power and responsibility to fight for solutions with positive impact on the planet, society and business.

Future Modeling




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