Life Artists, Berlin Videos

Videos by Life Artists in Berlin. Life Artists - We are Creators! Dedicated to amplifying human potential through skills in embodied

Just getting out the news that YES - ANIMANO BODYMIND HEALER 6 - WEEK TRAINING 2024/25 WILL HAPPEN!

So excited to meet you all and invite you to this
beautiful work of being a guide to your fellow humans
through an embodied approach to our lives, our
dreams, our minds, and all that in between. Through
touch, conversation, and your unique qualities and
gifts, you will learn to coach your clients and yourself,
toward a more practical and enjoyable movement of
possibilities in your lives.

For those of you who are wondering who I am and would like to meet me and learn from me before committing, feel very free to join the pre-events, where we will meet, touch, learn, and play the body fantastic! :)

April 25th, 2024 - 18:30-21:30 Uhr - TOUCH and How it Heals Us.

May 9th, 2024 - 18:30-21:30 Uhr - Energy = Flow! How Energy Flows in the BodyMind

July 23rd, 2024 - 18:30-21:30 Uhr - ANIMANO - Meeting Your Client Through the Foot

AND a full-day event - September 1st, 2024 - 13:00 - 18:00 Uhr - BECOMING A BODYMIND HEALER.

Event links and registration details will follow!

Please check out the Website: and let's meet!

This year's training will invite 28 participants, and 6
spots are already taken - so if you wish to get in,
please start the process now!
Very eager to meet you.

Much Love @Barbara Droubay, @Life Artists, @Life
Artists Creators Hub

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Just getting out the news that YES - ANIMANO BODYMIND HEALER 6 - WEEK TRAINING 2024/25 WILL HAPPEN! So excited to meet you all and invite you to this beautiful work of being a guide to your fellow humans through an embodied approach to our lives, our dreams, our minds, and all that in between. Through touch, conversation, and your unique qualities and gifts, you will learn to coach your clients and yourself, toward a more practical and enjoyable movement of possibilities in your lives. For those of you who are wondering who I am and would like to meet me and learn from me before committing, feel very free to join the pre-events, where we will meet, touch, learn, and play the body fantastic! :) April 25th, 2024 - 18:30-21:30 Uhr - TOUCH and How it Heals Us. May 9th, 2024 - 18:30-21:30 Uhr - Energy = Flow! How Energy Flows in the BodyMind July 23rd, 2024 - 18:30-21:30 Uhr - ANIMANO - Meeting Your Client Through the Foot AND a full-day event - September 1st, 2024 - 13:00 - 18:00 Uhr - BECOMING A BODYMIND HEALER. Event links and registration details will follow! Please check out the Website: and let's meet! This year's training will invite 28 participants, and 6 spots are already taken - so if you wish to get in, please start the process now! Very eager to meet you. Much Love @Barbara Droubay, @Life Artists, @Life Artists Creators Hub

"I would most definitely recommend this course. And the reason why is because it will enable you to really come in contact with yourself to understand on a very deep level. Who are you, you know, who are you? And, and I don't mean that in the sense of oh you need to be in search of who you are. I mean, like really who are you? How do you function? How does your body, mental, emotional, and physical spiritual relationship, this whole design, how does this function? How does this whole design relate to life? What did you learn? And by learning more about it also relaxing with it, laughing about it, becoming more at ease with it, and then, choosing, then being able to choose. Hey, oh wow, this is, this is what I do. OK. This is what I do. Yeah. And that's fine and that's totally fine. It has the potential to come home, like really coming home into this body and living it fully." Andreas Teichrib One of the aspects that I love so much, in teaching others to work with people through Healing Touch, is the unique power each new practitioner and participant bring through this work into life. Each person naturally brings their own possibilities to gift others in a learning process. In my training ANIMANO - Re-Membering the Body six-week training, you learn to gift your own perspective and innate possibilities to others in a simple and direct act of guiding attention and deepening this through embodiment training and touch. This training at its core is yes, about learning skills, and touch techniques, to guide others in their personal process of rediscovering their personal power to create their lives, Yes it is a beautiful possibility for a rewarding career, yes it is a personal journey to rewire your focus allowing you to access your power to take action in your life - but fundamentally it is about freedom. The freedom we have to create, to take our own unique energy and share this in a meaningful way with others. The freedom we have today to choose what we desire and nee

Sophie Weiser - Animano Training Testimonial
"My desire in joining the @ANIMANO - A Six-Week Training to Become a BodyMind Healer, was to bring my mind back into my body and anchor it there and to continue this journey as a holistic creature. To bring that experience of what that means to be whole, no matter how much trauma we have experienced. It's the trauma that has formed us. So it feels really like, oh wow. The way you are - is perfect - and I want to give that to the people around me and I feel it's super valuable and potentially missing - because we have a slight focus on the things that are not so perfect. And this training really changes the focus to what is your heart's desire? Where do you burn for the most? And can you go there with me?" @sophie.weiser We speak a lot about trauma these days. And don't get me wrong, trauma is a part of our lives. As Sophie said - "it's the trauma that forms us." And yet, I have a very different approach to trauma - and especially when teaching people to heal from trauma. Trauma for our bodies - is NOT what happened. What happened, Happened - and is experienced by our body as intensity. Whether that was intensely horrible, painful, scary - or intensely powerful, a life experience gifting us with unique qualities and superpowers - is determined by what MEANING we hook into that experience - and what that focus then creates in our embodied state. Let's unpack this for a moment: Life is full of all experiences. Some are simply terrifying, painful - others exciting and pleasurable - others deep and gentle, and alllllllll states, expressions, and experiences in between. Life IS all our experiences. We are a BodyMind- our mind gives focus, attention, and meaning to our experiences in life as well as our ability to focus our attention toward our dreams, desires, and heart intention. Our Body is the one taking action on our dreams, our focus, and the one expressing the meaning we give to our experiences through our movement, breath, and states of energy - states

In the fall of 2022, I had the privilege of sharing my life's work: @ANIMANO - A Six-Week Training to Become a BodyMind Healer - to 35 extraordinary humans! To say it was an incredible success is an understatement. What we learned and shared together through this six-week journey together was a gift of unparalleled proportion, and I am so proud of the beautiful BodyMind Animano practitioners that have been birthed into the world! For me personally, it was the fulfillment of my lifelong love. A deep engagement with our human condition, the body, and our capacity to heal, and to create. It was an exquisite jump into the unknown - full of all the excitement, intensity, and insecurities such adventures bring. For the past 10 years, I have felt drawn to the possibility of sharing the 30 years of experience I have gathered in BodyMind practices. And yet - I can say - I was uncertain if this work, this perspective could be taught. For sure, I imagined it could be. Techniques and ideas can always be taught. Given enough time and attention, our capacity to learn is immense. Yet I was uncertain - could the way that I envisioned - the direct approach to the body, the techniques of touch I wished to share, the specific approach and perspective from which I teach - be a product of some "special" quality only I had? Was it because of my years of practice dedicated to this work? Or could it be that we can all learn this? In fact, could it be we all instinctively know this? You see, I had a hunch that this perspective and the approach to the BodyMind which my heart wished to see come alive for others - COULD be shared. I felt that it could be shared so directly, simply, and indeed with such ease and joy - because it is based on the simple foundations of who we are as Human-Animals. The embodied attention to possibility in all her forms and our inborn capacity to shape and mold our experience. Instead of 20 years - could it be that the foundations of truly being able to guide

Daniel Animano Training Testimonial
Registrations for the Earlybird of the upcoming Animano Training are flowing and I am excited. As I do each new personal meeting with all those wishing to join this new group, I feel touched by the unique desire of each. Some wish to deepen their knowledge and capacity in working with people, and others come with a deep intuition and emerging desire to start a new career and learn to touch the lives of others through BodyMind Healing work. Others are simply touched and curious and simply feel they want to be there. And each person I meet touches me. Because what beautiful humans! Each is alive with possibility and creative power. Each brings their unique perspectives, lives, and intentions to this course. And I am reminded of what a gift it is to be teaching this, to have the privilege of engaging my energy in this way with others. As one of my students last year said- yeah, revolution one body at a time. Here is a beautiful sharing of a wonderful Bodyworker and leader of transformative workshops, who was part of last year's training. Daniel Brunner, Thank you for your presence, your beautiful spirit, and your love to learn and dive deep into healing. And thank you for sharing your experience with future Animanos. Early bird tickets are available now till the end of August! So if you are excited and curious about this work - contact me and schedule your personal meeting so we can begin the process of deciding together if this is the next step in your learning: [email protected] And for all course details visit I am really looking forward to meeting more of you and building this beautiful group of learning to touch the world - offering new possibilities for life to express - one body at a time! Much love Barbara Droubay Life Artists Life Artists Creators HUB

On the eve of the new year, I wish to say THANK YOU for all the beauty and magic and power and fun and love and healing and intensity life gifts me with. What an amazing ride! And I wish to give my deepest gratitude and warmth of spirit to each of you who are in my life and I have the pleasure of sharing this adventure with. May this new year bless us with further courage, desire, adventure, clarity, intensity, connection, wealth of being, and all that we as Creators in this life experience dream of, create, desire and need as we dive deeper within this cosmic ride! Sending much love, appreciation, and great fun and love for this year ahead! Barbara Droubay Life Artists Life Artists Creators HUB

I am deeply excited about the beautiful group of 24 beings who have made a clear decision to explore and lean into their own potential as body-mind healers. THANK YOU for all of you who reached out and for those of you who are already ready for next year, you know who you are, and those who were concidering yet we filled up before you were decided, let your heart and dream grow and keep this training in mind for a possible next year! For now, I am deeply grateful to begin on October 10th with this eager group of men and women. Sending much love, Barbara Droubay π—”π—‘π—œπ— π—”π—‘π—’: a 6 weeks training to become a Body-Mind healer - with Barbara Droubay Life Artists Creators HUB Life Artists

In my opinion violence is the act of perception which believes one has no other choice. Is it needed? Only if we truly have no other choice. It is a possibility. Freedom is the memory and realization that we Do have immersurable choice... In how we think and how we connect, in what we do. Coming together in this choice... That is power.

Hello dear ones! Beginning October 10th, 2022 I invite you to join me for: ANIMANO - Re- Membering the Body. It is a 6-week certification training to become a body-mind healer. SO WHAT IS ANIMANO? Animano is a description of an experienced, felt, acted upon union - of mind and body - in service to life. It is a word that my teachers shared with me - one which calls forth a cellular memory of who we are and why we are here. Animano simply means Human-Animal. I wish to share a story - which continually touches me. It is a description that guides my heart and inspires my actions. In the traditions of knowledge that I learn with - the human animal is an equal part of the animal kingdom - like any other animal walking this earth. Each animal is gifting life with unique expressions of possibility. Each, expresses an active role in an ever-expanding creation. The role of the β€œHUMAN” Animal is to be the "caretaker" - the Gardeners of the earth. A unique possibility of the HUMAN-ANIMAL - is the gift of our mind, in its ability to abstract - allowing us to perceive time and space and to express a particular possibility reflecting this perspective. From this perspective, the human animals’ body-mind expression - can be used to heal – which in its origin means β€œto join wholeness.” To unify. To connect. It also touches on the origin of the word "creativity." To create a union between all that is - to explore and learn new connections. To join possibilities and create new expressions of reality. Amplifying the ever-expanding expression of chaos – adding to the beautiful weaving of Creation. I must say, when I first heard this, I was pretty cynical - downright disgusted. Yeah right. Like our earth and all that lives - needs OUR care. Seems pretty arrogant and it seems like in the worst case we are making a big mess of it. I felt life would be much better off without "our" caretaking. Over some years, and leaning into this q

🎧SOUND ON 🎧 I would like to introduce you to 'ANIMANO' - a 6-week training desgined by Barbara Droubay to become a certified body-mind healer. This training gives you great tools to support your future clients in the rediscovery of wholeness within the abundance of possibilities! Through touch, resonance and listening, communication, focused energy, and intensity, you learn to connect and integrate mind and body. So that desire and action can flow easily into our expression and into your and your client's experience! This training offers you a variety of valuable tools, techniques, and valuable insights into the human body-mind that teaches you how to support your client in an effective and integral way. The focus and structure throughout this 6-week training are comprised of areas and techniques that enable us as practitioners and clients to move within a broad base of possibilities. Awakening the potential each of them offers, allows you to weave a process of learning and discovery with your client and confidence in your abilities. Our focus as body-mind healers is always to create integrity between thought and action in your clients, giving you and them a clear roadmap of possibilities to travel. βœ…Bioenergetics – The body’s energetic system. ---Biological/physical energy. How it flows. ---How does energy move in our bodies/touching our client? ---Where does it emerge/come from? ---How to tune into it? ---How to extend it, amplify, and relax its flow? ---What is balance within flow? βœ…Movement & Resonance ---Life is movement. Our ability to listen and flow with life’s movement is resonance. ---Movement Science/ A body in movement. ---Kinesiology – A body in movement in space. ---Reframes – Foundations of movement. Focus, relaxation, attention, movement, energy, strength. ---Resonance. The body as an organ of perception. ---Listening as a resonant field. Perception, Attention, Empathy, Comprehension. βœ…The Mind/Body & Body/Mind ---The beau

Hello Dears, ARE YOU READY TO TOUCH THE WORLD? Welcome to ANIMANO. BECOME A CERTIFIED BODYMIND HEALER. BEGINNING OCTOBER 10th, 2022 As a body-mind healer, you will enter a beautiful journey of unlimited possibility with your client and yourself. Our role as body-mind healers is to join our clients in the rediscovery of their wholeness within the abundance of possibility. Possibilities of thought, action, power, energy, joy, curiosity and to re-member our inborn possibility of a life full of freedom, connection, health, and intensity. Through touch, resonance and listening, communication, focused energy and intensity, we connect and integrate mind and body. So that desire and action can flow easily into our expression and into our experience. I INVITE YOU TO JOIN ME ON THIS JOURNEY INTO THE RE-MEMBERING OF YOUR BODY'S ABILITY AND INNATE POWER TO HEAL! I am excited to teach you the very simple and expansive possibility of joining another body in its dance of creation. To remind you to perceive what is already present and what you also already know how to do: to extend your sense-ability into the expansive wonder of the world around you. To reach into another body and play in that eternity. Touching them as part of you, healing you as well as them. ANIMANO begins October 10th 2022. It is comprised of 6-week-long modules, ending in June of 2023. Its aim is to teach you the magical and very practical art of healing through touch. In doing so, one body at a time, we weave a new pattern of becoming into eternity. I look forward to rekindling your longing to gift the world with your healing touch, and to experiencing the unique qualities that your being knows about the art of healing. Barbara Droubay - Life Artists ANIMANO is for anyone wishing to work with people in an intimate and practical way involving touch, communication, movement and energy, to create possibilities of healing in their lives. It is a deeply rewarding, passionate, and fulfilling path

I am back and am looking forward to sharing with you again. I was in Colombia. Not doing and simply being. The time has given my heart and being space to let life evolve and shape my next decisions and the Form they will take. I am happy to share now these three decisions I am shaping into being. I decide to keep the Creators Hub open! With immense gratitude for the private loans from dear friends, the possibility of staying open is now here. Keeping us open until the state funding arrives, (which they have said we will get.... Just takes a long while for the money to be paid out.) This means a fulfillment of the decision and intention for the Creators Hub to remain OPEN.πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸŒ…πŸŒ… Decision 2 So many of you have been asking me to teach healing bodywork. To teach what I do and know about the body and the powerful reality forming shape-shifting beings that we are. It is finally time to do so. More than 10 years I have been envisioning such a course. It is that time now. We need to be able to heal each other. And so I will be inviting those interested in learning with me. To be a part of an in depth journey learning about how to shape and form magic as body and how to heal and touch from that inherent magic that we are. If that is your desire, simply contact me and we will talk about your wishes and the course structure and intention. In the next month registrations will begin for this training. And of course, much more information. Just know, I am excited and finally ready. 😻😻😻 Decision 3 I am soooo excited to begin sessions again with you all. Beginning in March individual sessions will start again. If you are a client of mine.. Look for the coming email with details. Simply know, the calendar is now open! πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯° Those who wish to become a client, just pm me. So for now sending you all so much love, hope, and healing. We are powerful beings of energy and intention. I am grateful for the ch

FREE FLOW QUIZ - Find out what is holding you back from your full potential?

Join the FREE 5 - Day FLOW AND CREATIVITY TRAINING: Learn to Work hard for your goals - without working hard!

Creative D.R.I.V.E Promo video

Jake's testimonial

Camille's testimonial

Jake's testimonial

Creative Fear