Your Partner for Digital Talent and Sustainable Employment in Africa.


12 August is declared as International Youth Day by the Nations. Being an organization that puts great effort in empowering young people to pursue careers in ICT, we want to raise awareness for this day by sharing some fascinating facts with you:

💡 Did you know?

👉 Half of the people on our planet are 30 or younger, and this is expected to reach 57% by the end of 2030.
👉 Africa is the continent with the youngest population worldwide. As of 2022, around 40 % of the population was aged 15 years and younger, compared to a global average of 25 %.
👉 Globally, only 2.6% of parliamentarians are under 30 years old, and less than 1% of these young members of parliament are women.

Photos from DSAA e.V.'s post 11/08/2023

Happy Fri-Yay! 🙌

It's been a while since these young fellows graduated from their training programme at our member company . However, we just received these great pictures from their graduation ceremony and we felt the need to share the joy visible in the photos with you.

Congratulations to all the graduates and all the best for your future careers! 🎉


Happy Fri-Yay! 🙌

Today, we celebrate the second World Kiswahili Language Day! 🎉

At its 41st Session in in November 2021, the General Conference of recognized the critical role played by in promoting cultural diversity, creating awareness, and fostering dialogue among civilizations. Multilingualism is essential to promote harmonious communication between peoples, which promotes unity in diversity and international understanding, tolerance and dialogue. That is why we support the Nations initiative and celebrate today's occassion. 🙏

Photos from DSAA e.V.'s post 16/06/2023

Happy Fri-Yay! 🙌

Today, we celebrate the graduates of the 5th training cohort at our member company AFRICA. After an amazing three-month training programme, the graduates wrapped up their training with a ping pong tournament on the campus. We are happy to see that the programme ended with so much fun and we cannot wait to see the pictures from the official graduation ceremony at the end of this month! 👏👏👏

The Partners - ICT Sector Conference Series 2023 - Germany 14/04/2023

Happy Fri-Yay! 🙌

Today, we want to celebrate our partnership with the Deutscher Outsourcing Verband e.V. / German Outsourcing Association and announce that we are attending the ICT Sector Development Conference and the IT Creation & Operations Germany Forum in Munich on 25 + 26 April. 🥳

We are looking forward to participating in panel discussions and getting to know new collaboration partners. 🤩

👉 Find out more about the event and its partners here: https://zurl.co/mF3K

The Partners - ICT Sector Conference Series 2023 - Germany Non-commercial event series by independent German Outsourcing Association Membership Outsourcing Journal Destinations THE EVENT PARTNERSApril 25th / 26th - 27th 2023, Munich, Germanyby Deutscher Outsourcing Verband e.V. and Outsourcing Journal, in cooperation with CodeCentric and Deutsche Gesellscha...

Photos from DSAA e.V.'s post 24/03/2023

Happy Fri-Yay! 🙌

We want to use this day to introduce and celebrate Serapie Tuyishime, a former trainee at our member company Ape Unit. See what she has to say about the great trainings Ape Unit is offering:

"During my training at the gym, I had a challenging yet enriching experience that required me to learn both, soft and technical skills. It was an intense journey that required me to trust in myself, go back to basics, and delve deeper into the fundamentals of coding, examining the inner workings of the craft. I'm now a rising international developer working with a global team, who builds blockchain apps that benefit the world. And it's my best achievement yet!"

We are so grateful to be part of your journey, Serapie, and we know that you are a rising developer star! With everything you have already achieved, we are 100 % sure that the best is yet to come! 🤩👏


Happy Fri-Yay! 🙌

Today, we are celebrating - a project funded by the DSAA that was implemented by our member company Services GmbH. TheFairWork aims to empower the youth of Africa by providing international exposure to their digital skills. The platform showcases the talent of young, motivated individuals – connecting them to businesses across the world that can benefit from their talent, hard work, and grit.

One of the great talents using TheFairWork is Tahiru: "TheFairWork gave me the opportunity to work with an international client, which has substantially raised my level of expertise in my field. I’ve been able to learn new skills and grown as a developer by building a professional website for an international client. TheFairWork’s organization and professionalism have really stood out to me, and I’m excited to grow alongside them.”

We are very happy to see that DSAA funded projects have such great impact! Thank you Tahiru for your feedback and thank you Services GmbH for implementing such an innovative platform. 🙏︎ 🙏︎ 🙏︎

For more information visit: https://zurl.co/bKlc

Africa Business Guide - Chancen im Bereich Digitalisierung und für Start-ups in Afrika 15/03/2023

Today, we are attending a webinar by the Wirtschaftsnetzwerk Afrika to discuss how the digital transformation in Africa can be a chance for German businesses. We are excited to gain new insights on current developments in digitalization and African markets and we are looking forward to getting to know new potential collaboration partners and companies for our network.

For those of you who are interested and spontaneous, register here: https://zurl.co/MCcY

Africa Business Guide - Chancen im Bereich Digitalisierung und für Start-ups in Afrika Welche Entwicklungen gibt es in den Bereichen Digitalisierung und Start-ups auf dem afrikanischen Kontinent? In welchen Bereichen bieten sich Chancen für deutsche Unternehmen? Wie können sie...

Photos from DSAA e.V.'s post 13/03/2023

The Digital Skills Accelerator Africa (DSAA) is your partner for digital talent and sustainable employment in Africa. 💻 But what exactly does that mean? 🤔

➡️ View 3 benefits that we offer our member companies:


It's Fri-Yay! 🙌

This week, the DSAA social media accounts were all about celebrating women and girls who are championing the advancement of transformative technology and digital education. To end this week, we want to celebrate one great example of our successful trainees: Michelle Addo-Yobo was part of the 1st cohort of the training at our member company eServices Africa Limited and she is an insprining example of a women who aims at passing on her passion about tech to other women.

We are 100 % sure that Michelle is a perfect role model for all women and girls who are thinking about a career in the digital sector. You can do it!

Thank you so much for sharing these impressions Michelle Addo-Yobo and Ernest Amartey Otu (Senior Manger, Marketing & Sales eServices Africa Limited) ! 🙏


Today is International Women’s Day! 🎉👏🎉

This year’s theme is “DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality” and it could not fit our DSAA mission any better.

Every day, we depend on technological integration: for making a bank transaction, booking a medical appointment, or staying in contact with our families. Everything goes through a digital process. However, 259 million fewer women have access to the Internet than men – even though they account for nearly half the world's population.

If women are unable to access the Internet, they are unable to develop skills necessary to engage in digital spaces. This diminishes their opportunities to pursue careers the tech industry. That is where the DSAA comes in: With our training programmes we are focused on bringing women into the tech industry. We are supporting our member companies in recruiting women, and we are tracking the gender distribution in all our trainings always aiming for a higher share of participating women. Only if we include all gender in the digital transformation, we can achieve a just and successful future within the industry. We are all in this together! 💪


In focus: UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW67) | UN Women – Headquarters 06/03/2023

This week, the DSAA LinkedIn account will be all about Women! 👏 🙌 👏

The theme for International Women’s Day, 8 March 2023 (IWD 2023) is, “DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality”. This theme is aligned with the 67th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women, “Innovation and technological change, and education in the digital age for achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls”.

The 67th annual Commission on the Status of Women is the UN’s largest annual gathering on gender equality and women’s empowerment - and it starts TODAY! 🎉🎉🎉

The Nations uses this event to recognize and celebrate all women and girls who are championing the advancement of transformative technology and digital education and we definitely want to support this aim!

Find out more about the event and its schedule here: https://zurl.co/SkKC

In focus: UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW67) | UN Women – Headquarters The 67th annual Commission on the Status of Women (CSW67), the UN’s largest annual gathering on gender equality and women’s empowerment, will take place this year from 6 – 17 March under the theme, “Innovation and technological change, and education in the digital age for achieving gender eq...


Happy Fri-Yay! 🙌

The year just started and we are already welcoming two new member companies to the DSAA e. V. in 2023! What a great reason to celebrate!

MaibornWolff GmbH creates excellent, sophisticated and individual software solutions for clients and their users. Their specialists advise, code and test in complex digitalisation projects. As an IT service provider the company is driven by complex issues and ambitious projects. African Founders is a leading African early stage holding company for several high impact and high value internet companies. They are entrepreneurs, creative thinkers, and passionate doers who love to take risks on ideas and products that have an impact.

Welcome on board of the DSAA! We are very happy to have you with us on our mission to facilitate digital trainings and sustainable jobs in Africa!


On Zero Discrimination Day we celebrate the right of everyone to live a full and productive life with dignity. Zero Discrimination Day promotes inclusion, compassion, peace and, above all, a movement for change. Zero Discrimination Day wants to help creating a global movement of solidarity to end all forms of discrimination.

As DSAA e. V. we set a focus on including marginalized groups in our training programmes. We support our member companies in their recruiting processes to facilitate the access for women and people with disabilities to our training programmes and to jobs in the ICT sector as a domain that is currently male dominated.

Having this mission, it is of great importance to us that everyone knows about Zero Discrimination Day and contributes to its aim. ❤️💚💙💜🖤🧡💛🤎

Aktuelle Nachrichten - Inland Ausland Wirtschaft Kultur Sport - ARD Tagesschau 27/02/2023

We are delighted to share that the largest public broadcaster network in Germany – the ARD – featured our member company AmaliTech Services GmbH in one of Germany's main daily television news magazines last week (“Tagesthemen”).

The report on the shortage of skilled professionals in Germany and the joined visit of the Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) and the Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales to begins at minute 10:15. Amalitech is included in the report at minute 12:03 as an example of a company that recognized the potential of the labour force in Ghana and developed trainings in the ICT sector to offer digital services for the German market.

What a great feature! 👏 👏 👏 It is of high importance that the work of our member companies gets more visibility to further strengthen the understanding of the opportunities German businesses have when working with African markets.

View it here: https://zurl.co/lr4Y

Aktuelle Nachrichten - Inland Ausland Wirtschaft Kultur Sport - ARD Tagesschau US-Präsident Biden besucht Präsident Selenskyj in Kiew, Entwicklungsministerin Schulze und Arbeitsminister Heil versuchen Fachkräfte aus Ghana für Deutschland zu gewinnen, Israelischer Siedlungsbau: Radikalisierung bei Israelis und Palästinensern, Weitere Meldungen im Überblick, Neue Hoffnung ...


Let’s get started! 👏 👏 👏

Today, the second cohort of the Training Programme for Digital, Cloud, and DevOps starts in Morocco. We are very excited to get first insights and feedbacks from on-site and we wish all participating trainees the best of luck and a lot of fun for the upcoming trainings! 🍀


"We can all do our part to unleash our world’s enormous untapped talent – starting with filling classrooms, laboratories, and boardrooms with women scientists." ( Nations Secretary-General António Guterres)

A significant gender gap has persisted at all levels of (data) science, technology, engineering and mathematics disciplines. Even though women have made tremendous progress towards increasing their participation in higher education, they are still under-represented.

As gender equality is a core issue for the we wish all ambitious women out there a Happy International Day of Women and Girls in Science: You can do it! We believe in you! Help us to unleash the enormous untapped talent! 💪 👩🔬

Photos from DSAA e.V.'s post 10/02/2023

🎶 All the IT-ladies. Now put your hands up! 🙌

It's Happy Fri-Yay 🙌 and we celebrate all women who graduated from the IT Africa all-female boot camp in last week. The programme was conducted by our member company AFRICAand it was a great success: “Before joining AFRICA , the idea of having a tech-related career looked like a tiny window which was way out of my reach. However, with the help of amazing facilitators and peer learning at SOLVIT Africa, what appeared to be a tiny window has now become a very wide door. The tech career that was a farfetched idea is now a path I have proudly begun walking on." said Abewe who was one of the 80 trainees in the programme.

Wow! What a statement! 🤩

We are so grateful so see so many motivated women entering the digital sector with our training programmes. Thank you so much for your work AFRICA and all the best for your upcoming career, Vanessa! We are absolutely sure that a great future is awaiting you!⭐✨


💡 Did you know? Until 2030, European businesses expect one million open positions in the ICT sector.

That is why it is important for local businesses to look for digital talent outside Europe. With over 50 % of Africa's population being under 20, the continent offers an enormous talent pool for the digital transformation. We as DSAA e. V. want to support the youth of Africa by funding training programmes that foster digital expertise as well as social skills. Together with our member companies we develop such trainings and facilitate long-term job creation.

Visit our website, to find out more about our work: https://zcu.io/5hqM


🙌 Happy Fri-Yay! 🎉

Today, we celebrate Fabrice Gisore and our member company AmaliTech.

Fabrice just started the AmaliTech’s Digital Traineeship Programme in and is already convinced: "It is a fantastic experience to be an AmaliTech trainee. I am pretty sure that I made a great decision when I applied to AmaliTech because I knew from the start that they offer the skills I was looking for, including problem-solving, creativity, data visualization, better understanding of technology and many more. Therefore, I'm committed to serving and using my full technical potential thanks to AmaliTech's training, as IT is a wonderful tool for resolving community issues to uphold the company's reputation and the nation as a whole.“

We are very glad to hear that, Fabrice! Keep up the good work - and the fun! 😉

Fachkräftemangel im öffentlichen Dienst: Bis 2030 fehlen 140.000 IT-Fachkräfte | Germany 01/02/2023

Public and private sector face the formidable challenge to find highly trained tech talent! 🔎

A new McKinsey & Company study shows that in 2030, the public sector in Germany will lack 140.000 IT professionals. We need to acknowledge that closing the IT gap requires us to look for talent outside Europe. That is where the DSAA e. V. comes in: We are your partner for digital talent in Africa supporting companies in training IT professionals and creating sustainable jobs on the continent.

➡️ Visit our website to find out more about our work!

Fachkräftemangel im öffentlichen Dienst: Bis 2030 fehlen 140.000 IT-Fachkräfte | Germany Der öffentliche Dienst leidet unter einem massiven Fachkräftemangel, besonders im IT-Bereich. Bereits heute fehlen auf Bundes-, Landes- und kommunaler Ebene rund 39.000 Fachkräfte in Informatik- und IT-Berufen.

Photos from DSAA e.V.'s post 30/01/2023

What is a ? 🤔

hackathon, noun
_UK /ˈhæk.ə.θɒn/
_US /ˈhæk.ə.θɑːn/
_an event at which a lot of people come together to write or improve computer programs:
_examples: marked its sixth birthday by holding an all-night hackathon to develop new . At hackathons scores of programmers converge to solve software problems.

Our trainees at Atos Côte d'Ivoire recently organized such a hackathon and shared some impressions with us. It was a great event with a lot of learnings and fun.

Awesome! Keep up the good work, everybody! 💻 💪



🌍 Today's High-Level Event “Joint Perspectives Cooperation with Africa in Times of Change” offers the Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) a platform to present its new Africa strategy and to discuss the future of African-European cooperation in times of change with German, European and African experts.

We are particularly excited for the panel on digital transformation @ 05:30 p.m. CET! 💻

➡️ JOIN THE LIVESTREAM HERE: https://zcu.io/wd8t


Today, we celebrate the International Day of Education! 🎓 📚💻

We are convinced that without inclusive and equitable quality education, we will not succeed in achieving gender equality and breaking the cycle of poverty. That is why the DSAA helps companies to implement training programs in the IT sector. We aim to enable young people to take part in IT courses and further trainings to acquire not only IT expertise but also language and management skills. As a result, participants of DSAA training programs are enabled to subsequently work for international clients in the IT service sector and customer experience management.

Thank you Invest for Jobs – Sonderinitiative „Gute Beschäftigung für sozial gerechten Wandel“, GIZ, and Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) for supporting our work! Together, we can contribute to education systems that support equality, inclusion, and growth. 🤝

Photos from DSAA e.V.'s post 20/01/2023

🙌 It's Fri-Yay! 🎉

And we celebrate our member company Atos that has successfully concluded the 3rd batch of the Atos Graduate program in the first week of January . 🥳🎉🎊

Atos aims to train highly talented graduates and interns to help them grow into accomplished business professionals. Within the program a diverse range of capabilities and tracks are covered. The program structure consists of intensive induction modules followed by on-the-job training, live project assignments, and problem-solving workshops to build confidence and capabilities of young talent and provide the trained candidates with opportunities to work at .

Thank you, Atos! We are very happy to be part of the program together with our colleagues from Invest for Jobs – Sonderinitiative „Gute Beschäftigung für sozial gerechten Wandel“ and GIZ Egypt. 🤩

Africa Business Guide - Digital Hub: Deutsche IT-Ausbildung in Ruanda 15/01/2023

💡 Did you know that the first laptop produced on African soil was built in ?

We generated that learning from an interview published by the -Netzwerkbüro Afrika and Business Guide. Similiar to us, they are seeing Rwanda as pioneer in the field of digitization in Africa and as a hotspot for start-ups and IT projects.

We can't wait to further get to know the country and its excellent IT infrastructure on our next business trip in February . See you soon, ! 👋

➡️ Here's the link to the full interview:

Africa Business Guide - Digital Hub: Deutsche IT-Ausbildung in Ruanda Das International Software Quality Institute (iSQI) qualifiziert im Bereich IT und Softwareentwicklung und ist seit 10 Jahren in Afrika aktiv. Nun auch in Ruanda.


🙌 It's Fri-Yay! AGAIN! 🎉

Consistent with our party mood we want to share a picture that we got from our member company Unit this week: The trainees there had a blast celebrating the end of the year and reflecting on their learning path – by not taking the night too seriously! Well deserved, everybody! 👏

Seeing these smiling face, we feel overwhelmed being part of Units journey together with our partners Ghana and for Jobs – Sonderinitiative „Gute Beschäftigung für sozial gerechten Wandel“ !

Thank you so much for sharing this on-site impression with us! 🙏

How Ishango.ai is upskilling and creating job opportunities in Data Science for young Africans - DSAA 19/10/2022

With over 1.4 billion people, Africa’s youthful population is one of its biggest assets. However, according to the African Development Bank, while 10 - 12 million youth enter the workforce in Africa each year, only 3 million formal jobs are created annually. The digital revolution is creating more opportunities and is key to addressing this unemployment gap. Equipping Africa’s youth with digital skills and increasing their employability in today’s fast-paced, digitally-evolving world is crucial, now more than ever.

Read about what Ishango.ai is doing to upskill and create job opportunities in data science for young Africans by visiting: https://www.dsaa.eu/how-ishango-ai-is-upskilling-and-creating-job-opportunities-in-data-science-for-young-africans/

How Ishango.ai is upskilling and creating job opportunities in Data Science for young Africans - DSAA DSAA member Ishango.ai shares about the work they are doing to upskill and create job opportunities in data science for young Africans.

Azubi Africa - Leading Africa's Techsters to the Cloud! - DSAA 10/10/2022

As cloud computing expands its reach, there is an increasing demand for computer resources and professionals. However, this massive increase in demand has resulted in a huge skills gap in the industry.

In partnership with the DSAA, Getinnotized, in its effort to develop cloud talent in the African digital space, executes the AZUBI AFRICA education & employment programme!

Presently, Azubi Africa runs two cloud training programmes. The Level 1 AWS re/start training programme is designed for beginners and focuses on providing learners with foundational skills in cloud technology. Whereas the Level 2 cloud engineering programme, a 9-month intensive cloud training programme, aims at preparing students not just to become AWS Solutions Architects but also to secure high-paying remote tech jobs.

Read more about Azubi Africa and its goals to implement concrete initiatives to teach cloud skills by visiting:

Azubi Africa - Leading Africa's Techsters to the Cloud! - DSAA Azubi Africa and DSAA recognize that the key to success is to implement concrete initiatives to teach cloud skills and expand access to technology which is why they have taken the lead in this area.

Nurturing Talent: Growing a Women in Data Science Community - DSAA 05/08/2022

There is a huge untapped talent pool of young women across the region who are dreaming big and want to develop their skills in the data science field. At Ishango.ai, one of their goals is to support and nurture this talent.

On the 10th of August, Ishango will host their - Women in Data Science: Breaking the Bias event! Join them by registering here for free: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/women-in-data-science-breaking-the-bias-tickets-379841465047 to hear from women who are blazing the trail in the data science field, speaking about their experiences and how the ecosystem can better encourage and support women.

You can also visit: https://www.dsaa.eu/nurturing-talent-growing-a-women-in-data-science-community/ to learn more about why developing female data science talent is crucial now more than ever and how Ishango is going about it!

Nurturing Talent: Growing a Women in Data Science Community - DSAA There is a huge untapped talent pool of young women across the region who are dreaming big and want to develop their skills in the data science field. At Ishango.ai one of their goals is to support and nurture this talent.

Navigating through the world of remote work: Challenges young Africans face! - DSAA 30/06/2022

With nearly 60 % of its population under 25, Africa has the youngest population in the world. The youth of the continent can without a doubt be its most valuable economic asset, especially if its human capital is well-positioned to take advantage of the emerging opportunities to accelerate economic growth and development.

Although many African countries continue to face unemployment challenges, in recent times, however, increased digitalization and the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic which saw a massive shift toward remote work have created enormous avenues for the youth to forge paths towards sustainability for themselves and their families through tech and innovation.

Visit: https://www.dsaa.eu/navigating-through-the-world-of-remote-work-challenges-young-africans-face/ to learn more about how young Africans navigate through the world of remote work – and how Azubi Africa and DSAA are assisting African talent to manage remote work obstacles.

Navigating through the world of remote work: Challenges young Africans face! - DSAA How Azubi Africa and the DSAA are assisting young Africans to manage remote work obstacles.

DSAA welcomes CCI as New Member Company - DSAA 21/06/2022

CCI Global is the latest business to join DSAA’s initiative to drive employment in Africa and create sustainable value across the continent. CCI is an established business with over 15 years of experience serving clients in the USA, UK, Australia and Africa, they are the largest outsourcer in Africa with largest operational sites in South Africa, followed by Kenya and offer world class customer experience solutions that derive true value for clients and their customers.

Interested to know more about CCI? Read the full article here:

DSAA welcomes CCI as New Member Company - DSAA CCI is the latest business to join DSAA's initiative to drive employment in Africa.

Outsourcing, Shared Services & Process Automation Germany Forum 2022 – Outsourcing, Shared Services, Global Business Services, RPA & Smart Automation in Germany 03/06/2022

As an official partner of this year’s Outsourcing & Shared Services Germany Forum + RPA & Smart Automation Germany Forum 2022, organized by the German Outsourcing Association, we welcome you to join us next week in Berlin! Together with Invest for Jobs, we are looking forward to business insights from industry experts, networking opportunities, and engaging discussions about the ever-changing ICT services sector and what it means for businesses in Germany.

Next to many inspiring sessions, including the potential of Rwanda and Egypt as outsourcing destinations, the DSAA e.V.'s Chairman of the Board, Martin Hecker will be part of the panel discussion on the 8th of June, shedding light on how to master digitization, automation, and demand for technical knowledge.

Learn more by visiting the official event website: https://outsourcing-forum.org/

We look forward to seeing you there!

Outsourcing, Shared Services & Process Automation Germany Forum 2022 – Outsourcing, Shared Services, Global Business Services, RPA & Smart Automation in Germany “How to build up the right knowledge and lacking skills in as many people as possible, independent from their location is the underlying issue in the ICT and business process sector. We are even teaching software to do knowledge centered tasks via Automation and AI.”

SOLVIT AFRICA’s partnership with Tech Affinity - DSAA 12/05/2022

Tech Affinity is a company that sources projects from companies and helps them provide technological solutions for these projects. These solutions may include websites, mobile applications, and other programs.

The partnership was signed in July 2021, and it was largely on the basis of an intersection of missions. Tech Affinity, a company that provides tech solutions, needed quality human resources to continue to provide these solutions to their clients. SolviT Africa, on the other hand, trains young capable people in skills that qualify them to enter and thrive in the tech market. It was simply a case of matching demand with supply. SolviT Africa was able to convince Tech Affinity of the potential that exists in Rwanda for their company and their ability to provide the company with the skilled labour they needed as they expanded to Africa. Interested to know more about SolviT Africa's partnership with Tech Affinity? Read the full article here:

SOLVIT AFRICA’s partnership with Tech Affinity - DSAA SOLVIT AFRICA’s partnership with Tech Affinity. Learn more about this.

Let us Break the Bias Together - DSAA 05/05/2022

Why do we need more women in the tech industry?

The advantages of enabling women to engage in the digital economy are self-evident. Initiatives to promote digital literacy and improve access to Internet-enabled devices, as well as attempts to bolster the confidence of women and girls, who have long been discouraged from competing against their male peers, will be critical to success. It is in this regard that the Digital Skills Accelerator Africa e.V. (DSAA) with support from Invest for Jobs - the Special Initiative on Training and Job Creation of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), is boosting women’s digital literacy across Africa to positively impact their communities by not only providing digital training programs but also providing a wholesome support system connecting not only women in tech but also a wider ‘Women in STEM’ network of professionals for more mentorship and networking capabilities. Learn more here: https://www.dsaa.eu/let-us-break-the-bias-together/

Let us Break the Bias Together - DSAA The DSAA is boosting women’s digital literacy across Africa to positively impact their communities.

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