Life Artists

Life Artists - We are Creators! Dedicated to amplifying human potential through skills in embodied Life Artists - We Are Creators! This is Creative power!

Life Artists claims: CREATIVITY is a Physical experience. I believe that creativity is our natural state. It is the most natural and pleasurable expression of being alive. It is the spark of life that engages us, ignites our curiosity, and revitalizes our ability to be attentive to the world we live in, others, and the present moment. I believe each one of us has something unique and visionary to


Last week the second year of ANIMANO BODYMIND Healer Training finished!

Another 22 people out in the world exploring how to touch their clients with this simple yet oh so powerful approach to life.

What we think we will do, what we focus on becomes our actions, which create our moods and emotions, which lead ultimately to our experience of ourselves and life around us.

How do we teach a person to notice what they are "doing" and make it actually possible for them to do something new in thier life?
That is what Animano BodyMind Healer Training is exploring and sharing.

Most of us intimately have felt the frustration knowing what we want, having all the best of intentions, yet repeating again and again our past habits.

It's so frustrating, and at it worst, deeply painful. How do we move from trauma to trust? From struggle to peace? From pi**ed off to powerful?

By learning to focus our attention toward what we desire instead of what is lacking, learning how to engage our will power by releasing old patterns, I call them old "doings" in our muscles, our breath, our movement - so we free up the energy and possibilities needed to create change.

In doing so, we shift out of the patterning we are embodying, a fixation of our attention creating fixed repetitive actions, moods, energy levels and experiences. and move into states of FLOW.

Instead of re actions, we learn to be response - able. Leading a life of choice, and personal power.

There is no "solution" for life, nor is their any "better" state. Pain is equally here alongside Joy. All is our will experiencing and expanding life and our choices.

And yet, agency, the power to be able to control the life you have - namely your embodied state, your nervous system responses, your actions and choice to have energy, is our birthright. What I believe we are here to practice. Re-membering our creative POWER.

To guide others along this journey has been an absolutely beautiful gift. I truly am filled with gratitude and excitement for the ripples of love and creation that are expanding.

Thank you class of 23/24. You are beautiful!

Is this your thing? Then reach out! The next year of ANIMANO BodyMind Healer - 6-Week Training is beginning October 14th 2024.

The world is calling us to step up, raise our energy levels, decide what we want and have the skills to act upon this. Are you ready? I know I am, and would love to welcome you to learn these skills and guide others in this way. It's such a great ride!

Much love Barbara
[email protected]

Rachel Helmbrecht Ansmann Andreas Teichrib Andreas Kampf Sophie Weiser Julia Neuenhausen Vasi Roots Andwings Sarah Entwistle Abi Roessler Mattea Luna Johanna Borchert
Farhad Pocha Elisabeth Andrio Esther Bohnhardt Leo Fey Stefan Köhler Sophie Reynolds Elida Almeida Cramer-Klett Witthoef Zimmermann Obenaus Petersen putter pop


Just getting out the news that YES - ANIMANO BODYMIND HEALER 6 - WEEK TRAINING 2024/25 WILL HAPPEN!

So excited to meet you all and invite you to this
beautiful work of being a guide to your fellow humans
through an embodied approach to our lives, our
dreams, our minds, and all that in between. Through
touch, conversation, and your unique qualities and
gifts, you will learn to coach your clients and yourself,
toward a more practical and enjoyable movement of
possibilities in your lives.

For those of you who are wondering who I am and would like to meet me and learn from me before committing, feel very free to join the pre-events, where we will meet, touch, learn, and play the body fantastic! :)

April 25th, 2024 - 18:30-21:30 Uhr - TOUCH and How it Heals Us.

May 9th, 2024 - 18:30-21:30 Uhr - Energy = Flow! How Energy Flows in the BodyMind

July 23rd, 2024 - 18:30-21:30 Uhr - ANIMANO - Meeting Your Client Through the Foot

AND a full-day event - September 1st, 2024 - 13:00 - 18:00 Uhr - BECOMING A BODYMIND HEALER.

Event links and registration details will follow!

Please check out the Website: and let's meet!

This year's training will invite 28 participants, and 6
spots are already taken - so if you wish to get in,
please start the process now!
Very eager to meet you.

Much Love Droubay, Artists,
Artists Creators Hub

Dr. Berg Gets Censored (Silenced) 15/03/2024

Hi, so Dr. BERG has been one of my go to's for excellent, clear MEDICAL perspectives about pretty much everything. He doesn't just talk about the fluffy woowoo suggestions, but MEDICALLY EXPLAINS why, how, your body works and suggestions etc.

I was just at my "Hausarzt" the first one I have had in 23 years.
You see I am 55 and thought, you know, I take good care of myself but it's time, I need to do those doctor check ups that older 😂 people do... So went and found one that does a range of doctor stuff, is natruopathically inclined, and recommended.

I have been a bit shocked. And then troubled and saddened by the experience.

The first visit. She took five minutes. FIVE MINUTES. Saying we would have time to "get to know each other" and talk about my needs once the blood work was back. You can imagine, she wanted to do the basics... She didn't even ask me what I wanted or even who I was. Insiting that she slow down a minute longer.. I asked her, I wanted a full spectrum Lab test. I wanted a fine diagnostic... Why she asked? And then you will have to pay for it.
So why would I want such an "extra cost" Because I understand that our bodies run on the beautiful balance of many minerals, vitamins, pre and probiotics, organ, facial, health, emotional and environmental factors and one thing cannot simply pinpointed as "problematic" when there is a symphony of Co-relationships happening.

Okay, okay, rush rush rush, I will have to pay. Fine. Next.

And so I left, perplexed, and thought okay, she must have been busy. But swallowed my concern and waited as she assured me, for my blood test results to return where surely we would discuss and have some time together. It is after all my body, my new doctor, my health and future health decisions.

And so today was my appointment. Again today my blood test came, rush rush rush. Frau Droubay all excellent.. Except cholesterol... I have a genetic trait for it says she and it's very high and she would recommend statins.

STATINS for those who don't know I would begin to take and be on lifelong, they are cholesterol suppressants.

They have been outlawed in many conturies especially for women. They have definitely saved lives and also have mannnnyyyy cons to them. Needles to say they are NOT what I would even concider as a third or fourth option, knowing many other options, simple diatary and exercise changes being my first choices! But I might even consider if it were my last options. But what about me just losing 20 pounds, or eating pro and pre biotics more, or taking niacin b3 or excersicing more regularly. None of this information did she provide. Until I insisted. Upon which she became angry, Insulted, and suggested
I, her patient, had to "calm down" I wasn't even angry, I was simply ALARMED that she would immediately suggest such things without even explaining to me what this medicine does, why, options etc.

When, again I protested and asked about her "alternative methods" such as the proven results with stress reduction, movement, diet, excersice, the proven clarity that gut health and cholesterol have a huge relationship, the reality that not all cholesterol is equal EVEN in the so called "bad" cholesterol

And, and, and. Upon which she said maybe she wasn't the doc for me.

What alarms me deepllllllyyyyy. Is I could ask these questions because I know these things... But most people don't.

What alarms me is she is a natruopathically inclined doc.

What alarms me is when questioned, by her patient for more information before taking a controversial pharma which diet and exercise could more easily remedy, I was a bitchy patient. Yes maybe, but what about most people who will not know such things, will not challenge ge their doctors opinion?

When I asked her why this was again so rushed, imploring her that she is suggesting such things without even knowing me... finally she bacame softer and also said, how sorry she also was, but there simple was no time.. Each patient has only 15 min time.

FIFTEEN Minutes!!! She has NO idea who I am, my life, my health history NOTHING.
SO how in the world would she and I have a clear understanding of our health needs and the options she may offer me for health? And what a horribly sad thing, to choose to help people as being a doctor and now have oy fifteen minutes of rush and hustle so you will get paid by the health system... It made me soooooooo upset. Sad. Frustrated. Scared.

So, I went ONLINE to see what I could find, to my favorite online doc. Just the fact that I have to go ONLINE for my health needs,... Wow.

But okay. He is excellent. I learned about cholesterol, what to do, and many new things about my body. It motivated me and also got me interested in my health from what I can do more or less of.

And then I found this video below from him.

This reallllllyyyyy upset me. And freaks me out.

Longgg rant later, he and others are starting a nonprofit.

Freedom of health. If you want to give him some answers in his survey, please do. Link is in the comments of the video.

But just inform yourself.

I TRULY am thankful for the western traditional medical system, if I needed it. I would definitely use it. It has also wonderful capacities.

But so so so so so much of the knowledge on how our bodies work, prevention, self empowerment and autonomy is being taken from us, by an ever growing monopoly on information.

We must talk to each other. We need to inform ourselves of health options, but of so many things in our lives.

And we must protest. Truly protest this censorship!!

Please think for yourself, ask questions, take care of your own energy and don't just settle for the answer cause it's the doc, the authority, what is being fed you on the news or on social.

Please, Even question this sharing of mine, does it resonate with you, is this what you feel, know, have researched, etc?

What I am asking for personally in this post, is not one picture of life dictated by Google, but the OPTIONS of free speech to be able to choose for ourselves, inform ourselves, and educate ourselves.

And yes, if you want a really good doc on YouTube. Check out Dr. Berg.

Much ranting love.
Barbara Droubay Life Artists Life Artists Creators HUB

Dr. Berg Gets Censored (Silenced) Thank you very much for the survey replies. The survey is not closed.YouTube has now banned alternative views on health. Here’s what you need to know about t...


My dears!
This is the new year - and more and more - I am clearly sensing the calling and need of those of us feeling a desire to work with people - TO DO SO! 😀🙏

We are being asked to STEP FORWARD AND SHARE knowledge, share our spirit, share our PRESENCE, join our felt experiences, and weave our perspectives into the larger tapestry of life. Truthfully the time for hesitation is over. The time for nervous holding back is no longer possible.


And so how? Through this course!

Group facilitation offers us the possibility of touching many at once, of building and solidifying the group field - of guiding each other through the collective - and yet - it is really a good idea to learn how to create these spaces, listen into this resonance, and be able to embody the movement of the group experience.

One thing I experience about groups is a simple reality - if you think individual work is intense - imagine that energy compounded exponentially - it is beautiful, powerful, and truly magical as each energy flow starts to weave and build with the many others - and yet, imagine how needed it is for YOU to be able to embody and create the space within yourself and within the field - allowing that intensity to find its most beautiful and powerful flow. It takes learning, it takes listening, but mostly it takes the clarity of your intention to do so.

AND SO - I am here to recommend ABSOLUTELY this international facilitation training with two MASTERS of this realm Shachar Caspi and Arynn Dvir !

I have such excitement to join them and another of the mastery queens of space holding, Alma ∞ Omega / Creatrix 4 the Holy Shift!

So reach out to Joshua Berg at and check out the webpage for details!
(in the comments)

We have THIS moment to make a difference. And this training offers you a secure beginning to this art of weaving with groups. It's truly time to listen to that collective heartbeat calling us to teach, calling us to listen, calling us to gift our wisdom.

Looking very forward to seeing you there!

Much Love,
Barbara Droubay
Life Artists, Life Artists Creators HUB


Hey all you wierd and wonderful creatures! Have a fantastic RUTSCH INS NEUES

May you slide with gleeeeee into new Life, new thoughts, new visions, new loves, new tastes, new actions, new decisions, new will, new joy, new wealth, new skills, new tryings, new failings, new laughter, new pleasures, new mysteries, new discoveries....
SIMPLY, may you feel that beautiful gladness in your heart and glowing gratitude for the gift of being alive.

Sending you all much love and looking forward to seeing you in 2024!

Love Barbara Droubay Life Artists Life Artists Creators HUB

The Only Way Out Is The Way In 18/11/2023

Heute habe ich gelesen so ein klaren und für mich, ein sehr genauen Beschreibung von Möglichkeiten die wir als Menschen heute annehmen kann.
Dieser wunderschöne Text ist geschrieben von mein liebe freuendinnen Kat Pauline und ich möchte dass teilen weil es sehr schön ist zu lesen und annehmen!
Sie bietet embodiment einzelsessions an - wo du genau dass lernen kann was sie beschrieben hat. Der ich wärmstens empfehle! Mit liebe
Barbara Droubay Life Artists Life Artists Creators HUB

"Mit der Rückverbindung an die Quelle des eigenen Körpers und damit an den Körper der Erde, endet der Trip ums Überleben. Energie ist da im Überfluss und sie ist frei in ihrem Wesen. In ihrer Freiheit spüren wir unsere ureigene energetische Signatur und wir erinnern uns, wofür wir uns auf der Erde verkörpert haben. Uns in den eigenen Stoff zu kleiden, den eigenen Platz im Gewebe des Lebens einzunehmen, das ist es, was die Erfahrung von Zugehörigkeit ist. Die Zugehörigkeit zu allem, was ist." Katrin Pauline Mueller

I would like to share this article with you:

The Only Way Out Is The Way In Die Welt scheint immer verrückter. Kriege, Angst und Schrecken und Schmerz beherrschen die Schlagzeilen...


Hi all please beware N26 is a scam bank. They froze/Closed a dear friend's account to the tune of 70 thousand euros. It's been three months, no response, no ability to talk to anyone, them smugly saying it is checking against money laundering and they will get back to us.
We have sent all documents and there is zero problem yet they do not respond.

It is truly frightening that a Bank can simply shut off your account, no warning, no proof, I mean seriously money laundering? WTF?

And they can simply do THIS, with no ability to talk to them, no way to contact a real person, then HAVE ZERO ACCOUNTABILITY. We even went to their offices in Berlin! Guess what - NO ONE WILL TALK TO US. There is only security there, who say they get people coming there all day long, but that no one actually is there that can help. All work at home and there is no way to talk to anyone. UNBELIEVABLE.
The complain Hotline simply hangs up on us. They simply refuse to talk to you. This is outrageous and upon researching, I horrifyingly found HUNDREDS, of people reporting the same.
70 thousand Euros was thier entire savings and personal accounts, they have been for THREE Months simply left hanging.
As I researched trying to get help, turns out many have never received thier money. We are hiring lawyers but this is unbelievable.
This is A BANK. Not some internet scam artists. Yet with no customer service, bot replies, ignoring complaints, and sending the same, literally, email over and over we are all at our wits ends. It's simply heartbreaking and terrifying.

SO if you are with N26 - CHANGE BANKS.
This is not a safe bank and this is not an uncommon thing. This should never be happening with a bank. With them it is happening DAILY MANY MANY TIMES.
And yes maybe this will get your attention and you will actually start dealing with this case.


This is the final call for ANIMANO: join us for a 6-weeks training to become a BodyMind Healer!

Starting October 9, 2023 - May 25, 2024 🔥

✨You feel called? Write to [email protected] to book a personal meeting with Barbara.

📖 ANIMANO is a bodywork training developed by Barbara Droubay. She teaches you how to join our clients in the rediscovery of their wholeness within the abundance of possibility. Possibilities of thought, action, power, energy, joy, curiosity, and to re-member our inborn possibility of a life full of freedom, connection, health, and intensity.

Through touch, resonance and listening, communication, focused energy, and intensity, we connect and integrate mind and body. So that desire and action can flow easily into our expression and into our experience.

The training is for all levels: beginners, educated therapists, bodyworkers, and anyone seeking to support others in their path to wholeness.

🏠 Location: Artists Creators Hub, Milastraße 4, 10437 Berlin.

📆 Scheduled Dates:
Week 1: 9th - 14th October 2023
Week 2: 27th November - 2nd December 2023
Week 3: 8th - 13th January 2024
Week 4: 4th - 9th March 2024
Week 5: 15th - 20 April 2024
Week 6: 20th - 25th May 2024

For more information, visit our website or write us via [email protected]

We can't wait to have you with us!


Join us for ANIMANO - A 6-weeks training to become a BodyMind Healer

October 23, 2023 - May 25, 2024

ANIMANO is a bodywork training developed by Barbara Droubay. She teaches you how to join our clients in the rediscovery of their wholeness within the abundance of possibility. Possibilities of thought, action, power, energy, joy, curiosity, and to re-member our inborn possibility of a life full of freedom, connection, health, and intensity.

Through touch, resonance and listening, communication, focused energy, and intensity, we connect and integrate mind and body. So that desire and action can flow easily into our expression and into our experience.

The training is for all levels: beginners, educated therapists, bodyworkers, and anyone seeking to support others in their path to wholeness.

🏠 Location: Artists Creators Hub, Milastraße 4, 10437 Berlin.

📅 Scheduled Dates:
Week 1: 9th - 14th October 2023
Week 2: 27th November - 2nd December 2023
Week 3: 8th - 13th January 2024
Week 4: 4th - 9th March 2024
Week 5: 15th - 20 April 2024
Week 6: 20th - 25th May 2024

For more information, visit our website or write us via [email protected]

We can't wait to have you with us!


"My desire in joining the - A Six-Week Training to Become a BodyMind Healer, was to bring my mind back into my body and anchor it there and to continue this journey as a holistic creature. To bring that experience of what that means to be whole, no matter how much trauma we have experienced.
It's the trauma that has formed us. So it feels really like, oh wow. The way you are - is perfect - and I want to give that to the people around me and I feel it's super valuable and potentially missing - because we have a slight focus on the things that are not so perfect. And this training really changes the focus to what is your heart's desire? Where do you burn for the most? And can you go there with me?" .weiser

We speak a lot about trauma these days. And don't get me wrong, trauma is a part of our lives. As Sophie said - "it's the trauma that forms us."
And yet, I have a very different approach to trauma - and especially when teaching people to heal from trauma.

Trauma for our bodies - is NOT what happened. What happened, Happened - and is experienced by our body as intensity. Whether that was intensely horrible, painful, scary - or intensely powerful, a life experience gifting us with unique qualities and superpowers - is determined by what MEANING we hook into that experience - and what that focus then creates in our embodied state.

Let's unpack this for a moment:

Life is full of all experiences. Some are simply terrifying, painful - others exciting and pleasurable - others deep and gentle, and alllllllll states, expressions, and experiences in between. Life IS all our experiences.

We are a BodyMind- our mind gives focus, attention, and meaning to our experiences in life as well as our ability to focus our attention toward our dreams, desires, and heart intention.

Our Body is the one taking action on our dreams, our focus, and the one expressing the meaning we give to our experiences through our movement, breath, and states of energy - states of e - motion. (energy in motion)

The way we approach trauma in the ANIMANO training is as a focus and embodied actions/expressions/states of contraction - that couldn't complete.

What do I mean?
Let's say - and I will use myself as an example. Let's say young Barbara full of bouncy, vibrant energy pops into life. She has an abundance of curiosity, energy, and a need to move, to play, and her mind is involved with a thousand possibilities at once. She is whole, perfect, utterly at ease with who she is.

And then, someone begins to focus her attention on what is a problem, what is lacking in her - in my case - my energy and need to move was considered a problem. My mom raising 5 other kids was overwhelmed, my teachers said I was too much, couldn't "concentrate," couldn't learn etc.

I began to experience anger, disharmony, rejection, at times physical punishment - and very quickly - all these experiences were formed into a "meaning" about who I am - and that meaning became - something is wrong with me. This focus on my "wrongness" lead to actions in my embodied state to fix, to avoid, to try to be better -

Now, let's be clear - my energy was fine - my love and natural movement was wholly great. What was real - was that something outside of me wanted me to be different - in my surroundings, something was painful, and this was very real. But what if I had been taught to deal with that pain in a different way? What if I was taught that I was wonderful and taught to move and express my energy in a way that met my surroundings? What if I had been taught options of meeting someone else's desire and instead of focusing on what's wrong with me, find ways to respond in my embodied state?

And this is our option today. In a bodymind session and in the training to teach you to guide people to learn their wholeness and learn to take actions in possibilities - one learns exactly this.

Trauma, in the way I perceive it and teach others to complete and heal from it, is NOT the experience you went through per se. Trauma is the meaning that became stuck in your focus and then the embodied re-actions (Repeated actions) you began to practice.

In my case, it meant a focus on I am too much - so my practiced actions in my body became - needing to be quieter, to try to sit still, to behave - and so I tightened my hips and legs, held my breath, contracted my chest and held back my expressions of excitement, curiosity, hiding my movement and lowering my energy so as to "finally be good"

Fast forward to my adult life: This pattern of focus - I am too much and this re-action of contraction in my body - became my consistent state. Which led to chronic pain, toughness and hardness, deep anger, sadness, and eventually depression. And when it came to meeting my dreams and desires - a chronic self-doubt to step forward - if I am focused on being too much, and my body is doing this pattern of trying to be less - then how can I possibly match my desired intention of bringing my energy and actions into expression?

TRAUMA for me is this. A life of frustration and a fixation on someone else's idea of who I am. Trauma - even though the specific experience is long over - is the very practical action of daily repeating the same focus and the same embodied state which I developed as a consequence of this past experience. WHICH MEANS - IT IS STILL HAPPENING TO ME TODAY!!!!

These experience/s happened. There is no going back. And whether horrifying painful or all in between - we cannot change the past. And If allowed to, our bodies have the tools to move and digest trauma very effectively. But once that focus of meaning starts setting up a pattern of action, physical states in the body which fulfill the meaning I give of who I "should" be - then that TRAUMA becomes a constant manifestation in my daily life.

Each time I am contracted in the state of trying to be less - I am affirming the imposed belief - "because I am too much." AND THIS IS FU***NG TRAUMATIC!
A life spent trying to fix something that never truly was my problem, to begin with. A life trying to solve an experience that happened against my choice which I then repeat till I die.

I find THIS truly horrifying. And this is what I believe we experience as traumatic. Our inability to complete and move on, our inability to focus on what our hearts desire and take action on it, our persistent repeated re-actions to the possibilities in life - based on a lie - something is wrong with us.

What happens in our body-mind as a result of specific experiences - is very real. Down to a cellular level. But far more real - in our experience in our day-to-day lives - is the continual repetition of this state - THIS re-action, anchors and solidifies trauma in the body - and in our daily lives. In our perception of ourselves and others, in our emotions, in our habits, in our possibilities, in our choices of partners, in our confidence levels, in our health, and energy levels - in everything we do - and therefore - how we experience our life.

THIS is why after so much therapy, hours of trauma "release" sessions, and workshops to integrate the inner child - we STILL struggle to have true power and autonomy to bring our life's energy toward our dreams and goals, within our relationships, toward ourselves - in the way which we truly know we are capable of.

Please don't hear me wrong - ALL these wonderful offerings to integrate and complete trauma are powerful and very useful - IF we are using them to deepen and LEARN about our lives and our hearts - BECAUSE we love to expand our possibilities, we love to connect and explore who we are, we love to create and play in groups..... Instead of going to them needing to "Fix" ourselves - only to sadly be focused again, and again on what is wrong with us.

YOU ARE WHOLE. And yes - you have had many experiences of all kinds -some deeply painful, others truly wonderful.

An Animano BodyMInd Healer is teaching their clients;

WHERE YOU ARE FOCUSED AND WHAT YOU ARE EMBODYING IN YOUR EXPRESSION AS A RESULT? Does your embodied state match what you are envisioning for your life?

And if not, then let's teach you to learn to focus on your heart's intentions and the states of embodying what you WISH to be experiencing - and then, through touch, breath, movement, and energy, we teach you HOW TO CREATE THESE STATES: So finally your focus is on what you desire and truly are, on the possibilities which you have - and your actions, your bodily states - matches this! THIS CREATES RESONANCE: THIS IS HEALING:

I would love to share with you this possibility. And I truly desire more Animano BodyMind Healers to grace the world with this perspective - to offer each other these possibilities. To find our roots and sway - as Sophie calls it -
To know who we are and gift the world with our unique presence.

Registrations for - A Six Week Training in Body Mind Healing are open and we are filling up! Earlybird ends August 31st!

Schedule your personal meeting with me and let's find out together if this training is for you!
[email protected]

Course details and info:

Much love Droubay, artists artists creators hub


"I would most definitely recommend this course. And the reason why is because it will enable you to really come in contact with yourself to understand on a very deep level. Who are you, you know, who are you? And, and I don't mean that in the sense of oh you need to be in search of who you are. I mean, like really who are you? How do you function? How does your body, mental, emotional, and physical spiritual relationship, this whole design, how does this function? How does this whole design relate to life? What did you learn? And by learning more about it also relaxing with it, laughing about it, becoming more at ease with it, and then, choosing, then being able to choose. Hey, oh wow, this is, this is what I do. OK. This is what I do. Yeah. And that's fine and that's totally fine. It has the potential to come home, like really coming home into this body and living it fully." Andreas Teichrib

One of the aspects that I love so much, in teaching others to work with people through Healing Touch, is the unique power each new practitioner and participant bring through this work into life. Each person naturally brings their own possibilities to gift others in a learning process. In my training ANIMANO - Re-Membering the Body six-week training, you learn to gift your own perspective and innate possibilities to others in a simple and direct act of guiding attention and deepening this through embodiment training and touch.

This training at its core is yes, about learning skills, and touch techniques, to guide others in their personal process of rediscovering their personal power to create their lives, Yes it is a beautiful possibility for a rewarding career, yes it is a personal journey to rewire your focus allowing you to access your power to take action in your life - but fundamentally it is about freedom. The freedom we have to create, to take our own unique energy and share this in a meaningful way with others. The freedom we have today to choose what we desire and need and to gain real practical skills on how to do this!

I love healing work - and I also am a very practical person. For me, as much as healing work can be so effective - I often find that the very practical element of HOW can a person continue this "healing" without me, often missing. Meaning what are the practical elements THEY can do to truly learn to take what we do in a session into their daily life? So it is not about visiting a therapist or facilitator - and because of them I can heal - but truly to learn a skill that each of us can then practice in our life to solidify our own healing through daily actions.

For me this is an element of great significance in this training and in my work with clients - the TEACHING aspect of healing work. The HOW TO of healing - which I perceive as very practical, very much about honoring the personal power each of us has to create our experience. If we truly gain the skills to do so - our natural capacity to choose what gives us energy, enlivens us and nourishes us - becomes our practice.

As an ANIMANO BodyMInd Healer - you will learn how to TEACH your clients instead of treating your clients.

Sounds like a yummy possibility? Then reach out and let's meet.
Write me for a personal meeting: [email protected]
Course details:

Much love,
Barbara Droubay Life Artists Life Artists Creators HUB

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Offizielle Facebookseite der Eisbären Juniors Berlin - BERLINS SCHLAGFERTIGSTE JUNGS UND MÄDELS

LTTC "Rot-Weiß" e.V. Berlin LTTC "Rot-Weiß" e.V. Berlin
Gottfried-von-Cramm-Weg 47-55
Berlin, 14193

"Rot-Weiß" – Wir leben Tennis!

Mellowpark Mellowpark
An Der Wuhlheide 250/256
Berlin, 12459

Der Mellowpark ist ein Gemeinschaftsprojekt des alleins e.V. und des Mellowpark e.V. Seit über 10 J


Offizielle Facebook-Seite von ALBA BERLIN. Mit Leib und Seele für Berlin

TJBB - Taekwondo Jugend Berlin und Brandenburg TJBB - Taekwondo Jugend Berlin und Brandenburg

Motto: "Wir sind für euch da!"
Edenkobener Weg 73-75
Berlin, 12247

TuSLi Hockey - der Berliner Hockeyverein ist in Deutschland für erfolgreiches Bundesliga und Jugend

Berlin Aikido am Hermannplatz Berlin Aikido am Hermannplatz
Mehringdamm 55
Berlin, 10967

Yoga*Loft Berlin (*Jivamukti Yoga Classes) Yoga*Loft Berlin (*Jivamukti Yoga Classes)
Brunnenstrasse 29 Hof III (Alte Backfabrik)
Berlin, 10119
